Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1597: Dark side of the moon

Li Yao involuntarily touched his mouth and whispered: "The federation will not treat every hero that it has dedicated, especially the unknown hero on the secret front!"

Long Yangjun chuckled: "Maybe, but these 'cleaners' of the Haoyue team have been engaged in the most secretive and dirty offensive intelligence work for decades in the federal integration of four new worlds. Most people are scarred and left many diseases, both physical and psychological. They have been turned into a machine for killing and destroying by the black war. Such a person, even if it is a hero, cannot be retired like a normal person. Like a veteran, can you easily go back to the society and live a normal life?"

Li Yao said, "Well, what are the final fate of these 'cleaners' of the Haoyue team?"

Long Yang Jundao: "There is a great disagreement between the secret sword bureau for the Yueyue team or the 'cleaning place'. It is said that several senior members of the secret sword bureau are very unhappy, and anyway, it will be all the last. The monthly team's cleaners swept out of the house, and set up a 'Yuyue Foundation' to take care of their later life, to ensure that they are safe and squandered for a lifetime."

Li Yao sighed with relief: "Is this not very good?"

"Not good, not good at all."

Long Yangjun said, "Everyone is a high-ranking monk. He is more than a heart. Isn't it a good word for squandering and squandering?" Is it enough for you to satisfy, Lingxiao Daoyou?"

Li Yao glimpsed a little, and his brow gradually wrinkled, muttering: "The reason is reasonable. If it is repaired to the end of the knot, the material needs are basically no longer a problem. The higher-order monks need more spiritual satisfaction and The recognition of the public, even the implementation of their own ethics, should expand their ideas into the whole sea of ​​stars!"

"But, then, what is the idea or heart of the 黯月小队?"

Long Yang Jundao: "We can't find out the specific details. In short, the Haoyue Foundation was established shortly after it was established by another government department. It is inconvenient to continue to engage in some government, federal army and secret swords. The task, as well as many wealthy giants to defend their interests in the New World, will also be solved through the Haoyue Foundation."

"You can understand that the current Star Alliance has two major intelligence agencies, one is the secret and the other is the secret sword. This is an open, defensive and homeland security institution. You can be in the federal capital. I found the building of the Secret Sword Bureau, and the director of the Secret Swords Bureau was one of the top executives who often appeared in the media. Even as time passed, the archives and files of the secret operations of the Secret Swords Bureau in the past few decades were decrypted one by one. In front of the public."

"Open, bright, security-oriented and defense-oriented intelligence agencies!"

"And in the dark, there is also a 'non-existent intelligence agency', that is, the Haoyue Foundation, which is an offensive, secretive and ruthless organization, can not find its name in the sequence of the federal government department. Even in private funds, it is intimidating to it. The federal high-level will never admit that there is such an organization, and it will not endorse all actions of this organization, but it really exists and penetrates into all EFF and secret swords. The bureau is inaccessible, dark and **** corners!"

Li Yao was silent for a while: "Understood."

Long Yangjun smiled softly: "No, you don't understand, do you want to know the founder and first commander of the Haoyue team, and who is the biggest supporter of the Haoyue Foundation? I don't know your Good apprentice Jin Xinyue, why is it called a 'snake demon girl'?"

Li Yaofei blinked quickly: "No?"

"There is something ‘no’, don’t you look down on the true disciple of the ‘Three Realms’?”

Long Yangjun flew quickly. "One hundred years ago, Tianyuanjie and the **** demon world were still in the war period. The government of the **** demon world, under the 'Wan Yao Temple', had a secret institution called 'The Virgin Palace', which specially trained 'Wan "The demon temple", you should know this?"

Li Yaodao: "Of course."

When he and Jin Xinyue had just met, Jin Xinyue was the identity of the "Vatican of the Wan Yao Temple". She was sent to the "Holy Palace" by her father Jin Tu, and accepted the most cruel and professional saint. The so-called 'Saints' is a mixture of female assassins, female spies, and female agents.

In the two hundred years of discovering each other in the blood demon world and the Tianyuan world, the blood demon world has always occupied the advantage on the battlefield, pressing the Tianyuan world to fight, so the "Holy Palace" and "Secret Board" of the intelligence agencies are genetically There is a big difference.

The Virgo Palace is more focused on offense. Its purpose is to send more demon agents to sneak into the federation, perform various destructive tasks, and prepare for the **** demon world to fully suppress and even invade the heavenly world.

The Secret Sword Bureau focuses on defense. The main job is to dig out these demon spies who sneak in and destroy.

If the Secret Sword Bureau is the strongest shield of the Federation, then the Virgin Palace is the **** demon world, the most sharp spear!

Long Yang Jundao: "Because the blood demon world is conditional surrender, and Jin Xinyue's father, the former Wan Yao coalition commander Jin Tuyi has put most of the war crimes down, and the Imperial Expeditionary Force is imminent. The threat, so the system of the blood demon world has not been affected by the injury. At least until Jin Xinyue lifted the butcher knife to his compatriots. This saint’s palace training camp was also changed. It fell down and fell into the hands of Jin Xinyue."

"Jin Xinyue himself is a 'saint' and she knows everything about the 'Saints' Palace. She relies on Tianhuo to implement innovation on the bright side, and on the other hand, she builds through the 'Ladies' Palace. The first batch of absolutely loyal private soldiers, and relying on these private soldiers, using the most ruthless, resolute and vigorous means to sweep away all the actor in the Yaozu, in the following decades, the earth demon world has undergone earth-shaking transformation !"

"At the same time that the **** demon world was completely integrated into the federation, she also gained absolute control over the entire blood demon world even if her father did not do anything!"

Li Yao took a long breath and didn't know what to say.

Long Yangjun smiled softly: "I really like Jin Xinyue, this little girl, I have a chance to introduce it to me! Continue to say that Jin Xinyue is making a relentless transformation of the blood demon world. At the same time, he slowly entered the federal center. She used some of the interests of the blood demon world to exchange it, in exchange for the appreciation of many federal sects, and thus entered the secret sword bureau."

"Because the key work of the Secret Sword Bureau at that time was to solve the problems of the Three Realms, especially the problems that occurred in the union of the Tianyuan and the Blood Demon, and most of these problems were caused by the unruly demon. It’s a good idea to solve it personally by Jin Xingyue, the demon saint."

“Jin Xinyue did a very good job, so she quickly became a leader in the secret sword bureau. In just 20 years, she became the front commander responsible for direct action.”

"At this time, the first new world was discovered, and in the foreseeable future, there will surely be more thousands of worlds to be discovered. The focus of the Secret Sword Bureau will shift from internal to external, from defensive to offensive. This is the traditional secret agent of the Secret Sword Bureau, and has never encountered a situation."

Li Yao thought about it, Long Yangjun said it is not without reason.

Take the most outstanding secret sword of the Secret Sword Bureau, and he has repeatedly confronted him a hundred years ago, and finally joined forces to solve the "Patriot's chaos".

At that time, the Spring Breeze claimed to be the "strongest golden Dan" with four talents. Even if he met Yuan Ying, he was not worried, and he did catch the Li Yao's tail in many pursuits. .

However, the spring breeze is indeed better at defending rather than attacking. It is better at catching rats than cats. It is a sneak sneak sneak and a smashing mouse. His relatively conservative and calm personality makes him the best person to defend the federal homeland security, but But it does not necessarily adapt to the new strategy of the federal active in the Xinghai... expansion!

Long Yang Jundao: "Understand? The traditional habit of the Secret Sword Bureau is to focus on defense, but the traditional style of the 'Holy Palace' is attack, infiltration, spying, destruction and killing, since now Jin Xinyue is the secret sword bureau. The director of action, in the face of a new situation, naturally thought of his old team."

"So, the original "Greek Palace" under the **** demon world, after several decades of reincarnation, reshaping, and turning around, became the 'fourth part of the secret sword bureau', known as 'logistics and cleaning At the office, the codename of the pair is '黯月小队'. Many of the original members have a demon pedigree, and Jin Xinyue himself is the first commander."

"The original Haoyue squad may be just a temporary institution, just to solve a special event or a special enemy who is particularly stubborn and sinful, but... in just a few decades, I found four in one breath. In a new world, before the imperial army is overwhelmed, the integration of resources and the unification of the people's minds will be completely completed. This 'special event' must be endless, so in the next few decades, the size, strength and authority of the Haoyue team will be Constantly expanding, gradually forming a tail that can't be lost!"

Li Yao took a deep breath: "Wait, these insiders, I am afraid it can be asked in just ten minutes?"

Long Yangjun smiled and said: "Hey, you found it, yes, these details are based on the information I collected a few days ago, as well as the information I just asked, plus some of my past experiences, comprehensively sorted out However, the gap with the truth should not be too big, and it will not leave ten, believe me!" (~^~)

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