Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1479: This is no coincidence!

Chapter content begins

Li Yao shook his head: "This question is too sensitive, I can't answer, change a question."

Long Yangjun sneered: "Even if you don't answer, I can guess the exquisiteness and refining style of your armor. It is not the ancient sacred culturist who can refine it. You are well known. The general view of the Pangu and the Nuwa people also has a certain understanding of the Nuwa warships. When it comes to the galloping of the stars and seas, it is very common. It should be from a world outside the Dark Nebula. It is a foreign domain monk. In your outlying areas, flying above the Xinghai is a very common magical power, right?"

Li Yao snorted, it is the default.

The mysterious warfare is a kind of self-contained modern civilization, the crystals under the big industrial system, and the armor of the ancient world pure handicraft industry. The difference is very big. As long as it is not a blind man, it can be seen.

"You are a foreign monk. This is not surprising. I am more curious about why you appeared in the ancient holy world?"

Long Yang Jundao, "You are obviously alone, and there is no support force. If you do not inadvertently flow to this place, is it some kind of intelligence gathering for large forces, similar to the existence of scouts?"

Li Yao’s heart almost missed a beat. I didn’t expect Long Yangjun’s perception to be so sharp. Through the insignificant clues, he could analyze his true identity!

Long Yangjun’s eyes suddenly sharpened and his voice gradually became cold: “If you say that there are countless super magic weapons like this female scorpion warship, and you are watching the dark nebula, then there seems to be no cooperation between us. It's possible!"

"Do not misunderstand!"

Perceived her murderousness once again, Li Yao hurriedly said, "We are not malicious to the ancient sacred world!"

"That's weird."

Long Yangjun grasped the key in an instant. "Since the ancient sacred world is hidden in a dark nebula, it is a paradise. It is extremely difficult to find outside, and if you are not malicious, how can you find it here?"

"In fact, it is the ancient sacred world that first sent a signal to my world."

Li Yao indulge in a moment, try to choose a vague way to tell the whole thing. "The specific details, I can't tell you, it's hard to explain clearly between the three words. Let's just say, for example, this night is quiet. At the time, you are resting in the depths of your own Dongfu. Suddenly you hear a crisp laugh from your ear, and when you are shocked and searched, you find that the laughter is likely to be thousands of miles away from Dongfu. In the depths of the 100,000 mountains! How do you deal with it?"

Long Yangjun sneaked into a deep thought: "The laughter from thousands of miles away, when it was quiet in the night, floated into my hole and passed to my ear? I am afraid that from now on, I will be afraid, night can not Oh, you have to find out the source of this laughter!"


Li Yaodao, "You can treat me as the source of this laughter in the ancient holy world!"

Long Yang Junmei circulated: "So, have you found it?"

"not yet."

Li Yaoshuang said quickly, "The ancient sacred world is far from my world, and it is far away from the 100,000-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousandths. It is a distant place that you can't imagine, even if a Yuan Ying blame has unlimited psionic power, to the limit. Speed ​​is mad for 10,000 years and may not be able to arrive!"

"The ability to pass laughter so far is definitely a very advanced magic weapon or symbol. However, I have been in the ancient sanctuary for so long as a magic expert, collecting information on a large number of magic weapons in this world, even The illusory legend, but always nothing!"

"However, this female scorpion warship is so well preserved that even if it is impossible to ride the stars, it is possible to send out a few strings of laughter to the outside world."

"You mean, about a hundred years ago, someone passed the news of the Dark Nebula through the son-in-law battleship?"

Long Yangjun’s gaze instantly became extremely dangerous. “What time is it?”

Li Yaoxuan pointed out that "if the time for conversion to the ancient holy world is about ninety-eight years and eight months ago."

It is strange to say that the time of the ancient holy star, the Tianyuanxing and the blood demon star revolving around their respective stars is almost the same, and the calendar used is not much different.

Perhaps it is possible to let the carbon-based creatures of Pangu, Lahu and Renzu survive and develop a world of brilliant civilization, all with certain similarities.

"97 years"

Long Yangjun's expression suddenly became extremely weird. "I am just over half of this year, but my birthday is counted from the time when my parents are raised. That is, I am very likely to be Born ninety-eight years ago, ninety-eight years ago!"

The hair on the head of Li Yao’s head was all erected. Only a cold chill was raised from the tail vertebrae to the skull.

This can't be a coincidence!

According to the time of the ancient sacred world, before the ninety-seventh month and eighty-eight months ago, "something" must have occurred on the son-in-law battleship, which led to the launch of the mysterious signal and the birth of Long Yangjun!

"We seem to be approaching the mystery. I also have a vague speculation about your identity."

Li Yao threw a bait. "However, I want to thoroughly understand the truth. I want to hear you answer the question just now. How can you find the fairy palace?"

"You know my identity!"

Long Yangjun hurried up, staring at Li Yao for a long time, and slowly slid down against the array of crystal brain column, cold and cold, "I grew up in the lonely valley until the age, all day long The suffering of the dreams of suffering from a headache is also unwilling to mix with other children because of the strangeness of the body. It is more willing to go alone in the wilderness and gradually become a different kind in the village."

"At the same time, my strength is also awakening."

"On the border, the people are full of enthusiasm, and there are many murderous and savage surnames. There are also several martial artists in the village who claim to be murderous. I have followed one of them to practice martial arts, but in a few days I feel that his martial arts are real. It’s not as rough as it is, it’s not as effective as the weird exercises I got in a few dreams.”

"Just, at that time, I was still unable to control my own strength. After playing a few teenagers who were five or six years old in a play, I was abhorred by the villagers, so I became more and more reluctant to go back to the village. Instead, I found a cave in the valley."

"My adoptive parents, because of my mysterious origins, regard me as the son of heaven, and I dare not strictly discipline me, I can only let me go!"

"At that time, I was hunting and practicing in the wilderness during the day. I was not willing to be tortured by different dreams at night. I sat outside the cave and looked up at the stars. I often thought of some strange problems, such as what is outside the sky, the so-called immortal. What is the matter? Occasionally, the grotesque giant bones are found in the wilderness. Everyone says that it is the remains of the ancient times, worshipping it, and building temples and altars to worship, but I am stunned by the devil. The cheekbones, but not a little bit of awe, feel a little close and mournful, why is this?"

"Of course, I think the most, it is a dream."

"Everything that happens in a dream is my own cranky thoughts, or is it really a thing, then the stars will explode in an instant, and the picture of 10,000 Star Warships burning, is it really my past life?"

"In this way, the streaked picture, the screaming voice, after repeated repetitions of countless dreams, gradually condensed into an inexplicable belief, telling me that the answer is at the end of the Yongye Ice Age, as long as you find it here, I can know who I am!"

Speaking of this, Long Yang Jundeng a meal, took a deep breath, a faint sorrow on his face, and quickly said, "Later, my mountain village where my parents lived was subjected to a group of grassland squadrons. At the time of the looting, the older generation of grassland hegemons, the gods and monks of the gods, and the Wu Xingyun both disappeared into the Yongye Icefield, and the new generation of the overlord Han Daling has not yet emerged, and the situation on the savannah is extremely chaotic. All tribes and very few sectarians have been killed, and often the defeated side of the ruined gangsters have been looted all the way. My hometown has unfortunately become a sea of ​​fire, and all the villagers have been slaughtered."

"I practiced in the wilderness. In order to prevent others from seeing secrets, I chose very hidden places, even deep seams, and I don't know all about it."

"Until the cultivation came to an end, I realized that it was not good when I saw the sky on the horizon. When I returned to the village, what was waiting for me was a burnt wreck."

"My foster mother was hiding in the cellar and was dying by the heat and smoke. After I said it to my life, I died."

"I tracked the trails of the squadrons and wanted to kill them all. I didn't prevent those people from having a few tricky characters, and my strength was just awakened soon. In the end, although they were all killed, they were seriously injured. When I was caught in the dying, I was awakened for three days and three nights in the shackles!"

"However, it is this struggle between life and death that seems to make my intuition more acute, and the picture and sound in my head are clearer!"

"My hometown has been destroyed, but it seems that there is still a farther source hidden in me. I suddenly gave birth to a very strong impulse to find my real hometown and figure out who I am!"

"It’s strange to say that at that time I was just a wild child who grew up on the wasteland. I haven’t even visited the towns hundreds of miles away. It should be foolish and ignorant to the extreme.”

"But my brain, but I can't tell the clarity, I analyzed it in a flash. With me alone, I can't reach the Yongye Icefield. Even if I don't, I can't find a destination hidden in a vast icefield. !"

"I must carry out real cultivation, try to improve my strength, and build my own power, but also collect more information about the depths of the Yongye Icefield!"

The old cow just looked at it. From today to October 7th, it is the legendary monthly ticket battle, one for two!

Brothers and sisters, the importance of the monthly ticket to the work does not need to be said more than the old cow? During this time, the old cows will definitely write hard. The National Day will not rest as much as possible. Write a few more out. If you can, you can help me to help the old cows. Let’s see if we can build on this month. Rushing! To be continued ^



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