Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1510: Gatekeeper (fourth!)

"In this case, the origin of Long Yangjun can be said!"

Li Yao said to the **** demon in the depths of his brain. "In the war of the gods, the past life of Long Yangjun was an important figure of this female scorpion warship and even the entire fleet, such as the 'Assault Captain'. Character."

"In this accidental patrol, this scorpion fleet discovered the ancient sacred world hidden in the depths of the dark nebula, and even under the chance of coincidence, figured out the secrets of the Pangu inheritance plan!"

"However, for various reasons, they are trapped in a quagmire, unable to jump out of the Dark Nebula and send messages back to their homeland."

"Oh, it may be that the Dark Nebula at the time was very thick and rigorous, completely isolated from the outside world and unable to communicate."

During the hundreds of years of hibernation, Li Yao observed that the density of the dark nebula is slowly decreasing over time. After tens of thousands of years, the dark nebula that hangs over the ancient sacred world is very likely to be completely disappear.

On the other hand, hundreds of thousands of years ago, the density of the dark nebula must be extremely high, full of the highest intensity of shielding and interference, once jumped inadvertently, it is difficult to jump out.

Li Yao once discovered a star map of the ruins of the ruins in the Kunlun ruins. On the sacred map, there is no dark nebula outside the ancient sacred world.

Therefore, the "Dark Nebula" is very likely to be the "artificial black obstacle" created by Pangu civilization with the help of the celestial bodies and great power between the Xinghai. It is a military defense array that protects the "inheritance laboratory" top secret plan. of!

Then, when this "dark array" has just been activated, its intensity is definitely the highest, and the message is not transmitted, it is normal!

In short, whether it is because the message is not sent out, or because it was discovered by the local Pangu garrison, fearing that when the reinforcements are waiting, the other party will transfer the laboratory. Anyway, the son-in-law fleet of Long Yangjun made a decision to rely on himself. The power to launch a raid on the ancient holy world!

"The attack of the Nuwa Fleet has almost eliminated all Pangu garrisons in the ancient sacred world, and destroyed most of the Pangu laboratory, leaving only the lowest level of incubation base."

"This female scorpion warship has been suppressed on the hatchery base. At that time, Long Yangjun's past life, when life was exhausted, left a 'life seed', hoping to continue the mission in the long years afterwards. !"

"On the one hand, she will continue to send messages to her home port, report the situation here, hope that when the dark nebula outside is thin, the news can be transmitted."

"On the other hand, perhaps she also plays the role of 'caretaker' and 'guardian', and needs to warn the latecomers what happened here, and what a terrible existence is hidden in the Pangu laboratory on the ground!"

Li Yao thought about electricity and repeated his own guesses several times.

There must be a lot of differences in the details, there are a lot of things that he ignored, but from the main line, it should be eighty-nine!

As a result, the "Long Yang Jun II" was fired by the escape capsule to shoot out the Nvwa battleship, and it was also perfectly explained.

It is impossible to disturb the assault captain of the Nuwa's civilization hundreds of thousands of years ago, thanks to the two gods of the witches, Yun Yun and Meng Chi.

But they broke the ban, broke into the Pangu laboratory, and released the most terrible "activated beast", which led to their own becoming a living Pangu!

There must be some kind of battle array and magic weapon to monitor the Pangu people inside the battleship of the Nuwa. After discovering that the Pangu people once again invaded the interior of the warship, they suddenly awake the dragon Yang under the embryonic state and casually poured in some confusing information flow. The battleship is popped up.

At the same time, once again, all the psionic powers accumulated over hundreds of years or even thousands of years have been condensed, poured into the magic of communication, and the latest alarm has been issued to the mother port outside the billion-year-old year!

Perhaps, in the hundreds of thousands of years, the Nuwa warships have sent alarms to the outside world numerous times, but because of the shielding and interference of the Dark Nebula, the alarms are all annihilated in the long way.

Until this time, the Dark Nebula was finally thin enough to allow the alarm to penetrate.

The alarm was immediately received by the former female squadron's home port, today's Tianyuan and Feixing!

As a result, the story of the Xingyao Federation was shocked, and Li Yao shuttled through the dark nebula!


Li Yao thought about the joints before and after, and he felt a sigh of relief in his heart. He had a spicy hot pot on three days, sweating, and the feeling of Shutai!

"Help me, the above speculation, is there any hard injury?"

Li Yao said to the **** heart, but before he even said the latter, he frowned. "No, there is a small problem that cannot be explained."

"In the past tens of thousands of years, it is obvious that some comprehensions have entered some of the cabins of the son-in-law battleship. Otherwise, the saying of 'Xiangong' will not be circulated outside, and the indigenous people of the ancient sacred world have no reason to refine their energy. Analyze the 'Wan Luo Tianxing Pan' of the 'Caigong Map Core'!"

"It is strange. Why did the self-cultivators of the past 100,000 years have not opened the seal, have not been stabbed by the 'activated beast', injected the 'gene activator' into a Pangu?"

Li Yao is a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Even if the small loopholes are not explained clearly, my heart is as uncomfortable as a cat.

"This problem is not a serious injury."

The **** demons have a sneak peek at the bright red, "two possibilities."

"First, Pangu civilization set a certain time limit when planning the 'inheritance plan'. For example, if it is to wait until 50,000 or 100,000 years later to launch the plan, they do not want to recover too early, so as to avoid the whole piece of Xinghai. Under the absolute control of the Nuwa's civilization, expose yourself."

"So, at the time before the plan was launched, all the 'activated beasts' were in dormant or spore state and would not come out."

"But this is not a big possibility. I still prefer the second possibility to activate the beast and not just anyone who will bite it. It must choose those targets that are 'strong enough to become Pangu!'"

Li Yao said a little bit: "Is it strong enough to become a Pangu, what do you mean?"

"It's literally!"

The **** heart is of course to say, "Ordinary humans are up to two meters high, but the Pangu people are seven or eight meters high, ten meters high, and even larger. You think that from small to large, from human to Pangu, you don't need to consume psionic power. What?"

"The Pangu people are so powerful that they can't be born out of nothing. They must also follow the ‘psychology of conservation.’ Then, in the whole process of human beings becoming Pangu, they will consume the astronomical psionic power!”

"If these psionics cannot be absorbed from the outside world, they are destined to rely on the body's own reserves!"

"In short, ordinary people or low-ranking monks can't bear the frenzied consumption of 'activation of Pangu gene chain and turn into Pangu people'. It is estimated that half of the blood will be exhausted, the soul will dry up, and it will become a group of dry bodies. It’s broken!”

"Only a certain number of levels, such as the peerless powerhouse of Yuan Ying and Hua Shen Realm, have enough psionic energy stored in the body to withstand the entire transformation process, which is the hunting target of the 'activated beast'!"

"It makes sense!"

Li Yao made a snap in his heart. "Only a strong enough monk is qualified to be transformed into a Pangu. So, the whole thing can be explained. Do you agree with my guess?"


The **** demon smiled and said, "The inheritance and sacrifice of civilization is originally the most common thing in the universe. The blood-grained family will win. When the Pangu civilization is on the brink of extinction, of course, it will find ways to continue its civilization."

"The survival of the individual is indifferent. The pursuit of Pangu civilization is not the resurrection of a certain 'individual Pangu people,' but the rebirth of the entire civilization!"

"If the transformation is completely completed, Wu Suiyun is still a sorrowful cloud, and Mengchi is still a red heart, but they have turned from human to Pangu, and naturally will bear the mission of reviving Pangu civilization!"

"Oh, it’s a very good plan. It’s just like a **** streak in the rock. It’s swaying in the dark universe, it’s more concise, efficient and sophisticated!”

The blood-colored demons laughed happily, and there were quite a few feelings of separation from the shore and gloating. "If your guess is established, the situation of human civilization is really embarrassing!"

"Tell you a story"

"In the past, there was a great general who was invincible and rich in enemies. Together with his beautiful wife, he lived in a magnificent, tall, and all-inclusive castle."

“There are both Jinshan Yinshan and Jiuchi meat forests, as well as the sharpest swords and the strongest armor!”

"In the corner of the castle, there is a slave who is doing the dirtiest and most tiring work in the castle, and there is no difference between the cattle and the horses."

"Suddenly, the generals will have a long way to go, temporarily promote the slaves to become 'gatekeepers', and hand over the entire castle to the slaves, and then drop the Jinshan Yinshan, the wine pool meat forest, the sword armor and the wife and wife. I will never return."

"In this way, the time has passed for hundreds of years, thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, the real owner of the castle has never come back."

"Perhaps the original generation of slaves, still firmly remembering their identity as a 'gatekeeper,' doing their duty in a disciplined manner, and dare not have a bit of a pass."

"However, the sons and grandchildren of the slaves, the descendants of the blood descendants after dozens of generations, gradually forgot the identity of their own 'gatekeeper', and the woman who enjoys the gold and silver, the flesh and the sword in the castle, and The owner of the castle is self-sufficient!"

"Oh, if the real master of the castle is really gone, it will be a joy."

"In case, is the owner coming back?"

"Humans, since we looked at the stars and created our original ambitions, we have been living in the ‘the strongest fighting race in the sea of ​​stars,’ the only master of the three thousand worlds.”

"But are we the masters of this universe, or are they just a humble 'gatekeeper'?"

"Now, the footsteps familiar to the old masters have gradually reverberated outside the castle, getting closer and closer, how should we behave ourselves?"

It is the fourth to send, and please continue to help the old bulls on the monthly ticket list, not to compare with others, let's compare with ourselves, as long as there is a breakthrough than last month, the old bull is satisfied, thank you brothers and sisters stand by! (To be continued.)

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