Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1599: At the end of the red tide, the moon rises

At the same time, the vast expanse of the Xinghai Sea, Tianyuanjie, the capital of the Federal Republic of China, Tiancheng.

Since the blood demon world has surrendered to the Tianyuan world 100 years ago, the three worlds have merged into a high-speed development, and the population has also exploded. The population of Tianyuanjie has grown ten times, and the area of ​​Tiancheng has expanded dozens of times. Not only swallowed up a dozen satellite cities around, but also continued to move up high, relying on new materials to refine the ultra-high-speed lifting platform and short-distance transmission array, established a new universe port outside the atmosphere, known as "the next day city".

The super-starships from the seven thousand worlds and countless resource planets can be parked directly in the cosmic port area, and then on short-distance transmission arrays, appearing on the ground in the sky.

This is a vibrant and incomparable city. It is an enterprising and fast-changing paradise. Nearly one billion people live in the sky, the ground and the underground, and together they provide a powerful beating force for the heart of the Star Alliance!

The southeast of Tiancheng is a solemn and solemn administrative district. It spans a small square with flowers and flowers, and is the building of the Ministry of Equality and Development.

In this small square, there is a very famous statue called "Rainbow Smile".

It is a child with different clothes and even different forms, showing the distinct local characteristics of Tianyuan, Blood Demon, Flying Star, Nether, Crystal, Tianhuan and Shuhai. The three men and four women are surrounded by a circle. Take the opportunity to jump and play games.

Regardless of the **** demon girl with a slightly demon bloodline, she implants special seeds under the superficial skin, and the natives of the trees and seas that grow flowers and plants, or from the Netherland, the early-mothers in the steel shackles, The face was overflowing with the same bright smile.

This statue is a symbol of the “seven-world fusion”. The most popular image of the Federation in recent decades, its imitations are everywhere in the streets and squares of the seven worlds, and even refined to a highly generalized character. Become a badge of the Federal Ministry of Equality and Development.

However, if you follow the iron-gray steps of the Development Department building and enter the interior of the Development Building, you will see another statue of a different style in the hall, a statue that may better explain the true functions of the “Development Department”. .

It is seven big hands, clinging to seven different shapes, also with a strong local sword, cross-overlapping shapes.

The seven swords are stained with bloodstains, and the blood of a glimpse is even blended together.

The name of this statue is called "The League of Seven Swords."

"Hey, hey, hey!"

The smooth, mirror-like star-spotted marble has a crisp high-heeled percussion sound.

When Jin Xinyue walked through the statue of the "Seven Swords Alliance", he helped the glasses that supported the purple border, hiding the subtle emotions that the statue reflected in the eyes.


The civil servants who come and go have greeted her, and she also returned to the most perfect smile. Even if she just graduated from college, the bottom-level staff who worked in the development department for two or three years can feel from her approachable smile. That sincere warmth.

One hundred years ago, in the battle to stop the "spore virus outbreak" in the **** demon world, regardless of the golden heart that rushed to the front line, it has always been a holy glory, a sad, sinister, and spotless shape.

A hundred years of time, it seems that it has not left too many traces on her skin as delicate as jade, but it is a deeper and more intense charm between her deep beauty and gestures, especially that Two just-right smiles symbolize her evolution from a slightly awkward girl to the woman's most embarrassing, smashing, and tempting time.

As one of the top executives of the Federation, she has been used to wearing simple black and white clothing for many years, and wearing a pair of glare glasses that do not make much sense to the self-cultivator to cover up their thrilling beauty.

Today, she is still a set of black suits that can't be officially formalized. There are a lot of jewels on the body. In addition to the "smile rainbow" brooch with the development badge, the slender neck is hung down. A string of pendants with a pendant of the Nine Stars.

This is the same as her public statement to the news media a long time ago. "I am married to the woman of the Starry Federation."

Her approachable, flawless smile, has been maintained in the minister's dedicated No. 1 lifting platform, and still has not faded half.

Until the door was gently slid open, she stepped into the corridor of the 33rd floor of the Development Building. The glasses with dark purple borders also swayed with a touch of blood as the light changed. In one breath, from the gap of the smile, the ocean overflowed with a faint temperament belonging to the "snake and sorcerer".


Her waist was suddenly straighter, her chest was higher, and the pace was suddenly accelerated. It was like a sharp sword, and she rushed to her goal.


"The president is good!"

In the hallway, some face-faced knives, evil-shaped and evil, even with strong characteristics of the demon family, have changed their faces, legs are close together, and Christine is respectful to her.


This time, she no longer returns to a useless smile one by one, just gently nodding to them and quickly moving towards her destination.

The 33rd floor of the Development Department Building is a "logistics and cleansing office". These fierce and sturdy people are the "cleaners" of the Ministry of Development.

Of course, they also have another employee who is a member of the Haoyue Foundation.

Jin Xinyue is the president of the Haoyue Foundation.

Not everyone is qualified to call her a "president". Only the old brothers who have been born and died together in the four new worlds in the past few decades have had such power...

Cleaning office, file management room.

Jin Xinyue closed the door from the inside.

The heavy alloy gates made a "squeaky" mechanical rotation in the depths, and more than ten defensive arrays flashed one by one, which proved that the files piled up here were not so simple as the toilet paper used by the Ministry of Development last year.

In the file management room, there is only one half of the old and new, and it is manipulated by a ghost who seems to be in the wood.

Among the government departments, especially those involved in the combat field, Ghost Repair occupies a large part of the employees.

These people are often veterans who have fought in battles before, and they have made great contributions to the country. After the unfortunate sacrifice, they have no chance to fly away, and they still retain a relatively clear consciousness.

If you are unwilling to retire and support the elderly, you will often stay in the original department and continue to serve in the form of grassroots civilian work.

The file manager is extraordinarily old, moving and even turning very slowly, and the dim eyes are completely silent from time to time. It seems that the next second will completely disappear.

"The plan for the month begins."

Jin Xinyue sat down and looked at the archivist complexly. It was like looking forward to it, but it was a little uneasy. "I have planned for this for 30 years, just to make a successful "Red Tide Plan". The full stop, don't you have anything to say?"

The archivist was slow to lift the rusty head from the dusty file, and the turbid crystal eye was hard to radiate intermittent light, silent for a long time without speaking.

"I am sorry."

Jin Xinyue continued to smile, but the smile was unspeakable bitterness and desolateness, as if he was talking to himself. "I used the best 30 years and a hundred years of my life, and even gambled on my own. Throughout the future, from the 'Red Tide Plan' to the 'Haoyue Plan', the most crucial scene has finally come, but the two 'audiences' I am most looking forward to, you have been sleeping for too long, and this is the same, he is still lost in Deep in the Xinghai, I don’t know where to go..."

In the old-fashioned sound system of the archivist, the voice of "嘶嘶" was heard, and the power of the shackles was abolished, and it was difficult to gather together into a piece of advice: "Don't... turn yourself into... second Lv drunk."

"Lv drunk?"

Jin Xinyue took off the amethyst glasses with the amethyst fine-edged frame, put it in the delicate palm of the white, and said faintly, "Do you know, for decades, I have been in the situation of the **** demon world and the Tianyuan world. As a kind of thinking game and relaxation method, sometimes, even if you really substitute yourself into the perspective of the Patriot organization, you will be able to completely eliminate the Yaozu!

"It's very difficult. I have to admit that the situation facing Lvshui is really difficult. Everyday and right, there is almost no one on his side."

"However, in many ways, he chose the most stupid one. The assassination of the speaker in the Federal Square, or even the deliberate killing of civilians, completely crucified him on the shame of history. ""

"I can't help but think, if Lu drunk did not do this at the time, did not do these things to completely break the bottom line, but choose another relatively legal means to implement their own ideas, what will happen?"

"Maybe at that time, he didn't have a chance, he would lose that battle for a while, but he can retain most of his vitality. After a hundred years, he will continue to make waves and make a comeback!"

"You all say that Lu drunk is a genius who is a native of the Federation, but even if he really advocates the idea of ​​a cultivator, as long as he has not made too much impact on federal law and the bottom line of the people, others, including my master, can take it. What about Lv drunk?"

"In the end, he was too anxious, but there was no way. At that time, Lu drunk was already an old man with a ruin, and there was not much time. He could only fight for it. If not, what can he do?"

"But I am different, you can rest assured that I am different from Lu drunk."

"Lv drunk, and I will win."

Jin Xinyue, the minister of the Federation of Equality and Development of Xingyao, re-appreciated his eyes with a lens of faint red mansions. He paused and smiled even more brilliantly. "We will win!" (To be continued.)

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