Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1690: Jin Xinyue's approach

Tianyuanjie, 150 kilometers southeast of Tiancheng, is a small and exquisite satellite city with a quiet environment. It is the main demon-occupied area in the capital economic circle.

In the center of the small town stands two skyscrapers with tall buildings, one is the "Blood Demon Township Association", and the other is "the comprehensive building of the Tiandejie Office of the blood demon community."

Between the two skyscrapers, there is also a small square. At the end of the square, there is a block of embossed high walls of obsidian. The walls are engraved with countless demon miners swaying in the depths of the mine and collecting resources.

Regardless of the kindness and resentment of the millennium, right and wrong, right and wrong.

For at least a hundred years, for the rise of the new federation, countless demons have sprinkled sweat, tears and even blood on the resources of the seven worlds, and have buried their flesh and blood in the depths of the new federation. It is integrated with the words "Xingyao Federation" to give this purely human kingdom a new meaning in the traditional sense.

This statue is to commemorate the demon miners who died in the mine accident on the road to the rise of the new federal centennial.

There is also a small memorial hall next to it, which gives you access to the names and deeds of all the victims.

There are often descendants of the Yaozu who are scattered all over the Seven Realms, even those who have taken the "chaos pharmacy" and mixed with the human race for several generations, and the federal people who can't see the characteristics of the demon are not far away, come here, Dedicated flowers, remember the ancestors and the past.

Crossing two skyscrapers and a small Miner Memorial Square, in the northern part of the town, in the beautiful countryside, there is a rustic country house with an ordinary appearance.

In the changing past few decades of the Federation, this unappealing villa is one of the whirlpools in a sense, or the center of the whirlpool.

The top of the Capital Council, the strongest in the circle of comprehension, called the villa "the moon palace."

Here is the private school of Jin Xinyue.

The "Federal Development Department" is a government agency and is not owned by Jin Xinyue. The "Yueyue Foundation", as the second intelligence agency of the Federation, is still secretive and independent, but it still has a strong official color and cannot be completely regarded as a golden heart. The private soldier of the month.

Regardless of the "Department of Development" or the "President of the Haoyue Foundation", it is the position and power given to her by the state, and the country can withdraw it at any time.

The title of "Nine Heavens and Mysterious Women" is different.

Jin Xinyue’s responsibility, obligation and power to the Yaozu were not granted to her by the federal government, but by her father’s prestige and her own means, so the federal government could not strip this layer of power.

"Yuegong" is not only the private school of Jin Xinyue, but also her home in the capital.

It is also the command center of her remote blood and demon world and the size of the demon family. It is the source of her true lair and power.

However, today, after the storm has swept for most of the month, the nest is in jeopardy.

This point can be seen from the number of shuttles that have risen and fallen from the private parking lot near the Moon Palace.

In the past few decades, the private parking lot near the Moon Palace has always been busy and bustling. Every day, countless luxury shuttles from all over the Seven Worlds arrive here.

Not only do the demon people come to visit, but also countless federally famous sects, the fleets of the centuries-old giants of the Federation, also do not hide their identity, swaying and landing on the "moon palace."

Even in the early days of the scandal, the number of luxury shuttles has not decreased, but has increased slightly.

At that time, no one believed that Jin Xinyue, supported by most of the wealthy world's giants, would be killed by a small scandal.

However, as the situation turned sharply, especially the "Sister of the Moon" was exposed and protected by the Secret Sword Bureau. In just a few days, the sudden change of the situation, the fall of Jin Xinyue and the reorganization of the Haoyue Foundation seemed to be foreseeable. The fact that this parking lot immediately became empty, cold and clear, the door was stunned.

Jin Xinyue, which has been entangled in countless scandals, seems to have become an untimely bomb that will explode at any time. Everyone can avoid it. No big man is willing to associate with her, for fear of being dragged by her. The fried bones are broken.

Only the reporters who are pervasive and daring, like the smell of the scorpion lang, continue to come, sneaking in all corners of the satellite city, and the supporters of Jin Xinyue, those five big three, fierce and evil demon bodyguards, play Played a cat and mouse game.

They naturally want to capture the precious picture of "Jin Xinyue was arrested."

As a senior member of the parliament, a minister of the Ministry of Development, and especially one of the two candidates for the highest presidential election, Jin Xinyue is naturally protected by the high standards of federal law and cannot be caught casually.

Until the scandal was exposed for three weeks, she still had basic freedoms and could normally travel between the Development Department Building and the Moon Palace to continue the operation of the two institutions.

However, she did not leave the Tianyuan world. She went to the rest of the world to make lectures and canvassing. It may be restricted by the independent inspection team. It is more likely that she expected the general trend to go. It is meaningless to struggle.

In the face of the snowball-like scandal and the pressure of the case, her position is higher and her identity is no longer special. The seven circles have launched several demonstrations against her and asked the federal government to remove her immediately. Even directly to prison.

Well-informed people and old reporters who specialize in running the parliamentary interview route all analyzed, even if the most optimistic estimate, within a week, Jin Xinyue will definitely voluntarily resign from all positions and cooperate with the investigation of the independent inspection team.

In a nutshell, the heart of Jin Xinyue has gone, completely finished!

On the surface, it is true.

However, in the underground of the moon palace, a secret meeting is going on in the depths of a maze-like underground building.

Participants did not enter the moon palace by a luxury shuttle bus, but were directly transmitted to the core secret room of the moon palace through a secret transmission array, and they were not discovered by any reporters, secret swordsmen, and independent inspection team members.

This secret transmission system was pre-buried at the beginning of the construction of the Moon Palace. It has not been used passively for decades. The federal government will never be able to grasp its transmission frequency and psionic fluctuation characteristics, at least in it. Within a few days of an activation, no one will realize its existence.

Through the secret transmission matrix, deep into the core of the moon palace, it is still the three heads of the last meeting with Jin Xinyue, and the three are hidden behind the federal parliament, the real amnesty.

This time, they represent not only their own three sects, but also all the old tyrants that have been hit by the scandal and have been hit hard, and they are about to be crumbling!

Therefore, even with these three big sisters, the city and heart of the Yuan Ying series are not worried, and they look angry and angry!

"Golden Heart, what are you doing? How much have you promised us half a month ago, we will definitely settle everything!"

"We believe in your words and provide you with so much manpower and resources. As a result, you are getting worse and worse, and you are out of control!

"Now that so many of our sects are involved, they are giants with hundreds of years or even thousands of years of history, but because of your own rash and recklessness, all are pushed to the edge of the cliff, and it is in jeopardy!

"The Independent Procuratorate and the Secret Sword Bureau, and the remaining dozens of departments have set up a joint special action team. Many of our top management have been taken away. Now we don't know what they will explode!

"Even if we have a few, add up to live a thousand years old, then how to say is the old man of the Yuan Ying realm. After two days, I will go to the prescribed place to be investigated at the prescribed time! It is really a shame to humiliate and humiliate!"

Pang Meimen, Zhao Zhangmen and Tongzhangmen, the three old giants, like three raging volcanoes, vent their anger, resentment and fear.

Jin Xinyue is still the most exquisite and perfect black suit, seemingly sitting across from them very calmly, without saying a word, bowing his head and admitting his mistake.

However, her nerves twitching, a slightly scattered eyebrow line, and a tiny tear on the black stockings all showed her inner fear and embarrassment.

At first glance, in the face of heavy pressure and irreversible fiasco, even the heart of Jin Xinyue was completely out of control.

"What is the use of this now?"

She took a deep breath, white and tender little hands squatting, and ordered a thin and long lady's cigarette for herself, but she didn't smoke, just looked at the flickering cigarettes, faintly, "three palms." The door angered and rushed to the crown, the soul broke out, screamed, and killed me alive, can you save your sects and families?"


The three big cockroaches are all people with heads and faces. For hundreds of years, I have never heard of such "dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water". They are all mad and trembled, and they are really angry. "If so, you cried and asked us to come over." What do you do with the big deal? Now, people are knives, I am a fish, and there is a 'big plan' that can reverse the shackles and survive!"

Jin Xinyue laughed.

The expression that appeared on her face may be the most miserable, most tangled, but also the most hazy smile seen by the three great monks in the millennium.

"Kill me."

Jin Xinyue took a deep breath of smoke and slowly spit out a layer of unpredictable fog towards the three big cockroaches. "One hundred."

The three big sisters were stunned at the same time. After a while, they became more and more angry: "What are you talking about? Are you crazy? You messed up things completely, and made such a big mess. All of us were dragged down by you, no. Know how many people are going to die, now I want to slap my **** and die? How easy it is!

"Kill you? If you kill you, you can solve the problem. We will take you back now! But is your life so valuable? Is it qualified to bring us so many wealthy families to accompany you?"

"You, you, you! We didn't see it early, you turned out to be such a madman!"

Jin Xinyue silently smoked the lady's cigarette, but this time she swallowed the mist all over her belly. She patiently listened to the yelling of the three big cockroaches, suddenly looked up, and the eyes burst into a crazy light, with a smile: "Or, I Kill you first, and make sure that you are easy to walk, refreshing and fast. If you have a hundred, you don’t have to live so painfully, you have to see the inheritance of your ancestors for hundreds of years, and they are all destroyed in your hands. !"

At the same time, the three big scorpions were stunned, and at the same time they perceive the amazing murderousness that Jin Xinyue did not hide. He finally remembered the result of the last meeting with Jin Xinyue.

Worse, bad, this woman is a madman, how can they make the same mistakes as last time?

"Don't be nervous, just make a little joke with the three heads."

Jin Xinyue smiled slightly, and the murderous gas suddenly seemed to be splashing into the water of the desert. It disappeared instantly without a trace. She gently shook the ashes of the lady's cigarette at the end of the smoke, and folded the legs comfortably. It seems that the three heads don't want me to die, I don't want to die, and I don't want to see your sects and families die. I also hope that... the Jedi will fight back and die in the dead?"

The three big faces looked like each other, as if they saw a glimmer of hope in the eyes of each other: "Do you have a way?"

"The defeat of the army is like a mountain, and it is not free. Now the whole federation knows everything we have done. Even though the great Luo Jinxian is coming to the world, there are no skills left. Even the three uncles and predecessors have nothing to do. A weak female stream in my district. What else can I do?"

Jin Xinyue looked at the cigarette **** and looked at the three heads through the orange-red light on the cigarette butt, just like locking the three prey through the sight. "Yes, say, three heads, do you want me? To surrender to the empire together?" (To be continued.)

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