Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1611: Poor

Cui Lingfeng looked at Li Yao and pointed to one of the intricate crystal brains and magic weapons units behind him. 20: “I want to ask Professor Rhodes to help me see this 'lie detector', just like you Just analyze this tracking and positioning method, and disassemble and analyze it comprehensively."

Li Yao gave a slight glimpse, but did not ask for an exit. The head of the secret police next to him was Xuan Su, but he said: "President, what does this mean?"

Her expression was quite shocking. It seems that Cui Lingfeng’s decision was a temporary intention. Even the most confidant secret police head did not know beforehand.

Cui Lingfeng said faintly: "Today is the most important trial. We can't hold Captain Tang secretly secret for too long. The commotion outside is getting bigger and bigger, and then delaying, the whole firefly will be chaotic!"

"We have to draw conclusions as soon as possible, so I will personally come here to talk to Captain Tang."

"But, your interrogation has not found an answer a few days ago. Captain Tang’s performance is impeccable. I have been wondering which part of the problem has gone wrong. Until today, I even took the world’s attention and used it for the captain of the Firefly. Lie detector."

"However, is it possible for the polygraph to be touched? If the lie detector can't find the problem, we are very passive!"

Cheng Xuansu's eyes, a strange look flashed, said: "The experts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, have carried out a comprehensive inspection of this lie detector, absolutely no problem! They are masters of this road, and Professor Rhodes most It is not in this field that he is good at. He is an outsider."

"I value Professor Rhodes as an outsider!"

Cui Lingfeng categorically said, "Xuan Su, have you ever thought about it, if Captain Tang really has become a cultivator, and he is indeed in the next big game, how deep his tentacles will be, is it possible to buy it? Some of you in the Ministry of the Interior, is it possible for your experts in the Ministry of Internal Affairs to work in the lie detector?"

"After all, Captain Tang is engaged in technology. The experts in your Ministry of Internal Affairs are also engaged in technology. Even if they really make secrets in the dark, we are hard to find."

The face of Cheng Xuansu is indefinite: "This, this is impossible, I believe the loyalty of every member of the Ministry of the Interior!"

"This is very likely!"

Cui Lingfeng coldly said, "Xuan Su, don't underestimate our enemy, who is Captain Tang, you still don't know? Give him a few more years, he will cover the firefly on the one hand! Really buy it How strange are the technicians and refiners of several Ministry of Internal Affairs?"

"So, I have been thinking about how to break this game in the past few days. The key is who can be trusted. In the end, I found the answer to an outsider!"

"Captain Tang is absolutely capable of buying some people in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He also has the motive to do the tricks on the polygraph. All experts may be cultivators. In just a few days, it is difficult for us to judge. Who is it? Only can you trust."

"Even if we are now, please ask an expert from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to check the lie detector on the spot, but if he is a cultivator, he can still be in front of us and go through the sea."

"Professor Rhodes is different. Before Captain Tang was arrested by us, he was completely an outsider, and there was no relationship with the key magic weapon such as lie detector."

"And asking him to check the lie detector, when I first saw his analysis report, suddenly sprouted until Professor Rhett stood in front of me, I did not tell anyone about this idea, it would not There is a risk of leaking a little bit, and you all think that he is only explaining the blood red beads."

"So, as long as Captain Tang does not have the magical power of the "unknown prophet," how could it be known that Professor Rhodes will be involved in this matter, how could he buy Professor Rhodes?"

"Moreover, you didn't have consulted Professor Rhodes last time. I conducted a detailed investigation into him. He confirmed that he had nothing to do with Captain Tang and his loyalty to the Xinghai Republic. He is not the best candidate. Who is there?"

Cheng Xuansu passed his face and ooze a drop of cold sweat from the forehead that Cui Lingfeng could not see: "But Professor Rhodes knows nothing about the lie detector."

"It doesn't necessarily mean nothing."

Cui Lingfeng looked at Li Yao’s hands and smiled. “I believe that the refining technique has reached the highest level. There is always a way to figure out. The difficulty of analyzing such a large polygraph is always lower than the tracking and positioning of the rice grain. Much more about the refining and maintenance manual of this polygraph, even if his judgment is really embarrassing, I am willing to bet on a bet!"

"Professor Rhodes, what do you say?"

Cui Lingfeng, Cheng Xuansu and many other secret police officers and staff, the intricate eyes are all staring at Li Yao.

Li Yao looked at his head for a while and dragged his long tone: "You can give it a try, but I need time to read the refining and maintenance manual of this polygraph, and I don't guarantee that I will find the problem."

"It doesn't matter, I can wait."

Cui Lingfeng made a gesture to Cheng Xuansu. "Give all the information about this lie detector to Professor Rohde, and then help him make a pot of good tea. I heard that Professor Rhodes likes to drink green. Dragon Ball 'Is it?'

“It’s ‘Zilongzhu’.”

Li Yao did not lift his eyes.

“Do you want to protect Professor Rhodes from going back to his special refining equipment?”

Cheng Xuansu whispered, "All the masters of refining have their own instruments and magic weapons."

"What kind of magic weapon does Professor Rhodes need? You can find someone to help him get it."

Cui Lingfeng sat down in the opposite direction of Li Yao, and he looked like a mountain. "But Professor Rhodes must stay here and can't leave my sight for a second, lest someone hit his mind."

"I'm fine."

Li Yao swept the eyes of Xuan Xuan and put a hand in his hand. "The ultra-small knives I used to use are not used in such a large magic weapon as a polygraph. I will help me prepare the repair of this polygraph." And the detection tool is fine.


Cheng Xuan has a heavy focus, like a folded knife.

Li Yao got five jade slips and studied it for half an hour.

For a precious half an hour, Cui, who is supposed to be in a good position, has been sitting on the opposite side of him, with a meaningful look, from time to time, sweeping through every member of the staff in the Chamber of Secrets.

If you really hide the immortal here, you really have to be smashed by his gaze!

After half an hour, Li Yao estimated that the time was almost the same. He nodded to Cui Lingfeng and took a look at the ten fingers. In the eyes of the public, he began to test the lie detector.

Lie Detector is a magic weapon, and he is regarded as an "old friend". He wanted to be on the Iron Star in the same year. He was the ingenious use of an ancient polygraph "Wang Xintai" weakness, only to expose the conspiracy of the Changsheng Temple. It calmed the internal chaos of the Iron Star and even the conflict between the Iron Man and the Flying Star.

At that time, "Qingxintai" was rendered to be tried and tested, and it seemed to be a god, as if there were no lies to escape its judgment.

However, Li Yao now knows that the so-called "lie detector" or "questioning the heart" is just a very sophisticated magic weapon. It also has its flaws and weaknesses. As long as the number of stages is high enough, it has certain skills and a chance. Get around it.

The advanced lie detector has an accuracy of at most 99%, but it is impossible to be accurate.

And if you move some hands and feet inside the lie detector, the result is even more difficult to predict.

Li Yao held his breath and recalled Professor Rhodes's refining technique. He gently opened the curved outer casing of the polygraph, revealing the more precise components inside the watch, and sneaked into it like a light smoke. Slowly flow between the member and each of the arrays.

Everyone stared at him with his hands!

Suddenly, Li Yao’s hands were fixed, and then the eyes were fixed. The eyebrows shook and shook, and the mouth was stunned. From the deepest part of the lie detector, I wrapped it with the gods and slowly took out a nail cover. The wafer, held in the palm of the hand, was carefully studied for a long time.

"The lie detector seems to have no problem."

Li Yao told Cui Ling that "there is a remote control array on the wafer that controls the sensitivity of the lie detector."


Cui Ling has no expression on his face and does not reveal any surprise or doubts. "What is the remote control?"

"It can remotely accept an extremely faint mind and the sensitivity of a remote lie detector."

Li Yao explained, "I have also been involved in some lie detection and meditation magic weapons. The principles of this magic weapon are similar, or the body's heartbeat, breathing, blood flow rate and facial muscle changes, collecting a series of physiology Parameters to compare ordinary people in the truth and falsehood, there are always some differences in various physiological parameters, such as rapid breathing, pore contraction, pupil dilation, and so on."

“However, for the strong ones who can precisely control the physiological parameters, this kind of polygraph is easy to lie.”

"The other way is to scan his brainwaves and monitor which part of the brain is most active when he speaks."

“Generally speaking, we are telling the truth, especially when we recall some experiences in the past, we will mobilize the cells in the memory area of ​​the brain. When we lie, need creativity and new ideas, we will mobilize different regions of the brain. Different, the brain waves that are excited are different, you can judge the true and false."

"This lie detector uses both of these principles, and the sensitivity of each sensor, chip and matrix is ​​extremely high, because it is definitely the strongest and most powerful strongman in the brain. The brains of these people are the fortress of the impregnable, extremely difficult to break!"

"So, you only need a very faint, absolutely undetected mind, you can increase its sensitivity by a factor of ten, or to one-tenth."

Cui Lingfeng narrowed his eyes: "What about that?"

Li Yaodao: "If its sensitivity is increased tenfold, even if Captain Tang is telling the truth, if the brain wave is extremely amplified, it may be treated as a lie; if the sensitivity is reduced to one tenth, then it becomes A slow, low-level lie detector, such a master of Captain Tang, can easily fool it." (To be continued.)

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