Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1588: Valuable point

The girl named Tang, the daughter of the Captain of the Firefly, is a master of refining weapons. She is a super-warship of the small warship, which is comparable to a small battle.

However, when I walked alone to the door of this seemingly unremarkable refining room, there was some tension that was unreasonable.

Buyers who have purchased so many boring materials and broken magic weapons at once, what kind of refining team will it be?

The door of the refining room was silent and slipped open in front of her eyes, and it was a scent of sour and scent.

There are no more than 100,000 kinds of materials that Tang’s girl has contacted. There are also 80,000 kinds of materials. The shape and atmosphere of most materials in the universe are clear, but careful identification can not tell the source of this sour incense. For the horror.

The girl named Tang was even more embarrassed. She took a deep scent of air and walked in with a dignified look.

This is the highest level refining room opened to the center of the Four Saints Fabo. It is divided into two sets inside and outside, and even inside the negative pressure clean room, it can carry out some highly precise operations.

Now, there is no one in the air, but through the glass window, you can clearly see the inside of the suspension detection array, there are several materials and magic weapons to complete the processing and repair, is suspended in midair, observe its stability .

Seeing these materials, the pupil of Tang’s surname suddenly shrank and almost screamed.


“Moon rubber has been processed? This kind of luster, this kind of form, this kind of flow is wonderfully changed, and it is really perfect!”

“There are more than a dozen materials such as ‘water gel gel’, ‘seven huangmu’, and ‘dongyin stone’, all of which are handled perfectly and can exert the ultimate performance of each piece of material!”

"How is it possible that the purchase of our materials from these buyers will not exceed two hours now? The average person is thinking about how to deal with the materials under the remedy. It is necessary to conceive for three or five days. How can it be processed so quickly! ”

"And, this"

The girl named Tang was screaming like a kitten.

"This 'super static rotor' is not dismantled in our 'planetary through gun' overload accident. After the expert appraisal has lost the repair value, I was also present, this 'super static rotor 'It’s also passed my identification, it’s completely useless!”

"Why, why did it get repaired, in such a short time!"

"And, what do the owners want to do with this ‘super-static rotor?’, what are the things that are partial to the door, and there are people who will use it besides us?”

The girl named Tang was screaming at her heart and resisting the impact of a wave of high waves and horror.

If it is not a firm heart, she even has to wonder if she is in the illusion of the enemy, and she is caught in the real world, how can such a ridiculous thing happen!

“哧 哧 哧 哧 哧 哧 哧 ” ” ” ”

Just then, a scalp and numb voice came from the outside corner, causing her attention.

She turned her head in an inch and an inch.


The girl named Tang originally thought that the buyer who purchased and prepared so many materials in one breath was sure to be a team of experienced, well-trained and super professional refiners.

This luxurious refining room is filled with hundreds of high-end instruments and magic weapons, originally designed for a whole team.

But Lai Yangyang relies on the corner of the refining room, but there is only one person, a very special person who is independent and unconventional.

The girl’s gaze of the Tang family, from the blue-and-white two-tone toe slippers at the foot of the person, extends to the colorful beach pants, and then to the old man’s trousers, which are of course in the shorts and undershirts. Service, prove his identity.

The girl named Tang has a kind of impulse to poke her eyes.

"It’s slippery and slippery."

In the other hand, there is still a bowl of food... It seems to be a food called “instant noodles”. It is sucking the twisted noodles in a small mouth and mouth, and the smell of sauerkraut in the whole room is emitted from the inside!

The brain of the girl named Tang was blank, and all of her brains were filled with seemingly rich side dishes on the deep purple bowl, and the magic sound of “snap, slippery, slippery”.

"This, what is this!"

"This kind of inferior simple food, even in the backcountry on the edge of the Xinghai Sea, hasn't it been eliminated for decades? Now everyone eats fresh food that is instantly locked in water. Where did he find it?" I know that ancient foods that have not expired are still full of intoxication!"

"This, what is this black something, it will not be the legendary halogen egg, the question is how long this halogen egg has been put!"

The girl named Tang was on the verge of collapse.

Li Yaoshu enjoys instant noodles and marinated eggs comfortably, and squats and eats. Although the taste and nutrition are not good, it is a taste of more than one hundred years ago!

He still remembers that before he became a self-cultivator, he was on the train station in the north, and he was eating instant noodles while learning from the refiner.

As soon as the smell of instant noodles is heard, countless past events are poured into the heart. This is something that can't be replaced by any delicacies!

"Do you have the materials on the list?"

Seeing that the girl named Tang was stupid there, Li Yao could only ask for a bowl of noodles.

He didn't want to reveal his whereabouts, but the materials listed by Tang's surname were indeed very attractive. There were even a few refinings in the memory fragments of Ouyezi, but the preciousness of the Xingyao Federation could not be found. material.

With these materials, he can greatly enhance everyone's crystal and magic weapons.

Weighing the pros and cons, and seeing the master of the refiner on the Firefly, it seems that there is not much harm.

After all, everyone will fight against the real human empire in the future, and it can be regarded as a comrade-in-arms fighting side by side!

Hearing Li Yao’s voice, he looked at the template avatar he was very familiar with, and finally confirmed it with his flip-flop slippers. Tang’s girl slammed through a flash of lightning and shouted: “It’s you!”

Li Yao took another bite of noodles and looked at the expression of Tang’s girl from doubt to horror, from horror to excitement, from excitement to fear, from fear to worship...

He blinked and gave a mouthful of instant noodles to his mouth.

It seems to be recognized by the other party.

However, the problem is not big. Anyway, he used a fake identity and an unnamed crystal card. After leaving the Four Saints Fabo Center, who can know who he is.

"I thought you were coming to trade materials."

Li Yao frowned slightly. "You just have the materials on the list. If you don't have one, you don't have to waste each other's time."

"Yes, there!"

The girl named Tang was unable to excite herself, and nodded again and again. "The materials listed just now have all the prices, and the prices are absolutely favorable, the predecessors! This, this 'super static rotor' is repaired, it is incredible, We use "Let the Stars to Lead the Moon" to repair the internal array, but how can we fix it? What kind of supernatural powers did the seniors use to fix it?"

Li Yaodao: "I also use "Leading Stars to Lead the Moon"."

The girl named Tang is amazed: "How is it possible!"

Li Yao forked the remaining half of the halogenated egg, faintly said: "Maybe, as long as the hand is fast."

"Hand fast..."

The girl named Tang looked at Li Yaoping’s unpredictable, and the hands of the ordinary comprehension were no different, and once again fell into deep confusion.

"If you really have these materials, I am really interested."

Li Yao sees the Tang surname girl and starts to daze again. He can only turn the topic to the right thing again. After thinking about it, some of them are embarrassed. "But this is the case. I have a fund. It is estimated that it will take two days to get in place, so we can Can't check the color of this batch of materials first, and then settle it out slowly? Anyway, I will stay here all the time, and never leave the material with it."

"This one……"

The girl named Tang was in a state of confusion. She discovered that the mysterious man who had been standing silently beside him at the test field half a day ago was actually such a shocking master of refining, and the material was not important at all!

If you can make a relationship with such a master, how are these materials given to him?

However, this man who is chewing instant noodles and marinated eggs is really a master of refining, what will not be misunderstood?

Is he on the "deep blue thunder", or is there another person?

Who is he, a supernatural person who lives on the edge of the Xinghai?

The nature of the refiner in the blood of the girl named Tang was thoroughly motivated, and she had the courage to ask Li Yao. The hands and feet on the deep blue thunder were not moving.

However, Chu Zhongjiu and Nie Siyuan’s warnings just now are still in the ear, so that she can finally maintain the most basic rationality and ask for an exit without slamming.

When the mind was moved, Tang’s surname changed her questioning method. Bi Gong said with respect: “Predecessors, all the materials are good to say, and later the younger will take you to our material warehouse to buy, money, it’s not a problem!”


"Half a day ago, when the younger generation presented the ugly next to the magic weapon test site, the predecessors were next to it. Can you ask the seniors to adjust the ‘deep blue thunder’ technique to the younger generation, how many comments?”

Li Yao took a sour instant noodle soup and understood the meaning of the girl named Tang.

This is to use your own comments to act as a "deposit".

It is also reasonable. After all, the rare materials of others cannot be delivered to their own hands.

"I didn't see it in the second half, but from the performance of the front, it's just fine. The deep blue Thunder itself is very good by Wu Ma Xuan, you can squeeze out new potential, not bad."

Li Yao said dryly.


The girl’s gaze of Tang’s surname was sharp and sharp, and she took a deep breath and tightened the powder boxing. “I really want to get the guidance of my predecessors. Please don’t care about my feelings, and my mistakes and omissions are straightforward. Point out! I, I am willing to use a pure natural 'Qingxing ancient meteorite', in exchange for the guidance of the predecessors!"

Li Yao glimpsed a little, and sucked in a instant noodles in the corner of his mouth. He looked deeply at the girl named Tang. "Your adjustment method is really very good. I didn't perfuse you, but you and Wu Ma. Like the mysterious, it is a big mistake from the root. What is the value of this evaluation?"


The girl named Tang was like a thunderous thunder, and she was dumbfounded. "I am the same as Wu Ma Xuan. From the root, is it a big mistake?" (~^~)

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