Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1525: This is not a threat, but a fact!

The swelled eye of the night blue blooms a chilling light of aggression.

This light is like a poisonous bee that hurts the heart of Li Yao.

Meng Chixin listened to the dialogue between the two men silently. His face was always indifferent and deep. He didn’t know what the idea was in the depths of the ghost. Until then, he slowly said: "According to your opinion, we must join the real human empire. Can't you?"

"Do you still have a second choice?"

The night blue smiled with a nose and a swollen face. "You have been hiding in the Dark Nebula for hundreds of thousands of years, and you have never been discovered by the outside world. This is a probability of one in a hundred million!"

"But now, since our Blackwind Fleet has already opened up here on behalf of the power of the Empire, we have also discovered the vital Firefly, and we will not give up the sweep of this star field."

"Also, the local powers of the Starry Federation have also expanded dramatically to the vicinity of the Dark Nebula. They have the ability to colonize the Xinghai Sea, and it is impossible to stop the aggression!"

"In any case, you can no longer hide it, and it is no longer possible to live a peaceful life like a paradise in the past ten thousand years!"

"You have no choice at all. If you don't want to sit still and wait for countless starships, sorcerers and giant soldiers, like the mighty meteor storm, you can only take the initiative to embrace and integrate into the vast universe." , the real big world!"

"Xinghai is big, but there are only two human powers in total, not an empire, or a sacred alliance. I have already said that the 'classes' of the sacred alliances are all human, without emotion, without the will of free will. Even the real 'people' are not, you should not want to taste that taste?"

Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun looked at each other. The two had tasted a little more than a hundred years ago, and apparently did not want to become a cold and flesh-and-blood machine again.

The dark night blue sees the shaking of the two great gods, the eyes are getting more and more rounded, and the bloodshot blood is just bursting out from the eyeballs, and it is hurriedly breathing: "Maybe the poor people living at the bottom of the ancient holy world will think that as long as You can eat well, live peacefully, and lose your emotions, thoughts, and wills!"

"But you are both Yuan Ying and Hua Shen, the elite who represents the direction of human evolution! You can't give up your own heart, will and thoughts! You will want to expand your own heart, will and thought to the whole. The whole world, the whole universe!"

"The real human empire, the most welcome of you like this elite, do not join the empire, where can you go to?"

"Join the empire and become a noble and glorious cultivator. This is your only way out. It is also the only hope in the ancient sacred world, cough and cough!"

Li Yao is in a hurry and wants to refute, but considering the current delicate situation, he still resists impulsiveness.

Sure enough, he did not say, naturally someone said for him, the words turned out to be Long Yangjun!

Long Yangjun first looked at Li Yao and smiled at Li Yao. Then he turned to Night Lan: "If you say no, the 'Covenant League' can't be considered naturally, but what about the Star Alliance? You can beat your fleet and want to come and have a certain strength. Why can't the ancient sacred circles be considered and vote for the Xingyao Federation?"

"Stars Federation?"

The dark night Lan laughed awkwardly. "The Starry Federation is not good. The Starry Federation is just a small country with a ubiquitous edge on the edge of the Xinghai Sea! Perhaps they have occupied a few planets, even a few big worlds, then what?" In this small-scale country, the real human empire in the history of the millennium, do not know how many smashed, just our black wind fleet, it has killed several!"

"Let's say, if the real human empire is regarded as a big dry, and the covenant alliance is a ghost of the ghosts, then the constellation of the stars, at best, is the Wunan Five Road, not right, at best, only in the Wunan Five Road. A little tribe!"

"The turbulent times, joining the big dry or joining the yunyun ghost Qin, can understand, but who will be stupid to join Wunan five roads, to fight for the world?"

"Since all of you are willing to let go of your arms and head to Xinghai and join one of the Xinghai forces, of course, join the strongest! Join the Stars Federation? They are impossible to open such good conditions, and it is impossible to protect you. Security, maybe you joined the Stars Federation today, and will be destroyed by the Black Wind Fleet tomorrow, but it will be buried for the poor federal people!"

Long Yangjun swept Li Yao again and continued to smile and asked: "No, you and the Xingyao Federation have no contact at all. How do you know that people are just a small country that is insignificant? If the federation is really weak, how would it be? Your fleet is defeated?"

"I am a warrior, I will neither negotiate nor lie!"

Night Blue bites his teeth. "Every word I said just now is true, including my own fiasco, and the strength of the other side to control the giant soldiers, they honestly said it!"

"Yes, we are indeed defeated by the other side, but it is just a claw fleet. It is also a **** battle with the Firefly. It is very expensive!"

"The other side is a large-scale main fleet. The soldiers are well-prepared, and they are prepared to launch a surprise attack from behind us. Is there an unbeaten?"

"This kind of tactical defeat, but it is equivalent to your yunyun ghost Qin and Dagan lost a scout team before the strategic battle, what is the overall situation?"

"As far as I say that the strength of the Starry Federation is not strong, it is not nonsense. The reason is very simple, because it is the edge of the Xinghai! From 10,000 years ago, it has been found that the planet is too rich, even for human habitation. There are not many planets, the aura is not very rich, and there is not much important inheritance!"

"In the universe that humans have already explored, here is a poor mountain of water, just like the smoke of the smoke, the dampness and heat, the Wunan or Mobei all over the jungle. Under the chance of coincidence, perhaps one or two can be born. The master of the coffin is such a master, but on the whole, how could a sudden emergence of a strong country?"

"According to our past experience of war, the small countries like the Starry Federation are in control of five or six thousand worlds, seven or eight habitable planets, and all of them are of poor quality, low in spirit, sparsely populated, and resource-poor. Inferior world, how many starships can be put together, how many strong?"

"And our Black Wind Fleet has more than just the Black Wind, and it also includes four other exiles who have been occupied by the Holy League. The strength is ten times stronger than the average C and other battle groups. The latest sharp star ships are powerful. Not that I can describe it, nor what you can imagine!"

"We are all duckweeds without roots, and we are all eager to make a great battle to kill our homes and regain our homeland and glory, so the war is mad at the extreme!"

"Xingyao Federation, this kind of chicken, is a wild country. It is not an enemy of our main fleet. If they do not surrender, they will be completely crushed by us for up to one year!"

Long Yangjun chuckled: "You don't have to exaggerate the words, the other side also has giant soldiers, and the master of the giant warrior, the Red Flame Dragon King!"

The dark night Lan lowered his head and looked at his own shadow: "The giant gods and the giant soldiers are also different. Just like the difference between the flying sword and the flying sword, how big is the gap between the inferior flying sword and the wild sword. You are more clear than me."

"I, I am too young, and I don't have too much experience. I was not qualified enough to control the giant soldiers. Just because I am the commander of the Black Wind Fleet, I can get a serious missing component and the highest metal fatigue. The worst soldier in the state."

"The Red Flame Dragon King can beat me, it does not mean that she can defeat the rest of the Black Wind Fleet, especially my father's giant warrior who is driven by the gods!"

"Please believe me, please be sure to believe that the Black Wind Fleet and the Real Human Empire are strong! You have no choice but to choose an empire or choose to perish!"

Long Yangjun smiled and showed his sharp teeth: "Are you threatening us?"

"Not a threat, just a fact."

The sound of the night blue is both empty and deep, as if it was not from her throat, but from the depths of the Xinghai, very far away. "The empire is not interested in threatening anyone and power, just plainly telling you what will happen. , by your own choice."

"The empire has accepted countless worlds and planets that are willing to cooperate. It has also destroyed countless small countries and civilizations that are unwilling to obey. You are not the first one, nor the last one. No matter how you choose, the empire does not matter. It doesn't matter. !"

These words have caused many Yuan Ying and two gods to fall into a long silence.

"and many more!"

Li Yao suddenly said, "You have been saying that you are the daughter of the commander of the Black Wind Fleet. Then we torture you like this now. If you torture him, you will not hate it, so that we will greatly anger the commander of the black wind. Will you really accept our cooperation? Maybe he is wrath, ruining the entire ancient sacred world, revenge for his daughter?"


The dark night orchid laughed very strangely. "The spirit of the monk does not understand the way of thinking of our imperial people. Since I plan to fail and fall into your hands, it proves that I am weak, and the weak are tortured and embarrassed by the strong. Of course?"

"Not to mention, the reason you do this is to torture valuable information and make sure I don't lie."

"This is purely a business, not a personal grievance. If it is easy to do, I am one of you. I will use the same means to torture the target! I have something to hate, I really want to hate. It’s also time to hate that you are not strong enough, not careful enough!”

Li Yao’s heart snorted and frowned deeply: “You really don’t hate us at all, don’t you care about the bitterness of this life?”

"As long as you choose an empire."

Night Green Road, "I believe that your joining is good for the empire, good for the real human empire, and good for human civilization!"

"For the future of human civilization, my life and soul can be abandoned, crushed, and annihilated at any time! What is the bitterness of the region?" (~^~)

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