Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1646: Return to the Federation!

"I should be the last speaker of the Xinghai Republic."

Cui Lingfeng looked at Li Yao and said deeply, "After this war, whether it is victory or defeat, the Xinghai Republic will completely become history, and these top secret information will be decrypted and made public. Through your hand, by you Deciding how to use, decrypt and spread, maybe... is the best way."

His deep gaze seemed to directly penetrate the soul of Li Yao, causing Li Yao to secretly fight a cold war. For a moment, he even had ridiculous thoughts and wondered if Cui Lingfeng had already guessed his true identity.

This is impossible!

"We fled our homeland and wandered through the universe for a whole thousand years. In the most difficult years of the past, I have been thinking, what is the meaning of such struggle and persistence? After all the truth is reached, any person with normal intelligence I know that relying on a small firefly, to overthrow the real human empire and even destroy the covenant alliance, is simply a whimsical, nonsense!"

Cui Lingfeng said with emotion, "So, if you don't use your own secret tricks to numb yourself over and over again, maybe I will become a defeatist like Ding Zhengyang.

"Fortunately, I am really fortunate at this moment, I have not embarked on this road, and did not collapse in despair, choose to surrender to the real human empire.

"Because I have finally understood the meaning of this wandering, I understand the mission of the Firefly in the universe, such as the funeral dog, who has been unable to escape for a thousand years.

"It is not to overthrow the real human empire, but to send the 'fire type' from the center of the Xinghai to this place, and to give it to a self-cultivating civilization that has just been born, lived, and rising, and the Star Alliance!

"This 'fire' contains the dark ages after the collapse of the Xinghai Empire. How do the compatriots in the central Xinghai struggle to clean up the broken star river, save the compatriots in a chaotic world, and emerge the heroes of countless civilized swords. To establish the first modern civil republic of civilization in the true sense.

"It also includes how this great country stepped from the peak to the weak, from the weak to the fall, and eventually gave birth to a monster like 'Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi', which hatched the murderous beast of the 'real human empire'.

"In addition to the past thousand years, the Firefly was in a lonely voyage, and it was once again a difficult choice between the ‘cultivator’ and the ‘cultivator’.

"Hope, you can bring this kind of fire to the federation, let the new generation of comprehensions see the achievements that the former self-cultivators have built, the glory created, the mistakes and the infected 'viruses', creating a stronger More brilliant, more able to defend the civilization of all human beings, true civilization!"

Li Yao holds this heavy jade slip, and feels that it really turns into a hot silver stream, mixed with the history of the Xinghai Republic for thousands of years, infiltrating his blood and lungs, watching Cui Lingfeng full Looking forward to the old face, Li Yao did not know what to say: "I..."

"Go, hurry and see the past of the Xinghai Republic."

Cui Lingfeng laughed with relief. "You are now a "Special Advisor to the Speaker of the Speaker of the House of the Republic of Xinghai Republic and a Special Adviser to the Speaker", and I am on my full behalf to visit the Stars Federation. Although you are nominally an ordinary member of the delegation, everyone, Everyone, including the federal, knows that you are the key. If you don't know anything about the past of the Xinghai Republic, then you can't!"

He walked deep into the star-watching platform, just like he was not rushing to face the starlight arrow that the universe shot. "I and the Xinghai Republic are old. You, the Xingyao Federation is the future, remember yourself. Just say something, let this future... become better!"

Li Yao’s heartbeat was almost missed. He was not allowed to say whether the old speaker said “You, the Stars Federation” or “Your Star Federation”. He opened his mouth and could not ask if he could not decide.

Cui Lingfeng suddenly stood, like an invisible eye on the back of his head. He could see through his heart. He said: "Whether you come from the red lotus field or somewhere else, you are a self-cultivator, right?"

Li Yaodao: "Of course!"

"That's good."

The voice of Cui Lingfeng is getting more and more slight. "That is enough for the Xinghai Republic to be the country that will take the whole piece of Xinghai, all the self-cultivators and all human beings in the three thousand worlds as compatriots!"


Ten days later, the latest addition to the world of Xingyao Federation, Tianhuanjie.

When the transport ship from the orthodox government of the Xinghai Republic, carrying hundreds of delegations, emerged from the emptiness of the emptiness, as the dolphins jumped out of the whirlpool, the first thing that shines on the mirror shell of the transport ship is one side. Projected by special visible light between the Xinghai, the length and width of the federal flag of hundreds of kilometers, the nine-star Thanglong battle flag!

Li Yao stood alone at the corner of the bridge. Through the light curtain, staring at the bright red flag, the claws and the flying dragons could not help but give birth to the impulse of the sky.

In a hundred years, for a whole hundred years, I finally set foot on the territory of the Federation again. I have seen this banner that has protected him many times and has been guarded by him numerous times!

Fortunately, the ancient holy strongmen are not around him, and they are still working on their vast contents in their respective cabins. Under the arrangement of Cui Lingfeng, they all took up specific positions in the delegation and will examine the federal politics, economy, and Every detail of the military and other aspects naturally has a lot of preparation work to do, but it is not as easy as Li Yao.

Let these ancient powers quickly become experts in a certain field of modern times. Even if the calculation power of Yuan Ying’s peak series cannot be achieved overnight, they have been fighting with various textbooks, materials and data for the past ten days. Others, fortunately, did not find Li Yao's subtle mood swings.

"In any case, I finally came back, and soon I can reunite with my wife and everyone!

"Oh, I didn't think that under the erroneous errands, I also became the special envoy of the Speaker of the Xinghai Republic. According to the words of the ancient sacred world, is it the position of the ‘Incompetent Minister’?

"The situation in the federation is now quite complicated. The relationship between the imperial proclamation and Jin Xinyue is quite subtle. The emperor's meeting is a bit like the decoy that Jin Xinyue deliberately throws out to attract the immortals, but Lu's theory, It’s not like a fake cultivator can conceive, and what kind of role does the white star sword that plays pigs and eats me, and plays in the whole thing? Hey, how can I modestly say, The size is also a three-zone supreme, my apprentice, you dare to lie?

"And, is the Black Wind Fleet really killed, and it is possible to jump to the weakest place in the Federation in minutes? And whether the federal high-levels are lurking in the immortals, or deliberately exaggerating the smoke bombs released from some side. What?

"If you really reveal the identity of 'vulture Li Yao,' you will be amazed by the snakes, and let the sneaky guys in the dark have defense!

"It would be better to think about it. How to make reasonable use of this ‘the special envoy of the parliament, the imperial minister’ is even more sneaky than the sneaky bad guys, maybe it can be unexpected and solve the problem!”

Li Yao grinned and decided.

If you come here, then you will be a very competent "special envoy of the parliament" for a while, so that you can see what the new federation is after a hundred years of madness.

Standing on the scale of the big universe, if you observe it with the naked eye, even the outer periphery of the heavenly circle, which is highly developed by human beings, is an empty and cold wasteland.

However, on the main control crystal brain of the transport ship, the various radiation, mysterious light and the signal of the gods appearing through the light curtains outline a scene of crowded, noisy, busy and prosperous.

A glittering waterway is like a golden bridge. Between the Tianhuan Star and several important resource planets, the Starry Sky Dock and the Xinghai Battle Fort, an intricate and well-connected transportation network is built. All kinds of big and small, strange stars. The ships all marked their own coordinates and speeds, and they condensed into a crystal clear little spot on the light curtain, conveying all the manpower and resources needed for the world to develop.

The two starships slid silently onto the waterway near the transport ship, escorting the guests from the Firefly.

Their appearance is not only the awkward pragmatic style of the Federal Starship, but some of the turrets and armor of the area still have the unique light and elegant style of the Tianhuan, but it shows a kind of uncoordinated Angry to come.

Their size is already the most powerful battleship that Li Yao saw a hundred years ago. The original name of the "Three Worlds First Dream Ship" is even larger. The flames of the tail power burst are more bleak and weak. It is not the main source of power, it is only used to fine-tune the direction, so that Li Yao is using the main power source for them.

These two ships contain a higher-tech starship than the former "Yuyuan", but they are not a member of the federal ace "Bengyuan Fleet". They are only the main ships belonging to the local fleet of the Tianhuan area. They are not allowed to let Li Yaowei The new federal military strength is amazed and full of confidence in the upcoming decisive battle.

Under the guidance of the two **** starships, the transport ship flew to the center of the ring world, the new federal starship refining base, and the Tianhuan star.

Until the super-orbital dock around the Tianhuan Star gradually appeared in front of Li Yao, Li Yao could understand from this highly visual spectacle that the “Tianhuan Civilization” would name the ring with it. The dock is not the thin and long wire he imagined. Under the contrast of the planet, it still looks very strong. For example, many planets are dazzling, shining and shining like the aura of meteorites and debris. (To be continued~^~)

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