Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1678: Two women's war

Jin Xinyue left the Chamber of Secrets in a series of soft laughter.

Only three people from the old federal era, in the Tianyuan and Feixing two worlds, the giants of the wind and rain, silently look at each other, feeling each other from the depths of the bone marrow, a trace of chill.


A black long-mirror bullet-proof shuttle shuttle floated silently from above the private clubhouse, like a ghostly plundering toward the Development Building.

However, Jin Xinyue is not on this shuttle.

Five minutes later, there was another shuttle bus that looked at the plain and unconventional flight, flew out from a small parking lot not far from the private club, and flew toward the industrial area in the northeast corner of Tiancheng. .

After a half-hour flight of seven bends and eight rounds, it slowly landed in an abandoned warehouse that was empty, rusty, and about to be rebuilt.

When Jin Xinyue came down from the car, he felt the chill and hit a man with a thick black horned beast fur coat.

"Hey, hey, hey."

She ran through the empty warehouse, high-heeled leather boots tapping on the ground, making a crisp and empty sound.

As soon as he reached the end of the warehouse, Jin Xinyue stopped and completely removed the black yarn from his face, revealing a pale and delicate smile.

Opposite her, in the depths of the warehouse, Ding Ling, a dark red meditation suit, walked straight and stopped in front of her three meters.

For two Yuan Ying old monsters, this is by no means a friendly distance.

Ding Ling and Jin Xinyue, perhaps the two most dangerous women in the Xingyao Federation, are three meters apart and quietly confront each other.

"Oh! Hey! Hey!"

The vast warehouses could not withstand the arrogance of the two spirits, and the broken glass windows all around madly swayed, making the sound of ghosts crying.

"Sister, I really didn't expect you to meet me in this place."

Jin Xinyue smiled shallowly. "You and I are now public figures, and they are...competitors. If the meeting is to let the press know, it’s a super storm.

"But also, recall, since the departure of Master, how many years have we not been like this, two people face to face, open and honest, oh, it seems that there has never been?"

"Less nonsense."

Ding Lingwei is crisp and straightforward, and opens the door to the mountain. "Is the fireflies rehabilitated by the immortals, are you doing it? Is Lu Qingchen your person? Is the emperor meeting you secretly supporting it?"

Jin Xinyue seems to have long expected that Ding Ling will ask such a question, and spread the handkerchief: "Sister Niang, this kind of rumor, you believe?"

"Because I don't believe it, I only looked for you!"

Ding Ling took another step forward and shortened the distance between the two to two meters. "Golden heart, looking at my eyes, answering my question directly! If you dare to look at my eyes and say that it is not you, I Will choose to believe!"

Jin Xinyue looked at Ding Ling's eyes, but the inexhaustible light in the eyes of the latter quickly turned her head and continued to smile: "Sister, wait until you are the highest speaker of the Starry Federation, I am naturally Everything can be deciphered to you, but now, many things are related to the highest secrets of the country. I can’t say that you are not qualified to listen!"

Ding Ling snorted: "So, the ****'s breaking news is true?"

Jin Xinyue said: "As the minister of the Federal Development Department and the president of the Haoyue Foundation, I can't tell you a word. However, you are my teacher. If we are both men and women, we chat privately. Then I really want to know that the hypothesis is in a country that does not exist, and it is also called the Xingyao Federation. If there is such a leader of an intelligence agency, it is said that she is also called Jin Xinyue. I really did something like this. How else, is there any problem?

"Things are clear, the Imperial Expeditionary Force will soon be under the city, and even minutes may appear on our heads, and the old and stubborn government in the exile government is still not to be twisted, trying to bargain, how can we have so much time and energy to go to the government in exile? What about the skin?

"Through a pre-knowing immortal rebellion, on the one hand, the top officials of the exiled government can realize the threat of the immortal; on the other hand, they can help them to remove the internal pustules, and do both, and why not?

"I said this, I didn't admit that it was what I meant, but the ‘hypothetical’ thing was really done by Jin Xinyue. Is there any big rebellion?

"At least the result of this incident is good. The cultivators lurking in the Firefly are basically wiped out by a net. The old speaker of the government in exile is also scared. I immediately asked for a full cooperation with us to tell me, Teacher. Is there anything that is worthy of your anger? Or do you think this thing is so beautiful, do you worry that it will greatly increase my credit and make me the final victory?"


Ding Ling narrowed his eyes. "Don't think that everyone in the world is like you. What is the position of this 'Supreme Speaker' is more important than anything! Tell you, until now, I don't have even a second, I really care. Improperly this 'Supreme Speaker' has passed!

"If you admit that this is what you really do, is it that you provoke the fireflies to rectify the immortals and then go to fight this and firefighters first set themselves on fire, and then go to the fire to invite the rewards, what is the difference? You, You have completely embarked on the evil path and walked the road that Lv drunk a hundred years ago! What you are doing now is no different from Lvs!"

"You are wrong, my sister."

In the face of Ding Ling's blast, Jin Xinyue is still unsettled and faint. "First, Lu drunk personally planned and implemented the big case of assassinating the federal speaker and even killing countless federal people. His hands Originally filled with the blood of my compatriots.

"But my words, hypothesis, remember is a hypothesis, assuming that I really want to make a difference, and I will never be as stupid as Lu drunk, to actively plan and implement everything.

"I am at most ‘just right’, I heard that there will be a rebellion on the Firefly. In order to catch the big fish, I didn’t report it in time, and the little one guided it.

"In intelligence work, this is also very understandable. First, I want to protect the security of my intelligence personnel. Second, what do we say about the relationship between us and the government in exile? Do you want me to run over and look for Cui Lingfeng? Said, Chairman Cui, do you think that your confidant and the three hands on the ship should unite and launch a rebellion?

"Intellectual work is like this. If you find out what happens when you find Xiaoxiao, you don't want to catch the real big fish!"

"The Moon Foundation is the same, the Secret Sword Bureau is the same, even the ordinary police handling the case is the case, why should the teacher only be so harsh on me?"

"You don't have to avoid heavy weight, you know what I mean!"

Ding Ling reluctantly angered, cold and cold, "Fortunately, the immortal rebellion was suppressed by the other party in time. Otherwise, how many innocent ordinary people will die on the firefly, will die because of your 'long line fishing big fish' Have you thought about it?"

Jin Xinyue’s eyes gradually smashed up, like a starship that slowly lowered the defensive shield and entered the combat state: “Isn’t that the teacher’s mother thought about it, if the problem of the firefly is not solved quickly, Before the war, the 'cancer' was completely removed. When the Black Wind Fleet is really under pressure, how much trouble will the exile government give us, and how many troubles will lead to the death of ordinary people?

"At least, if you are going to die now, the dead are the ordinary people in the government in exile.

"And if I am kind and soft, the woman's benevolence, the death is most likely to be our ordinary people of the Starry Federation, our compatriots, the number of compatriots more than a hundred times more than the government in exile!

"This is the biggest difference between me and Lu drunk. Lu drunk is said to be the guardian of the federation, but he is killed by his own compatriots; and my swords and minions are only used to deal with outsiders, only used to Defend the Confederacy! If you die out of some outsiders, you can save more lives of the federal compatriots. I don't think there is anything wrong with this!"

Jin Xinyue’s sudden increase in voice and momentum made Ding Ling’s beggars one of them.

The humanoid female tyrannosaurus took a deep breath and stared at the demon saint seriously, muttering: "You are really deeper and deeper in the whirlpool of power, Jin Xinyue! Although I have long known that you are ambitious and heart-wrenching. However, I always thought that since Li Yao accepted you as a disciple, it must be to see how much bottom line you have in your heart, and you will not really do everything that tramples on everything!

"But he is wrong!

“Look at everything you have done in the past 100 years, especially after you left the Secret Sword Bureau, set up the 'Yuyue Foundation’, and used this secret force to do the dirty work in the four new worlds; You have a way out for the Yaozu, and you are kneeling in front of the so-called 'big brothers' in the core world. You are willing to be their minions! Think back to everything you have done, don’t you think you are going from 'cultivator' to 'cultivating the immortal' Is the direction slipping slowly?"

Jin Xinyue smiled indifferently, tightening the fur on his body: "What is the difference between a self-cultivator or a cultivator, but a difference between 'worker', 'farmer', 'police' and 'teacher'? On the forehead, the words that can never be erased! I am too lazy to pay attention to what the comprehension and the immortal, I only know what I am doing, neither worthy of the Master nor the Confederacy.

"Why, is it that my means are dirty, but there is no such dirty means, how can the four new worlds be so easily conquered? I am not born with my brothers, and I will pull out the most annoying 'thorns'. The rest of the people, where would they join the Union?

"Through our 'Yuyue Foundation''s dirty means of seeing the light, at least the time to completely integrate the four new worlds into the Union has accelerated for ten years. In ten years, our resource integration, combat strength, and army building can How much improvement can these save the lives of ordinary people in the coming war? One billion, two billion, or five billion, one billion?

"If I have a little 'dirty' with my hands, I can save more than 10 billion people's lives. Then I can only follow the teachings of Master and his old people, and I will go my own way!" (~^~)

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