Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1520: Long live wife!

The words of Dark Night Lan seem to have transformed every brain cell of Li Yao into a spar bomb, and opened a colorful fireworks meeting in the depths of his mind!

Heartbeat! Heartbeat! Heartbeat!

excitement! excitement! excitement!

Every wave of Li Yao’s nerves is suffering from the turbulent emotions!

It’s really a fate, and the gang of monsters and an empire special forces are waiting together. Every second is a test of his acting skills, too much of his mother’s suffering!

"Ding Ling! Ding Lingyan can lead a federal fleet and defeat a scout team of the Black Wind Fleet?"

"The legendary strong? I am qualified to be crowned with these four words. It seems that in the past 100 years, when I was in hibernation, my wife must have done a lot of earth-shattering, shocking the federal affairs, maybe I will take me again. Give it a comparison, hahahaha!"

"The development of the Xingyao Federation is not very slow. Although the night orchid belongs to a small claw fleet, it is obviously not the main force of the Federation that Ding Lingwei leads! The two sides meet in the Xinghai. The federation can make the empire run out of water, at least that the technical gap between the two sides and the magic weapon generation are not large enough to make up for the amount!"

"As long as we have enough quantity, we will be able to drown the Imperial Expeditionary Force!"

"Right, what happened to Ding Lingyu?"

"Since the night blues will flow here, it means that the star field where they have a fierce battle should be not far from the dark nebula. Why did Ding Lingzhen appear here with a federal fleet?"

Li Yao’s heart was moving, and he had to open a flower from the depths of his atrium. He thought sweetly: “Is it true that the wife originally came to me with a large team of people?”

“Possible, very likely!”

"After nearly a hundred years have passed, the realm of my wife has been greatly improved. I am the legendary strongman Red Flame Dragon King! And the overall strength of the Federation is sure to also advance by leaps and bounds. It has a more powerful firepower and a stronger endurance. fleet!"

"My wife has never heard from me, and I can't stand waiting at home alone. I set off to search near the Dark Nebula. I inadvertently detected the battle between Firefly and the Imperial Claw Fleet!"

"It is estimated that these empire people have not thought about hiding. Their starship refining style and war badges are quite distinctive. They were recognized by their wives at once."

"My wife is a temper. Since I found the Imperial Fleet, I saw that the other side is not big. Where can I manage that? If I can capture some of the Imperial Starships and the Immortals, then the 'Federal Defence' will be even more Grasp it!"

"Yes, it must be like this, my wife is long live!"

Li Yao was ecstatic, but after thinking about it, even though the original intention of Ding Lingwei and the Federal Fleet came to him and the ancient sacred world, but after unintentionally involved in the battle between the real human empire and the "Xinghai Republic orthodox government", it will definitely Change the purpose.

The Xinghai Republic is an important period between the Xinghai Empire and the real human empire.

The legendary "Black Star Emperor" Wu Yingqi first became the supreme leader of the Xinghai Republic, then abolished the parliament, arrested the members, changed the republic into a dictatorship, and established a real human empire!

Originally, Li Yao thought that the "Xinghai Republic" was already a historical term. It should have been annihilated in the depths of the icy universe as early as one or two thousand years ago.

Unexpectedly, there is such an "in exile government" built on the starship, and actually fled to the vicinity of the federation!

It seems coincidental, but it is not surprising to think about it carefully.

Because most of the stars in the sea have been divided by the Empire and the Holy Alliance, the government of the exile in the Xinghai Republic does not escape to the edge of human civilization, where can we escape?

For the federation that is determined to fight against the empire, the government of exile in the Xinghai Republic, or the "orthodox government", is undoubtedly of great value.

What's more, the first batch of parliamentarians escaped from the extreme world. If the federation can cooperate with them, it will be of great benefit to grasping the situation in the heart of human civilization.

Not to mention, there is also the "Xinghai Da Yin" used by the "Emperor" in the legend of "Chongguo Yuxi"!

It is estimated that after defeating the Imperial Claw Fleet, saving the Firefly, and knowing that it is carrying the "Orthodox Government of the Xinghai Republic", Ding Lingying can only take the overall situation as the priority and **** the orthodox government of Xinghai Republic and a large number of imperial prisoners. Go to the federal home.

Li Yao sighed with a sigh.

Although from his feelings, only a few years have passed in the state of waking.

However, in the real time lapse, it is a hundred years, a hundred years!

For a hundred years, what is the appearance of today’s federation? Now, where is the wife and what is it doing, is it still playing the warship?

Li Yao’s heart rises and can’t contain the urge to contain it. I can’t wait to send it back to the Federation now, and look at the hometown and relatives who have been away for centuries to see the reborn and fast-rising Star Alliance!

"Red Flame Dragon King? Good tyrant nickname!"

Li Yao is unable to withstand the hoarseness of his throat. "How strong is her strength, what is it? In this...the Star Alliance, what is the 'legendary' law?"

"Our cultivation is not far from the realm of the gods, but it is not far away. At least it is above the peak of the Yuan Ying period. It has also cultivated some overbearing supernatural powers, which are different from some of the gods and monks in my impression. There are few, and the level of tyranny and brutality is even worse, it can be called 'half step god!'

The night eye of the night blue jumped, and the trembling voice answered. Obviously, the subconscious mind was still immersed in the shadow left by Ding Ling, and he could not extricate himself. He surrounded his arms and paused. He said, "As for more details, I don't know. Because we were at an absolute disadvantage in the scene, and did not torture the captives for a long time, the starship was broken, all the prisoners were rescued by the other side, and even most of us were smashed into the prisoners of the other side!"

"Additionally, there are still magneto-magnetic interference wave bombs released by the fireflies in the entire star field. Don't say that the mother ship fleet can't be connected with hundreds of light years, even two star ships and even two close at hand. Between the divisions, the communication channels were severely disrupted. All the transmissions of the minds were intermittent and fragmented. I only collected the news of a scale and a half of the claws, and I had to have a blood-level assault ship that was the only remaining in the fruit. Break through!"

"We only want to escape when we are thinking about it. After we escape, we can find a way to contact the mother fleet and we cannot collect more information!"

"That ‘Red Flame Dragon King’ Ding Bell, like a fierce hungry dragon, chasing after us, biting!”

"She has ridiculed the 'Desert Tooth', broken and broken, and the communication unit and power unit have been greatly damaged. Even the Xinghai Jumping Unit is faint!"

"We have been chased by her all the way for a few days. Seeing that we will not take action will have to smash the sand. In the end, we have to take risks, in the case of high-speed cruising, and the ship is seriously damaged, the unconventional limit Jump! And the destination is set to the depths of the vast dark nebula next to the battlefield!"

Wu Suiyun said: "Is our ancient sacred world?"

"We didn't know the existence of the ancient sacred world, we just thought it would be easier to get rid of each other in the depths of the dark nebula."

The night of the night, bitterly, "the extreme jump is too dangerous, the riddled battleship can not withstand the frenzied starburst in the four-dimensional space, even though the warship can jump over, but the crew's survival rate is extremely low, almost to near Zero This is something that will be repeatedly warned in every "Imperial Navigation Manual"!"

"Sure enough, although the Amazing Tooth has successfully jumped to the depths of the Dark Nebula, the star ship that was already riddled with holes is once again severely distorted and embarrassed, and will collapse at any time!"

"And all the people except me in the starship are all torn by the starburst in the four-dimensional space, or by the secretive cosmic radiation, and the death is terrible!"

"and many more!"

Meng Chi asked with vigilance, "Everyone is dead, why are you not dead?"

"Because I have the protection of the giant soldiers."

The night of the night, the blue sky quickly said, "My giant soldier was defeated by the Red Flame Dragon King, and all the hands and feet were broken and burst, but the cockpit, that is, the 'Lingfu' was not completely damaged, and it also had strong protection ability, and the limit jump occurred. When I was hiding in the Lingfu, I relied on the protection of the giant soldiers to escape, but in this way, my giant soldiers would completely collapse and be used again!"

Meng Chixin sighed with a sigh of relief: "So, you are lucky enough to escape from birth, and ‘just right’ found our ancient sacred world?”

Black Night Lan shook his head and said: "It can't be said to be 'just right'. I rely on the automatic cruising magic weapon of the Aberdeen. I searched for a trace of the signal that penetrated the dark nebula before I found it."


Meng Chi has a slight glimpse. "What is that?"

"I also don't know very well. I am not a navigator. I don't know much about driving a starship."

Dark Night Lan thought for a moment, "For example, the dark nebula wrapped around the ancient holy world is like a muddy land. If a snake climbs over it, it will definitely leave a trace. It will disappear after a certain period of time."

“The flow of information through the dark nebula is like a snake crawling through a muddy or desert, leaving a faint trace.”

“The denser the interstellar dust, the more the gods will penetrate through it, the more vivid the traces will be.”

"At this time, I have no choice. Anyway, how to go is a dead end. I will follow this trace all the way. Finally, I will find the ancient sacred world, and use the last psionic power left by the absent tooth to stimulate the magnetic field. Wrapped up with a large number of war wrecks, what you call the 'stars', disguised as a meteor shower, falling down!" -

Explain two questions.

First, a friend said that the name "Firefly" is a bit familiar. It seems that Li Yao has refining a "Firefly" from the flying star back to Tianyuan.

The old cow said, yes, three thousand worlds, tens of thousands of stars, I do not know how many starships, the name repetition is normal, as if the federal has a gold armor, the ancient holy world also has a gold armor, the same name, not the same thing.

Second, some friends said that the Xinghai Republic was not overthrown by the blood god? Is there another orthodox government?

The old cow said that you should be mistaken. The one overthrown by the blood **** is called "Xinghai Empire". Now there are three dynasties in the central part of the Xinghai, the Xinghai Empire, the Xinghai Republic, and the real human empire.

The Xinghai Empire was overthrown by the blood **** or the doomsday war, and the remaining forces re-established a parliament republican state for thousands of years, the Xinghai Republic.

The Xinghai Republic was controlled by the black star Emperor Wu Yingqi, and changed to a real human empire.

Therefore, there are three dynasties in order, and everyone should not be confused, thank you! (To be continued.)

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