Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 4 Chapter 1541: Don't force us to jump over the wall!

Li Yao faceless, his eyes are like two knives, licking the face of Long Yangjun's "rude" or even "feminine", cold and iced: "There is a problem, Wang Gong, according to what you said, if the star The Yao Federation is really a rising sun, a promising new force, willing to be sincere and equal to the ancient sacred alliance, and the conditions they throw can make me satisfied, then I really want to join the Star Alliance, or If you want to swindle, then 'thinking'?"

Long Yangjun smiled and said: "On the federal side, it is not contradictory to join and slowly."

"It’s like the beginning of the Lingxiao Taoist friends. The territory of the Xingyao Federation will not be too vast. There will not be too many worlds. If we join in, we will have great influence and rely on the means of Zhengdaguang. Can 'suddenly', occupy a high position in the federation, safeguard the interests of the ancient sacred world, and even carry out our Taoist and will in the Federation, then why bother to play tricks?"

"Not to mention, since we have made a choice, we must definitely help the Confederate to fight against the empire. Maybe we will join forces to destroy the Black Wind Fleet and form a hatred with the Empire. How can we rebel?"

"We are not blind, greedy and insatiable. Our ultimate goal is to ensure the survival of the ancient sacred world and to integrate into the outside world! As long as the Star Alliance is really promising and can satisfy our conditions, then we really join The Confederacy, a road to the black, to help the Starry Federation rise on the edge of the Xinghai Sea, and even dominate the entire universe, why not?"

"Ling, don't you be satisfied with this answer?"

Li Yao said: "Nothing is satisfactory, dissatisfaction, let's go!"

Long Yangjun chuckled and turned his eyes: "What about the rest of the Taoist friends?"

"I also have a problem."

Called Hanako Ba Xiaoyu coughs and scratches the messy hair. "Sneak in and join the federation. These are not unthinkable, but Hanako doesn't understand. Why can't we use the same method to infiltrate the Black Wind Fleet and examine the Empire? Happening?"

"After all, it seems that the empire is more powerful, right?"

Long Yangjun said: "This is very simple, because it can't be done."

"The Black Wind Fleet is erratic in the stars, and we can't lock their coordinates, but only they lock in our shares!"

"Not to mention, no matter how large and complex the internal ‘living zone’ of the Blackwind Fleet is, it is an army. It must be a law-abiding, highly alert, stranger with no origins. It is difficult to sneak in!”

"Moreover, the Black Wind Fleet has a large number of masters and strong military power. If we find us, we will not fly into the wings and will only become the fish on the cutting board."

"Finally, the Xinghai warship can be gathered and scattered. Even if we really control a certain ship or even twelve starships, the Black Wind Fleet can completely sacrifice them and blow up the starships together with us, instead of Like the central city of tens of millions of people, it is something that cannot be abandoned!"

"That is to say, in the case of the Black Wind Fleet's high alert, we don't really have much means to threaten them, so how can we play with them?"

Ba Xiaoyu frowned: "Is the situation on the federal side different?"

"Of course it is different."

Long Yang Jundao, "Xingyao Federation is a Xinghai country, no matter how small the country is, how to control the three or five worlds, the navigation and trade between them must be very frequent, there are countless cargo ships sailing in the Xinghai! ”

"I created the 'ghost character', proficient in easy disguise, infiltrating the assassination, and then relying on your height control of the body, as long as it is transmitted to a suitable star field on the federal edge, find a few cargo ships to figure out the general situation of the federation. It’s not easy to get a fake identity to infiltrate, at least not as difficult as diving into the Black Wind Fleet!”

"Don't think of the federal people as simple!"

Li Yao whispered coldly. "It is impossible for the federal fleet to defeat the claw fleet of a real human empire. Our identity is very likely to be exposed!"

"I didn't think of the Federation as simple, but it was the spirit of the Taoist friends and all of you who thought the whole thing too complicated, too difficult, and made ourselves too weak!"

Long Yangjun gave up and looked at Li Yao without hesitation. "Speaking of it, aren't you a friend who is afraid of being alone in the army and being seen by the Star Alliance?"

"But have you thought about it, how is it broken?"

"Don't say it, I can arrange a few sets of seamless identity and rhetoric for everyone, explain our origins, even if we don't disguise anything, everything is telling the truth, what can the federation be?"

"I said one of the most extreme, the most dangerous, the worst, the most impossible situation, let's study it."

"Assume that we have just discovered and thoroughly understood the territory of the Starry Federation."

"Oh, this situation is not the most extreme. The worst situation should be that at the initial stage of our entire infiltration program, that is, at this moment, it has been detected by the Star Alliance!"

"and many more!"

Called Hanako Ba Xiaoyu couldn't help but scream. "Now, this time? How can the federal detect it!"


Long Yangjun smiled and said, "We assume that there is now a federal master who is proficient in 'invisibility', hiding in us, erecting ears to eavesdrop on our full set of plans, knowing everything about us, and In the first time, all the information was reported to the federal court, which led us to sneak into the federation, and they were discovered by them, and monitored throughout the whole process! Badao friends, sorrowful friends, this situation is the worst? Maybe there is a worse situation than this?"

Li Yao and Ba Xiaoyu face each other and say: "It seems to be."

Long Yangjun provoked a thin, long, faint blue eyebrow: "What about that?"

"so what?"

Ba Xiaoyu’s eyes widened. “The Stars Federation will naturally come round us!”

"Encircle us?"

Long Yangjun laughed and his eyes became extremely sharp. "Ten Yuan Yuan period high-level, peak, plus two big gods, all can summon the giant soldiers, the federal preparations to pay a lot of money to round up us, but also How many fierce battles have it suffered, especially before they faced a battle with the Empire?"

"Simply calculate the combat power and know that we are not as weak as we think!"

"I know from the intelligence of the Night Lan, the Starry Federation has a 'Red Flame Dragon King Ding Bell', it is likely to be a half-step god, that is, the peak of the Yuan Ying period, driving the giant soldiers, it is called The federal 'legendary strongman'!"

"The title of the legendary strong, a country of up to two or three, three or five, can not be full of streets?"

"Okay, then we are all high-level and peaks in the Yuan Ying period. We can all learn to control the giant soldiers. We even have the fighting power of our gods. We are worse than the red flame dragon Wang Ding bell. What?"

"This is not the case!"

Li Yao couldn't help but refute again. "I have been studying giant soldiers in the past few days. I have also personally mastered them in the past two days. These treasures are not so easy to get started! Chi Yanlong Wang Dingling said that he may have worked hard. Ten years, we have already reached the realm of harmony between man and nature. We rely on the quick success of just a few months and half a year, and it is impossible to be even more powerful than her!"

"No need to be more powerful than her!"

Long Yang Jun 斩 截 截 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Li Yao: "Oh... that is not so exaggerated."

Long Yangjun: "It doesn't matter, even if she is so powerful, we three, no, six for her, is not enough? Six masters besieged her, even if we are not as good at controlling the giant soldiers, but also Is it enough to go with her?"

"That is to say, we are twelve, and we can beat up the national ‘legendary strongman’ like the other two Ding Ling!”

"Well, do you think that the Sparks Federation can withstand the consequences of losing two national ‘legendary powers’ before the battle with the Imperial Expeditionary Force?”

"This is not the destruction of our fish and the network, the devastating struggle, the damage caused!"

"So, even in the worst case, there is a 'invisible man' from the Stars Federation. How about eavesdropping on our plans here? How dare he have the courage to disclose our news to the federal government? Do you know that the Federation is risking the death of two legendary powers to round up us? He dares? He dares!"

"Oh, I am the "invisible man", maybe you still have to scratch your head, rack your brains, think about how to cover up, don't let the federal government discover our true identity, lest we take risks and break the net. There is great damage inside the federation!"

"Wang Gonggao is really high!"

The king of the sky is screaming and laughing. "This is the truth of the ' barefoot is not afraid to wear shoes'! We have been too scared and fearful these days! In fact, think about it, we are all barefoot, regardless of the empire or The federation should be more afraid of death than we are! The fear of the cross, the fear of being embarrassed, let us not be killed, and kill a **** way in the stars!"


Long Yangjun laughed. "The twelve of us together may not be able to help the Xingyao Federation defeat the real human empire, but it is absolutely capable of dragging the Federation to die! This ability to 'go to the end' is ours and the Federation. The biggest cost of the game is also the 'amulet' that we can freely and slowly examine inside the federation. If the federal people have a little bit of brains, they will not want to dismantle their identity and force them to jump into the wall!" Continued.)


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