Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1566: Double male matchup!

Long Yangjun and Li Yao looked at each other and did not dare to believe that the Star Alliance’s defense against the outside world would be so weak that it would make people sway into it without knowing it. The two looked at each other and Long Yangjun suspected: How is it possible to hear that the 'Sword of the Stars' of the Stars Federation is not omnipresent, omnipresent?"

"The secret swords are of course pervasive, but I have said that it is a 'semi-legitimate' status and will naturally not be investigated!"

The screw head language is amazing. "This matter is a semi-public secret inside the Stars Federation. The Federation needs the talents, technology and supernatural powers of the Firefly, but the 'Orthodox Government of the Xinghai Republic' is not for a while, nor Agreeing with the federal merger, the federation is naturally doing everything possible to attract talents on the Firefly and launch a 'talent battle'!"

"No matter what position your boss is on the Firefly, I always have some secrets from the Central Star of the Xinghai. Perhaps the usual magical power, technology and magic weapon that you see are the urgent needs of the Xingyao Federation. Key gaps in some important areas of the Federation!"

"The war is coming soon, the federal government pays the most attention to the talent pool. The bosses are very likely to be the strangers of the Xingyao Federation. You are willing to join the Federation. The federal government welcomes it too late. How can you set up obstacles? ”

Long Yangjun blinked and pretended to be in a dilemma: "But our government..."

"Your ‘the orthodox government of the Xinghai Republic’ is certainly abhorrent to such people’s migration and brain drain behavior. The two sides have negotiated many times and absolutely forbid this kind of behavior, so I said it’s ‘half legal’!”

The screw head pats the chest and guarantees that "the federal government will never admit that it is digging the corner of the 'Xinghai Republic's orthodox government' on the official level, so you can't immigrate to the federation through formal channels, even if you sneak into the past, there is also The possibility of repatriation."

"However, in the dark, many of the most influential big factions of the Xingyao Federation are actively working. They can prepare a seamless new identity for you, get through all the legal joints, help you make a face-lift and join the federation!"

"These sects are all hungry for talents from the fireflies. If you have a skill and a secret, you can definitely immigrate to the federation and live comfortably under their operation. Is it better to stay in the new life than to stay in the dark, cold, precarious fireflies?"

The screw head said that everyone was silent and into deep thought.

It seems that the orthodox government of the Xinghai Republic and the Xingyao Federation, although they are both self-cultivating civilizations and facing the enemies of the real human empire, the relationship between them is far from harmonious!

Long Yangjun turned back and asked the opinions of the people with his gaze. After receiving a positive reply, he again put on a hesitant look. He said to the screw: "You, don't worry about where we came from, we still I don’t think about whether I want to go to the Federation. In short, I will stay in the Dragon City for a few days, look at it, go shopping, play and talk!"

Saying, he found a purple-scented spar coin and threw it at him.

The screw head took over the spar coin and put it on his iron skull. The brightness of the four crystal eyes suddenly doubled. He smiled and said: "Well, such a big thing, indeed, should be more. Observing and observing and making a decision, we have a lot of information about the Federation in the Dragon City. After you have seen the bosses, you can have a deep understanding of the bone marrow in the Stars Federation. It is not too late to decide how to go ahead!"

"Wait, screw head."

Li Yao inserted, "When we were on the Firefly, I heard that your relationship with the Dragon Snake Star and the Stars Federation is not good. How can you look at it like this?"


The screw head is spread out with both hands. It doesn't matter, "The relationship is good or bad. It is also the big man and the rich who should worry about it. Do the bosses look at my screw head, like a rich man?"

"In the Dragon Snake Star Field, it is still an ordinary person and a low-ranking monk like me. If you can make a living together, you must do your best. Who has the leisure time to care for the relationship between the Dragon and the Snake Star and the Federation? ”

"Anyway, there are money to earn, there is food to eat, what is the federal federal, the empire is not an empire?"

"Moreover, my hometown is the secluded world. Our secluded world is a big world that joined the federation earlier. It is not like the war of the real swords and the real thing like the Tianhuan world. There is no blood feud that does not share the sky, who still manages so much!"

"Don't say so much, do you want to go there first, do you want to go there first, or do you want to find a hotel first, or do you have any special hobbies for casinos, arenas, nightclubs?"

The screw head straightens his hands, seeing Jian Yanyan away from the crowd, mixed weather, long wins, and ghost Qinxiong, Han Daling, and others, all staring at the sky in the most magnificent and magnificent light curtain, immersed in the light curtain transmission In the shocking picture that came over, I couldn’t help but smile: “This is the latest release of the 'Immersive Illusion Mirage' drama, the seventh part of The Young Inflammatory Biography, which tells the story of Wuma Yan’s adventure on the Iron Star. The story, although the plot is not new, but this 'immersion glare phantom' and the ordinary glare phantom have a difference, the most powerful thing is that the audience can freely 'immerse' into the perspective of any character in the drama. In the mood, even the way of thinking, with a different identity and perspective, all-round experience of a thrilling, fabulous adventure! How do you want to try?"

"Wu Ma Yan..."

Long Yangjun looked at Li Yao, but asked the screw head. "Is it the chief disciple of ‘vulture Li Yao’?”


The screw head slammed the fist and excitedly said, "It is the monster refiner who claims to have broken through the thousand realm of the refining period, and even the Yuan Ying old monster is not in the eyes!"

“A thousand years of refining?”

Qi Zhongdao, Yan Liren, Han Daling, Yu Changsheng... All the Yuan Ying old blame, so hanging out the breakfast.

Li Yao gently coughed and his face became a bit strange.

Long Yangjun blinked his eyes and confessed: "Since there is the illusion of Wu Ma Yan's glare, why is there no drama based on 'vulture Li Yao'?"


The screw head said, "The True Story of Vultures has been photographed more than 120. As for the outside story, there are no more than one hundred and eight hundred, and even Li Yao’s story in the tomb of the Fabao was taken. Tens of them have been stunned by the audience in the early decades. Now, whoever dares to pay for the bad streets! But if you want to pay tribute to the 'Three Realms' style, I can take you there. Go to some nostalgic theaters and keep you from watching the year is not the same!"

Rao is a resourceful and arrogant dragon Yang. Looking at the glittering information flow in the air, there are also some dazzling, I don’t know where to start.

At this moment, dozens of the hundreds of huge light curtains suddenly jumped to the same screen after a sudden flash of light.

In the picture, at a gathering of people and seas, an old man who had to be white and imposing, faced with thousands of excited people, shouted something, and was deeply embarrassed to everyone, very sorry.

"Sudden news!"

The head of the screw held his head and screamed. "The candidate of the nine-party alliance, Su Shenzhou, officially admitted that it would fail, and will withdraw from the election of the Supreme Council of the Supreme Council of the Stars, and urged his supporters to support all of them. Jin Xinyue, the snake-like demon girl! And the nine-party alliance will also reach a strategic cooperation with Tianhuo, and become the first force in the parliament! It’s finished, this time it’s really finished, and even the highly respected Su Shenzhou has surrendered, this time. The election has changed from 'the battle for the hegemony' to the 'double opposition', and the possibility of Kim Jongyue being elected is very high. This is really the end of the world!"

Sure enough, shortly after Su Shenzhou, the prestigious “Nine-Federation” candidate, announced that he had withdrawn from the general election, dozens of pictures flashed and were switched to another venue with a larger scale and more bursting momentum.

In the center of the venue, in the crowded and cheering of hundreds of millions of supporters, it is not disturbed by a little bit of interference, just like the nine-day mysterious woman standing quietly, it is Jin Xinyue.

Li Yao looked at the disciples in the light curtain and felt a lot in his heart.

A hundred years ago, Jin Xinyue had the same "devil king" as the knot period. One hundred years passed, and there was no trace on her appearance, but it was her watery eyes.眸 has become more and more profound.

She wore a white linen robes, which seemed to be both quiet and clean, spotless and generous, and inviolable.

Perhaps the real human empire is about to be under pressure. The new federal speaker must show a tough stance. She has added a golden corset jade belt outside the moon white robes, and a handle with a nine-star dragon emblem. The long sword, more and more to set off the graceful posture and beauty to the thrilling slender legs.

Jin Xinyue slammed his long sword and reached out to everyone, his face showing a sincere smile.

Li Yao was awkward, as if in a smile, he saw the shadow of another person.

Jin Tuo, Li Yao's worst encounter in this life, can even be said to be the only opponent who has not completely defeated!

"Golden slaughter, your 'red tide plan' is still almost successful!"

Li Yao sighed with mixed feelings in his heart. "A hundred years after the blood demon world declared defeat, your daughter Jin Xinyue finally fulfilled her promise to you, to me, to herself, and to the election federation. On the stage of the speaker, and defeated almost all the powerful enemies, from the three worlds... wrong, it is the throne of the leaders of the seven worlds, only one step away!"

"Just, the plan of a hundred years ago will soon become a reality very smoothly. Jin Xinyue should be the best candidate for the commanding star constellation and against the real human empire. Why is my heart still faint?"

The **** demons drilled out from the depths of the brain: "Are you faintly worried, this time, like every time in the past, at the crucial moment, what troubles are there?"

Li Yao: "Yes, from the experience of each of our previous adventures, Jin Xinyue is definitely not so easy to be the Federal Speaker! Even if she can rush to the end, there will be a thrilling, twisting and bizarre Unpredictable, it is possible to subvert the entire conspiracy of the entire Federation!"

"However, it doesn't matter, fortunately, we are back in time!"

"Oh, if this conspiracy is the same as the previous conspiracy in the Flying Stars, the Blood Demon world, and the Tianyuan world, then the behind-the-scenes ambassador of this conspiracy has already come out!"

"Golden Hearts should not betray me and the Union, she is loyal!"

"Then, her competitors, no matter how sinister, kind, and savvy, seemingly loyal to the country, paying everything for the federation... these are illusions, this person must be a traitor, a mastermind behind the conspiracy. !"

"It is like that Xiao Xuan Ce in the Feixing world, the ancestors of the phoenix in the blood demon world, Lu drunk and Zhou Heng knife in the Tianyuan world, the more high-powered big man, it will cause more damage!"

Scarlet Heart Devil: "It makes sense!"

Li Yao has a well-thought-out smile. He asked the guide: "The screw head, you just said that the federal election entered the stage of the 'double matchup', that is, there are only two candidates for the speaker. One is Jin Xinyue, and Who is one?"

The screw head said: "There is another one, but it is not the ‘Red Flame Dragon King’ Ding Bell. Besides her, who is still qualified to compete with Jin Xinyue?”

Li Yao: "..."

Scarlet Demon: "..." (to be continued.)

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