Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1626: Lu Zhenren

The picture presented in front of the Firefly's agent captain was collected by the crystal eye installed in each compartment of the starship and the array of probes mounted on the crystal cleaner.

However, even if he can control the number of crystal eyes and the array of detectors by a factor of ten, it is difficult to see exactly what the "Red Lotus Team" is.

Because the speed of the Honglian team is too fast.

Especially in the raids that Heihe Prison suffered, except for the three red lotus warriors who came from the beginning of the slow-moving defense line, leaving a fairly clear appearance, others did not appear under the crystal eye from beginning to end. It’s like an unknown prophet, knowing where all the crystal eyes are distributed!

Even the three... When the explosion sounded, they suddenly turned into a ghostly shadow, an unstoppable flash, a series of white fog that broke through the sound barrier, and the afterimages left in the retina and the crystal eye!

No matter how big Ding Zhengyang's eyes are, the fascinating psionics can almost blast the eyeballs, and they can only see the savage loyalists who are loyal to themselves, screaming like a puppet, wrestling with the invisible demon, and suddenly High and high throwing out, suddenly broken bones, soft in the ground, suddenly inexplicably was broken, the crystal smashed as the "king of the magic weapon", like a tofu, the section is almost flat than the mirror!

One of the light curtains presented an incredible picture, leaving Ding Zhengyang with a deep impression.

In this picture, the cultivator who is loyal to him seems to have captured one of the figures. The three-dimensional crystal cannons are separated by a hundred meters at the same time to adjust the angle, all aimed at this seemingly gnome-like red lotus warrior. The long-lasting track creaked, and the arc was deeply pressed like a spring. The magnetic magnet at the end of the track couldn’t wait to whistle.

However, the picture suddenly flashed, and the bald gnome waved his hand intently, both as if he was yawning and as driving a few insignificant flies...

The three-door crystal cannons are more than one hundred meters apart. The magnetic track is not broken at the same time, but it is not biased. It is like a sugar cane that has been opened vertically from beginning to end.


The violent sensation like a flood breaks out of control, and it rushes out like a madman. Like three giant mad cockroaches, the turret is entangled in the fort, instantly turning into three expanding spherical lightnings, with Ding Zhengyang inside. The tempering gunner who had been transformed so hard that even the screams were too late to be sent out, they were all gone, leaving only the broken bones and scum!

"This, what is this sword, how can there be such a horrible sword in the universe!"

Even if this bald gnome is the invincible power of the realm of the gods, the three forts will be blown up, Ding Zhengyang will not be so surprised, because that is at least within his cognitive range.

However, he is absolutely certain that from the fluctuation of the psionic power of this bald gnome, he only shows the cultivation of the peak of the knot period. He relies solely on the "sword method" instead of the "psychology". !

Ding Zhengyang’s experience and understanding of the cultivation of the road have all collapsed.

His ambitions also collapsed in an instant.

"Where did this bald gnome come from, too, too, too exaggerated!"

The explosions and riots deep in the Black Rock Prison gradually subsided.

However, from the outside of the prison, a row of squatting down to the ground, the soldiers who surrendered and surrendered, Ding Zhengyang is no longer optimistic, it is difficult to think that the Red Lotus soldiers inside the invading prison have all been eliminated.

And in another light curtain...

Ding Zhengyang saw that the dear chairman Cui Lingfeng, who should have died long ago, is marching toward the Third Military Academy under the **** of another man wearing a mass-produced mysterious war, and his hair is messy and seemingly unremarkable.

The man wearing the mysterious warfare was very unfamiliar and didn't seem as sharp as the bald gnome at the entrance of the Blackrock Prison.

Ding Zhengyang did not see him, because he did not have the need to shoot a large number of grassroots soldiers behind him and Cui, the former soldiers who had no heads and chaos, and did not know what ecstasy soup of this man was eating. Under, a hundred times of courage and timidity!

They are like magma, like red lotus, like a torrent of steel rolling forward, surrounded by Cui Speaker, and rushed into the Third Military Academy unstoppable!

When this mysterious man lifted up the Cui negotiator to the flag-raising platform to shake his arm and led many grassroots soldiers to rush into the armory, took out a lot of offensive magic weapons, and armed thousands of soldiers, Ding Zhengyang’s last hope was shattered. It is.

For a moment, he even hoped that this was a very bad trick. Could it be that the enemy invaded their master crystal brain and played a pre-recorded fake video. In fact, all the pictures are virtual, synthetic. The situation is not so bad at all?

However, there were bursts of panic screams in the secret communication channel, screaming screams and helplessness from the six gods, and soon dragged Ding Zhengyang back to the cruel reality.

The huge bridge, the air pressure is very low, everyone is whispering, creating a calm before the storm.

Ding Zhengyang, although designed to send the original captain Tang Dingyuan into the prison, took control of the highest command on the bridge, but there are hundreds of naval masters, navigators, communications officers and other staff working on the bridge. No matter how hard he puts in and confuses, only one-fifth of these people are his partisans, and 80% of them are unaware of everything.

Just now, in the name of Xuan Susu, he conveyed to them the news that "the immortals launched a rebellion, threatened the president's life, and the fireflies were in the most critical situation." They believed.

But now, Ding Zhengyang blocked most of the images sent back by the crystal eye, but it is impossible to isolate all the news from the bridge and the outside world. They will soon have doubts!

"How to do?"

Ding Zhengyang saw a lot of his party feathers, was a guilty conscience, pale face to him frequently.

He pretended to calmly and nodded to his men, saying that everything was under control, trying to control his nerves and muscles, stepping on his legs and entering the captain's room at the deepest part of the bridge.

When the door was closed, his hands began to shake uncontrollably. Even the simple movement of a secret crystal brain from the Qiankun ring and the activation of a top-secret communication line were repeated four times.

A very distorted light curtain that was covered with ripples and snowflakes gradually brightened.

Ripples, snowflakes, and dragonflies slowly condensed into a face, a look of sorrow, frowning, as if forever thinking about the face.

The owner of this face should still be very young, but his hair that has been pulled down is gray, and his brain is really a beast that devours life, and he constantly **** his flesh and blood!

"Don't tell you, don't you want to use this secret line?"

The person with gray hair in the picture is expressionless and blameless.

"Lv Zhenren!"

Ding Zhengyang Chang Shu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Now is the ‘thoughtful’ situation. We are exposed, we have failed, and we are finished!”


To say that Lu Zhenren has the slightest surprise in his heart, he has never shown a star and a half on his face. He is still a plain voice. "Don’t worry, slowly say, explain the cause and effect."

"How could it not be urgent? It is obviously a foolproof plan, but it is not counted to count on the speaker and hides a secret armor at the bottom of the pressure box. The **** red lotus team!"

Ding Zhengyang gritted his teeth and twisted his face. He chose to focus on the whole thing and finally pleaded. "Lv Zhenren, what should I do now, can I only retreat to the Dragon Snake Star?"

"Let me think about it."

Lu Zhenren has been listening carefully, and has maintained a very focused expression from beginning to end. Until now, he is still not busy. He held his forehead for a moment, and raised his eyelids slightly, staring deeply at Ding Zhengyang.

Ding Zhengyang is impatient: "Lv Zhenren, is there a way?"

"With it."

Lu Zhenren nodded, faintly said, "Let's go."


Ding Zhengyang gave a slight glimpse and did not respond: "What, what?"

"Look at it!"

Lv Zhenren’s head magnified, it seems to have explored the body to get close to the crystal eye, and the deep depressed eyelids bloomed in the depths of the soul, and the face was solemn. “The situation of the firefly is irreparable, the key is not It affects the Taoist friends hidden in the Dragon Snake Star and the Federation. Therefore, only the strong men can break their wrists! Let's go, Ding Daoyou, call all the well-known Taoist friends on the ship, kill them together, and dye the Xiuxian Avenue!"

"Open, what a joke!"

Ding Zhengyang was stunned and stuttered. "This is not the same as what we started to say!"

"The current situation is not the same as what we started to predict. The Secret Swords Bureau and the Haoyue Foundation are very close to us. There are dangers of exposure to several underground rudders in the Dragon Snake Star. It is impossible to take risks. Get there."

Lu Zhen is human. "Since you set foot on Xiuxian Avenue, you are on the road of a thorn and a tiger and a wolf everywhere. You must always be prepared to sacrifice the ego for the whole civilization! Ding Daoyou, shouldn't you be afraid of death? There is no such thing as a real cultivator!"

Ding Zhengyang was speechless, and his face turned red and instantly became pale: "I, I, I"

"It turns out that you are really afraid of death."

Lv Zhenren’s brow gradually wrinkled, like a third eye that slowly opened his eyebrows, giving off a harsh light. “Hey, Lumou thought that you were the real cultivator, and wasted so much time on you. I will learn from you and help you develop your friends and help you achieve great things! I didn't expect you to be a shameless person who is greedy and fearful of death, selfish, and wants to use the 'Xianxian Avenue' for his own benefit!

What kind of qualifications do you have for smearing the sacred avenues of Xiu Xian Avenue, and what are the qualifications to sway in front of Lu Mou and beg the refuge of Xiu Xian Avenue? The Tao is different, the Xinghai is vast, and the road is tens of thousands. Everyone should stop here, let's go! ”

"Don't, don't, don't!"

Ding Zhengyang was completely panicked, like being caught in the throat by an invisible iron hand, pressing down the voice and pleading, "Lv Daoyou, I am the real cultivator, of course I am the real cultivator! I am loyal to Xiuxian Avenue, Absolutely loyal! Believe me, trust me!"

"Okay, then I will believe you again."

Lu Zhenren looked at him up and down, showing a faint smile. "Since you are the real cultivator, you can prove it!"


Lu Zhenren cut off the communication unilaterally, and the light curtain turned into a dark abyss. No matter how Ding Zhengyang called, there was no reply. (To be continued.)

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