Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1497: Li Yao killed!


Han Daling's eyelids are torn and the sound is strong!

This Wu Lihan is a veteran Yuan Ying who has become famous for centuries in the Qingyun Prairie. It is also the old minister who has been following him since the Han Dynasty’s tomb, and they have the same feelings, and there is a friendship between life and death!

At this moment, the grassland Yuan Ying, who is famous for being ferocious and hot, was pierced by seven or eight red crystal long whip. The crystal long whip was wrapped around him seven or eight times, as if he was drowned. In the strangle of a pile of pythons!

Wu Lihan's eyes wide open, and the flames of the flames skyrocketed, trying to destroy the red crystal long whip.

But each cluster has sharp edges and corners, and above the crystal of the fork, it is a constant source of strange power, and all his spirits are suppressed, and there is no more!


The bursting sound of the ruptured fracture in the body of Ulhan, as the red crystal whip wraps around tighter, his hands, feet and head are gradually twisted in the opposite direction, showing a very unnatural posture.

The expression of Wu Lihan is also more and more distorted and grotesque. Only the bulls eye of the big bells still emits a ray of light, staring at Han Daling, and enthusiasm for the grassland lord.

"Big... Wang..."

Wu Lihan's throat is difficult to roll, just squeezing out these two words, the red crystal long whip deeply embedded in the flesh and blood suddenly smashed, "squeaking", hard and squeezing him into a shredded Blood fog!

The blood mist is swelled and sprinkled on the ground, presenting a vaguely shaped human figure.

It also seems to be scattered in the hearts of all the ancient sacred people, so that their souls and hearts are covered with a shadow of blood.

The long-established old Yuan Ying, was even strangled by Lei Yunxian Jun, like pinching an ant!


Han Daling’s eyes are red, and he screams and screams.

However, behind him, Yan Changsheng and Wan Mingzhu, there are a handful of ghost Qin wolf riding, mixed heaven army and white lotus teaching ghost masters, all face each other, the knees shivered slightly.

Lei Yun Xian Jun reveals a horrifying magical power, and many of the three murderers have produced surrendered minds.

And the six major factions who are eager to see the wind and selfish, are even worse than them.

There was a quick-thinking, brazen man who had already coughed and bent his knees and slammed it down.

"Thunderclouds are on the top, please be respected by the younger generation!"

Within the bridge, Li Yaozhen’s picture of the emptiness of the sky has turned the first six elders of the squad into a smashing shackle.

"Bastard, that guy is about to control the big picture, when will we be able to start the action?"

Li Yao was so anxious and anxious, but he was helpless and eager to turn around.


Long Yangjun’s eyes are shining and shouting, and a new illusory environment like a crystal-clear flower bud blooms next to the illusory realm of the Great Gods.

"This is the transmission array of the son-in-law battleship."

Long Yangjun’s eyebrows are contemptuous, and it seems to recall some information from the depths of the brain. He explained that “the Nvwa warship adopts a very advanced transmission mode, and there is no fixed transmission matrix, but a monitoring picture, The illusory illusion and the transmission ensemble are integrated into one. As long as the corresponding magical powers are set and you are completely wrapped up in the illusory world, you can be transferred to the cabin displayed in the illusory world!"

“So advanced?”

Li Yao raised his eyebrows and indulged him for a moment, taking off one of his boots and throwing it into the center of the illusory world.

It’s not a joke to send it in the flesh. Of course, you have to experiment first.

Long Yangjun used the tail fingers to gently twirling a ray of light scattered on the crystal brain. With a brilliance flashing, Li Yao's boots seemed to be motionless, but it showed an unpredictable, illusory feeling.

Li Yao reached out and grabbed it. The hand actually went through the middle of the boots and grabbed the air.

The boots are really delivered to the cabin displayed in the illusory world!


Li Yao excitedly waved his fist and reached out to Long Yangjun. "Let's go!"

Long Yangjun looked at his palm carefully and frowned. "What does this mean?"

Li Yaoli said of course: "Of course, go together, I don't always have to go to the giant soldier warehouse to play, you are here to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight?"

Long Yangjun said faintly: "Of course I know, I am asking, what do you mean by extending your hand?"

"I want to hold hands with you and pass the meaning of the transmission array."

Li Yao straightforwardly said, "You are not so innocent, mistakenly thought that I have completely trusted you? If I send it with you separately, in case you are ill-intentioned, I will transfer it to the hidden cabin next door, but send me directly to this. In front of the black scorpion giants, isn’t the singer awkward?”

"Everyone holding hands and sending them together, then there is no problem. In the process of transmission, if you move something bad, a little careless, transmission error, our flesh and blood will be completely integrated, everyone will die together!"

Long Yangjun stared coldly at Li Yao.

Li Yao looked at her with great enthusiasm.

Long Yangjun took a deep breath: "...good!"

The voice of "噼噼啪啪" was heard again in her body, her body trembled slightly, and a sinister spirit in a spiral shape could emerge from the pores and linger around her body.

Li Yaoxuan said: "What are you doing?"

Long Yangjun: "I don't like to show up with my true image, or to convert it into a consistent appearance!"

Li Yao: "It turns out that if you are happy, can you wait for us to transfer and change?"

Long Yangjun: "Why?"

Li Yao: "Because I am not used to holding hands with a man, it feels weird."

Long Yangjun: "..."

Time is tight, in the monitoring screen of the giant soldier warehouse, in addition to the "three holy three evils" and the Phoenix emperor, the bitter master, but more and more ancient sacred indigenous saints expressed their willingness to surrender to Lei Yunxian .

Long Yangjun glanced at Li Yao, and he was too lazy to wrap him with him. He set the transmission parameters without saying a word, and let all the crystal brains in the bridge re-enter the dormant state, and they caught Li Yao. The hand, with him stood in the center of the illusory world.

Li Yao’s ear was accompanied by a dull voice of “咕噜咕噜”, and the picture in front of him became elusive and unclear, just like being on the bottom of the sea, and a bubble bursting in the ear.

He was about to ask when Long Yangjun started to transmit, blinked, and suddenly felt a little weird, surrounded by black and white, became very dark and narrow, where there is a shiny array of columnar crystal brain jungle?

It’s really “walking into the painting” and it’s being transferred from the bridge to the next door to the giant soldier warehouse!

Putting his ear on the wall of the cabin, Li Yao can even feel the psionic power that has been continuously stirred up from the black scorpion giants. It is like a surging wave that hits the bulkhead and makes a "squeaky" sound!

This kind of transmission is really amazing!

"Hey, will you drive the giant soldiers?"

Li Yao got to the side of Long Yangjun’s ear and asked with the sound of a mosquito.

Since they know that the Imperial special forces are close at hand, they have to be 10,000 cautious, lest the voice be a little bigger, they will be perceived by the other side through the giant soldiers.

"Since you are inextricably linked with the Lahu people, it looks like a human being. In the period of the Great War, the giant gods are the main magic weapon of the elite elite of the human race. You have no reason not to control it. ?"

Li Yao further asked, "In theory, you should be a master of the giant warriors. You recall memories. In the depths of the mottled memory fragments, are you sitting in a big iron shell? A fragment of killing?"


Long Yangjun's brows were quickly screwed out of the water, and some hesitantly shook his head. "I don't know, the memory is too confusing. Many things are not in front of me. I don't even know if I will!" I didn’t see what the female Yi people... Before I mastered the crystal brain, I didn’t know that I still remember so many complicated passwords and the operation of the crystal brain!”

"I think, only when I get into the giant soldiers, can I determine if I will control it!"

"That's a fight!"

Li Yao bite his teeth. "We sneaked into the giant warship warehouse together, and then the soldiers went to find a giant soldier in two ways. If anyone was lucky to be discovered by Lei Yunxian, they would be responsible for attracting firepower to another person!"

"Don't look at this guy's cocky, he is also the first time to control this form of giant soldiers. It is impossible to analyze the high-level magical power of this giant soldier. At most, only some basic skills can be cast! As long as we can get Going to a giant soldier, the chance of a comeback is great!"

Long Yangjun said: "As a result, our identity is very doubtful!"

"There is no other way to do it now!"

Li Yao immediately made a decision. "As long as we can really control the two giant soldiers, we have mastered the absolute initiative. Even if we are suspected, it is not what we say, it is! It is better than now, watching it." Thundercloud Xianjun's control overall, even control your battleship?"

Long Yangjun snorted, and this sentence clearly said her heart.

She quietly transformed into the form of "Wang Xi", stabbed Li Yao, cold and iced: "You climbed down the pipe from above, I walked past the main entrance from the side!"

Li Yao gave a slight glimpse: "Why?"

"The complexity of the situation is beyond our imagination, and there may be unexpected changes. The cooperation between us should not be exposed too early, or even pretend to be hostile, so that it is more profitable!"

Long Yangjun finished, and without waiting for Li Yao to respond, he gently opened the hatch and disappeared like a cat at the corner of the ramp.

Li Yao carefully pondered, Long Yangjun said it really makes sense.

He sipped at the palm of his hand and slammed into the pipe and climbed over the wall of the giant squadron. (To be continued.)

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