Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1649: The new "Civilization", the new federal!

Li Yao broke through the sky and gave birth to a feeling that a little girl could not fight.

Ling Xiaole turned around and smiled. "Dong Laxi has so much, and the two don't bother me, let's talk while walking!"

Yes, although the other members of the delegation and the ancient St. Twelve are separated, but Li Yao is still dragging a "small tail" in the name of the "President's Office High Commissioner's Secretary" of the elite elite female warrior night Lan.

As early as in the ancient sacred world, Black Night Lan has been taken care of by Li Yao.

Since Li Yao is now the "Commander of the Red Lotus Squad and the Special Envoy of the Speaker", it is reasonable to get a secretary by the side.

A few days ago, when the murderer rebellion occurred on the Firefly, and they learned that the Black Wind Fleet was watching the news, the night of the night was quite a bit of a sigh of relief, and it looked like a strong sigh. The people who advocated the Imperial Heavenly Soldiers are coming, and the clowns who are dissatisfied with Tianwei at the Star Beach are about to be completely swayed. If the ancient saints want to make a contribution, it will be the best chance!

However, as they went deep into the federation, especially after seeing the majestic federal fleet in the Tianhuan world, the look of the night blue became dignified.

Obviously, the volume and strength of this "prey" far exceeds her original imagination.

At the exit of the Tianhuan War Memorial, I saw the statue of Ding Ling who was full of melancholy and pity, and saw the light curtain engraved with the list of all the victims of the Scorpio, the cellar and the Federation. She was full of deep confusion. .

Obviously, in the real human empire, even if there is a war memorial that shows off martial arts, it is impossible to record the names of the enemy victims.

Now, Ling Xiaole’s ingenious opening remarks have made her puzzled by the so-called conquest of the new world. Can it be so bright and bright, hahaha?

The elite elite female warriors rounded out their big eyes and tried to understand everything in front of them.

The three men boarded a round, seemingly unremarkable shuttle bus, silently driving to the ring world inside the "Tianhuan".

Because the diameter of the "Tianhuan" is too large, it is divided into dozens of layers of activity space that do not interfere with each other. Each floor has soil on the ground, planting various flowers and trees, and the dome is also used in large blocks. The light curtains are spliced ​​to create a virtual sky with blue sky and white clouds, plus a precisely adjusted artificial gravity field, which is no different from life on the ground. If it is not always reminding yourself, it is difficult to realize that they are lying on top of an atmosphere. In the ring city.

Only when you look far and wide, you will see that the distant "sky" and the city seem to bend downwards, as if they have been extended into the endless abyss.

The life after one hundred years seems to be not much different from that of a hundred years ago. There are also super-high-speed crystal trains and shuttles inside the Tianhuan, but all the trains run smoothly and quietly, with no noise or even whistling. The sound of the wind has not been rolled up so that they can be built directly in the downtown area, even around the tall buildings. The shuttles are faster, denser, and the shuttle is like a shuttle. It is a thrilling acrobatics. It seems that the automatic driving or magnetic navigation technology in this year must have made great progress, so that ordinary people can also exert the computing power and driving ability of the self-cultivator when driving the shuttle.

In addition, in the sky over the city, Li Yao also saw a very strange ... between the extreme sports and the means of transportation.

It is a magic weapon that can be soft and hard, like a metal fin. Some of them are like the air kit on the previous crystal reinforced suit, but they are directly equipped on people. Once you put on more than a dozen "fins" Even an ordinary person can fly freely in midair like a flying bird and a dolphin.

Many people, especially the teenagers who look like students, are wearing shiny "fins", swimming in the air in a smart way, laughing and joking, let Li Yao think of a long time ago and the group of buddies three or five, after school Home scene.

"This is the 'Flying Fin'. It is the latest single-person vehicle developed by the Federation. The flying fins are engraved with more than 50 gravity adjustment arrays and magnetic receiver arrays, which can capture the ubiquitous magnetic fluctuations in the world of the heavenly ring. Advancing with the wave of magnetism, it is like a dolphin marching under the waves."

Ling Xiaole said, "Through the main control chip of the 'Flying Fin', even if the ordinary people have a little training, they can do the same as the self-cultivator. The Sky Fantasy World often holds the 'Flying Fin Competition', some ordinary people. The tricks that are played out are even more powerful than the comprehensions!"

"it's beautiful."

Li Yao looked at the artificial scorpio. It was like a group of carefree little dolphins playing like a dolphins. The teenagers who lingered between the blue sky and white clouds gave a heartfelt admiration.

"Do you make ordinary people and self-cultivators the same?"

Dark night orchid could not help but ask.


Ling Xiaole squinted and said of course, "Let ordinary people become like the self-cultivator, this is the goal that countless federal people struggle for and guard against!"

“Before the ‘Citizen Center’ in the Tianhuan Circle?”

Li Yao opened the topic. This is the primary objective of his early visits with the federal authorities. "Since everyone is open and honest, I don't have to hide it. In principle, Chairman Cui does not oppose the integration with the Xingyao Federation, but he is very concerned. The Firefly has more than 100 million people in the federal status and treatment, so I hope to have a deeper understanding of the federal citizenship system.

"We all know that the real human empire also has a civil system. To become an imperial citizen, you must be a cultivator, have a powerful force, and even help the empire to conquer new territories, enslave a weaker ethnic group, and accumulate blood with the blood of the weak. After the battle is transformed into a 'contribution point', it can be exchanged for citizenship of different classes.

"The Union is of course different from the Empire. I heard that your citizenship and contribution points are closely related to the game of Civilization. Unfortunately, in the Firefly and Dragon Snake Stars, you cannot access the official version of the "Civilization" game. What is the matter?"

“You will soon see that our 'Citizen Center' is also the 'Civilization Game Center'. It is not just a simple game, but the cornerstone of the existence of the Starry Federation. It is also our Fight against the real human empire and even the covenant alliance, the most powerful weapon!"

Ling Xiaole's eyes are shining, pride and pride are like the flood of the dyke, and the tip of the tail sticking out from behind the seat is also bright silver. "For people outside the Federation, "Civilization" may be just one Simulation game, but for the federal, it is not a game, but a life, no, is a way of life, and everyone is closely related.

"It can even be said that there are two constellations of stars, one is true in the Xinghai, the federation of material entities, and the other is in the crystal brain and the light path, ever-changing, grotesque, arrogant, whirl The "virtual federation" that is constantly reborn, the real federation and the virtual federation are superimposed together, is the 'complete body' of the federation. It is this superstar state of the constellation of the constellation that only has the seven boundaries of the district, and dares to The cost of challenging the Empire and the Holy Alliance!"

Li Yao is more and more interested: "We have also been exposed to some information on the "Civilization" game on the Firefly, and it seems that you are not so exaggerated."

"How can it be compared? The key is not the game itself, but the database and the sacred link containing all the information of the seven billion people in the world of the Seven Stars. The entire database, including the link, will never be open to the public. What the outside world can touch is just a monotonous and boring game, not a different virtual world.

Ling Xiaole said, "Only if it is completely integrated into the new world of the Federation, will it be deducted into the federal "civilization" link, included in the database, and the entire virtual world will be completely open to the local people.

"If one day, the Firefly officially becomes a part of the Federation, the people on board can naturally feel the power of "Civilization", but now, Lin Special has the power, of course, feel it in advance!"

Li Yao and the dark night star looked at each other, and the night blue asked in a puzzled way: "How can I help you against the Empire and the Holy Alliance?"

"All said, it is not just a game, but... a new way of living and wisdom sharing of human civilization."

Ling Xiaole seriously said, "Since the new federation was just established a hundred years ago, the federal people at that time began to think about a question, how to maximize the potential of ordinary people, and let ordinary people's advantage in 'quantity' can be transformed. Cheng and the comprehension are equal, even above the powerful force of the comprehension!

"The real human empire regards ordinary people as 'original people' as animals and pets; the covenant alliance regards all human beings as 'tools'. Our federation is naturally different from them. Ordinary people are also the masters of the country, they are themselves. The master of fate!

"But we are not purely idealists. It is true that a single ordinary person cannot compete with individual comprehensions in terms of physical fitness, memory, computing power, combat effectiveness, etc. We do not deny this.

"So, the core of the problem, that is, the core of the competitiveness of the Xingyao Federation is how to concentrate the power of ordinary people with the greatest degree, the highest efficiency, and the least loss!

"Civilization" is the answer given by federal people to this question.

"Explain all aspects of the development of the federal government, or other lessons of the rise and fall of the world, in the form of games, invite the vast majority of the 100 billion people in the Federation to join in and release their thinking. Sparks don't require them to give the right solution, but even if they make a weird mistake in the game, they are extremely valuable.

"In this way, through the special network of "Civilization", the brains of hundreds of millions of people have been connected together, and the spark of thinking has turned into a splendid sea. The quantitative change has caused qualitative changes, and the optimal strategy has been born from it; At the same time, both ordinary people and self-cultivators can try to understand various policies, society, war, civilization, and so on. They are too ambitious; understand the dilemmas that are forced and have no choice; slowly realize that ' The reason why the country is rising and falling, and the husband is responsible is to learn how to become a warrior who can fight for himself, fight for his compatriots, and fight for the future of human civilization!

"Although the federation has a population of 100 billion people, it is very important for everyone to be a true person or an ordinary person. Everyone's efforts are likely to change the Union and change the future of the entire human civilization. This is what Civilization tells us. !" (To be continued.)

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