Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1577: This crystal has a problem! (fourth more!)


Li Yao slammed his mouth and had to have a chance to discuss with Jiang Shaoyang again.

Speaking of this, Li Yao suddenly has some embarrassment.

He felt that he was cheating with Jiang Shaoyang... cheating.

Yes, in the past 100 years, under the stimulation of various factors such as the Kunlun ruins, the four new worlds, and the fireflies bringing the central magical power of Xinghai, the federal refining industry has indeed experienced explosive development. Jiang Shaoyang as a refiner The best in the circle of teachers is definitely at the forefront of such a revolutionary wave.

Li Yao spends most of his time in hibernation, and he really has no time to study the time of refining, which is the last year.

On the surface, Li Yao ate a big loss, just like a rabbit in the tortoise and the hare racing.


In the last year, Li Yao was waiting for a vast majority of the cabins to be intact, and the inside of the unrestrained son-in-law battleship, there were nearly 20 sets of new giant soldiers, and more than 50 different forms. The wreckage of the giant gods, and countless, the cutting-edge magic weapon from the era of the wilderness can be studied!

Li Yao has no doubt about the potential, creativity and speed of development of human civilization.

However, today, human civilization is still a young civilization that has just grown into a long-term. Compared with Pangu and Nüwa civilization, it is also a fact of imitators and chasers.

The giant soldier is the ultimate weapon in the sea of ​​stars, condensing the highest technological crystallization of the female Yi people. The Federation of a hundred years ago, on the remains of Kunlun, only five giant soldiers who have been patched together, plus some Rusty, broken, and fragments of gray smoke and smoke have made great progress in the overall magic weapon technology.

The wreckage that Li Yao found on the son-in-law battleship, even if it could not be repaired at the beginning, would at least not be crispy and powdery, and it could be broken at once, which is of great research value!

The most important thing is that Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun have become two great gods, and they have also helped Li Yao find dozens of jade pieces containing the "Great God Soldier Maintenance Manual"!

It seems to be one, not right. It is dozens of teachers from the women's Yi people. They teach Li Yao how to analyze and repair dozens of different giant soldiers!

If you fix it to a slightly lower point, people who have a slightly shallower understanding of refining techniques may not understand the true value of these giant soldiers.

However, before Li Yao went deep into the women's battleship, he was already a refiner of the Yuan Ying series. It was a realm of his own. It was a law and a law, and many of the shortcomings were just ideas and visions.

Repairing and debugging these giant soldiers, and analyzing hundreds of treasures of the wild, it is like he is stepping on the shoulders of one giant after another, stepping into the supreme hall of high-level realm of refining!

Make an inappropriate analogy.

For example, the “Front Eclipse” Jiang Shaoyang, a federal top refiner, is like a student who is both genius and diligent to the extreme. He has received 10,000 sets of college entrance examination mock papers, which are completely chewed in one year. Get the perfect score in the college entrance examination!

And Li Yao... I can't guarantee that I must be smarter or more diligent than Jiang Shaoyang. I don't have so much time to do so many secrets of famous teachers. I can't even guarantee that I will get full marks in all subjects of the college entrance examination.

He only closed in the research room of several university professors for half a month, and got the personal guidance and transcripts of the professors of these universities. He can understand the professors' papers and research topics, and that's all.

This is the difference between Li Yao and Jiang Shaoyang.

Li Yao reluctantly glanced at the "Fantasy Moon Butterfly" designed by Jiang Shaoyang, and found out one hundred stars. On the vending machine, he purchased the latest magic weapon and material catalogue in the magic weapon center.

This catalogue uses jade as a storage medium. As long as it is inserted into the crystal brain, it can inspire more than 100,000 pages of magic weapons and materials, from swords to guns to wafers, to civilians including luxury shuttles. The magic weapon has everything.

Like the magic weapon, such as Jing Hao, first look at the introduction and specific parameters in the catalog, and then through the virtual cabin, in the illusory real experience, all after the satisfaction and then pick up the goods, go to the test site for actual combat test, which is the most economical transaction cost , the practice of improving efficiency.


Li Yao’s eyes are like electricity, and the light curtain flashes rapidly, sweeping from the list of rows of crystal rafts.

"The crystals that are suitable for Jindan strong and Yuanying grotesque are all high-grade goods, the price is not cheap, but also for the three ghosts of Meng Chixin, Wu Suiyun and Wan Mingzhu, preparing three super-powerful fighting spirits. Mechanical body, this is a very small market, the price is very high and rare!"

"I don't know if Long Yangjun's actions are going smoothly, will he make any troubles, how much money can he get?"

“Surely, let’s take a look at the magic weapon components, the reinforcement unit and the second-hand crystal shovel!”

Li Yao does not care about money.

It is the same as all the masters of refining, there is a professional habit, always feel like buying a whole set of crystals like a normal comprehension, it is simply an insult to their own technology.

Buy a frame or second-hand goods, and then piece together, polish and strengthen yourself, this is the practice of "the craftsman."

Li Yao turned the catalogue to the second-hand crystal bowl.

The dragon snake star field is a place where the weak meat is strong, the sword is light and the shadow is unspeakable, and the scrap rate of the crystal scorpion is high and scary.

The Fortune Mall in Yulong City naturally has a large number of crystals that have been severely damaged in the battle and sold at very low prices.

According to the damage situation and the repairable value, the second-hand crystal enamel is divided into different levels, such as “70% new, 50% new”, and those broken crystals that are about to be broken into a pile of scrap copper and iron, the price is almost like It is as cheap as scrap copper.

"this is"

Li Yao didn't expect to find anything baby here, just flip it over. I didn't expect a broken crystal scorpion that suddenly came out, but it made his eyes shine and even subconsciously took a breath.

Actually, unexpectedly, it turned out to be a new 30-year-old mysterious warrior generation!

That is, more than a hundred years ago, when he was still in the refining system of the Great Wild Warfare, he was refining the mysterious warfare with Yuan Manqiu, and after mass production, equipped with the common model of the old EFF!

Looking at the three-dimensional light curtain slowly emerged, this riddled hole can not stand, such as a sturdy soldier who climbed out under the nine secluded yellow springs, the skin and durable characteristics of the skin to the most vivid crystal, the past countless memories In the heart, Li Yao has an impulse to tears.

Unexpectedly, after a hundred years, I can see again here... old friends!

Gently rotated the light curtain, 360 degrees scanned the first generation of this mysterious war, found that although the armor and power unit are fragmented, but the most basic skeleton is almost intact, the price is quite cheap, Li Yao did not hesitate to pay the deposit directly through the catalog, took it, and purchased a strengthening component far beyond the price of this mysterious war, and also rented a high-level repair and modification room. !

Decided, in general, when you need to fight the crystal war, use this mysterious bone generation!

This is feelings!


Three hours later.

Wearing a new generation of mysterious bones, I swayed into the Jingjing Test Center, and Li Yao smiled and opened her mouth. The chest was full of fun and darkness that was not enough for outsiders.

This year, wearing a set of old antique mysterious generations more than a hundred years ago dangling on the battlefield seems to be a very weird and eye-catching thing.

Even the ancient sages such as Meng Chixin, as long as they have the shallowest understanding of Jingjing, will have doubts about his choice.

However, this small obstacle can not help Li Yao this "demon star".

For more than 100 years, as the most classic model of the Federation, the mysterious warfare has been constantly updated and upgraded. Li Yao has purchased some armor and components of the new mysterious warfare, carefully polished and will be the mysterious generation. The shape has been transformed into a relatively new "high-mobility of the 13th generation of mysterious bones."

Naturally, most of the units from ultra-high compression cell reactors to dynamic arrays and aggressive magic weapons are all shotguns, and all the performance parameters are flying, but they still retain the original juice of the mysterious bones. The original sense of operation, this kind of full-fledged transformation, is not the most loyal magic fan and the most fanatical refiner. It is absolutely incomprehensible.

"The hard feeling of operation! This has no room for force feedback! This squeaky crystal brain noise! ​​This rigid sprint on the bottom! This wave is transmitted from the backbone to the internal organs of the internal organs! His mother is called Jing Yan! This **** is the mysterious bone! 'It’s the man who wants to open the mysterious bones of the mysterious bones!'

Li Yao's blood is arrogant, cool to the extreme, while squinting, enjoying the most basic punches, jumps and sprints, while scanning and galloping from his side, making a series of flowers, gorgeous and extremely killing tricks Crystals.

It is like a raptor in a sheepskin, glimpsing a large group of lions, tigers and hungry wolves.


Li Yao’s brain exploded with thousands of battle scenes, all of which were based on the battle parameters of these high-level crystal scorpions.

"Well, if I inspire the fighting power of the Golden Age, with the growth of this mysterious generation, it should be able to completely kill this reinforced "Ghost" in the chest and legs in five seconds!"

"Hey, this cockroach is so dense that it is a good cockroach of the flying sword. It is similar to the 'Wanjian' in the memory. Calculate it, according to its owner only playing 30% of the combat power, it should be able to Solve it in eleven seconds!"

"This one, nine seconds! This one, fifteen seconds! Here five units add up... one minute thirty-three seconds to one minute forty-five seconds!"

at this time

"call out!"

A nearly translucent, light-smoke sapphire crystal smashed from the side of the mysterious bones!

Li Yao’s eyebrows leaped and his eyes glowed.

"This is OK. I have never seen this style of crystal enamel before. It combines the essence of the refinery of the New Fourth World, and brings a little taste from the center of Xinghai. The styles of seven or eight different genres can be so well combined. Not only must the design have a level, but also a certain amount of manual grinding skills, quite good!"

"Hey, the overall feeling is similar to the "Fantasy Moon Butterfly" that Jiang Shaoyang designed just now. It is just a little younger, an assistant, or a true disciple?"

"Yes, Jiang Shaoyang, the works of the disciples are so good!"

"The master of this crystal cymbal is very powerful. From the two steps just taken, if I only use Jindan's combat power, I am afraid it will take one minute and three seconds to get him and this crystal. Thoroughly blasted!"

When Li Yaozhen was amazed and could not conceal the meaning of the appreciation of the eyes, this crystal blue, such as a light smoke, suddenly stopped at the end of the test field.

The sergeant unloaded the helmet and revealed a knives, anger, and whiskered faces. He rushed to the several maintenance technicians who were up and said: "No, this crystal has a problem!"

The fourth is sent, at the end of the month, if you still have a monthly pass, don't waste it. After the end of the month, you will be void! (To be continued.)

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