Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1633: Rebirth plan

Cui Lingfeng is silent, his lips are as strong as the starship directly facing the gate of the universe vacuum.

Tang Dingyuan swept Li Yao's eyes, his eyes were more severe, and his anger slowly accumulated: "First the 'Red Lotus Plan', now there is another 'rebirth plan'. How many things are there on this ship, I don't know. ?"

"a lot of."

Cui Lingfeng faintly said, "You are the captain of the Firefly, the captain must be fearless, go forward, ride the wind and waves! Ignorance can be fearless, you don't have to know everything."

"I want to know."

Tang Dingyuan stared at Cui Lingfeng’s eyes and said a word, calmly and firmly said, “If you don’t say it, let Ding Zhengyang say it.”

Cui Lingfeng’s lips sealed the gates of countless secrets and trembled for a long time. Finally, “We have encountered countless difficulties and dangers in the past thousand years. We have prepared emergency plans for all conditions, 'rebirth plan' It is the contingency plan for the most serious, dangerous and deadly 'special crisis' situation."

Tang Dingyuan said a little bit: "I have never heard of a 'super crisis situation', and the 'level crisis situation' is already the highest level."

Cui Lingfeng smiled and said: "No, the first level is not the highest, the special level is. The so-called 'special crisis' refers to one-fifth of the standard resources for the survival and escape of the ship. The circulatory system and the artificial greenhouse are seriously Destruction, follow-up resources can not rise to one-half of the standard within 50 years, and even continue to decrease, leading to the collapse of our civilization in 50 years, the complete extinction in a hundred years, oh, this is still The ideal state, in fact, because of the human instinct and the crazy actions before death, once everyone knows that we will perish within 50 to 100 years, it will not take so long, at most five years. The social order will completely collapse. Within a decade, the fire of this ship, like a firefly, will be completely extinguished.

Once the speaker is aware of this situation, he has the power and must launch the ‘rebirth plan’ to quickly, efficiently and steadily reduce the ship's population until a balance between population and resources continues to rise.

The voice of Tang Dingyuan began to tremble: "How, how do you reduce the population?"

Cui Lingfeng said: "Do you know the ice and rain that was hit by the firefly 728 years ago? The ice rain itself is not serious. It only penetrates the outer shell of our outer starship, but it carries it in the ice. The weird virus caused a big plague inside the Firefly, which reduced our population by 20%."

"Of course I know that it is almost the toughest and darkest period of the Firefly."

Tang Dingyuan wondered, "But was the plague not completely extinguished by us?"

"Yes, the plague was extinguished, but the virus was not completely destroyed."

Cui Lingfeng smiled very strangely. "This is really a perfect virus. It has many variations. It spreads through the air and spreads fast. The symptoms are not obvious. The incubation period is uncertain. Once it is attacked, it is extremely deadly, and it will automatically find the strongest. Hosts are preferentially infected. In a host with a stronger psionic power, the faster the mutation and erosion, this can offset the host's efforts to use psionic self-treatment. In other words, this is a kind of 'non-discriminatory' virus, regardless of Ordinary people or comprehensions can't escape its clutches, and the death rate is almost equal.

Our virologists conducted an in-depth study of it in the lab. The initial idea was to refine a virus weapon to fight the empire, but later found that it had an Achilles heel that could be easily manipulated by a synthetic drug. In the prevention and treatment of the ground, the materials for the synthesis of this drug are produced in every world, and the method of synthesis is not too complicated.

That is to say, even if the virus weapons are actually refining, it is difficult to cause a serious blow to the empire. At most, they have been raging for one or two starships for a while, and there is not much military significance.

But this kind of special medicine... on our ship, it is difficult to refine it in large quantities.

As a result, experts hundreds of years ago began to refine the virus weapon for a new purpose, and the final result was very satisfactory. It spread quickly, the symptoms were concealed, and the fatality was strong. At the same time, it was aimed at the self-cultivator and ordinary people. The air circulation system spreads inside the sealed starship, and it can quietly reduce a large number of people in an instant. The most important thing is that it has a characteristic we call 'half-life', which will automatically annihilate as long as it is spread for several generations. Will not continue to spread.

This half-life is controllable and can be long or short.

In other words, this is a kind of 'precision strike' virus weapon. As long as you control the length of the half-life and know the total population available for infection, you can calculate in advance how many people it can kill. After the death toll reaches the standard, it also It will be exhausted and annihilated, leaving no sequelae.

The virus was named 'rebirth virus', which is the key to the rebirth plan and may bring rebirth to the dying fireflies. ”

Tang Dingyuan couldn't believe his ears at all. He looked at Cui Lingfeng for a long time: "You, you have secretly researched a kind of virus weapon, but it is not used to deal with the enemy, but is prepared to kill yourself, your own Compatriots, those who have vowed to protect themselves! What is the difference between you and the cultivator?"


Cui Lingfeng calmly said, "Assume that you are a cultivator, responsible for implementing the 'rebirth plan'. Think about it, what do you do specifically? Of course, the cabin where the ordinary people are the low-lying 'original people', and the cultivators That is, the cabin in which the 'real person' resides is isolated, and only the virus is placed in the original person's cabin; or all the cultivators are given special effects beforehand; even in the refining stage of the virus weapon, it is tried to weaken it. The aggression of the awakening roots is to infect only ordinary people and not to infect the immortals, right?

After all, in the eyes of the cultivators, the average person is a garbage population. It is a cumbersome use. Since resources are insufficient, reducing the number of garbage people is a matter of course.

But we are not doing this. I can decrypt all the implementation plans of the 'Rebirth Plan'. We have not planned to isolate everyone or let anyone take special effects before, even for insurance, our ancestors. All the special effects drugs and materials that can be refined have long been destroyed.

Once I decided to launch the virus, the virus will spread on the entire firefly in an instant, randomly killing its prey, no one can be spared, no matter whether it is a self-cultivator or an ordinary person, even myself, it is possible Infected and eventually died.

Do you understand that the ancestors who made this decision did not regard themselves as the 'superman' who can decide the 'mortal' life and death, no matter the self-cultivator or the ordinary person, everyone is the same, obeying the fate of the ruling, many people will die, But more people will survive their baggage and move on, moving on in the dark universe.

It is said that the ancestors of the ‘rebirth plan’ are deceiving themselves, but I think this is probably the biggest difference between them and us. ”

Tang Dingyuan’s heartbeat and breathing have become extremely difficult. The upper and lower rows of teeth are so hard to bite that it feels that even if a starship is placed in his mouth, he can be chewed by him: “No matter how you defend, I still Unacceptable, absolutely not!"

"So, Dingyuan, you should talk about what to do?"

Cui Lingfeng sighed. "Assuming now, as a captain, you know very well that the resources on board are only enough for one hundred people to survive. But we have two hundred people, two hundred mouths to be fed and not filled forever. What will you do with your belly?"

Tang Dingyuan fell into meditation, speechless, and his voice was low: "The self-cultivator, the comprehension should not be like this, so..."

"If you think that the comprehension should not be so dark."

Cui Lingfeng said faintly, "That is just because someone is in front of you, first to help you get rid of these dark, dirty, cruel things, my captain."

Inside the cell, Ding Zhengyang laughed like a crow: "Captain, you know the truth of the 'rebirth plan', your heart is not bad! Is the guy in the plan still a real comprehension? No, I am not the first cultivator on the Firefly. This ship has long been a cultivator, and it has long been occupied by the Immortals!"

Cui Lingfeng cold and cold: "Ding Zhengyang, we did not implement the ‘rebirth plan’ until the end, and the firefly was still coming.”

"Yes, it’s coming over, but only because your luck is good enough, you haven’t encountered a 'special crisis'!"

Ding Zhengyang smiled. "But luck will not be so good forever. If you don't encounter the Imperial Claw Fleet and don't encounter the Starry Federation, the Firefly will continue to drift deep into the Xinghai Sea and drift toward the unknown and unknown places. The starship is slowly aging, and within a few hundred years, the 'special crisis' will definitely happen!

Don't fight this with me, I am the first officer, I know every thread of every screw on this ship!

That is to say, within a few hundred years, even if the empire did not catch the firefly, the firefly itself would be swallowed up by the darkness and become a small ‘cultivator civilization’!

Do you understand, one day, we will all become cultivators, I am just... take a step!

This is the theory of Lv Dengchen. The comprehension is only a 'special variation form' in a stable environment with sufficient resources. However, in the dark universe, resource scarcity and environmental drastic changes are the norm, so the cultivation of immortals is the generality of 'superman'. Performance form! "(To be continued.)

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