Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1556: Snake enchantress, Jin Xinyue!

Speaking of this, Fitch seems to be greatly stimulated, Rao is the secret acupuncture of Long Yangjun, appease and anesthesia, but also the mouth is slanting, the expression is excited, the blue veins are jumping, the tears are not channel: "those The dirty miners, together with the evil federal people, rushed into the ring of heaven and rushed into the most exquisite and magnificent temple of our civilization, burning and looting, smashing and destroying, and accumulating our Tianzhu people for thousands of years. The art and culture are all destroyed, it is the end, it is a catastrophe, the Tianhuan civilization is over, completely destroyed!"

"The Terran rebels and the fleet of the Xingyao Federation have captured the Tianhuan. Our Tianzhu people have lost the most important base. Only the last fleet is still floating on the edge of the galaxy, but it has lost the support of resources and bases. Become a rootless duckweed."

"We are powerless to counterattack the ring, ammunition, psionics, food and all kinds of materials are drying up, and the despicable federal people have infiltrated us internally, and we have divided us with various insidious methods, which have caused us to have a lot of internals. The traitor, the morale is even lower to the extreme."

"This embarrassment is completely impossible to fight. We are forced to surrender."

"While the Starry Federation won the war, but at this time we still control a fleet of weak strength, relying on the last remaining psionics and ammunition, although there is no possibility of counterattacking the ring, but choose 'to fight for death' It is also enough to cause a heavy blow to the Federal Expeditionary Force."

"In this case, the Xingyao Federation is not likely to risk the 'killing one thousand, self-destruction eight hundred', killing us, but accepting our surrender, but the conditions for surrender are - we must Recognizing the new government in the Tianhuan world and all the decisions it has made, if it is unacceptable, we will only ask us to leave, that is, to exile us!"

Long Yangjun raised his hand again: "New government?"

"Yes, the Xingyao Federation is a country that is extremely hypocritical. What is clearly done is to take advantage of it and expand it. It is an invading army. It just likes to put gold on your face. The deputy crown is grand and the look of the righteousness!"

Fitch gnashed his teeth. "Three-year-old children know that the battle between the Federation and the Tianhuan is to embezzle the Tianhuan world and occupy the super-orbital shipyard that we inherited from the Xinghai Empire. However, under the official calibre of the Federation, This embarrassment has become our own civil war in the heavens!"

"The official level of the Xingyao Federation refers to the riots of the Diyi people as the 'uprising'. The rebel army of the Diyi people is called the 'military', and the Xingyao Federation is invited by the military and ask for help, before they intervene in this war. All this is in line with... "Starcraft"!"

"The Xingyao Federation has no intention of colonizing the heavens. Our future can be decided by ourselves. Now that the war is over, the government that was originally composed of the pure Tianzhu people was defeated, and it is natural to reorganize. The new government will include All Tianhuan people, including the Diyi people, choose and form by means of a referendum."

Long Yangjun thought: "It sounds not too harsh."

"Not too harsh."

Fitch was touched by the most painful nerve in the depths of his brain, and he whispered. "This is a complete trap, a blatant conspiracy! The number of our Scorpio is very small, less than one percent of the Yi people. If we generate a new government according to the proportion of the population or the way we vote, we have no power at all!"

"Not to mention, even this pitiful one percent power has been stolen by the Scorpio who first surrendered to the Confederacy!"

"Although these traitors are also Scorpio, they were originally the bottom layer of the Scorpio. They lived outside the Tianhuan for a long time and were responsible for the repair and maintenance of the outer shell of the Tianhuan!"

"The scums of these Scorpio people, when the Terran and the Xingyao Federation attacked the Tianhuan, they were the first to surrender. They relied on their own expertise in the structure and weakness of the Tianhuan to betray our civilization and win the new master. Huanxin, now transformed into a spokesperson for the entire Tianzhu people, became the mascot of the new government!"

"In this way, under the control of the Xingyao Federation, an organization called the "Preferential Voting Committee" was first established to help the Tianhuan people form a new government. Jin Xinyue’s poisonous demon woman is the committee’s President."

"and many more!"

Li Yao frowned again and questioned. "Golden heart month...what is it, just not Ding Ling?"

"Jin Xinyue is also a notorious devil head. It is the same name in the Federation and Ding Ling. It is the power of the flames, the fierceness of the name, and even many people say that these two women have divided the entire Federation. Power!"

Fitch explained, "The two female devils are one and one martial arts, each with their own strengths. Ding Ling is arrogant and arrogant, cruel and killing, relying on force to conquer our free world. Jin Xinyue is despicable, insidious, and insidious. The heart is very hot and famous, it is a famous smile in the knife, soft knife cut meat, eat people do not spit bones! The conspiracy of more than half of the federal congress, are planned by this female devil."

"In the war period, Ding Ling, who is known as the 'Red Flame Dragon King', took the lead; when it was necessary to devour our Tianhuan civilization after the war, it was naturally Jin Xinyue, the snake and the demon woman!"

"Under the call of Ding Lingwei and the manipulation of Jin Xinyue, what a new government consisting of the Terran mob and the Scorpio traitor will be, can be imagined."

"The first decision after the establishment of the new government is to reorganize the original 'Plenary Committee' into a 'liquidation committee' and continue to be led by Jin Xinyue to specifically liquidate the 'oppression' of the Yi people against the land in the past thousands of years. problem."

"And the second decision is that the Tianhuan world will be merged into the Xingyao Federation within five years and become a federated world of the Federation!"

"This is a complete tearing of disguise, no disguise, anxious to swallow our world!"

"We, the Tianzhu people, watched their lovely civilization, and they were ruthlessly swallowed and swallowed by the Starry Federation, but they were helpless, because at this time we ourselves are hard to protect ourselves, under the shameless calculation of Jin Xinyue’s snake and enchantress, We have all been confiscated most of the property, and many people who are bad luck still owe a debt, and nothing overnight!"

Li Yao scratched his jaw and said: "The property was confiscated? Hey, this...the snake-like demon girl, in what shameless name, confiscate your property? Just because you were defeated?"

"No, the Xingyao Federation is a hypocritical, despicable and shameless country that will not use the simple and rude reasons of 'defect' to achieve their goals."

Fitch bitterly said, "Golden Heart Moon, the demon girl, brought a large number of elites from the Starry Federation... lawyers, actuaries, accountants and insurance experts, began to help the Yi people, they have been exploiting resources in the past thousands of years. During the period, all the 'oppressions' suffered were analyzed and calculated."

"The final conclusion of this 'liquidation committee' is that during the mining of underground veins in the past few thousand years, the former government of the Tianhuan civilization, Tianhuafu, had considerable management responsibilities, including miners working for a long time. Work injuries and accidents caused by inadequate safety measures, disability benefits and pension owed after the accident, child labor, most workers do not receive the benefits of pension insurance, unemployment insurance, housing allowance and so on."

"The most exaggerated thing is that she, her, Jin Xinyue, the demon girl, actually counted the strengthening arms that we carefully prepared for the Dilu people, which is a kind of deformity, and it is ‘work injury’!”

"In short, pensions for thousands of years, overtime pay for overtime, compensation for work-related injuries, and the recovery of various insurances... add up, plus thousands of years of interest accumulation, it has become a shocking astronomy digital!"

“The liquidation committee issued a list of accounts totaling 120,000 pages for a whole year, and listed each of our 'deficiencies' and pointed out that the original government of Tianhuan civilization must immediately go to thousands. In the past years, all the miners of the miners, that is, the entire Yi people, have compensated for this high amount including unemployment benefits, pensions, overtime pay, work injury claims, death benefits and interest."

“The original ‘Tianhuan’ has been squeezed out in the war, and where is the money to pay?”

"So, not only the entire Tianhuan, but also the inside of the Tianhuan, the subsidiary facilities that belonged to our personal training room, laboratory, dock and residence, were all confiscated by 'reasonable legal'."

"Most of the Tianzhu people have inextricably linked with the mining industry. If they trace their roots, everything on the Tianhuan comes from the surface. In the face of Jin Xinyue’s unreasonable algorithm, we say in one sentence. No, a rivet can't take it!"

"And the former government's top management, that is, directly owning the mining industry shares, the big men in the Tianzhu people are even more miserable. After the entire Tianhuan and ancillary facilities are compensated for the discount, it is not enough for them to come. Bear, many mining giants owe their debts for ten years and are still unclear, which is harder than killing them!"

When Fitch talked about it, the grief reached the extreme. After several times, he opened his mouth and couldn’t say it. He finally stabilized his emotions and lamented. "In this way, after the liquidation, the Tianhuan community was officially annexed by the Xingyao Federation. ""

"The Xingyao Federation claims to implement the policy of 'going free, not reluctant'. If the Scorpio is willing to accept the reality of 'nothing, start all over', be willing to bow and swear allegiance to the federal 'Nine Stars and Dragons' flag. You can stay in the heavens and even have the opportunity to become a federal citizen."

"If they don't want to join the federation, they will never reluctantly. They have chosen a new habitat for us, here is the Dragon Snake Star!"

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