Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1732: Tens of thousands of vegetative people!

Li Yao was surprised that the chopsticks would have fallen.

The 10% recovery rate does not seem to be high, but here is the self-cultivator, who is a vegeter who has been unconscious for more than ten or twenty years, and even longer!

As a Yuan Ying monk, Li Yao knows deeply how terrible it is for the self-cultivator to get rid of the evil, the brain collapse and fall into a coma.

This is totally different from the coma of ordinary people.

For example, if the soul of an ordinary person runs in the brain, it is like a shuttle car flying at a speed of fifty yards on a common urban traffic channel.

Then the soul of the comprehension is stirring, it is like a super shuttle with three or five times the speed of sound, rushing in the gravel star!

If both of them have a car accident, fifty yards and supersonic speed, which one will hit even worse and more fragmented?

Therefore, ordinary people fall into a coma, and there is a certain chance to wake up, but once the self-cultivator is turned into a demon and becomes a vegetative person, the chance of awakening in the past is not even 1%.

That is to say, in the hands of Lei Yuqin, the probability of the self-cultivator recovering from the vegetative state and even recovering the ability to cultivate is 10 times higher!

Li Yao can imagine how much the self-cultivator is eager for Lei Yuqin's hospital. In order to carry out an extremely dangerous and extremely dangerous practice, he will definitely say hello to his family and disciples, just in case. If something happens, you must send it to the "Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital" for treatment.

Sure enough, Long Yangjun said: "After waking up several high-level comprehensians who have been sleeping for decades, Lei Yuqin has become famous, and Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital has become the best in the Federation to treat 'Lingwang Sudden Death Syndrome'. local.

“This is a private hospital. Lei Yuqin’s charges are extremely high. Even so, the victims of the entire Federation cannot withstand the arrival of patients from all over the Federation, or they are sent to their families for treatment. Most of them are vegetative patients and will live for a long time. 'Deep maintenance treatment center', the number of people from the initial dozens, hundreds of people, to the current tens of thousands."

Li Yao finished all the noodles, smashed the soup with a small mouth, and blocked his thoughtful face with a bowl: "Thousands of vegetatives?"

"Yes, basically high-level comprehensions who are very rich. Before they fell into a coma, they were elites from all walks of life, especially experts in the field of crystal brains and spiritual nets, crystal brain experts and virtual worlds. It has the highest degree of integration and the highest probability of accidents."

Long Yangjun said, "Their family, the companies behind it and the sects provided a lot of treatment costs, and the scale of the 'Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital' has been expanding. It has now occupied more than half of the space in the 109th district. It is said that during treatment. It is necessary to absolutely isolate the external pulse radiation and the interference of the spirit wave. Therefore, the 'deep maintenance treatment center' is a fully enclosed structure, and generally only receives patient family members and academic visiting groups. It is difficult for others to enter."

“The tens of thousands of vegetative people are high-ranking monks above the ranks. A large part of them are experts in Jingnao and Linguin?”

Li Yao feels that the whole thing is getting more and more weird, and they speculate that Professor Mo Xuan’s “virtual life” plan has some faint overlap: “Can other areas of the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital be free to enter and exit? After all, it is a hospital, if If a patient is sent in, can't he refuse it?"

"Oh, it will be rejected."

Long Yangjun explained, “Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital is a research-type hospital, and there is no outpatient area. Most of their patients are treated seriously in hospitals across the country for a period of time, but they are helpless. Finally I was transferred to here.

"Of course, there are still some rich and honest practitioners who will get in touch with the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital, send their brainwaves and brain scans to the past, establish a complete brain domain tracking database, and pay a certain fee. Became the 'reservation member' of this hospital. Once you are really out of control, you will fall into a coma. After simple treatment in the local area, you can send it directly here.

"The probability of self-cultivation, mental overdraft, and ignorance is still extremely high, so even if the annual "brain health database" maintenance costs are quite high, many wealthy high-ranking monks will still make reservations, ready!

"It's not their appointment member, nor the files that have been treated for a long time in major hospitals in the United States. There is no contact with local brain experts. It is very difficult for ordinary people to be transferred to 'Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital'. I am suffering from a patient who has lost my door.


Long Yang Jundeng a meal, said, "I saw an introduction on their official website, saying that in the past three days, they have been doing a large-scale upgrade and update of the medical system, and they are not open to the public.

"In order to consider the health of hospitalized patients, even the members of the hospital and the hospitals of the hospitals, as well as the families of the vegetatives who came to visit, could not enter for three days."

Li Yao suddenly opened his eyes: "In the last three days, is it not open to the outside world?"

Long Yang Jundao: "Accurately speaking, it is yesterday, today and tomorrow."

Li Yao sipped his noodle soup: "The battle between the Xingyao Federation and the Black Wind Fleet will start at any time, and Professor Mo Xuan's 'fire plan' will be launched for the first time tomorrow. 'Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital' is closed at this time. God, what kind of system upgrade? Coincidence is not such a clever method! There must be a teacher's lair! We have to find a way to get to the 109 area!"

The mega city floating in the universe is composed of hundreds of spherical space towns. Each spherical space station with a diameter of several tens of kilometers is an urban area. Each area is connected by pipelines, extending in all directions, but also intricate.

They are now located in District 07, the most densely populated central business district in Baihua City, while the 109 district, where the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital is located, is located on the outskirts of the city and can be reached by two vacuum rail cars.

However, the vacuum track station has very strict security measures.

The two were planning the route, and they heard the hustle and bustle around them, and found that all the customers looked up at the news light curtain on the ceiling of the corner.

The major news media of Baihua City are broadcasting an urgent news.

In order to cope with the massive invasion of the real human empire, the Baihua City Garrison, together with the local police and militia, is carrying out a large-scale military exercise. The exercise includes the “air raid attack”. During the exercise, Baihua City will enter the second-level alert state. Don't panic for all citizens, stay indoors as much as possible, don't stay on the street, and reduce the use of transportation.

The relevant departments will temporarily close the passages between some urban areas, and at various transportation hubs and major stations, the security inspection level will be upgraded, and each citizen will be examined more closely. This is part of the exercise and everyone is forgiven.

The exercise will end in eight hours and everything will return to normal.

Li Yao and Long Yangjun looked at each other and their faces were not very good looking.

Wiping the mouth, standing up and out of the small noodle hall, I saw a lot of federal troops on the street, and I was checking the suspicious people.

Somewhere in the Scorpio, there was a mechanical sound of "rumbling", and part of the passage from this area to the adjacent area was closed.

Although it will not completely block all the passages that flow from the downtown area, the freedom of route selection is undoubtedly greatly reduced for both of them.

Moreover, every traffic artery has been blocked, and if they want to disguise themselves as ordinary people and avoid all the searched eyes and ears, God will undoubtedly arrive at the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital, and the time will undoubtedly increase greatly.

"This is troublesome."

Long Yangjun looked at the federal military road that was set up on the street not far from the checkpoint.

"I don't think so."

Li Yao’s eyes sparkled. “Although the time spent on the road has increased, with the help of these EFF, it may be easier to understand the truth of the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital!”


Long Yang Jun eyebrows pick one, "How do you say?"

"It's very simple. Professor Mo Xuan may have used various secret methods to control the top of the military, the secret sword bureau, and the relevant departments of Baihuacheng, but he can't control every grassroots soldier, right?"

Li Yaodao, "These grassroots soldiers, and even the middle and low-ranking officers who command them, are still loyal to the federation. They are standing on the real side of us, but they are misled by wrong orders."

Long Yangjun frowned: "But then you can't explain it clearly, and you can't be in the downtown area and they can do it."

"I didn't say that I wanted to do it in downtown, but it was different in Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital."

Li Yao smiled. "If the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital is really the nest of Professor Mo Xuan, he really carries out some unknown and sneaky plans. These plans must not be exposed and cannot be discovered by most people. .

“The official website of the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital said that it is the best evidence that it has not been opened to the public for the past three days. It is proved that at this moment, the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital must have some kind of “change” that cannot be seen by outsiders.

"And now, our biggest advantage is that the teacher should not have guessed yet. We will go to the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital. He still thinks that our goal is ‘fire base!'

"If at this time, we can lead a large number of blinded federal troops to the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital. Let's see what medicine is being sold by Professor Mo Xuan in the gourd. What do you think of my dear teacher? ”


Three hours later.

Baihua City, District 109.

It is a famous medical district. It is home to several well-known private private hospitals. The air is fresh, the environment is elegant, the illusory environment and the artificial environment combine to create a half-truth, beautiful scenery and birds and flowers. Between the real world.

Among the mountains, there are several small and exquisite white houses, which blend in with the beautiful environment, but it is just the tip of the iceberg. The larger building complex, including the 'Deep Maintenance Treatment Center', which maintains the vitality of tens of thousands of plants. 'And several brain disease research centers, all hidden in the "ground", or the depth of the spherical space.

Here is the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital.

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