Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1558: Headhunter

How did Fisch say that he was born in the aristocratic civilization of the past, and for decades he has been pondering how to deal with the federal government. The idea is still quite clear. It will explain the chaotic situation and the weakness of the federation all at once. .

Long Yangjun inserted: "Sounds, the situation of your Dragon Snake Star Field is really complicated?"

"It is really complicated."

Fitch Road, "And the official of the Starry Federation did not attack the Dragon Snake Stars in a big way. It does not mean that they did not secretly attack the Dragon Snake Stars! The ship that we destroyed just now is from the Starry Federation." The headhunter' is the minion who is manipulated by the snake sorcerer Jin Xinyue!"

Li Yao asked: "Headhunter? Who is that?"

"This is the case. The official of the Xingyao Federation signed an armistice agreement with us. After we were deported here, we could not find a suitable reason to deal with us at the same time. But this does not mean that their people have no action. It is."

Fitch explained, "From the four rings of the heavens, the sea of ​​trees, the ghosts and the crystals, to the dragons and snakes, people often have deep hatreds, such as those who stay in their hometowns and actively join the Starry Federation. Let's say we are scorpio. There is a deep contradiction between the tribe and the tribe. Many people originally had no hatred."

"On the official level, the Xingyao Federation did not fight for us twice, but those who joined the Federation will find ways to hire federal masters, secretly sneak into the Dragon Snake Star, and kill those who used to have **** hatred. ""

"These federal masters who sneak into the Dragon Snake Stars to perform assassination missions are called ‘headhunters’, and on the federal side, they call them ‘Avengers’.”

"It’s like the headhunters we just killed. They were hired by some of the Terran people to sneak into the Dragon Snake Stars to kill us a Tianzhu compatriot nicknamed 'Doctor'."

Li Yaoqi said: "Why kill "Doctor"?"

Fitch replied: "Three or fifty years ago, before the Xingyao Federation had not conquered the Tianhuan world, the 'doctor' was specifically responsible for treating patients with 'severe strikes'. He used high-concentration happiness water in addition to routine use. In addition, he also devoted himself to research, repeated experiments, and created a very wonderful current stimulation therapy, which has a miraculous effect on the treatment of strikes. Many patients have got rid of the disease and re-entered under his careful treatment. The job has changed from a madman to someone who is useful to our civilization."

"However, severe strikes are a very dangerous disease, and some side effects will inevitably occur during the treatment. Besides, patients are not willing to cooperate."

"So, in the patients treated by the 'doctor', it seems that some of them have died, and some have survived, and the brain has been affected to some extent."

"In the past days of the ring world, this is basically a common thing. No matter what doctor, the most rejuvenation, where can come back to life, it is impossible to cure 100% of the disease?"

“As a result, after the war, the ‘doctor’ became sinful!”

"Fortunately, the 'doctor' has long been clamoring for the chaotic period after the end of the war, changing his name to a surname, easily disguised himself, and fled to the Dragon Snake Star."

"The guys who used to be treated by the 'doctor', the side effects of those who have died, and the families who died of the disease, but they are not arrogant, now they have become a federal citizen, and the Star Alliance has supported them. Sending an inch of footage, it’s so aggressive, you have to kill the 'doctor'!"

“They firmly believe that the ‘doctor’ did not die in the war. They entrusted the sects of the federal government to investigate and track, to find the whereabouts of the ‘doctor’, and finally investigated the latest status of ‘doctor’ five years ago.”

“Then they hired a group of ‘huntors’ and sneaked into the Dragon Snake Stars to carry out ‘sanctions’ against ‘doctors’!”

"This incident is very troublesome. The 'doctor' has long known that he has become the target of the headhunter. He has escaped three dangerous assassinations in the past five years. This is the fourth time."

"We are all hired by ‘doctors’ to help him deal with the headhunters. In order to save his life, he is a ruined family, and he has spent a lifetime of savings to hire so many people.”

"This time we were lucky. The doctors bought the accurate information in advance and found out the route that the headhunter sneaked into the Dragon Snake Star field and the boat that was boarded. They ambushed in advance and killed them by surprise. That is what you just watched. The picture that arrives."

Fitch’s words made many Yuan Ying and the gods talk about it: “Hunter? Avenger? Interesting, it’s a bit interesting!”

Long Yangjun indulged in a moment and threw out new questions. "Wait, your words are unreasonable. Whether you are investigating the new identity and appearance of a person who has been missing for decades in the Xing Xinghai, or hiring a master, sneaking into a foreign country, performing assassination. The tasks, the requirements are quite expensive? According to you, those who have **** enemies with you should have been the bottom of society. Even if they join the federation, they can’t get rich overnight. How can they have the ability to hire these? Investigators and headhunters?"

"You don't know, this is the sinister inferiority of the Starry Federation, despicable and shameless!"

Fitch sullenly said, "Those low-lying miners and stinky mud legs may not even know one big character, so poor and squeaky, how can they pay for it, hire the most elite assassins, perform such dangerous tasks? ?"

"However, the most powerful forces of the federal power, including Yao Shi Group, Tianhuo Organization, Patriot Front, etc., have jointly funded a foundation, the name is called 'Revenge Foundation', which is dedicated to those guys. stand by!"

“Those miners and mud legs, if they want to hire investigators and headhunters, often have to spend a dollar or even a dime for the symbolic sake. All the rest of the expenses are provided by the ‘Revenge Foundation’!”

"Especially by the Tianhuo organization led by Jin Xingyue, the daily operation of the 'Revenge Foundation' is the responsibility of them, and Jin Xinyue also maintains a group of professional 'headhunters', which are the most ferocious and elite. The Assassin, dedicated to these miners, mud legs and all kinds of nine streams, to solve the hatred of the past!"


Long Yangjun’s eyes are flashing. “These strongmen of the Stars Federation, why do you want to do this?”

Fitch hated his teeth: "There is a superb reason on the surface, what is the name? The federation will help every citizen to lead the fair, no matter how rich or poor, strong and weak," in fact, everyone knows, but it is a means of buying people's hearts. By the way, we can create horror and chaos in our Dragon Snake Stars, and let us give in as soon as possible!"

Long Yangjun, Li Yao and many Yuan Ying and Huashen look at each other.

“Does the federation help every citizen to lead justice?”

Everyone saw the strangeness and deep thought of each other's eyes.

In particular, Hua Zi Ba Xiaoyu likes to be the hero of the singer, and the fairness of the "Heroes" is fair.

Time is limited, Long Yangjun does not want to continue to entangle on this issue, changed the topic: "Talk about your ‘the emperor’s meeting’, who is your leader, and where do you know ‘Xianxian Avenue’?”

Fitch 151: "The president of our emperor's meeting is called 'Lv Dengchen', a native of the federal family... Don't be surprised, although President Lu is a federal, but has a federal His grandfather and father were both tragically killed in the hands of the federal government. President Lu was also an enemy of the Union very early, causing a lot of damage in the federal territory. It is the highest reward for the federal reward. The first number is wanted."

"And, Master Lv's master is an unrelenting empire of immortals, and is also the spiritual leader of our emperor's association, called ‘Su Changfa’!”

"Su Changfa!"

The night blue screamed, "That is not"

Long Yangjun turned back and gave her a look, let her ring her voice, turned her head again, and calmly said, "It turned out to be him. I didn't expect him to go to the federation. How is he now?"

"The old man of Su was already lost more than fifty years ago."

Fei Qidao, "But his clothes and the brilliant thoughts of Xiuxian Avenue are all passed down to Lu Guangchen, and President Lu has painstakingly studied Xiuxian Avenue for nearly a hundred years. He is a tenacious, firm and loyal. The cultivator, who has been fighting in the most difficult and arduous environment, has been fighting for a long time, even alone, waiting for the arrival of the imperial friends!"

"After our four worlds were successively conquered by the federal government, all the exiles' thoughts were very chaotic, their emotions were quite depressed, morale was low, and they were desperate. When they couldn't see the light, President Lu would descend from the sky and bring us When we came to Xiuxian Avenue, we re-find the direction of advancement and united, and finally formed the 'Emperor's Meeting!'

"Lv light dust?"

Li Yao frowned. He always felt that something was wrong. He asked, "Since the purpose of your emperor's meeting is to wait for the arrival of the Imperial Army, now that we have come, where is your Lu Guangchen, take us to see him. !"

"This, I am afraid I can't do it."

Fitch said with a wry smile, "Mr. Lu claims to be the most terrible enemy of the Xingyao Federation. The Federation does not know how many people hate him. He wants to make him smashed and frustrated! He is always in the air. , mysterious, cautious to the extreme, in order to escape the federal wanted and chase for decades, still safe and sound!"

"And, hey, I am actually only a peripheral member of the emperor's association. Even the dean of Lu has never seen it with his own eyes. How can he know where he is at the moment, how can he contact?"

Long Yangjun nodded. "This is the truth. Then, in the emperor's meeting, there should always be a superior, a connector, and so on?"

"That is natural!"

Fitch is very refreshed. "I do have a contact person, just in the 'Fish Dragon City'. I can now bring you the seniors to look for him, and then report it on a layer-by-layer basis. I believe that Lu Hui will be so good. I will show up soon, and meet you!" (~^~)

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