Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1561: Dragon and snake mixed, fish dragon city!

Fitch used three hours to explain everything that was known, especially about the Dragon Snake Star.

Many ancient holy strongmen discovered that the Dragon Snake Star Field is simply their best place to sneak into it. This time, the Xinghai Jumping is playing, it is too suitable.

The dragon snake star field, as its name suggests, is a place where fish and dragons are mixed, black smoke and suffocating, and lawlessness.

In the past 100 years, the Xingyao Federation has developed rapidly and expanded greatly. In addition to the original three realms, it has merged four new worlds.

For the new world, this earth-shaking change has certainly been warmly welcomed by most people, but it will inevitably damage or even completely deprive another small group of people.

In this age of turbulence and arrogance, when the federal government expanded rapidly, not only in the four new worlds of the heavens, the sea of ​​trees, the gloom and the crystals, there were a number of people who were extremely dissatisfied with the federation; even the three cores In the world, there are also a small number of people who can't keep up with the times and have created a variety of different minds.

The Xingyao Federation pays attention to "going to freedom" and does not force anyone to become its citizen. It is not that any a cat or dog can unconditionally become its citizen.

For those who resolutely resist the federation and are unwilling to stay on the territory of the federation, but there is no violation of law and hostility, the Dragon Snake Stars are the new homes that the Federation has specially prepared for them.

Relying on the stable red giant star in the center of the Dragon Snake Star, although it is impossible to continue the past, the days of extravagance and extravagance, but barely survive.

It’s better than riding a ragged starship and relying on countless supplies to wander aimlessly in the depths of the Xinghai.

As a result, in the past four decades, among the four new worlds, a large number of exiles have migrated to the Dragon Snake Star.

Most of these people are the upper-class figures of the original world. They have accumulated some wealth, treasures and secret inheritance. They have brought more or less out through various channels. For a time, they have made the little dragon snake star field. Suddenly expanded, the deformity prospered.

However, the Dragon Snake Star Domain does not have a unified government and an effective management system. The exiles also do not see a little hope and a way out. Apart from the hatred and dislike of the Union, they are not monolithic and intriguing. Things like killing, killing people and winning treasures are not uncommon here.

Coupled with the "headhunter" from the Starry Federation, it is often the most sinister and dangerous enemy of the Federation. In many cases, it is not necessarily true to "preside over justice." It is very likely that these exiles are brought out from their hometowns. The secret treasure, the damage caused by their unscrupulous means, is even worsening the security situation of the Dragon Snake Star.

All kinds of factors have caused today's dragon snake star field, which is the place where the smoke is smoldering, the grotesque, and the magical dance.

Even the "Star Thieves" that had long since disappeared in the Stars Federation have been revived here.

However, in all likelihood, it is not a professional star thief, but the local party’s local ‘guest’.

Anyway, you rob me today, I will rob him tomorrow, and now I am drunk, and I remember the glory of the past in the drunken dream... Basically, it is such a thing.

"The Dragon Snake Star Field is the most chaotic place near the Starry Federation. For us, nature is the best place to start!"

After the end of the interrogation of Fitch, the ancient sacred 12 and the night green gathered again to discuss the next move.

Long Yang Jundao, "First of all, people who are exiled or fled to the Dragon Snake Star field often owe their blood debts in their hometowns, like the 'doctor'; even those who have no grudges often carry them with them. Some treasures of value are worthy of the city, so many people choose to hide their names, make a face-lift, and become another person."

"In the Dragon Snake Star, 'identity' is never a problem. Most people will prepare three or five false identities for themselves. They are also accustomed to never asking others for their origins. Whoever asks more questions will be treated as It’s the 'headhunter’ from the federation, which is to be attacked by the group."

"The whole dragon snake star field, less said that there are hundreds of millions of people, this is still a rough estimate, to say less, after all, it is impossible to carry out accurate demographics here, many black households sneak in the starship to escape here, as long as From the home to bring enough resources, no one is accounting for who they are."

"Hundreds of millions of people, even more than one billion people, are hiding their heads and sneaking, how can the federal government investigate their identity?"

"We use the Dragon Snake Star as a springboard. We will adapt to this period of timeless chaos and learn the rules of modern cultivation of civilization. It is like twelve leaves hidden in the forest and will never be discovered!"

"And, Fitch said that there is a very wonderful business in the Dragon Snake Star Field. There are some people who can help others get the legal status of the Xingyao Federation."

"This is because the people who fled to the Dragon Snake Stars are not necessarily the hard-core elements like Fitch, who have to fight against the Federation."

"Actually, we gradually figured out that the Starry Federation has adopted a direct war approach in addition to conquering the Tianhuan world. The conquest of the other three worlds is relatively mild, like the Netherland and the Crystal Circle. Even the initiative to join the federal."

"People who have escaped from these worlds are only unable to accept the peacock of a different world from the beginning."

"After the smoldering, hopeless Dragon Snake star field has lived for decades, and slowly deepened the understanding of the Starry Federation, they did not want to return to their hometown, the leaves fall back to the roots."

"Federal attitudes toward these people are rather embarrassing. In general, as long as they don't owe blood debts in their hometowns, they are not very angry. If they have all the grievances of the past, they can still let them go home."

"In this, there is a lot of work to do."

"For example, Zhang San, who fled from the crystal world to the Dragon Snake Star Field, was a good citizen in his hometown. He did not commit crimes and owe blood debts. He just did not understand the federal policies at first, and he was worried. In the process of change, they will lose their wealth, so they refuse to join the Union and migrate to the Dragon Snake Star."

"A person like this, if you want to go back to your hometown, it's perfectly fine."

"But this 'Zhang San' is already dead in the Dragon Snake Star, leaving only an 'identity'. Then it is very difficult to verify who is returning to the Federation with the identity of 'Zhang San'. ”

"After all, in the vast sea of ​​stars, it is too easy to let a person disappear silently. It is too difficult and difficult to determine a person's life, death and traces!"

"Dragon Snake Star, there are many people who make a living by doing this. They are specifically helping others to forge their identity and legally enter the federation. We may also forge twelve new identities, which are more than the identity we came up with when we started. More secure!"

"What do you mean by your friends?"

Numerous Yuan Ying and Hua Shen have a lot of arguments. In principle, there is no opinion on Long Yangjun’s proposal. The next thing they need to do is to adapt, learn, observe and choose. On the original camouflage, put on a layer. There is nothing wrong with the coat.

Only the grassland lord Han Bingling knocked on the table and reminded everyone: "The main city of Dragon Snake Star ‘Fish Dragon City’ is definitely going to go, but everyone still needs to be vigilant, don’t take it too lightly!”

"I have been pondering the 'Dragon Snake Star Field' just now. It is reasonable to say that after conquering the four new worlds, instead of scribbling the roots, instead of leaving such a 'exile land,' it’s not a tiger. Looking for trouble?"

"Since the Xingyao Federation has such a heart-wrenching leader as Jin Xinyue, it is not going to be so soft-hearted and endless."

"However, if you think about it carefully, the Stars Federation originally had only three big worlds. In just a few hundred years, it absorbed four new worlds, and the expansion speed is too fast!"

"The so-called 'satisfaction is not up', swallowing four pieces of greasy fat in one breath, I am afraid that the Starry Federation is now very powerful, even if you have the heart to find all the world's resistance to suppress, it is absolutely Not enough."

"Since it is impossible to find out all the resisters to kill, instead of letting them hide their own minds and lurking in their hometowns to wait for opportunities, it is better to pose a 'magnanimous' gesture and prepare a new home for them. All of them are gathered together and placed on the bright surface to facilitate federal surveillance and control."

"This is probably the biggest goal of the establishment of the "Dragon Snake Star" by the Star Alliance."

"If this idea is what Jin Xinyue wants to come out, then this ‘snake enchantress’ is really a bit of a pound, and definitely not to be underestimated!”

"I mean, don't look at the self-contained system on the surface of the Dragon Snake Star. You can still squat at the foot of the Federation. In fact, the Dragon Snake Star Field is definitely in the federal high-level surveillance, full of federal eagle dogs and ears. ”

"If we only prepare a few fake identities, perhaps the federation is too lazy to entangle with our 'small role' of 'insignificant', but if we really do something out of the dragon city, we still think about the federal federation. It’s too naive to be indifferent!”

"Han Daoyou said very much."

Qi Zhongdao said, "Listen to the confession of Feiqi, the 'Red Flame Dragon King' Ding Bell and the 'Snake Monster' Jin Xinyue, are not easy to reach! If we choose the empire, these two women are Our most dangerous enemy; even if we choose the federation, it is quite difficult to bargain with these two women and take advantage of it!"

"Ding Ling and Jin Xinyue are all superb characters of the Xingyao Federation. They are the targets that we must be wary of for the next period of time, but I am more worried about another person, another... maybe more than the two women. Together, more terrible people."

One of the two great gods, "Wolf God" Meng Chixin made a dull voice in the iron shell, word by word, "That is the vulture Li Yao!" (To be continued.)

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