Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1684: Thick, strong and black thighs (fifth!)

A hundred years of grinding the sword, a sword to seal the throat!

The analysis of Han Dingling's fascinating collections is indeed interlocking, succinct and seamless, and impeccable!

No wonder the breath is holding your breath, and after listening to him patiently, many Yuan Ying and the gods and gods are all strange and exclaimed.

Phoenix Emperor Zhu Zongyou made his first speech. The arrogant little emperor and Han Bulao were dead. He had been listening to him for a long time and was impatient. He rushed to say: "Yes, hey." It is also analyzed in this way, Li Laomo’s mentality is simply unfathomable. If it is placed in our ancient sacred world, it is definitely the hero of the chaos, the devil of the world, I am afraid, I am afraid that the so-called 'three saints and four fierce' add up, not his Opponent!"

"of course?"

The king of the sky triumphantly wins the sneer. "There is only the wrong name. There is no wrong nickname. The old man has been wondering for a long time. How can the three kingdoms of the world be saved? The great hero who once saved the federation will be called 'vulture'. Unbelievable nickname, until today, I suddenly realized that there is no more suitable for this old monster than the word 'vulture'! It is incredible, what kind of creation of this old demon can actually be able to cultivate and plan The realm of horror!"

"Wu and Wu Daoyou have seen many masters, strong men, and heroes who have led the way in the ancient sacred world hundreds of years ago. We have said that we have experienced ‘big winds and waves.’”

The gods and ghosts are rehabilitated and can't help but sigh. "But the old rivals of Li Lao Mo, even our two gods, are not seen in life! Although we are in the Dragon Snake Star, we are right. Li Laomo raised his vigilance and speculated that he would most likely be the most difficult opponent in this battle, but today, we are still overestimating the old demon!

Even the swordsman who has always been interested in this kind of conspiracy and planning layout is not very interested. He only wants to slash the sword and slash the sword. It is very rare to join the discussion: "A hundred years of grinding the sword, a sword and a throat! Sure enough." Good strategy, good city! The so-called 'sword is like its master', I heard that Li Laomo was one of the top masters of the Federation one hundred years ago. If his heart of the 'one hundred years and one sword' can be completely integrated into his kendo, I really don't know. What a terrible sword you can throw!

"Yes, it's really good. I will meet him one day. I must have a hard time playing a game. I will thoroughly teach him his '100-year-old sword'. Even if he can die under such a sword, it is the highest dream of a sword repair. !"

"Wait, wait, wait!"

Called Hanzi Ba Xiaoyu is still a little ignorant, knocked on the table and asked, "You are a friend of the Tao, there is still something unclear. If Li Lao Mo is really so powerful, use a hundred years to plan everything in secret, why not show up now? What?"

"What are you doing?"

The iron saint Qizhong Road is the nominal master of the comprehension of the realm. The road to it is naturally transparent. "With the sweep of the old giants, the Li Yao Group has risen strongly and completely occupied the new federal stage. The elected speaker and senior officials are either Li Yao’s wife, Li Yao’s disciple, or a close relative who has a life relationship with Li Yao. The internals are divided into several groups to fight, and ultimately they are not allowed to flow outside the fields! No matter who As the federal speaker, Li Laomo is a well-deserved emperor!

"Oh, the words "the Federal Speaker" are worthless. It is as if the signs of the 'emperor' and the 'master of the truth' are all worthless. The key is who is the real power?

"At least for now, this plan has been successful. The real helm of the Federation for the next 100 years is his vulture, Li Yao, and Li Laomo is no doubt!"

"and also"

Bai Lian's mother, Wan Mingzhu, screamed. "Many times, living people are not convenient for the dead. Li Lao Mo is superficially far from the federal centenary, but this mysterious state of non-life and death, coupled with the advocacy of the people under his hands. And gradually deified him.

"The so-called 'Three Realms, Li Yao, the father of Civilization', and even the shameless title of 'Federation's Father' are all preached. No one is screaming in the dark, is it possible? Even if someone deliberately speculates, if he is still If you are so self-proclaimed, how can you blow the snails? He dares to blow it, and others will be wary of him!

"Hey, this old devil's trick is really... I think my white lotus, who struggled for a few decades in the southeast of Dagan, may not be able to recruit millions of believers, and this old demon just played one hand to retreat to Into, the trick of Yunyou Xinghai is to turn himself into a 'god', and the people who believe in him are more than one billion!

"Without a word, you can enjoy the wind and confuse people in the invisible, high, it is high!"

It is the turn of Long Yangjun to speak.

Long Yangjun smiled slightly and said: "In fact, you have neglected one thing. The layout of Li Lao Mo is so subtle. The general trend of the 'Lee Yao Group' has already been achieved. He wants to go out and come out at any time.

"I have carefully studied the biography of this old demon and found that he likes to play the trick of 'critical moments, gorgeous debut', and seduce people with the strategy of "a thousand turns, a turn of the tide".

"Imagine if this old demon really has a heart, then when the federal and imperial battles are in full swing, come to a 'gorgeous return', how gorgeous, how shocking, how can you confuse people! ”

Han Daling: "Why did the male singer laugh?"

Long Yangjun: "Sorry, I thought that this old devil was so insidious and deceitful, and there was no way to go. Wang was helpless and had no choice but to smile!"

Han Daling: "Wang Gongyan is reasonable. If the old devil really plays the 'Gorgeous Return' routine, that prestige, the popularity, the merits, not to mention the federal speaker, I am afraid that the Xingyao Federation will immediately become an imperial system. He was more than enough to be the founding emperor. He was a little black man who was a little smaller, but he was even more hazy!"

Long Yangjun smiled bitterly, and yelled at Li Yao with his elbow: "Ling, don't think that Li Yao, this old demon will be horrible, you, what do you feel now?"


Li Yao couldn't bear it. He crossed the five fingers and took a heavy shot of the table. Five fingers were deeply embedded in the metal tabletop, and even spread to the side, they all picked up a circle of metal ripples in the shape of the palm.

His blood was arrogant, his face was red and red, and he got up and glared at everyone.

"You are friends! You are!

"Yes, if this Li Lao Mo's strategy is true, it is indeed quite horrible, quite treacherous, quite hazy!

"However, we have been in the ancient sanctuary for hundreds of years, and the Yuan Ying and the gods who have been trained in the blood of the corpse, are also not easy to wow!

"Your timidity, your courage, your heart!"

"Hey, look at you being half-truthed and half-fake, scared to look like a earthy look, and keep saying "horror like this", such as an egg! It’s just a long-term ambition, and it’s too disappointing!

"You are all afraid of this Li Lao, but I am not afraid of him. If you are fighting, your fighting will be depressed. Although you are self-sufficient, you will find him and fight with him. Fight, see if he has three heads and six arms, and his eyes are open to the sky!

"Not to mention, let alone, let alone say that even if he is really so powerful, it may not be a bad thing!"

Li Yao turned his head and knocked on the table, saying, "Everyone wants to know, which side of the 'wall grass' we have to rely on, of course, we have to see which side is better for us, but more importantly, we still don't have to look at it. Which side is stronger? Who is stronger, who we trust, otherwise the conditions for us to open higher, once destroyed, can not be honored, but also succumbed to the death of the ancient sacred world, then there are ghosts!

"The current general trend is naturally that the empire is strong and the federation is weak, but it is specific to the stars and the sea. It is specific to the immediate battle. If the federal side has Li Laomo, such a savvy, insidious, innocent and unpredictable peerless man, isn’t it? Is the odds bigger?

"Everyone came out to cultivate the truth. The most important thing is to talk to the boss. I just listened to Han Daoyou for a long time. I think this Li Lao Mo is not such a good person. Do you still hope that the helm of the Xingyao Federation is a kind-hearted, forward-looking, timid, The guy who eats the Buddha?"

In a word, I wake up the dream people. After a few glimpses of the Yuan Ying and the gods, they all face each other and all have a sense of ignorance.

"This is true, the spirit of the road is friendly!"

"We came out and said that it was hard to hear, and said in this proverb... It was originally to hug the thigh!"

"Listen to the analysis of Han Daoyou and Lingbi Daoyou, wow, Li Laomo, this thigh, is really thick, strong and black, quite worth a hug!"

"Yes, there is this old devil sitting in the town, the battle for the rise of the new federation should be stable!"

"Wait, but this old devil's appetite is so big, will we completely swallow our belt bones, and the benefits are not left? I always feel that bargaining with the horrible old devil is completely Fighting with the tiger!"

Li Yao sat down in a bulging manner, condensing the psionic power of the big toe, and stepping on Long Yangjun.

"Cough, cough, cough and cough."

Long Yangjun stood up again and calmed for a while, only to smile. "On this point, I would like to say something fair to Li Laomo."

"From the analysis of the Taoist friends just now, this old demon is an ambitious, hard-to-fill, and extremely incomparable appetite. You feel that after winning the battle of the rise of the federation, his ambition will only end. So, willing to be a small earth tyrant who is a star-studded sea, is it old?

"No, it is impossible. He will definitely enter the center of the Xinghai, and the empire and the sacred sect will become the master of the universe! You, right?"


Numerous Yuan Ying and the gods have nodded. "Change to us, with the power and strategy of Li Lao Mo, and never be willing to be trapped in the Xinghai Sea, a slap in the face, be a small landlord."

"If this is the case, then his ultimate goal is the rich world in the center of the Xinghai. Will it be because of the small loss, rushing to devour our ancient sacred world?"

Long Yangjun smiled. "At the moment, his foundation is a success, but even if he wins this battle, the road to future conquest will be very long. If we help him at a crucial moment, even if it is only for the sake of the 'Qinjin City'. , invites to buy people's heart, he will return to our ancient sacred world ten times.

"Otherwise, who will dare to trust him in the future, who will dare to help him, who will help him achieve the ambition of Tianda? He will not kill the chicken to take eggs, it is absolutely unique.

"In short, let's say in this proverb... You don't believe in the character of Li Laomo, you should trust his brain!"

At the end of the month, the sprint, the five more sent, the goal of 300,000 words this month!

Tomorrow, on December 1st, comrades don’t forget the monthly ticket recommendation. Let’s rekindle the battle and enter a truly exciting war! Everyone laughs at the horrible Li Lao Mo Dewei! (~^~)

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