Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1704: Origin of the fire

Li Yao was deeply shocked by the long time from the time of the ancients to the future.

He originally thought that the so-called "tombstone plan" or "fire plan" was only a hundred years ago. In the face of the dual pressure of the Empire and the Holy Alliance, hundreds of whimsical plans that were rushed out were insignificant.

At least until he left, it was.

The tombstone plan is a "flight-resolving solution" based on "absolute defeatism." In the face of the mainstream trend of thought in the United States at the time, the United States was destined to have no market.

Even if Yao Yao Group of Li Yao Holdings, on the face of returning to life, it only gave the tombstone a symbolic start-up capital, letting the plan go its own way.

The original leader of the tombstone plan, the demon old life star is a long life, not a person who is good at practical operations.

He is a historian, barely counting half of sociological theorists, or using the relatively new theory of the then federal, "civilized scientist."

He can put forward a set of theories that have a set of things, and make people ignorant, so that people can get a glimpse of it, but how to put these theories into practice is not the strength of this old turtle.

Therefore, until Li Yao left the Union, the tombstone plan did not make much progress, and it seems that within a few decades that can be expected, no substantial results will be achieved, just on paper.

Unexpectedly, a hundred years later, the tombstone plan has changed and turned into a fire plan, and it has developed to the extent that it can launch the first batch of "fire"!

From the time tunnel created by this three-dimensional light curtain, we can see the ambitions contained in the depths of the "fire". They really want to condense the origin, development, peak and future of human civilization. , passed down to the new race hundreds of millions of years later!


In this "time tunnel", the archaea is replaced by green algae, the green algae is replaced by trilobites, the trilobites are replaced by mudfish, the mudbass are dinosaurs, the dinosaurs are marmosets, the marmosets are gradually replaced by humans... Said, eliminated.

Until the last scene, what does it mean to replace and eliminate human beings with some silver-white spheres?

Li Yao is deeply pondered, and there is a feeling of uncomfortable faintness.

Immediately and dumbfounded, laughing, is it too sensitive?

If there is anything that is ulterior, it will not be so bright and showable!

At this time, I heard Long Yangjun smiled and said to Ling Xiaole: "I heard that in the era of ancient repairs 40,000 years ago, many ancient sects of the mountain gates will be set in front of the magical array, so that visitors can feel the weather and the powerful people first. The illusion of involuntarily awe and yearning for this sect.

"At that time, the Shanmen Magic Array represents the strength of a sect!

"Many ancient books have described the grand illusion of the giants to the sky, and the grotesque, just like the real opening of a new world in front of the mountain gate.

"I originally thought that the ancients exaggerated their words, but today I saw the "modern illusion" in front of the "Mountain Gate" of the fire base, only to know that the ancients are not deceiving me!

"From the arrangement of this 'modern fantasy array', we can see that the 'fire plan' is very big, strange, such a grand plan that has been going through hundreds of millions of years. How rarely did you hear it? Tomorrow It’s going to be the first fire launch, but the outside news media haven’t reported it. Is this too low-key?”

Ling Xiaole said: "The fire plan is very low-key and mysterious. Even I don't know their inner feelings. To be honest, if I don't have two lights, my level of secret sword is not qualified to come in.

"Even two people are not casually able to come in and visit, because the 'fire plan' is not a government project in principle. Professor Mo Xuan owns an absolute majority of shares. Most of the funds are also invested by him. This base is almost his private industry. Therefore, Professor Mo Xuan agreed that the two can come here."


Long Yangjun blinked. "Is there anything to keep secret here?"

"It is not confidential."

Ling Xiaole thought for a moment. "How do you say that the predecessor of the fire plan is the tombstone plan, and the word 'tombstone' is quite arrogant, and the fact is true. This is a plan of defeatism, fugitiveism, and even Even the escape is not counted. It is equivalent to saying that 'we are all dying anyway. Just engrave a beautiful and bright tombstone and send it out for commemoration. Then **** it and die.' Two thoughts, the Federation is now full of vitality. The thriving momentum of the rising sun and rising sun is the most beautiful golden age. Who would be willing to understand this plan!"

Long Yangjun indulged for a moment and said: "This is also true, the crow's mouth will not be popular."

Ling Xiaole nodded: "Yes, the public prefers those passionate and impassioned plans, and the government does not want the exposure of the tombstone plan to be too high, which has hurt everyone's morale. Human civilization is destined to perish after hundreds of millions of years. There is too much nihilistic taste, no one likes to listen.

"The public does not like to listen, the government is not willing to publicize, this project does not want to be low-key.

"More importantly, even as a 'failure' plan, whether it is ultimately 'successful' is impossible for us to know. I say 'we' are not just our generation, but the whole human being. Everyone from civilization to the future."

Long Yangjun frowned: "I don't understand..."

"For example, they will launch the first 'fire type' tomorrow. Naturally, our deep-sea navigation technology is very mature, and the launch of the fire will not be a problem."

Ling Xiaole said, "But this kind of fire is set to drift in the stars for at least several million years, to find a new race after millions of years, then, can this fire drift in the universe for millions of years? Without damage, everything contained in the fire, including Wei Qingqing, will disappear, can she find a suitable planet, discover new life, or drift in the desolate universe forever?

"And, even if she finds a new life, is the new life a carbon-based multi-cell life like us, with flesh and blood, can understand our civilization, or something... no wonder, mysterious and mysterious?

"Assuming that there is a day and night temperature difference of more than five Baidu, the surface of the planet is surrounded by metal solutions, and some kind of life has been born in these metal lakes. I can hardly believe that it can understand and accept the inheritance of human civilization.

"And all these questions, we are now impossible to give an answer, it is likely to have an answer after a million years, 10 million years or even 100 million years.

“The two think that this kind of 'fire plan' that is meaningless to the ‘this moment’ will cause interest from the public and the press.

"In addition, Professor Mo Xuan's character is indeed somewhat isolated, deliberately keeping a low profile, and has not publicized and invited the media in a big way. The interviews and observations of several major media have been rejected by him. Only the EFF, the Parliament, and our secret swords. The bureau sent some guests to observe the ceremony. To be honest, he could agree to the two visits. I was quite surprised."

Long Yangjun smiled: "Do we have anything special?"

Ling Xiaole said: "Professor Mo Xuan said that the fire plan is a plan for fugitiveism, and your Xinghai Republic flow... The orthodox government, isn’t it also a long millennium? Everyone is a fugitive in some sense, maybe you will Understand the connotation of the fire plan, can you have a common language with him? So, he is willing to meet the VIPs who came to see the fireflies, and talk to you."

Long Yangjun and Li Yao looked at each other and said: "We are really honored. It sounds like this Professor Mo Xuan is a rather weird person. I have seen a debate between him and Professor Xie Wufeng. He was deeply impressed by a spirit net and virtual life.

"Why later, Professor Mo Xuan put a good freshman network and virtual life research, but instead led the fire plan?"

Ling Xiaole shook his head and bit his lip. "I don't know the details. It seems that Professor Mo Xuan suffered a major setback in the 'Lingwang and virtual life projects'. Halfway, but somehow, all the enthusiasm and even life. The blood of the heart has been transferred to the 'fire plan'.

"In fact, before the establishment of Professor Mo Xuan, the original tombstone plan has been in a state of stagnation. The starting capital from the initial investor 'Yao Shi Group' has been spent almost, and the project leader is a pure life. Theorists are not good at advancing such large-scale, multi-level complex projects, and the connections within the Terran are not so wide. This kind of defeatist project is quite arrogant, and there are not many elites who are willing to join.

"After all, the federal government at that time is flourishing in all aspects. There are countless exciting projects and plans. As long as it is talented and some is used, why should we contribute to this absolute failureism and fugitive plan?

"Seeing the tombstone plan is going to die, Professor Mo Xuan is strong, and he has bought out the project from Shou, and reorganized it into a ‘fire plan.’

"In the past 100 years, Professor Mo Xuan has served as the president of the Great Wilderness Warrior, the president of the Federal Association of Refiners, and the president of the Federal Ghost Association. He has personally led the promotion and landing of dozens of large-scale projects. Experience and the network of contacts are not comparable to life.

"And, Professor Mo Xuan has also invested in all his own net worth, and even sold his own shares in the Yao Shi Group and all the magic weapons of this life design and refining, including the 'Mysterious Wars'. A lot of money, all put into the fire plan!

"With him strong joining, the funds are constantly flowing, and soon a team of experienced people has been set up. This base has also been established. The fire plan is revived, and it will take a few days, just a few decades, and it will be fruitful!" (~^~ )

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