Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1727: The illusion of illusion!

In the background of the silver-white Baihua City, the universe appears deeper and darker. However, in this darkness that seems to be swallowing everything, after a flash of brilliance in the moment, there are two extremely strong flaws.

After the smashing, two colorful psionic fountains suddenly appeared, and their own psionic energy, undulations and radiation bloomed into the whole universe, and they were immersed in the "fountain", slowly floating out of the gap between the voids. The decisive weapon of the war during the Flood Wars, the most powerful individual soldier in the history of human civilization, even the giant gods who can kill the gods of humanity!

Two giant soldiers, one left and one right, cold condensation condensed to the enemy.

A whole body is surrounded by a black flame, covered with thorn-like fighting thorns. The head is engraved with a huge cross pattern. The center of the cross is a blood-red heart-like one-eyed eye. If it is condensed with the idea of ​​the infinite war dead, The undead warrior who climbed out from the depths of Jiuyou Huangquan!

The other end is shrouded in black and white cymbals, such as a snake, unpredictable, and there are numerous high-light giant soldiers yin and yang that extend beyond the psionic amphibious antenna!

The two giant soldiers, together with a height of less than 50 meters, are placed on the scale of the universe, which is a drop in the ocean.

However, the arrogance that has been continuously released is the result of hundreds of federal sergeants, even the white starship behind them, and the entire Xinghai after the moon white starship.

The giant **** soldiers, looking for the entire federation can not find a hundred giant soldiers, the battlefield of the era of the wild!

More importantly, those who have the ability to control the giant soldiers are at least Yuan Ying!

And they are only guarding the security forces of the No. 3 Star Harbor, the most foundation period, the knot period, is the order received by the superior, the emergency attack, there is no Yuan Ying sitting!

The two Yuan Yingqiang who are equipped with giant soldiers are not able to resist.

The attacking of the cluster by the sergeant is like a fly that hits the glass. In front of it, a large flame is spewed out. With the power of recoil, regardless of the tearing of the crystal and flesh and blood, the hard life stops.

After a while, thousands of streams of light blew from their bodies, and they crossed the intricate arcs and rushed toward the two giant gods!

At the same time, the federal sergeant mobilized the strongest long-range attack. Various black light missiles, miniature flying swords and self-locking palms thundered, and almost all the magic bases were shot at once.

They were retreating under the cover of a long-range attack, fleeing toward two white-star ships.


Unexpectedly, "the two giant gods waved their hands and blocked the long-range attack. If the hungry tigers rushed into their battles and killed the four sides," such a scene was not born.

On the contrary, thousands of long-range attacks instantly set off a series of shock waves and explosions, completely drowning, tearing, smashing and swallowing two giant soldiers!

The two giant soldiers are simply like the general fragility of paper paste. Even the psionic shields are not open, and half of the evasive actions have not been made.

Behind the ocean of explosions and shock waves, it can be clearly seen that the two small, wolverine and even wretched figures, with the cover of the so-called "great **** soldiers", are ignoring all the spewing flames and generating a strong driving force. The outside of the Baihuaxing area fled.

"be cheated!"

"It’s fake, there are no giant soldiers at all!"

"That is just two iron shells similar to the giant soldiers, plus a few vivid three-dimensional light curtains, plus the sound and photoelectric effects of the weak psionic transformation!"

"The purpose is to cover the escape of these two guys!"

"Well, the empire of the empire, I said, how can the Imperial Secrets be so exaggerated!"

The federal sergeant suddenly realized that hundreds of people were fooled by two empire secrets and spies, and the more they were savage, all the magic weapons were locked in and the two escaping psionic waves fluctuated, and they were chased together with the two moon white stars.

From the depths of the third star port of Baihuacheng, and the federal fleet that travels outside the Baihuaxing area, a large number of forces have also been allocated to jointly punish the two fascinating psionic powers.

Just three minutes after they caught up.

From the hustle and bustle of the psionic powers, it is not far from the scene of the explosion of two "fake giant soldiers" in a pot of hot porridge. The two seem to have been bombarded by fierce long-range bombardment. In the wreckage, Li Yao and Long Yangjun slightly explored their heads and observed the whereabouts of the soldiers.

Sure enough, it is getting farther and farther away from them.


Li Yao grinned and couldn't tell the triumph.

The giant gods are certainly fake. The two crystal scorpions that escaped from the distance relying on the cover of the giant gods are also fake. The real Li Yao and Long Yangjun have already released the "fake giant soldiers" for a moment. Hidden in the fake giant squadron, relying on the tyrannical strength of his peak in the prime period of the baby, the hard-boiled smashed the other side's indiscriminate bombing, and smashed the turbulent waves of the explosion to the surrounding, mixed between countless wreckage, God does not know how to stand out!

Both Li Yao and Long Yangjun are masters of the hidden form, and their control over their breathing, heartbeat, body temperature and psionic fluctuations has reached its limit. As long as the mind is moving, it is possible to turn your flesh and blood into a cold ice. The meteorite is completely integrated into the background of the universe.

The hundreds of sorcerers who had just slammed the fire on the opposite side had already fired the location of the "fake giant squadron" into a raging magma pool, and then scanned the mysterious light, and did not want to find two people in the boiling radiation. Trace!

This is how Li Yao and Long Yangjun opened the small stove privately, and they have cultivated countless times to escape the law!

"How, OK?"

Li Yao squinted and said, "I have long said that this tactical arrangement is definitely useful. Isn't this a key role?"

Long Yangjun stared at him for a long time, and sighed with a sigh of relief: "I admit defeat, I really can't guess your thoughts. It is obviously one of the best peaks in Yuan Ying's old blame, and there are also real giant soldiers." In the hand, you can solve those people just by waving your hand. The result is to flee and flee in a very sloppy way. After you escape, you are still so complacent, not ashamed, and proud of it?"

"No way, they are all loyal, the EFF that executes the order, my comrade!"

Li Yao said, "I can't reveal my own cards, and I can't scream and kill them. I don't run away, but what?"

"What's more, the so-called tactics are to promote strengths and avoid weaknesses, and what I am best at is to escape, and to break through the enemy's conspiracy in layers of escape! So, you must first escape to find the rhythm of defeating the enemy!"

Long Yangjun took a deep breath and said one word at a time: "I would like to ask, the distinguished Li Lao Mo, after the more than a thousand guns in the plain, you have found the rhythm! You must know Professor Mo Xuan and the EFF. Not a fool, they won’t take long to catch up with our bait, now it’s fake!

"Xinghai is big, but we can't escape to the outside world without aim. We must always go back to Baihuacheng.

"In just ten or twenty minutes, up to half an hour, how do we sneak into the Baihua City? Don't say that I sneaked in from Star Harbor. I can guarantee that the 16 Star Harbors in Baihua City are definitely sealed and locked. All the starships will be carefully scanned, and even a flea will be invisible!"

Li Yao smiled slightly and looked at the silver-white Xinghai City not far away. It was like a big fly, staring at an egg with cracks and tempting fragrance. He was confident: "Slightly Don't be jealous, this old demon has completely found the rhythm!"

five minutes later.

The two, and their weak psionics, fine-tuned their own gliding trajectory in the Xinghai, slowly drifting to the other side of Baihuacheng.

From this point of view, just to see a giant silver-white spherical space town outside the Baihua City, the smooth mirror-like shell, cracked a thin slit.

A series of black cockroaches resemble a cube of high-compression scrap copper and iron, which is ejected from the cracks and rushed toward the distant stars under the strong inertia.

Look closely, from Baihuacheng to the stars, there are countless such cubes, forming a thin and long chain.

One end of the chain is this gap, and the other end seems to extend all the way to the depths of the star, but it is vague and unclear.

“This is the garbage disposal center of Baihuacheng.”

Li Yao explained to Long Yangjun through the exchange of thoughts. "Hundreds of flowers have a population of over 100 million. They are considered to be one of the best cities on the surface of the planet. The daily life and cultivation of garbage is astronomical.

"And here is the fully enclosed structure in the Xinghai, and there is no space for burning or filling up garbage.

"Change to a general star town, perhaps the garbage will be packaged into the universe, anyway, the universe is so large, it can not be filled anyway.

"But Baihua City is the transportation hub of the Seven Confederations of the Federation. It is surrounded by dense routes. There are countless starships jumping here. If you let the garbage drift around, it is easy to cause accidents.

“So, the waste disposal center of Baihuacheng is highly compressed for those garbage that cannot be recycled, and the volume is reduced by 99%. After being compressed into a metal-like cube, a special 'cannon' is used to shoot the star. Go inside and let the stars burn them!

“Hundreds of flowers are too big, the population is too much, and the garbage disposal center is turning around every day and night, and there are very few closures!


Li Yao smashed Long Yangjun. Under the impetus of invisible flames, the two men, like two small stars, shot at the jet of the garbage disposal center.

When the EFF, who thought that it was rounding up the "Imperial Secrets", chased all the way to the periphery of the Baihuaxing area, the two **** "Crystals" were instantly annihilated, and even the magic weapon that created the illusion exploded. Did not leave them

Li Yao and Long Yangjun, the aliens of the two Yuan Ying old monsters, re-sneaked into the Baihua City! (~^~)

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