Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1564: Township squatting into the city

Five days later, the center of the Dragon Snake Star, near the gravitational circle of the Red Giant.

A starry city is traversing the deep purple sea.

This starry sky city has a crystal-clear honeycomb core shape, which is like a piece of hexagonal crystal or glass inlaid with uniform size. On the cross of each crystal, it is stretched out in all directions. Solar sails.

The thin, flapped solar sails also exhibit a translucent crystal texture, with delicately carved runes and psionic condensation and conveying pipes, making them look like a large, transparent leaf, with invisible The storm of the stars and seas swayed slightly.

These "leaves" or "flaps" or "sails" can absorb the radiation and heat that are released from the red giant stars, contain special magnetic fluctuations, and convert them to psionic energy to the greatest extent, through the capillary-like veins. Delivered bit by bit to the core of the honeycomb crystal, serving as the main source of energy for the city.

Here is the heart of the Dragon Snake Star, Fish Dragon City.

A swordfish attack ship carrying twelve ancient holy strongmen plus an imperial female prisoner of war, listening to the command of the Star Harbor navigator, mixed in hundreds of various starships, slowly from two huge suns Pass between the sails and lean on the No. 99 connection.

When a fixed array of invisible eyes is visible, the swordfish attack ship is firmly attached to the branch pier of the fish dragon city fork, and a joint is extended from the branch pier. A hose that automatically secretes the gel.

This hose, like a mollusk feeding device, trembles, stretches and contracts, sniffs and gropes around, and quickly finds the hatch of the swordfish attack ship, which is connected to each other by means of an insulating gel. Seamless, successful landing!

The Dragon Snake Star Field is an exile and is in anarchy.

Yulongcheng is also the "four-sacred chamber of commerce" from the four worlds of "Tianhuan, Crystal Valley, Nether Fort and Shuhai Bang", which together form the "four saints chamber of commerce" to maintain the most basic order.

Basically, as long as you pay a "port construction fee" to the Four Saints Chamber of Commerce, you can freely enter and exit the Dragon City without carrying a weapon of mass destruction. No one on the surface will ever ask more about the identity and purpose of the person coming.

Of course, the magic weapon of mass destruction can be hidden in the ring of the Qiankun, so the only condition for entering this dragon and snake mixed place is the money.

Fish Dragon City is a paradise for adventurers, a stage for brave people, and a battlefield for madmen!

After decades of rapid development, the wealth brought by the four worlds has created a deformed prosperity. Not only are the ghosts and zombies who are dissatisfied with the Xingyao Federation, they are used as refuge for the drunken fans; the strong insiders of the Federation who are eager to take risks and kill, The boy who lost patience in the calm real life, the fame of the fame, and the scum and the ghosts are all gathered here like flies attracted by carrion.

In the last ten years, the fireflies from the central part of the Xinghai Sea have also been parked near the Dragon Snake Star Field. Many monks of the "Orthodox Government of the Xinghai Republic" will also appear here in a veiled manner, enjoying the inability to get the firefly on the difficult conditions. Extravagant fun, even with the Dragon Snake Star as a springboard, a large-scale escape to the Stars Federation after all, supported by a firefly in the district, the "Xinghai Republic orthodox government" that has been lingering for a thousand years, it is not like Then I will continue to walk for a thousand years.

In short, the fish dragon city is like this, star thieves, spies, killers, bodyguards, smugglers, black market doctors, headhunters, traitors, cultivators... snake worms and ants, all five poisons, life and ugliness, day and night On the ground, there is a drama that is intertwined with conspiracy, blood, killing and betrayal.

Li Yao was mixed between eleven ancient holy strongmen and dark night orchids. When he slowly went to Xinggang exit, he gradually felt that his breathing was short, and some could not restrain his inner excitement.

Before "disposing" the amateur star thieves, such as Fitch, they searched for enough unnamed crystal cards, and they could be used as hard currency in the Dragon Snake Star field, and compressed into a coin shape with a special magic weapon. Spar block.

With just five "Spar Coin", they took up one of the most convenient VIP channels, eliminating the need for queuing and red tape.

As long as you pass through the double sealed door in front, you can return to the modern civilized society that has been away for centuries!

Although it is not really the territory of the Xingyao Federation, it is undoubtedly the scope of the federal forces and the highly infiltrated land. Here, we can gather more information about the Federation, about loved ones and friends!

After 100 years, how far has the Federation of Seven Realms developed?

Ding Lingwei and Jin Xinyue, what are the details of their respective adventures and developments?

Also, Wu Mayan, Xie Anan, Spring Breeze, Lei Continent, Bai Happy, Xiong Wuji, Professor Mo Xuan... What are the experiences and status quo of these people?

Li Yao can't wait to know all about it.

However, there are some meanings of "near-family love". I can't imagine how it would be a scene when they met Ding Ling and Jin Xinyue.

For a hundred years, although most of the time I fell into hibernation, my eyes closed and passed.

However, after all, it is a hundred years, a very long hundred years, and it is so long that he is about to forget the taste of the "avenue of the avenue."

Li Yao was instigated for a while.

He suddenly remembered that Ding Ling was on the asteroid, in the trenches of tens of thousands of meters deep, next to the gravitational circle of the pulsar... the nights and nights that explored life, exchanged ideals, and learned magical powers.

"Federal, I am back, my wife, I am back!"

Li Yao laughed at the bottom of his heart and strode to the double-sealed door with the automatic sensor array.


The door opens.

Although Li Yao thinks that he has done all the psychological preparations, the scene that is presented in front of him is deeply shocked!

This is a three-and-six-degree three-dimensional city built on the inner wall of the "Crystal Hive". There is no "up, down, left and right". There are tall buildings or "twigs" extending from the inner wall to the center.

They rely on small light **** that float in midair, such as fireflies, to illuminate, and these small **** are made with the magnetic fluctuations of red giant stars and radiant energy, through a capillary-like Conveying pipe, sent here.

Every small ball of light floats like a dandelion, and the light emitted by it alone is not dazzling, but the light of hundreds of small **** of light merges into a beautiful ocean of light.

The "life" of each small ball is not too long, like a milky white soap bubble bursting and annihilation, but the new small ball will sway to the center of the city, for this lawless chaotic city. , covered with a layer of camouflage and soft veil.

In the light of the light ball, the four different styles of the city of Fish Dragon City are presented in front of Li Yao and everyone.

The Tianhuan nobles admire elegance and lightness, and their architectural style thoroughly implements this. It is like a dysplastic lumber stick stacked together, with a large and thin shape everywhere, giving a foundation. Unstable, crumbling hollowness.

People in the crystal world like everything that is crystal clear, golden, and jewel. Their building is like a corn cob filled with synthetic diamonds.

The Netherland is a ghost repairing world. Their buildings are dark, dark and heavy. It is like a black turtle shell stacked together to help them resist the deadly radiation from the Xinghai and protect the fragile ghosts. It is meaningless to consume.

The exiles in the tree seas admire nature. It is said that their home is a planet surrounded by the original jungle. All kinds of strange plants even grow from the sea floor, highlight the sea surface and grow all the way to the atmosphere.

In Yulong City, they naturally cannot plant this giant tree that can break through the sky, but they still choose to decorate their new home with various strange-shaped plants. Li Yao even sees a hundred meters in diameter, I don’t know. Things that shouldn't be called "flowers" bloom on their giant tree buildings!

It’s just that these various modern buildings, all kinds of modern buildings, have been enough to call these “ears” of the ancient world for a long time, not to mention the shuttle bus that walks freely between buildings, and runs through the city and in the vacuum pipeline. The spirit of the train, and the most dazzling, unpredictable, is the overwhelming omnipresent huge light curtain!

The biggest difference between modern society and ancient society is neither architecture nor transportation, but information, which is the way in which information is presented and transmitted.

The modern self-cultivation civilization that experienced the big explosion of information, the degree of transmission and presentation of all kinds of information, is a hundred times more frantic than the ancient world, bursting a hundred times!

At least thousands of large light curtains of a few hundred meters square floated in midair, changing the light and shadow information at the speed of the wind and the rain. This is a delicate makeup, the upper body vacuum, the slapstick girl's dagger; the other is the stump in the arena The broken arm flies, the **** peak to the first point of view of the picture; the third is the stock market information of the Starry Federation, such as the fall of the stars, plus the screams of experts, scholars, scammers and madmen; the next is The latest research and development useful and useless magic treasure big discount big sale big vomiting blood sacrifice... grotesque, group magic dance, seven emotions and six desires, red orange red green blue blue purple, the ancient holy people completely stunned!


"Iron St." Qi Zhongdao was somewhat confused. He reached out and opened two non-existent things in the void.

It was the first three-dimensional light curtain advertisement, through the most advanced pupil focus and half-step illusion technology, to simulate the hot girl who was about to poke into the virtual *** in his eye socket (to be continued.)

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