Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1503: The last variable debut!

The number of quasi-skilled immigrants was originally small, and in the previous fierce battle, in order to invite the new master to reward, and spared no effort to attack the former companions, their own losses were quite large, and they almost fell into the trap of the oil well.

When the mysterious female voice manipulated the black scorpion giants to launch a massacre to them, they could hardly resist it!

Seven or eight quasi-skilled immortals died in the scarlet miracle of the giant soldiers. The other quasi-skilled immortals finally reacted and shouted and fled in all directions.

"Where to escape!"

Qi Zhongdao and other "righteous monks" are still sinking, Han Bingling, Wan Mingzhu and Yan Changsheng and other lawless evil murderers, but not so much scruples, have been to their own hands, to Lei Yun Xianjun kneeling allegiance, attack The robes rushed over and cleaned up the portal in a burst of sneer!

Li Yao’s eyes flashed in the cold, and it also turned into a streamer, which appeared in front of the elder of the wind thunder valley who reported his existence to Lei Yunxian.

The elders of the wind and thunder have long been scared to shrink into a group, watching Li Yao’s eyes look at a demon, and the trembling pleads: "Lingling people"

Just after calling Li Yao’s name, he hasn’t said the word of pleading. Li Yao’s right hand has shaken out a group of green and shining fires, wrapping him in a tight air!

And hundreds of cattle hair thin needles are implicated in the single crystal mica silk, but under the cover and interference of the fire, "嗤嗤嗤嗤", smashed into the elders' body, including the internal organs!

Li Yao's five fingers shook, and the elders of the wind and thunder valleys sneaked like a marionette. The face was twisted to the jaws, and the seven sputum spurted thick plasma, causing pain and screaming.


Li Yao's five fingers and one harvest, the cattle hair fine needle and single crystal mica silk in the wind thunder Valley elders desperately stir, his five internal organs, meridians, blood vessels, bones, nerves are cut off!

The elders of the wind thunder valley suddenly fell to the ground like a beach of mud, and died on the spot!

A lavender translucent cut tobacco slowly escaped from the seven cockroaches from which he sprayed the plasma. He spiraled together in midair and condensed into a crystal-clear little man. It was this wind thunder. The **** of the veteran of the valley.

"The spirit of the sorrow, forgiveness, forgiveness, I know the wrong, the younger generation is wrong!"

The horror of the elders of the wind thunder valley is not much bigger than the fingers, and it is floating in the void, like a candle in the wind that will be extinguished at any time.

He put on a gesture of squatting, screaming in tears, tearing his heart and begging for mercy.

Li Yao frowned and looked at the ghost for a long time. Finally he sighed: "Eurasian Ouyang, is it really wrong?"

"Known the wrong, know the wrong, know the wrong!"

The ghosts heard the loose meaning in Li Yao's words. They were overjoyed and couldn't help but nod their heads. They cried with a whispering sound like a baby. "The younger generations are confused, and sometimes they are confused, but they can't reverse the time!" Falling to the end of the body, the end of the road, are all self-sufficient, and now there is only one broken soul in the younger generation, it is really wrong, I, I am a big mistake!"

"I can make mistakes and change my mind."

Li Yao long sighed and said with a long-term heart. "This is not a cruel and killing generation. Since you really admit your mistakes, this person will no longer care about the behavior you just told me, forgive you! If you have the next life, it hurts. Change the past, be a good person!"

The sorrow of the "Ouyang Elders" was quite happy to hear Li Yao's first half of the sentence, especially when listening to Li Yao's "forgive you".

Unexpectedly, Li Yao’s words turned and immediately said what “the next life”, the elders of Ouyang’s elders are completely dumbfounded!

Before he reacted, Li Yao was entangled in the ghosts of thousands of scorpions, and he had already caught his head and shook his ghosts in his palm, squeezing and pinching the three souls and seven scorpions. All bursts, turned into a patch of shards and scattered in all directions, and Li Yao has been divided into hundreds of bundles of spirits to catch up, all burned out, even half of the remnants of the soul have not let go!

In the blink of an eye, the elders of the wind and thunder valley are dying, and there is no place to die!

Li Yao snorted, it doesn't matter that the ancient sacred people around the world looked at his horrified expression, and used the light to look at the black scorpion giant soldiers.

After starting the crowd, the black scorpion giants will not move and no longer attack, just like silently observing how to clean up the portal.

In a short period of time, dozens of quasi-skilled immortals were all invaded by the ancient sacred people headed by Han Yuanling and other super-Yuan Ying. They were killed and left behind.

Qi Zhongdao, Ba Xiaoyu and even the bitter masters did not stop, but looked coldly at the side, even when some quasi-cultivators fled to them, they took the initiative to cut off these people and forced them back to anger. Among the crowds!


Han Daling killed three quasi-skilled singers in one breath, and his face and bearskin robes were **** and bloody, and he looked more and more savage. He scanned the audience and found that there was no more than half alive. The cultivator, who laughed aloud, turned his sharp eyes back to the black scorpion giants. He used the small tribes on the prairie to pay tribute to the big tribes, and said, "Thanks to the predecessors for their arrogance. Saved my life, and gave me the opportunity to clean up the portal and revenge!"

"Since the predecessors and I are all the same, and talk about what 'the ancient sacred world is in trouble, I have to work together,' and I want to come to the place where I have to wait, so why not ask the seniors to show up, accept Thanks to the younger generation and others, and to discuss the plan?"

A series of faint laughter came from the black scorpion giants.

But this time it was not a female voice, but a rough and enthusiastic male voice: "Big bear, you haven't seen it for a hundred years, you are still so aggressive, not letting go of any chance of temptation and attack!"

Han Daling, who has been discolored before the landslide, has finally changed his face, as if he heard the most strange speech in the world!

His expression instantly became extremely embarrassing.

In particular, the word "big bear", such as two sledgehammers lying on his two temples, turned him into an idiot!

Under the influence of this voice, the ghost Qin monk, who was not a teenager, was caught in a long-term memory and looked at each other. He felt that this rough voice was familiar.

The Great God Soldier Hall once again fell into a strange death, including Li Yao, everyone staring at the black scorpion giants.

The black armor of the giant armor broke a big hole, until now, still screaming and smoking, although the black scorpion is not very clear, but it does not look like a hidden person!

Lei Yun Xian Jun is not an idiot. If there is a big living person hidden inside, it is impossible to find it!

However, from the head of the black scorpion giant soldier and the vital parts of the body, it is a smog of "vibrant" smog, divided into hundreds of cockroaches, slowly falling toward the ground.

These smog are all crystal clear and sparkling, as beautiful as the aurora on the Everlasting Icefield, full of mysterious beauty!

Hundreds of smog of smoke split into two strands, one left and one right spirally twisted together, gradually becoming a two-person shape of a man and a woman.

If they use the statues of aurora and crystal, they are ethereal, transparent, mysterious, but they release a strong and unpredictable momentum!

The woman on the left, wearing a white robes, embroidered a large group of beautiful flowing clouds on the robes, and this "flowing cloud" is actually flowing slowly, as if she is wearing a large cloud same.

She is like the goddess of the moon, beautiful and thrilling, not the slightest embarrassment, only a faint alienation between the eyebrows, there is a kind of indifference that refuses people thousands of miles away!

The man on the right, but his shoulders are extremely wide, his hands are huge, the waterfall-like black hair shawl, the two eyebrows are all white, obliquely inserted into the black hair, as his brilliant eyes are black and white!

His appearance, no matter how handsome, but can definitely leave a very deep impression, since there is a saying, the world's attractive charm!

The two mysterious characters are like carrying a circle of strong magnetic field, covering all the high-ranking monks in the field, so that everyone has no endless pressure, even Li Yao is thinking of himself under a shackle. When I was a teenager, when I saw the knives Peng Hai for the first time in Akasaka II, I was deeply shocked and unable to add up!

He has not seen this kind of "mountain peak" feeling for a long time.

In general, most people are looking up at the neck and watching him drooling!

Li Yao’s heart was almost moved out, and the identity of these two mysterious characters was revealed!

Sure enough, after the deep shock, Han Daling retired two steps, licking his chest, and couldn’t believe it low: "Master, Master?"

On the other side of Qi Zhongdao, the expression has become very weird.

In other words, Li Yao has never seen such a life in this slate, black and unselfish face, excited with a hint of doubt, with a bit of doubt in his doubts... shy expression!

"Witch, witch, is you?"

Qi Zhongdao even used a very "eccentric" name, rushing as if from the silver moon, the flow of clouds as a woman's road.

Has been crouching in the depths of the black scorpion giants, the key moments disturbed the spirit of Lei Yun Xianjun, two mysterious characters who created opportunities for Li Yao and everyone, even a hundred years ago in the depths of the Yongye Icefield, the mysterious confrontation, followed by mystery The two major gods that have disappeared, Wu Suiyun and Meng Chixin!

At this point, the three major variables that Li Yao is most concerned about in the trip to Xiangong, Long Yangjun, Imperial Special Forces and the two great gods have finally appeared!

However, it is not precise to say that they are "two people."

They obviously have no entity, and they are condensed by the spirit and the spirit.

It’s just that the psionic power that can be mobilized and precisely controlled is too strong, as if it is a lifelike flesh and blood.

In essence, it is still a ghost repair! (To be continued.)

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