Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1636: The rise of the garbage fleet!

Li Yao frowned slightly: "These two words are used too much. The officers of the original fleet are so narrow-minded, will they be reported to the generation?"

"It is not, it is a bit complicated."

Tang Dingyuan explained, "The Suiyuan Fleet is the elite of the elite, the trump card in the trump card. The commanders of the fleet are very self-satisfied. They do not bother to see the various miscellaneous soldiers of the various countries. At that time, the federal army used various ancient scrapped starships to expand the miscellaneous army. More, not to see the original fleet, the other miscellaneous army is the 'garbage fleet'.

The reason why the fleet of Bai Xingjian is called 'junk' does not only mean that their equipment is backward, the starship is broken, it is like a scrap of iron and iron, and more is the officers and sailors under the white star sword. ”


Li Yao blinked and said, "What is special about the officers and sailors of Bai Xingjian?"

"The Xinghai Fleet is developed from the 'Navy' of the era of planetary civilization. It is an ultra-high-tech, very focused on the lineage and inheritance of the arms. It is easy to refine a new starship, but it is an excellent starship combat team. It’s very difficult for the members of the bridge team to go down to the sailors and maintenancemen in the power cabin!"

Tang Dingyuan is the captain of the Firefly. He is deeply touched by this. "One hundred years of the Army, the Millennium Fleet, this is not an empty talk. No matter the federal or the empire, once you enter the highest war state, you can burst out dozens at any time. Hundreds of all-crystal battle groups, ordinary people armed with 'Shentongka' and various crystal brain assist systems, can quickly master the control of low-order crystals and become qualified 'infantry' through accelerated training.

However, the Xinghai Fleet, especially the one that can cross the world, has the ability to be self-sufficient and can cruise the universe for several years and decades, is a completely different matter. One step, the real key is to control the starship, sailors, navigators, fire control officers, etc... thousands of key positions on the well-trained, experienced people!

The team of Bai Xingjian is a transport fleet. The original subordinates have no combat experience at all. They can not be cultivated in three or five years. Even if he tries to get a lot of ancient starships that are close to scrapping, there is no suitable manpower to manipulate them.

As a result, Bai Xingjian took a ‘evil road’ that was extremely disdainful to the ‘elite’ and ‘trale’ of the scorpion fleet.

He began to expand his manpower, and the first recruitment was turned out to be a star thief in the flying star world! ”

Li Yao said a little: "Is there a star thief in the flying star world?"

"Yes, but it has just been released from prison."

Tang Dingyuan looked like he was crying and laughing. He shook his head and looked quite disapproving. "The captain Lin did not know. The meteor circle had a huge and incomprehensible 'Star Wars' war more than a hundred years ago. Under the support of the Immortal Organization 'Changsheng Temple', the power of the Star Pirates once flourished, ravaging the entire flying star world, and almost able to compete with the regular army of the major sects of the Flying Stars!

Of course, under the leadership of the 'vulture' Li Yao, the compradors of the Flying Stars still won this war and conquered the star thief's lair 'Spider's Nest Star', and countless star thieves found themselves on the evil of the immortal When, they have surrendered.

Of course, the decapitated daggers were executed, but not all star thieves were sentenced to death.

Depending on the severity of the crime, from life imprisonment to prison terms ranging from three to fifty years, many star thieves are detained in the environmentally insured resource planet prison and spent decades in hard labor from the old federal 'Into the 'new federal' era.

When the new federation is called by Ding Ling, the expedition to the Tianhuan world and the first large-scale Xinghai war since the establishment of the new federation, the 'Star Wars' and the 'Milles of the Immortals' in the past are already seven or eight. Ten years later, even those star thieves sentenced to life imprisonment, after several commutations, basically served their sentence, were released from prison, and re-made.

Naturally, even the youngest underwater sailors of seven or eighty years ago are now in their 100s, and the technical backbone of the Star Wars is not too high, it is white. An old man who is angry and has a long history.

They bear the dark past of star thief, and there is no such thing as a pension. They are also more discriminated against in society, and they have served for decades of hard labor. They have been out of touch with the whole world for too long. Where can they find a good job? Most of them are serving as restaurant waiters, staff of the spar filling station of the shuttle bus, salesmen in the supermarkets, etc., and they are destitute and have lost their lives.

Originally, no one has put these former star thieves in their eyes. Everyone thinks of them as teeth that have been smeared decades ago. Now they are old and ruinless, no matter whether they defend the federation or endanger society, it seems that they all It has nothing to do with them.

However, Bai Xingjian has a whim, and in the absence of manpower, he even thought of recruiting these former star thieves! ”

Li Yaoqi is amazed: "Does this practice not violate the federal military law?"

"If it is the squadron of the original fleet, it is indeed very strict on the identity of the entrants. Those who have criminal records are, in principle, never recruited."

Tang Dingyuan said, "But the various miscellaneous soldiers in the local area are not so strict. Lin captain should know that the Xingyao Federation is composed of seven big worlds. In the past 100 years, there is no point in the seven big worlds. Rubbing, take the three core worlds, there are star thieves in the flying star world, the blood enchanting world is simply the demon family, even the most original Tianyuan world has a 'patriot organization', who has not been a little past? If there is If criminal recorders can't join the army, then no one is available!

Besides, most of these people are powerful and powerful monks. If they have the heart to join the army and serve the country, they have been rejected and continue to run around in the society. That is not appropriate!

Another point is that in just a hundred years, the Xingyao Federation has developed from the 'old federation' of the original Tianyuan world to the 'new federation' of the three worlds. It has expanded from three worlds to six worlds at a time, and the territory has expanded. Times, the expansion speed is too fast, and the system construction in all aspects can not keep up.

Therefore, like the White Star Sword, which is adapted from the folk transport fleet, even the three-stream is not a miscellaneous army. It is often the commander of the fleet who has the final say. The General Staff of the EFF in Tianyuanxing only sees the result and There is not so much manpower, energy and resources to interfere with the decision of the fleet commander.

Therefore, Bai Xingjian successfully recruited a large number of prisoners who had just sat for decades and released them. They have already 'rehabilitated themselves', are washing dishes and washing dishes, and paying people in the supermarkets to check out the 'pre-star thieves'. Old business!

It is said that the recruitment process is very dramatic. For the few 'talents' that are most valued, Bai Xingjian is secretly observing and presenting himself in the place where they work. Several captains of the 'Big White Fleet' are even forced by him. From the small restaurants and supermarkets, because in the Linghe biography, these 'pre-star thieves' did not believe, they sat down for decades, they even got the qualification to drive the starship! ”

Li Yao couldn't help but smile: "It sounds like a joke."

"Who said no?"

Tang Dingyuan endured a smile. "The White Star Sword is a well-known figure in the EFF of the EFF. Even if it falls to this point, the news about him will soon spread throughout the EFF.

At that time, everyone used him as a joke, thinking that he was once again enchanted, no matter how no one is available, and there is no reason to find these former star thieves who are desperate to the extreme?

Regardless of their heart, let them know that they are all people who sat down in the seven or eighty-year prison and spent seven or eighty years on the dark and cold resource planet! Many people have already lost their old teeth. They still see that the starship dominates the waterfall-like flow of information on the crystal brain. They are used to the impact drill and the hoe, and can also operate the gun?

Even seven or eighty years ago, they were just a group of star thieves. It was a rabble that only harassed and sneaked. What role can it play in the confrontation of the regular fleet of the ‘Tianhuan War’?

A commander of the fleet with a higher heart than the sky, a thinner life than a thin paper, a sloppy, unruly warlord; a former civilian transport ship sailor who has just turned into a military nationality; plus a bunch of seven old and eighty, the waist can not stand up, still a year ago Brushing the dishes to wash the odds of the former star thief... This combination, how to look at how not reliable.

The most important thing is that the White Star Sword is out of the original fleet. When it comes to his ridiculous and crazy behavior, others will always mention the original fleet, which is how the former commander of the former fleet, Bai Moumou, Even the words 'Bai Moumou' are omitted. It is said that 'a senior officer from a former squadron’s whimsical whimsical, and a bunch of stinking stars smashed together,' such a criticism, let self-deprecating as 'federal The Savior's, how can the original fleet of the squadron that started the fight against the Stars be able to endure? On the roots of the original fleet, it is not the same as the star pirate! What strangeness is it that the white horse sword will be called the 'garbage fleet'? ”

"It turned out to be like this!"

Li Yao has a long sigh of relief. No one knows more about the predecessor of the original fleet, that is, the star thieves of the major sectarian coalitions and the spider's nest star in the flying star world. It’s really a smashing of the horse’s nest of the original fleet. He is increasingly curious about who this daring “White Star Sword” is. “After that?”

"Although it is called the 'garbage fleet', but the 'Tianhuan War' is the first expedition of the Xingyao Federation across the world. Every aspect has to be done, and all fronts are tight, even if it is a piece of garbage. Its usefulness, the white star sword's garbage fleet, was also arranged for some simple **** missions."

In the eyes of Tang Dingyuan, the eyes of both appreciation and regret were released. "To make everyone, especially the original fleet, stunned, the performance time of the garbage fleet began!" (To be continued.)

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