Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1729: Squeeze and smash, lock the target!

"Whirring whirring……"

"The hyena squad has entered the No. 2 work surface of the garbage disposal center. No abnormalities have been found yet. The fan search continues and it is finished."

"A group of eagle eyes is in place, ready to fight and finish."

"The Hawkeye Group 2 is in place and is scanning all the staff in the visible range. No suspicious targets have been found and it is finished."

"The three groups of the eagle eye are in place, and the wall search will be carried out with the eighty-nine black light, and all the buildings and obstacles on the No. 1 work surface will be scanned in depth."

“The tunnel mouse is conducting an all-round detection scan of all the pipelines, and the scanning progress is 15%. At present, no foreign matter is found in the pipeline, and it is finished.”

"All groups, the main focus is not to act rashly. The target is an extremely dangerous empire. It is very likely to have the strength of a knot or more. The big force will arrive at the garbage disposal center in one minute and thirty seconds, within one minute and thirty seconds. Don't even let go of a fly, finish."

"Dog the dog understands."

"The eagle eye understands."

"The panther understands."

"Tunnel mouse... what is that!"

“Booming, banging, banging, banging, banging, banging, banging, banging

"Hyking the dog, the eagle eye, the black panther, the tunnel mouse! Reporting the situation, what is going on, is that the gunshot? What are the things that your crystal eye is shooting back, this is"

"Reporting, some people have just opened the 'garbage cannon', but the fire is not super-high-compressed domestic garbage, the soup water, mess, and the dome above the garbage cannon did not open at all, the garbage all bounced back, making the whole The garbage disposal center is everywhere...bad...bad!"

"What's the matter! Stabilize your crystal eyes and quickly scan the entire battlefield!"

"Someone turned off the gravity control array here, we are in a state of weightlessness! All the garbage is in a state of weightlessness! The garbage is flying, and the garbage mountain is flying!"

"It's an intruder! Enemy! Enemy! Enemy!"

"Hey, hey!"




"Hyena squad! Panthers! Tunnel squad! Eagle eye group! Two groups! Three groups! Damn! Damn! Damn! Close all the channels between the garbage disposal center and the surrounding spherical towns, hurry up, hurry!"


after an hour.

Located in the center of hundreds of silver-white spherical space stations, the core town of Baihua City, the bustling crowds, the airway of the bustling, and the original jungle-like high-rise buildings.

Because every downtown area is a spherical shape that grows inward, there is no point of up and down. The high-rise buildings can extend along the slightly curved ground all the way to the "Scorpio" and then hang up from the sky.

Naturally, in the eyes of people living in the "dome", they are down-to-earth, and they are facing the "Scorpio".

Sometimes, two tall and tall skyscrapers can even be intertwined. There are many rainbow-like translucent curved pipes between the skyscrapers. People can easily jump from one building to another.

The mysterious and complex gravity matrix distributes the soft gravity evenly on the surface of the spherical town, and firmly attracts the people living in it, thus creating such an incredible spectacle, in order to use the most economical space to accommodate A full population of 150 million.

Li Yao and Long Yangjun, who are proficient in the hidden and disguised techniques, are mixed into the downtown area of ​​a mega city with a population of 150 million. It is like two leaves that do not belong to this forest. On the dead leaf carpet deep in the woods, unless the city is completely shut down, it takes ten days and a half to search, otherwise it is impossible to find them.

Li Yao’s surprise attack on the waste disposal center could not be said to have nothing.

At the very least, he obtained the layout and processing information of the entire Garbage City.

Through this information, it is easy to find the place where the most prosperous downtown area has the most daily output of garbage, which is definitely the most densely populated downtown area!

In addition, Li Yao left a large number of search traces when searching on the main control crystal brain of the garbage disposal center, which proved that he was particularly interested in the “fire base” and conducted detailed search on the pipeline distribution of the fire base. .

This is very likely to mislead Professor Mo Xuan's judgment, and the professor mistakenly believes that the "fire base" is Li Yao's main direction of attack, so that most of the power is concentrated there, setting up a network for the invaders.

Therefore, at least in the past hour, on the road leading to the downtown area, I did not see too many EFF or secret swords, which made them feel stunned and sneaked into it all the way.

At this moment, Li Yao and Long Yangjun, and two people before an hour ago.

From the moment they arrived at the Dragon Snake Star Field, with the help of the founder of Long Yangjun, the assassination organization "Ghosts", the twelve ancient powers all made a disguise of the face-lifting, which was originally a fake face.

Li Yao originally disguised himself as a middle-aged man with a plain appearance, so even the fox girl Ling Xiaole called him "Uncle".

At this time, the camouflage was torn off, and a few strokes were applied a little. The facial muscles were relaxed and turned into a plain young man.

He wore a sportswear that had just been stolen, and a series of fiery acne on his cheeks. He walked a step by step and twisted his cockroaches. At first glance, he looked like a college student who was full of vigor and dissatisfaction. .

Long Yangjun is even simpler. She has reverted to the appearance of “Dayu Wangxi”. From the outside, she is a gentle and elegant jade middle-aged man. This is pure natural and does not contain any additives. There is no flaw.

The goal is a man and a woman, but now it is two men. This layer of protection is enough to provide them with an hour or two of breathing time, so that they can mobilize all the calculation and deduction ability to find out the true nest of Professor Mo Xuan!

When the outside of Baihuacheng went to the "fire base" all the way to the wind and the sound of the sword, Li Yao and Long Yangjun were crowded in the downtown area of ​​Baihua City, a small and inconspicuous small noodle restaurant.

At this moment, it was at noon, the white-collar workers who went to work in nearby office buildings poured into the small restaurants and small noodle restaurants in the streets and lanes. It was the busiest business, the most noisy, and the most chaotic order.

Li Yao and Long Yangjun had a bowl of hot noodle soup, pretending to be acquainted with each other but had to squeeze into a cramped small side table to dine while watching the news light curtain at the corner of the noodle restaurant. communicate with.

Long Yangjun: "Your analysis is quite reasonable. The 'fire plan' has been bright since the beginning. There are military, secret swords, government-related research institutes, researchers from various universities, and a certain semi-official color. Professor Mo Xuan is unlikely to pass everyone. It is too dangerous and unnecessary to set up a secret nest in the fire base.

"Change to me, the fire base is the base on the bright side, and in other places, it is a matter of course to open up a dark base completely controlled by myself!

"However, Baihua City is so large, composed of hundreds of spherical star towns. Each spherical space is a labyrinth. In just half a day, how do we know, where is the secret nest of Professor Mo Xuan?"

Li Yaomeimei took a sip of soup, pretending to keep talking, but using the voice to enter the secret road: "I have thought about it all the way down the road. If the teacher really has a secret lair, the following must be met. condition

"First, the space in this place should be large enough, and it must be equipped with a large number of super crystal brains, even if it is not a '垓' level crystal brain, at least it must be a strong performance of the 'Beijing' level crystal brain!

"Whether the spirits or the spiritual world are imaginary, in fact, the support of the material foundation is indispensable. For the spiritual people, the brain and the psionic power, like the land, air and water of ordinary people, are essential. .

"Second, such a huge plan can never be completed by a teacher alone, so he certainly has a group of highly-researched researchers who may not know the true plot of the teacher. Perhaps they are still in the dark, but they must It is a crystal brain expert, a spiritual network expert, a meditator, and a spiritual practice expert!

"With such a large space, so many powerful brains consume the astronomical psionic power every day, and there are so many experts gathered together... these are impossible to conceal the authorities, so this secret nest should have a surface The identity of the cover, like a research institution.

"But no matter what the identity is, this institution must be privately owned, and the owner can build, modify and hide something in it as he pleases!

"Third, the owner of this institution cannot naturally be Professor Mo Xuan himself, but there must be a thousand relationships between him and Professor Mo Xuan.

"The relationship on their surface may not be so good, but a long time ago, I thought, it should be decades ago, before the teacher just started to promote the 'fire plan', there must be some connection!

"As long as we find a place that meets these three conditions, it is the teacher's real lair! Let's first look through the public information, all the 'Beijing' super crystal brain maps in Baihua City, and then use the exclusion method to Filters!"

Long Yangjun picked up a piece of red beef and put it on his mouth but didn't eat it. If he thought for a long time: "Maybe don't have to be so troublesome, you said these three conditions, reminding me of a person Lei Yuqin."

"Thundering the piano?"

Li Yao glimpsed a little, and instantly remembered, "Teacher's junior, that mistress?"

"Whether she is your teacher's junior or mistress, I don't know, but I can be sure that she is not what you said, the "big one data processing center, algorithm expert" is so simple."

Long Yang Jundao, "You mentioned this woman at the beginning, and buried a thorn in my heart. When you enter the "spiritual world" with Professor Mo Xuan, I chat with Wei Qingqing and I am free when I am fine. I searched the woman's information and found that there was a lot of news about her online.

"At the time, I didn't care too much, but now I think that the relationship between this woman and Professor Mo Xuan should not be as simple as a 'couple', but more like a kind of 'cooperator' or 'superior level'!"

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