Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1507: Huge!

"The fairy palace under the fairy palace, according to our later analysis, should be a secret cave house of the Mozu. The Mozu is conducting experiments of various savage haze inside."

Meng Chi’s memory of Wu’s memory of trepidation was inextricable, and he continued. “At the time, I was ignorant of ignorance, and I was self-defeating, and I was not afraid of the emergence of the fairy. The portable hand broke into the magic palace. in."

"The scale of the Magic Palace is dozens of times and hundreds of times larger than the fairy warships we are now in. It is intertwined and complicated, and it is a secret room, a ramp, and a warehouse!"

"The corner of the top of the Magic Palace has been broken by this fairy warship. A large number of immortal warriors flocked into it, and they fought fiercely with the Mozu. It was also a terrible and chaotic battlefield."

"The time of the fierce battle has been more than ten and two hundred thousand years. The area of ​​the Magic Palace is completely destroyed by the immortal warriors. It has also changed in the years, and the changes in the sacred fields have collapsed and annihilated, and the rock formations are integrated. Become a worthless ruin!"

"Only the bottom few layers seem to have not been broken by the immortal warriors."

“Where I was with Wu Suiyun, I found a lot of things that were far beyond our imagination and could not even be described in words.”

"There are hundreds of huge glass jars, which are immersed in strange-shaped corpses. Some are like human beings. Some are like a fusion of humans and beasts. They are also three-headed, six-armed, odd-shaped, and even the internal organs are exposed. Ugly Unbearable existence!"

"There are still some seemingly human figures, but the limbs are turned into sharp swords, even with only one human brain, but they are connected to the sword and the magic weapon!"

"Imagine that the center of a wide-backed flying sword with a cold light is inlaid with a crystal vesicle like a night pearl. The vesicle also carries a human brain. The human brain is connected to two already dry. Big eyes, staring at you empty!"

"This kind of creepy scene, even if we are two gods, I feel cold in my heart and my feet are empty!"

The voice of Meng Chixin is hoarse and deep, full of penetrating power and infectivity. With his martyrdom, the depths of the ten Yuan Yuan’s minds have all emerged as a lifelike and eerie scene.

When I think of the mysterious secret that combines the human brain and the magic weapon, the hearts of many super Yuan Ying are cool, like being pinched by a crampon!

Li Yao is in the heart.

The "Underground Magic Palace" hit by the Nuwa Battleship should be a secret laboratory of the Pangu people.

This kind of biochemical technology that combines flesh and blood with the magic weapon, Li Yao has seen in the "Chaos of the Chaos" and "Kunlun Relics", it is indeed the Pangu people's methods.

It can be seen that the two great gods did not deceive people. If they did not see it with their own eyes, the imagination of the indigenous people of the ancient holy world would absolutely not imagine such a scene.

"The place is even more terrible than the deepest part of the legendary nine secluded yellow springs."

Wu with the clouds secluded, "I and Meng Chixin have given birth to retreat, but everything around seems to have been sealed and destroyed hundreds of thousands of years ago, in addition to shocking, it does not seem to be too dangerous. My relationship with him is not too harmonious. No one wants to propose a retreat for the first time. I am afraid that I will be ridiculed by the other party. Finally, I will agree to explore the last layer and then withdraw from the Magic Palace."

“In the last layer of the Magic Palace, we found a grand cemetery!”

"It is a cemetery, but the place is very strange. The outermost area is indeed a circle of translucent crystal coffins. There are about a hundred of them, and there is a grotesque demon corpse. ""

"I don't know why, because of all the reasons, the coffin is extremely bleak. The corpses inside, if not completely dried up, or the height, turned into a pile of dust."

Li Yao’s heart was moved, and his heart said that this must be the dormant cabin of the Pangu.

Pangu people hope to crouch in the depths of the earth, in the dormant cabin at the bottom of the secret laboratory, relying on "hibernation" to spend hundreds of thousands of years.

However, according to the description of Wu Suiyun, what happened in the secret laboratory now, causing the dormant cabin to fail, and all Pangu people died.

Perhaps the change of the earth's crust leads to the exhaustion of the energy supply in the dormant cabin. Perhaps the female Yi people destroyed the core of the secret laboratory during the attack. Perhaps it is a mysterious virus that has been ravaging hundreds of thousands of years of hibernation. Everything has It may happen that the chance of success is negligible.

Wu Suiyun continued: "These crystal coffins are only placed on the outskirts of the cemetery. They are inserted into the dense holes in the walls like hangs, and some thick crystal tubes are connected with it, just like It is the same way to provide spiritual power to Yunqin Jinren."

"And in the vast space in the center of the cemetery, it is a black soil near the swamp. The dense linen is filled with a black ceramic crock, which is like some eggs with a metallic luster, and it is like being buried deep underground for decades. The jars are covered with a circle of extremely fine runes, and even the air is full of scent and sweetness."

"I will never forget this taste in my life."

"On the top of the black jar, like a hive, there are hundreds of dense holes in it. There is a light green scent that spits out from the inside and condenses on the dome into a group that will never open."

"It seems like every monster in the jar is crouching with a monster!"

cemetery! Eggs! Altar! Hey! Monster!

Wu Shouyun sang a few words, bringing the top ten infants into an unpredictable, suffocating world.

Ba Xiaoyu’s temper, anxious, scratching his head, eagerly asked: “Where is that place, is it the burial place of the ancient fairy? What is inside the wine jar, really hiding the magic?”

"we do not know."

Wu Suiyun’s face was awkward and bitter. “Because we are ready to break a jar, we are all attacked when we look at it!”

"The one that attacked us was a big basin with a spider like a spider, but a monster with a long bone tail!"

"I have been with the Mongolian Red Heart for so many years, and the world has almost left our footprints. The savage and savage monsters, beasts, monsters have never seen much, but they have never seen such a strange And disgusting things."

"This beast is extremely fast, and it can spray a faint mist to wrap the whole body through the dozens of raised holes behind it. It hides the traces and sounds. Even if we sense the level of God, it is difficult to lock it. The orientation."

"And the number of them is too many. At once, there are dozens of dozens of heads jumping out of the cemetery and pounce on us. Under the defense, I and the hands and feet of Meng Chixin have been stabbed by their bones. under!"

"We all feel that they have injected some things into our bodies through the bones!"

"Is it venom?"

Ba Xiaoyu’s eyes narrowed and he exclaimed, “It’s a deadly poison, and you are all poisoned?”

Wu Suiyun sighed softly and shook his head. "If it is really incorrigible and poisonous, then it will be fine. I will not be so worried after a hundred years."

"At the time, both me and Meng Chixin thought that they were very poisonous and in jeopardy."

"When the millennium is in the air, both of us have been motivated by blood, and we have spent all our energy on psionics. It has taken a lot of effort to finally kill the long-tailed monsters that mix these spiders and crabs and turn them into fly ash!"

"However, the jars that are densely distributed in the black marsh seem to perceive a strong psionic fluctuation, bursting one after another."

"The new monster is hatched from inside!"

"I and Meng Chixin saw the situation is not good, and the war and retreat, and spelled the magic weapon to break, the cemetery in this layer through the upper level of the ramp to completely blast, the above layers of the magic palace were bombed by us, the cemetery Completely buried!"

"In the process of the destruction of the big cockroaches, both of us felt dizzy, swaying, and the limbs were faintly uncontrollable, knowing that this is a sign of a highly toxic attack."

"This poison is very different. It has never been seen before. No matter how many detoxification agents we carry and the suppression of the psionic spirits, we can't suppress the indescribable weird feelings."

"I and Meng Chixin did not dare to stay in the magic palace, fleeing and fleeing, returning to the original road, and fleeing back to the immortal warship, and re-enclose the prohibition to the magic palace, and even use it. Our own approach, coupled with a new seventeen or eight new ban, can only be a little relieved."

"At this time, both of us feel that the two are spinning around, and the spirits are swaying, like there is a power that has been dusting for hundreds of thousands of years, wanting to break out of our bodies!"

"Expansion, expansion, expansion, we all feel that our own internal organs, all kinds of limbs, everything in the classics, can not help but expand!"

"This is not an illusion after poisoning, but a real happening, because we all see each other's appearance, like a suffocating skin swell and swell!"

"Our skin is torn, blood and blood is soaring, and even new bones and tendons are growing!"

"In a short period of time, we are all at a speed visible to the naked eye, from a normal person with a height of seven or eight feet, to a giant of seven or eight feet, or even a dozen tall people!"

"We have not only grown bigger, but also new organs that have never been seen before!"

"I feel that my headache is cracking, and the skull is groaning like a flying sword. After a while, my forehead has a new look!"

"The colors and pictures that this eye sees, I have spent a whole hundred years on it, but I still can't describe it to you!"

"The same is true for the red heart. There are two thick corners on his head. The eyeball is ten times more swelled than in the past. There are dozens of dark golden halos around the pupil, which are constantly shrinking and expanding. Light, it seems to be able to burn a hole in the hard rock!" To be continued.


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