Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1711: Admit it, we are! (fifth!)

Li Yao held his breath and didn't expect Professor Mo Xuan to be so open-minded. What secrets would be said without asking him.

Is the teacher really bright and clear, and the ghosts are not doing?

Professor Mo Xuan said: "The research we have done in the virtual world is mainly to simulate the life of the material world with the pseudo-reality of 1oo%, that is, to first create a virtual original planet, and then Inject a variety of conditions, expecting it to slowly produce virtual archaea, trilobites, dinosaurs, monks, until the final 'virtual intelligent life'.

"Oh, at that time we were too naive and too impatient, completely underestimating the difficulty of creating life and overestimating the computing power we can output.

"Or, even if the output is more useless, the computational power and the soul are not positively related."

Li Yaodao: "I don't understand, please explain."

Professor Mo Xuan said: "For example, if you have a metal gong that weighs one ton and is one hundred times stronger than humans, but you want to turn it into a real person, what do you do? Keep adding it. The weight and output power, can it be changed from one ton to one hundred tons, from one hundred times to ten thousand times, can it produce wisdom and will and become real life?"

Li Yao thought about it and slowly shook his head.

"Of course, no one will be stupid to do this, because weight and strength are things that have nothing to do with 'consciousness', but in fact, 'computational power' is the same reason, crazy superposition of computing power, it is like a metal From one ton to one hundred tons, it is impossible to create any life, it will only cause collapse!

"Unfortunately, at that time we all did not understand, or did not want to believe this truth.

"As soon as there was a little sign of the birth of primitive life in the virtual world, we assembled twelve levels of crystal brains and madly injected the computational power of the 'virtual world' and finally collapsed.

"I don't want to talk about that collapse anymore. Anyway, you must have seen it in the news reports. Although there are a lot of ingredients to add fuel and vinegar, the result is not wrong. Su Chang died in the virtual world, and the spirits of Lu and Chen After being hit hard, I stopped the 'virtual world project', and Lu Xiaochen simply betrayed the federation and turned to the empire.

"However, telling you a secret, why did I stop the 'virtual world project', not because I gave up, but because I was involved in the turbulent flow of infinite computing power, the whirlpool and storm in the virtual world When I was torn apart, I suddenly figured it out and completely figured it out!

"It's too stupid. I used to be too stupid, too stupid, too stiff!"

"In just a few hundred years, creating a virtual life out of thin air is neither possible nor necessary at all, because we clearly have a virtual life, a perfection, and will never be an enemy of mankind. The virtual life, that is our own!"

Professor Mo Xuan said more and more excited, and finally, pointing to Li Yao and Ling Xiaole again!

Li Yao and Ling Xiaole were confused.

"and many more"

Ling Xiaole took a deep breath and bit his finger. "Professor, can we be considered 'virtual life'?"

"why not?"

Professor Mo Xuan opened his arms as if to embrace the whole world. "Look at the current state of our living, what is the difference between your imaginary life and virtual life?"

"But we have physical body!"

Ling Xiaole hurriedly said, "This is a virtual world, our body is in the real world!"

"Note, here is the spiritual world, not the virtual world."

Professor Mo Xuan’s tone was rarely severely stern. After a while, he lowered his tone. “Yes, you have a body, but there is no ghost repair. Ghost repair is just a very complicated and mysterious magnetic fluctuation, one A small chip is enough to accommodate, so you can agree that a ghost repair without a body is a 'virtual life'?"

Li Yao and Ling Xiaole looked at each other and saw the entanglement of each other's eyes. Ling Xiaole thought for a long time and said: "Okay, okay, if the professor has to say this, Ghost Repair can be regarded as a kind of virtual. Life' is...the spirit."

"More than that."

Professor Mo Xuan looked at the two men with deep gaze, deep and deep. "Ghost repair is a member of humanity from the perspective of law and social public order. Can you agree?"

"of course!"

Li Yao and Ling Xiaole did not hesitate.

This is affirmative. Since the promulgation of the Federal People's Ghost Parity Act more than two hundred years ago, Ghost Repair or Ling Clan has the same legal status as the ordinary Terran.

For more than two hundred years, it is enough to make most of the ghosts fit into the normal society.

"And, the demon family, no matter how grotesque the body, the demon family with wings, tails, minions and horns, as long as he has the human spirit and lives as a member of human civilization, then he is also human."

Professor Mo Xuan stared at Ling Xiaole. "Agree?"


Ling Xiaole nodded fiercely, she is a half demon, how can she disagree?

Professor Mo Xuan smiled and extended three thick and long fingers: "So, you can all agree that whether you have a bodyless spirit or a singular demon, or the body looks more 'normal', but said No matter how different the body of the three can be, or even if there is no body, it is an organic part of human civilization."

Li Yao was stunned and pondered the trap in this sentence, but he couldn’t refute it for a long time and slowly nodded: "Yes."

"That is, you all agree that people are not human beings, but gods?"

Professor Mo Xuan said, "As long as the soul is a human being, how can the body change, not even?" For example, Lin said, if one day you are unfortunately sacrificed in the battle to defend human civilization, you lose your body, but you are using 'ghost repair'. The form is reborn, are you still a person?"

Li Yao blinked: "Of course it is!"

"So, the physical body is not important. The true face of our life form of ‘humanity is ‘the soul of God.’ We are a special kind of virtual life.”

Professor Mo Xuan concluded, "The so-called flesh and blood body is just a layer of 'shell', which is the shell that helps us to move into the material world. Something resembles a crystal, but this layer of flesh Jingjing' is our innate equipment, just like the eggshell of an oviparous animal!

"Because it is only a shell, so it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what it looks like. It doesn't matter what a long horn is. It doesn't matter if it can smash 50 pounds of strength and 5,000 kilograms of strength. It's just that the 'model' is different and there is no essential difference. Right? Right?"

Both Li Yao and Ling Xiaole slowly opened their mouths. Although Professor Mo Xuan’s statement was absurd, he thought it was impeccable!

If it is recognized that Ghost Repair is a member of humanity and recognizes that the Yaozu is also a member of humanity, then what is the human body's "body" does not matter at all, the important thing is the soul!

Therefore, the flesh and blood is only the outer shell, human beings are virtual life, or "spiritual life"!

"Do you understand my initial stupidity?"

Professor Mo Xuan seems to laugh and laugh, like crying and crying, muttering, "We humans are a kind of virtual life, but I turned a blind eye to such facts, but instead sought to create a new virtual life, but also led to The irreparable accident is really stupid.

"Wrong, wrong, the past research direction is completely wrong. With the explosive exhibition of crystal brain and spiritual network technology, the focus of our attention should not be to create a new virtual life, but how to make us human being evolved. A new leap on the road, a new form of full access, a completely virtual form of life!"

Li Yao suddenly raised his hand.

Professor Mo Xuan: "Lin, what's the problem?"

Li Yao: "Professor Mo Xuan, I don't know if you can change a huge rainbow lollipop with the permission of the law, and then introduce it to us while holding a lollipop?"

Professor Mo Xuan: "Why do you want to do this?"

Li Yao: "Because I think that what you are doing is really like the kind of ambitious villains that often appear in novels, games and glare phantoms. I am very nervous, so I am thinking, is it please? With a lollipop, the atmosphere will be more relaxed."

Ling Xiaole: "...that, Professor, I agree with Lin’s proposal, your theory is a bit, and it’s a mess.”

Professor Mo Xuan: "Yes!"

He smacked his finger and then slammed it in his arms. He really pulled out a large, round spiral rainbow lollipop, tearing open the wrapping paper, while carefully scrutinizing it, slowly saying: "If If you are still nervous, if I tell you, these theories I have written as a monograph, sent to the top of the federal government and major academic institutions, and at this moment, every corner of the whole 'worry-free world', including us. The ongoing conversation is being closely monitored by the Secret Sword Bureau. Will this make you feel better?

"I can even let the secret swords that are being monitored here come in. Maybe Miss Ling can recognize a few colleagues, do you need it?"

A middle-aged man with deep eyes, strong face, old-fashioned look and wide shoulders, very seriously carrying a big rainbow lollipop, this scene is really ... can not tell the strange.

However, it did indeed ruin the sinister and maddening atmosphere.

Li Yao and Ling Xiaole squinted at the same time. Think about it too. In the capacity of Li Yao, the special envoy of the Speaker of the Xinghai Republic, he came to visit such a high-profile secret project of the "Fire Project", which was not stared at by the Secret Sword Bureau. Not reasonable.

"I know what you are thinking, but everything is not what you think."

Professor Mo Xuan said faintly, "Lin, under normal circumstances, if you calculate by twenty-four hours a day, how much time do you spend in the brain and the online world?"

Li Yao thought for a moment: "If you put the cultivation of too illusory realities into it, it will take ten hours. After all, I have reached this level. The computing power and the soul are very powerful. In the illusory world, I can pull for a long time. When the hour is used in three or four hours, many of the deductions and cultivation work can be done in the virtual world."

Professor Mo Xuan nodded: "Miss Ling, what about you?"

Ling Xiaole thought for a moment: "Not necessarily, there may be less when the task is out, but it is basically all day on the Internet when you are on vacation. If you combine it, it will be ten hours."

"Very good, you are all close to the federal time online."

Professor Mo Xuan smiled. "According to the latest statistics, the time spent on different planets and starships is converted into twenty-four hours a day. Federals, regardless of gender, are spending nine hours a day on the spiritual network. Twenty-two points, if it is an active age between the ages of eight and one hundred and twenty, the average online time is twelve hours and thirty-three, just over half.

"Time is ‘only’ over half, but modern people have almost all the important things, work, entertainment, making friends, calling cars, selling takeaways, expressing opinions, self-improvement... all this is done online.

"It can be said that the focus of modern human life has long been completely and irreversibly transferred to the network!"

"I would like to ask two people. If you live half of your time and 9o% of your content, whether it is work, cultivation or eating, making friends or even ***, you must be happy to do it through the Internet. Are you carbon-based life? Virtual life? Is your soul living in the Internet or in the material world? Isn’t the flesh and blood in the so-called 'reality' not to ensure that you can go online and let you prosper the next generation so that they can continue Is the 'shell' of the normal Internet access?

"Recognizing that human beings are a kind of virtual life, the network is our future, our essence, everything about us. Is this really difficult?"

Professor Mo Xuan bite the rainbow lollipop, and if the sound of the bell, he asked me categorically.

The fifth is more complete, hehe!

Let's play a small game together, calculate according to your own method, how much time you spend online every day, how much focus in life is done through the network!

Congratulations when you are over 5o%, you are rushing into the path of virtual life form evolution!

Thank you, congratulations! (~^~)

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