Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1551: The ancient savage beast on the cutting board?

Booming and banging!

The Wasteland is full of fire inside and outside, and is being eaten by countless fireballs, explosions and shockwaves.

It is in the weakest state just out of the four-dimensional space, and even the psionic shield is not fully open.

Every attack of the enemy will bite a piece of "meat" from the crystal shell of the battleship. Various metal components and oil will be scattered to the Xinghai like blood and broken flesh!

Before the explosion of the Amazing Tooth, the other party seemed to have no intention of communicating with the Aberdeen.

In front of each swordfish attack ship, dozens of colorful columns of light are sprayed at the same time, just like the sharpest black light sword, which is bold and easy to cut on the outer shell of the tooth.

On the back of the battleship, like the "fins" of the swordfish, there are dozens of spiral metal assault thorns. Under the advancement of the dynamic array, one by one is separated from the battleship, jetting, whistling, and super high speed. The shape of the rotation, whistling, deeply plunged into the outer shell of the shards, really like a fangs, nailed into the hunting object!

“Sweet and nourish!”

The interior of these spiral spurs contains a powerful and unmatched Thunderbolt attacking magic weapon unit, as well as a large number of lightning power spar. When the depth of the tooth is deep, hundreds of high-voltage arcs are instantaneously released. Sweeping through each of the ramps and each cabin, severely ruining most of the magic weapon units on the Aberdeen, causing the Aberdeen to fall into a semi-squatting state.

The Amazing No. has no power to fight back.

Because of its attacking position, it was originally empty!

Even if it is a strange god, it is not a true god. In half a year, it is the limit to be able to drive the crystal scorpion and the giant gods to the arm. How can I learn the fighting skills of the starship?

Now, only the Black Night Lan and Long Yangjun have mastered certain starship driving skills on the Atomic No., and can control the Aberdeen to sail in the Xinghai, and find the destination accurately. It is quite good, in such a bad situation. Under the warship, what can't be done at all!


“Sweet and nourish!”

In the cockpit of the Aberdeen, there is also a fireball fluttering, the arc is flying, all kinds of messy components and fragments are dancing wildly in the air, and the hair of Long Yangjun and Night Lan is erected by electricity. Madness.

"Ling Taoist friends!"

Long Yangjun gnawed his teeth and shouted: "This area needs urgent repair, come help me!"

Li Yao braved the fireball and the arc, and when he stumbled into the cockpit, he was immediately slammed by Long Yangjun and dragged into the corner.

"Hey, what's the situation, you are not saying that it is safe, can it be used as a buffer between us and the federation!"

Long Yangjun was in a hurry and squeezed out his anger from his teeth. "Why do we jump over and get violently attacked? You don't want to tear your face, do you want to take a shot?"

"how could I know!"

Li Yao is also a little disoriented, and there is no good voice. "In theory, there is still a long way to go from the federal home. The environment near this red giant is not very good. The federal fleet has no reason to appear here!" The original goal of the people is obviously not us, but the gourd-shaped transport ship, we are just passing by!"

He thought about it carefully, by monitoring the magic weapon to collect the shape parameters of the other star ship, whether it is the gourd-shaped transport ship that was blasted by the volley, or the three sleek and spicy swordfish attack ships, the refining style and the federal Starships are very different.

Moreover, there is no painting of the federal nine-star Thanglong battle flag on their outer shells, and there are no patriots, Tianhuo organization, Yaoshi Group and the emblems of the major sects of the Federation, all of which are bare.

It looks like it is not like a federal starship.

However, there is no reason, the federal road to develop the Xinghai should be implemented for some time, and the fleet of Ding Lingyu has the ability to sail near the far darker nebula.

If there is really a force outside the federation, there is no reason not to be detected by the federal!

So, what is going on here?

"There is one thing, you have been reluctant to say it, but it is here, you must tell me anyway!"

Long Yangjun said with a black face, "You pledge to ensure that this zone is not a federal territory. It is an absolutely safe no-man's land. I believe in your words, but you leave the Starry Federation, and there are more than a dozen or twenty years." Will there be a drastic change in the Federation during the time you left? Let's be honest, how many years ago was your intelligence? Ten years? Twenty years? Thirty years? It will not be five. Ten years ago, don't tell me, you have been drifting in the stars for 50 years!"

Li Yao: "That is not."

Long Yangjun breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, then you are saying, how long has your intelligence been behind the status quo!"

Li Yao: "One hundred years."

Long Yangjun: "..."

boom! boom! Booming!

The explosion is still going on. Even if the arc and the fireball are in harmony, it will not be able to cover the anger of Long Yangjun’s shooting at Li Yao.

"Is it not?"

Li Yao frowned. "Is my curse effective again?"

Long Yangjun was shocked: "What curse? How many secrets do you have to tell me!"

Li Yaodao: "It is like this. I seem to be born with a strange curse. Whenever I feel that there is something that is stable, there is nothing wrong with it. When everything is in control, there will always be unexpected variables! This time, Is it my curse attack that infects the entire team?"

Long Yangjun: "..."

When the last lighting array in the cockpit was extinguished in the explosion, and only a few magical units remained in the darkness, the violent storm's offensive finally came to an end.

Through the ambiguous monitoring interface, the Aberdeen has completely lost its psionic shield and power source. There is no way to escape, and it can't resist the other party's volley.

What's more, from the back of dozens of spiral spurs deeply embedded in the Aberdeen, a beam of magnetic cable was also launched, which was connected to the three swordfish attack ships, slowly pulling the distance between the two sides.

It is equal to pulling the Aberdeen number from three different directions, so that it has nowhere to escape.

This is probably the reason why the other party suspended the offensive.

Standing on the other side's point of view, no matter which aspect, the Amazing No. lost all combat power and completely became a lamb to be slaughtered.


A very strong signal of God's mind, arbitrarily and arrogantly slammed into the main control crystal brain of the Amazing, making a squeaky beep.

Long Yangjun screamed, parsing the signal, projecting it onto the corrugated light curtain, and distributing it to the front of all the strong in the cabin.

Appearing on the light curtain is a middle-aged man who is light and slender, with slightly black skin and full of elegance and cruelty.

Li Yao has a slight glimpse.

The person's forehead is inlaid with two pale gold decorative corners. Perhaps it is fixed directly on the skull by the secret method. There is a circle of thin and long magic tattoo around the neck. The light and ethereal armor forging style is also It is very different from the federal government, and it has an exotic atmosphere.

Li Yao dares to guarantee that no matter whether Tianyuan, Feixing or the blood demon three circles, there is no such tribal dress.

"No matter who you are"

This elegant and cruel black-faced man smiled arrogantly, using the same ethereal and awkward accent, faintly said, "I will immediately put down all the magic weapons, give up all resistance, let us board the ship to check!"

"If it is not, hehehe, our name, I must have heard of you, ‘Seven Killing Stars and Thieves’! Who dares to act rashly, just that boat, is your end!”

A black window appeared around the black skin man, projecting the horrors of the prey they attacked. When the aftermath of the big bang smashed in the cold, dark sea of ​​stars, only the fragmented debris, corpses and components remained. Mix together and turn into a naked grave.

"Star thief..."

Li Yao lost his life.

It has been a long, long time, and I have never heard such a familiar and strange name.

"Star thief is the pirate in the sea of ​​stars. It is said that it is at least in the empire because of the ghosts, the sorrows and the stalks."

The dark night orchid explained the two seniors with great responsibility and tried to accumulate a touch of goodwill.

This is a one-way communication. Only they can see and hear each other, but the other party can't see or hear them, so they can communicate boldly.


Long Yangjun shook his head. "This person is lying. No matter what the ‘Seven Killing Stars are,' he can’t be the Seven Killing Stars.”


Li Yao analyzed, "When he self-reported his home, the speed of his eyeballs increased slightly, and he turned to the upper right corner. This is obviously analyzing the list of star gangs in his mind, and randomly selected a star thief group. The name came out to fool us."

"However, after all, since this 'seven killing star robbery group' is notorious, it can be used to scare the prey, indicating that the star thieves in this place must be as good as a cow, and have a very strong strength, even the government here can not manage It!"

Long Yangjun looked at the parameters of the operation interface, and sighed: "The ridiculous tooth number is completely smashed. Without overhaul, it is impossible to restore the navigation ability. We can only 'borrow' their ship. You don’t have a comment on the Lingxiao Daoyou?"

Li Yao indulged for a moment, shook his head and said: "No opinion, let a few friends go out to activities, but let them start with a light touch, just blast two warships, leave a boat for ourselves. Use, and, the people above the battleship don't kill anymore, leave a few to torture, especially the long-horned guy on the head."


In the light curtain, the black-eyed man with a long horn on his head couldn't get a response for a long time. His face flashed an impatient suffocation and shouted. "If you hear the words of this uncle, don't hide your head and tail, what are you?" Sacred, come out quickly, and roll out the starship to surrender!"

"Hey, if you still want to come out and refuse to come out, wait for our ‘Seven Killing Stars’ group to go in, it’s not so good!”

Long Yangjun and Li Yao look at each other.

Li Yao had some helpless scratching his hair. He did not understand why some people refused to cherish their great lives. They must be eager to find death.

He nodded to the dragon, and he made a gesture of beheading.

Long Yangjun opened the communication channel between the two sides and smiled and said: "Please wait for the lord of the "Seven Kills Stars", we will come out." (~^~)


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