Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1706: Cycle back and forth, endless!

The unique opening remarks made Li Yao three people enter a deep and distant atmosphere.

Li Yao, who once had an indissoluble bond with Wei Qingqing, did not have to say that even Long Yangjun and Ling Xiaole felt deeply curious about the female teacher who passed on the human civilization after hundreds of years of volunteering.

However, they are more curious, but they are the "grandfathers" of the children and their heads.

Perceived their doubtful eyes, Wei Qingqing smiled and gestured to the three to walk with her slowly from the children's playful lawn. ,

She explained: “The fire base includes a large park with more than 50,000 staff and family members living here. It is an all-encompassing town with all the schools, hospitals, shops and entertainment facilities, of course. There are also own kindergartens and elementary schools.

"These little guys are the children of the fire plan researcher. In the last five years, I have been at the school here and staying with the children."

"Wu teacher!"

"Qingqing teacher!"

Seeing them coming, many little guys greeted them. From the bright smile, Wei Qingqing was very popular with the children.

Wei Qingqing smiled and suddenly made a face to the children. The hands were one, one, and ten fingers like a lotus flower. The palms were full of colorful flowers. She picked up the gangs and gently blew them. It is the dandelions that are generally swaying, going with the wind, causing many children to chase after their feet, laughing, noisy, the lawn is filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

Wei Qingqing's flesh and blood body was destroyed in the eruption of the animal wave more than 100 years ago. She is a ghost repair, and there is no entity. The current human form including this bunch of colorful dandelions is naturally an illusion.

However, the illusion can be shaped so vividly that it can be seen in the realm of her, even if it can spread to hundreds of meters away.

She was originally a "magic literary master", the most bizarre of many professions in the comprehension, with the ability to use words to sway into illusions.

Long Yang Jundao: "Well, what is the "old grandfather" on the top of these children?"

Wei Qingqing said: "The name of these things when applying for a patent is called 'Intelligent Virtual Education Gods Polymers', but it is too sloppy. Everyone calls them 'grandfathers' because they really are like us. The old grandfather, who is omnipotent and omnipresent.

"This is a kind of virtual education, which is equivalent to a virtual teacher. It is not too complicated in terms of technology. Just put all the courses of the federal 12-year compulsory education, plus all the contents of the Federal Encyclopedia. They can all be integrated together. However, in the fire base, the 'Grandfather Research Institute' hopes that it can have more autonomy and decision-making ability, not only to be a good teacher of students, but also to be a good partner in life. Even a good helper in battle.

"Let's say, they want to put a 'grandfather' on the unfamiliar planet, which is in a bad environment. If you find a human life, it can automatically plan the entire education system and upgrade route according to the current environment. Humanoid life learns everything from human civilization to life, from the simplest language, one two three four, to the most complicated refining techniques, fighting techniques and all kinds of supernatural powers.

"And when the students are in danger, the grandfather will also play a certain role in prejudging and protecting.

"It's like this"

As soon as Wei Qingqing raised his hand, a smudge of the pale blue haze, which surged from the fingertips she did not exist, condensed into a translucent phantom in midair.

It is a crane-faced child, and it is amiable, but the image of the old man who has the power and the war is hidden in the depths of his eyes.

Li Yao slammed his jaw and how to feel that this old man is familiar with it?

Wei Qingqing said: "This is the tenth generation of grandfather we are developing. The standard template is called 'Yao Lao'. It is shaped by the prototype of our federal super hero 'Lee Yao'."

Li Yao: "..."

Long Yangjun: "Wow, that's interesting!"

This "Yao Lao" waved his hands, and suddenly there was a huge blank light curtain in front of him. Then there were simple characters, pictures and characters appearing on it, starting from the simplest words such as "people, mountains, heaven, and day". .

Subsequently, the content on the light curtain suddenly changed, but it became a college student level, quite difficult psionics, biochemistry and various basic subjects.

After displaying the contents of book education, "Yao Lao" also played a military standard boxing of the federal standard, and successively put out several classic psionic absorption and running postures, and finally returned to a static state.

Wei Qingqing smiled and said: "From the first generation to the tenth generation, the grandfather's research has made great progress, but it seems that there is still a long way to adapt to the needs of various unknown environments and races, so we will get us first. In the kindergarten and elementary school, as a 'big toy' for children, you can collect more data by the way!"

Li Yao and "Yao Lao" had big eyes and narrow eyes. They screamed for a long time and coughed: "So, are you going to bring the 'grandfather' to billions of years to enlighten the new civilization?"


Wei Qingqing opened his virtual arms and bathed in the virtual sunshine. He laughed. "I have been a teacher for a lifetime, teaching children for a lifetime, watching many children who are ignorant and ignorant grow up and actually stand taller. On the scale of the scale, the so-called 'tombstone plan' or 'fire plan' is not a cosmological compulsory education plan?

"In the universe after hundreds of millions of years, there may be many civilizations in an obscured state, like children who are ignorant, regardless of their life form, if our 'grandfather' can bring them human civilization. The essence, giving them some enlightenment, is it not another continuation of our civilization?

"Of course, the environment of each planet is very different. The life that has been born is definitely different. It may be difficult to understand all of human civilization, but as long as you can understand a little bit, it is enough.

"Think about it, a strange planet hundreds of millions of years later, born a kind of intelligent life living in a boiling swamp, looks like a metal octopus, the shape and social structure of this life is very different from human beings. But with the help of the 'grandfather', they understand what the so-called 'love' and 'guardian' are all about, and feel that this kind of emotion is excellent and has been incorporated into their civilization. How wonderful it is to go to such a universe!

"To achieve this goal, even the versatility and universality of the tenth generation grandfather 'Yao Lao' is not enough. The experts of the fire base will have to study slowly, but I can't wait! Ha, Let me be the first 'grandfather' to find the children in the universe, oh, no, if it is me, it should be called 'grandmother'."

Wei Qingqing’s body was full of shackles, and it turned out to be a slap in the face, full of silver, and a kind and lovely grandmother.

Li Yao looked at this gesture he had never seen before, and he stayed for a while.

I heard Long Yangjun ask: "Well, there is one thing. I am very curious. Have you considered the danger of the 'fire plan'? Will some information carried by the fire plan be used by the aliens in the depths of the Xinghai? In turn, it endangers human civilization? After all, how big and dark is the universe, besides 'children', there must be many wicked, hungry beasts?

Wei Qingqing smiled lightly and said: "Of course we have thought about this problem, so every ‘fire type’ has imposed the highest level of ban. If it is less than one million years, it will definitely not be opened. If it is forced to open, it will immediately destroy itself.

"The information stored in the fire does not exceed the current university level of the Federation. From the perspective of the entire civilization, it is a very basic thing.

"One million years, if human civilization still exists at that time, it should have developed into a form and a level that no one of us can imagine. Those unknown aliens, even the ferocious beasts, get us. What is the use of the basic theory of millions of years ago?

"Inversely, if human civilization has perished for various reasons for a million years, it is highly probable that from the road of civilization development in the past 40,000 years, then it is even more impossible for the aliens to get these things. It hurts us.

"Yes, we don't deny that the 'fire plan' is dangerous. Maybe the universe is really dark, but because of this, it is even more important to throw the torch around, ignite weeds and shrubs, illuminate all directions, and look for more. More similar, or a partner who can communicate!

"Or else, wouldn't you have been hiding in the dark for a lifetime, scared, shivering, and can't escape forever?"

Wei Qingqing said that Li Yao, Long Yangjun and Ling Xiaole were somewhat silent.

Wei Qingqing continued to smile: "In fact, you should not underestimate the difficulty of searching for Xinghai civilization. According to the experts of the fire base, the probability of finding aliens in a million years is no more than one hundred million, perhaps in Xinghai. After tens of millions of years of drifting, I have the opportunity to find new life.

"On that day, human civilization has a great probability of being destroyed, just like the Pangu civilization and the Nuwa civilization.

"Maybe at that time, we got our 'grandfather', a new race that inherited the essence of our civilization, will return to their 'teacher' homeland, to help their descendants of 'teacher', and to breed a new human civilization again. Regaining a new life?

"If one is not enough, we will launch thousands of ‘grand grandfathers’ into the Xinghai. Will we always meet a ‘good student’?

"Recycling, life, and perhaps this is the best way to make human civilization 'eternal life'!" (To be continued.)

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