Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1702: Oh I got it!

"Mo Xuan is the new generation of ghost repairing 'Star Spirit' that is in the liquid metal. Is the firm advocate of the Great One?"

Long Yangjun indulged for a moment, "Wait, you should not care about the threat of 'virtual life', the priority of the matter, to the level of the current crystal brain and the spirit net of the Federation, even if it is really to produce virtual life, at least a few After thousands of years, the threat of the Imperial Expeditionary Force is real!"

"No, I wanted to check Lu Guangchen at the beginning."

Li Yao finished the noodles, drank the last drop of sour soup, and gently tapped the table with a fork. "I always feel that Lu Xiaochen has a big problem. His set of 'Xianxian 2.o theory' says me one by one. Hey, creepy! This guy I saw him when he was a teenager, young and old, the city is very deep, is not willing to succumb to the next generation, I am worried that Jin Xinyue can not control him, it is very likely to be countered by him.

"So, I have studied his life trajectory without any problems, especially the ‘fantasy world collapse’ event that led him to become a cultivator.

“As a result, I don’t have much description of the ‘flawy world’s collapse’ event on the spiritual network. Even the so-called ‘in-depth report’ is often understatement and has no real cause and effect.

"Thinking is also true. At that time, the 'Large One Spirit Network' that crossed several large worlds was in full swing. If the news that caused the death of the experimenter was hyped, it would make people doubt the safety of the spiritual network. Besides, the dead Su Chang is the empire of the empire. It was quite awkward in the position of the Federation. This incident did not set off too many storms. It was like this, and together with the 'virtual world' was forgotten by everyone.

"But I always feel that I can't make it. Even if Lu Qingchen and Su Chang's feelings are deeper, his teacher's death is an accident. Doesn't he let him hate the federal hatred and surrender to the empire?

"When did you have something in the "virtual world", why did Su Chang die, why did Lu Xiaochen change, and why did my teacher, Professor Mo Xuan, give up the study of ‘virtual life’?

"My teacher is obviously the most persevering person. Even if he turned into a 'virtual body' in the past because of the big bang, he spent several years in the state of non-life and death. Once he was resurrected, he did not give up. The ideal of the device, the big failure, should make him more and more frustrated!

"I can't make it, it doesn't make sense!"

"Continue to explore, my old ‘virtual world experiment’ is carried out in the field of flowers.

"At that time, Baihua City was just under construction. All the crystal brains were relocated from Tianyuan, Feixing, Tianhuan and Kunlun, and the complex and complicated assembly and debugging were carried out. According to public reports, it is the side computing center. The debugging problem has spread to Professor Mo Xuan, Su Chang and Lv Dengchen, and the master brain of the 'virtual world research group' led to the 'virtual world collapse' event.

"Today, the relics of the past 'virtual world' should be hidden in the research and control center of Baihuacheng Calculation", and my teacher left the "civilization" research team and gave up the virtual world. However, it is still stationed in Baihua City for a long time and presides over other research projects."

Long Yangjun understood: "So, you want to find Professor Mo Xuan to understand the truth about the _ illusion of the virtual world, and thus determine whether there is any problem with Lu Guangchen?"

"I thought so at the beginning."

Li Yaodao, "But under careful study, I have a new clue. In addition to Lv Qingchen, my teachers are very problematic!"

Long Yangjun glimpsed a little, and the subconscious lowered his voice and leaned forward to find his body: "What problem?"

Li Yao squinted his eyes and said: "He, leave, get married!"

Long Yangjun: "..."

Li Yao banged **** the table: "He was divorced, and he was still derailed because he was derailed and found a junior. He was a wife, another teacher of mine, and Professor Yuan Manqiu of the Department of Reconstruction of the Great Desolation Court, so he was divorced!"

Long Yangjun: "Sorry, I suddenly remembered that I still have something to go first, or else, will you continue to eat noodles?"

Li Yao: "You don't do this. Listen to me. My two teachers, Professor Mo Xuan and Professor Yuan Manqiu have very good feelings. They are very lyrical. They have been supporting each other for more than a hundred years. It’s not easy, how can a good-natured Professor Mo Xuan be derailed to find a junior, and two people will be divorced?”

Long Yangjun: "Marriage is free, your **** is off, my patience is limited, and when you eat the third bowl, you have already reached the limit!"

Li Yao: "No, believe me, think about it, this matter will be born shortly after the ‘virtual world collapses.’ You don’t think that time is too coincidental, is it very strange?”

Long Yangjun took a deep breath, but his nose was full of sour soup and fat beef. She fanned the fan with some disgust, and thought for a moment, and nodded slightly: "You said so... it is a bit strange, you Isn't the teacher a ghost repairer, how can he get out of the way to find a junior?"

"This is not a problem."

Li Yaodao, "He is a liquid metal, and it is ever-changing. From a technical point of view, it can be changed by itself. Several can be used. Even if it is an ordinary ghost repair, the federal spiritual refining industry is now very good. There are special prostheses in this category. How do you say it, just like the so-called 'King of the Horns, Dr. Yan, and the Empress Dowager' in your ancient sacred world, you are eunuchs, do you not know the eunuchs best?"

"Who is the eunuch?"

Long Yangjun patted the table, and “砰” left a deep palm print on the table, biting his teeth. “Since there is no problem in technology, isn’t it normal? Whether it’s a ghost repair or a splendid, it’s all human. It is a person who has seven emotions and six desires. It is called the 'seven-year itch'. It has been itch for seven years. Two people have been together for seventy years. Isn’t it necessary to grasp the whole body?

"You think about it, your teacher Professor Mo Xuan is in charge of the "Civilization" game in the Baihuaxing domain and presides over the 'virtual world project'; and your other teacher, Professor Yuan Qiuqi, stays in Tianyuanxing. The Great Remnant Warfare Institute is the leader of the refining system, and the two are sure to gather together and leave more!

"In the past, they all engaged in the research of Jingjing. They can support each other and communicate more. But since Professor Mo Xuan became a Protoss, after the computing power soared, he gradually changed his career track and turned to the Lingwang direction. What is the common language of the two people?

"At this time, Professor Mo Xuan’s dedication to the 'virtual world project' failed, which also led to the death of a researcher. His heart was annoyed, blamed and depressed, not to mention.

"If there is a charming little goblin at this time, or a female researcher who is also engaged in spiritual net and crystal brain research, sneak into the liquid metal to soothe his heart.... Is it strange? ”

Li Yao slammed his jaw and chin: "I was so told by you, I really saw it. I saw from the lace news of the time, my teacher’s junior, seems to be a female researcher of the 'Greater Unified Network Computing Center'. It is said that Still a senior algorithm expert or something."

Long Yangjun: "That's not the end!"

Li Yao shook his head hard: "No, I have to figure out this thing. It doesn't take long for us to use it. When we watch our starship here to repair and fill the fuel, I will go to see Professor Mo Xuan. If the teacher is fine. In the words, I told Ding Ling and Jin Xinyue that he passed me through the news that I came back. I am not at ease."

Long Yangjun indulged in a moment: "This is very reasonable. Indeed, it is now time to contact the two big "big heads" of Ding Ling and Jin Xinyue. Let's fight together to avoid any misunderstanding.

"So, what is your teacher's current project in Baihuaxing, where can I find him?"

Li Yao gently knocked on a light curtain: "This, the 'fire plan', the source is the 'tombstone plan' proposed by the oldest demon lord of the blood demon world more than 100 years ago. It is the inheritance of our civilization. Later, we have invested in the Yaoshi Group, the Double Skull Club and the Federal Affiliate. We helped this plan to be implemented. Because the word 'tombstone' is not very auspicious, it was renamed the 'Fire Plan. '.

"Mr. Mo Xuan was disheartened after the "failure of the virtual world" incident, gave up most of the work of the "Civilization" game and the Great One Network, and turned to the fire plan and became its person in charge. With his strong joining, the progress of the fire plan has been greatly accelerated, and now the first batch of 'fire types' has been refining, which can be placed deep in the Xinghai.

"In fact, because the Black Wind Fleet is approaching, no one knows when they will suddenly come out, so tomorrow, the first ‘fire will’ will be shot.

"I just knew this in the news, and I specially asked our starship to come to the Baihuaxing domain today, and apply to the authorities to visit the 'Fire Project' project team, and communicate with Professor Mo Xuan to understand the civilization. The inheritance has been approved by the authorities for half a day and will not delay our trip."

Long Yangjun narrowed his eyes and quickly browsed the news: "The first deep space exploration ship carrying the Xingyao federal civilization fire will be led by the famous federal home and educator 'Wei Qingqing', and the teacher will become The first time in the history of the Federation is very likely to hibernate for tens of thousands of years, to the distant future, to pass on our civilized people? Wei teacher... Wei Qingqing... Oh... I understand!"

Li Yao is desperately blinking: "What do you understand?"

Long Yangjun glanced at him with a deep impression, like a smile: "You said so much nonsense, not to go to Professor Mo Xuan, but to see the old man!"

Li Yao’s face suddenly turned white: “What is good! It’s already here to my wife’s territory, don’t talk nonsense!”

"Wei Qingqing is not in the train on the North Great Battlefield before you have yet to wake up to Linggen. In order to save you, come forward, the revil girl who died heroically, or engage in literature and art!"

Long Yangjun chuckled. "It is said that you are under her encouragement and set a great goal to become a self-cultivator. For you, she is just some kind of... a glorious and holy big sister.

"Don't hold me like this, not what I said. I have read more than a dozen of your biographies. Everything says this!

"It turns out that I fully understand! The big sister who had the life-saving grace for myself and motivated myself to embark on the road of comprehension, will embark on the journey to 100,000 years tomorrow, and will never see it since you are known. The news of such a 'blue sky ,', you want to see her side, it is human nature, anyway, business affairs are not wrong!

"Understand, fully understand, you said so early, I have already understood it, why should I take such a big circle? The "pure relationship" of this savior, on the last side, really has to see, I support you, absolutely Will not say to your wife, rest assured!" (To be continued.) 8

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