Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1756: Abyss jellyfish, steel troll!

It stands to reason that in the face of ultra-high speed and agile crystal, this huge humanoid body of one hundred or two meters high, in addition to the amazing sound and photoelectric effect, does not have substantial meaning, and even seems quite clumsy.

But the steel troll, which is made up of iron shovel and arc magnetic field, has a dexterity that is not commensurate with the huge figure. Its "arms" and "legs" do not have a mechanical structure. When the arc field is pulled, it can be freely stretched and deflected, and even a huge shovel can be launched like a projectile of a crystal cannon!

Before the real attack, it will also release a strong mental attack, shocking the brains of the EFF soldiers, causing them to fall into a moment of sluggishness.

When the EFF's brain recovered from the whirlwind, the shovel with a few meters in diameter and the arc was smashed.

From a physical point of view, this is an elephant-to-mouse battle.

However, the elephant looks as agile as a mouse, but the "mouse" is as clumsy as an elephant.

The steel trolls swept all the way, and they were invincible. Wherever they were, the crystal sag was smashed and flesh and blood flew. Hundreds of good men and even suffocating screams were too late to make a sound, and the **** cold sea of ​​stars!


The steel troll is not only melee, but its body is composed of thousands of iron shovel, which can be twisted and changed at will. Under the traction of the spiritual magnetic field, the limbs are long and short, and even form four large circles. The tube, which ejected countless shovel from the center of the cylinder, spurred toward the most intensive coordinates of the EFF, and shot it into the center of the battlefield. This suddenly exploded and turned into a sea of ​​death!

The situation of winning or losing is instantly reversed.

The EFF, which was originally in the limelight, was blocked by the power of this non-human.

The slightly sparse and messy spirits of the ghosts, but regrouped under the cover of this giant, can launch a wave of counter-attacks at any time!

The EFF, which lacked unified command from various units, was originally under the call of the charge, and launched a charge with a **** battle.

This kind of military array is more than enough, the resilience is not enough, only wins, can not be defeated!

Victory is triumphant, and the more mad, the more violent, the ability to play the strength of the elite troops; the defeat is the flow of water, the collapse of the army, the original shape of the dew, completely return to the original face of a scattered sand, it is impossible to second assembly.

A bang, and then decline, three exhausted, this is the biggest difference between the ordinary army and the trump card army!

"What the **** is that!"

Li Yao, who is a senior refiner, has never seen such a weird... war?

The shovel that makes up its trunk and limbs seems to be a more individual cosmic water mine, but it is the key to the spiritual magnetic field of the "singular eight veins, vascular nerves" that is built around it. How is it made? And by what kind of operation, can you achieve such an arbitrary level of exquisiteness?

"Yes, it is the 'super-spiritual' refining by Professor Mo Xuan, the most powerful war artificial intelligence!"

A light space warship flew up under the guards of more than a dozen EFF, Li Yao fixed his eyes, and the front and rear two-seat cockpit of the universe battle shuttle was simply modified. The front seat is the driver and the back seat is a big piece. The twitching "jelly", wrapped in "jelly", is an ancient super crystal brain.

It was Liu Wenshan who was trapped in the "spiritual world" and was forced to join the research project of Professor Mo Xuan, who was just rescued by Li Yao and others.

He is well versed in the field of crystal brain automation, artificial intelligence is the same, it is his strength!

"Remember what I said, I vaguely heard from other people in the research team that Professor Mo Xuan devoted decades of hard work to refining 19 super artificial intelligences, except for two operational logic errors and data overflow collapses. In addition to the failed products that were completely shattered, seventeen have succeeded!"

Along the way, the mind fluctuated and swayed from the weird metal brain. Liu Wenshan hurriedly said, "The seventeen super artificial intelligences, and the other ones rely on big data support, the real-time calculations are different, their The computing power is at least 100 times higher than that of ordinary aliens. It is infinitely close to the true way of thinking of human beings. It has also been given to all kinds of wonderful magical powers by Professor Mo Xuan, 呃, or the extraterrestrial demon!

"According to the old experts of our research team, such super artificial intelligence has a special code in the ghost army, called ‘super spirit!’

"Most of the super-spirits are used to invade and control the star defense defensive array, the flagship main battleship, and the star-level master crystal brain, but in order to ensure safety, Professor Mo Xuan seems to have one or two. The super-spirit is modulated into a single-armed combat. The monster in front of you should be!"

Super spirit...

Professor Mo Xuan has not known how many different kinds of aliens have been produced in the past few decades, but only 19 of them are eligible to be called “super-spirits”, and two of them have failed in the experiment!

Even Professor Mo Xuan, who has superb technical support from outside the world, will fail, showing the complexity and tyranny of these super-spirits.

The super-spiritual computing power and database are so powerful that it can invade the star-defense large array and the flagship level of the master crystal brain, no wonder you can illusion and manipulate such a complex magnetic field model!

"These things are not good!"

Luo Qisheng also said, "I don't know what ‘super-spirituals are not ‘super-spirits’, but I know that the torso and limbs that make up it are the most advanced cosmic mines in the Union, known as the ‘Abyss Jellyfish’!

"These cosmic mines are different from those of ordinary goods. Their explosive units are embedded with artificial high-pressure refining crystals. The surface is engraved with a power of more than ten times that of ordinary cosmic water mines. Speed ​​and flexibility. Sex and explosive power are dozens of times stronger than ordinary cosmic mines!

"There are no wires that dance around them. It is the magnetic traction device that can guide them to fly to the most powerful target of the psionic wave. If it is not strong enough, it may even be reversed. Attracted, surrounded by fried pieces!

"As a super-cosmetic mine, the cost of the abyss jellyfish is very high. It is not worthy of dealing with ordinary targets. It is specially made to deal with giant soldiers!"

"Giant magic?"

Li Yao’s eyes jumped.

Luo Qisheng nodded: "Yes, more accurately, it is used to delay and hinder the action of the giant soldiers, for their own gun lock, force assembly and giant soldiers appear, fight for time!"


Li Yao smiled coldly. "Can it block the giant soldiers?"

"With the exception of the giant soldiers, there is no magic weapon that can really block the giant soldiers."

Luo Qisheng smiled bitterly. "But now, so many 'Abyss Jellyfish' seem to have undergone the crazy transformation of Professor Mo Xuan, and they have been blessed by the 'Super Spirit' and become such a powerful gesture! Baihua City has no giant soldiers. The only dozens of giant soldiers in the Federation are deployed in the capital, the main battleship refining center, the mining collection and smelting base!

"We take this monster, there is no way!"

Li Yao squinted his eyes and stared at the raging of the steel trolls. The speed of engulfing psionic energy and nutrients suddenly increased. The dark green jelly gel became clear and transparent at the speed visible to the naked eye.

He and Long Yangjun looked at each other and saw the hunger and thirst of each other's eyes.

"We... have failed. I didn't expect anything like ‘super-spirit.’”

Looking at the precarious front line, Luo Qisheng’s voice is extremely hoarse and empty. “The ghosts and the army are regrouping. When they complete the assembly and fight against it, our army will be completely broken, and the brave soldiers will only become The target of the ghost army, this collapse, we can never assemble an army of the same size, the same morale!

"Then there's no way."

Li Yao's eyes are round and round, and every bundle of muscles in the whole body oscillates like a high-frequency blade. The vibration force instantly shakes the medical gel and turns it into a faint green mist.

Long Yangjun also broke through the medical gel and stared at the scene of the distant steel trolls, and calculated his battle mode and movement trajectory. At the same time, he did not turn around. On the thumb, a ring from the wilderness.

Li Yaodao: "This should be the card of Professor Mo Xuan. I guess he will be very upset at this moment, because the game has just begun, he will show all the cards!"

"should be."

Long Yang Jundao, "Even if Professor Mo Xuan really has produced 19 "super-spirits", most of them must be used to invade various strategic-level master crystal brains, which cannot be used in individual combat. on."

"hope so."

Li Yao muttered. "After the King Wang was knocked out, we have no cards in hand!"

"Two? Two!"

Roach wins a slight glimpse, realizes what the two are going to do, and is excited and embarrassed. "Don't go up! You have done enough for the federation! Your physical strength and psionic power have not fully recovered, your crystal and The God of War suits are all fragmented! Even though you are the strongest of the Yuan Ying series, it is not its opponent. It is a terrorist weapon specially designed to delay the footsteps of the giant soldiers!

"This is our war. There is no reason for you to sacrifice, retreat. Let us cover you! Two high-ranking Yuan Ying, there is no need to sacrifice in vain, save the power, and have the hope of the ultimate victory!"

"You... to cover us?"

Li Yao’s eyes were hot, and he remembered that in the Tianyuan world more than a hundred years ago, the red flag was on display, and millions of people screamed, sheltered him, protected him, and supported him.

He took a lot of shots on Roach's shoulders, and he was so powerful that he would smash Roach's shoulders.

He couldn't help but grin, his eyes were stunned, and he burst into a brilliant color. He said, "Luo Luo, your kindness is our heart, but there are two points.

"First, you will soon know that this is not just your war, it is also... my war.

"Second, we will never retreat, not to sacrifice!

"Abyss jellyfish, steel trolls, weapons specially created to block giant soldiers? Let me know, can you really block the power of the giant soldiers!"

The last word has not yet turned into a wave of waves, Li Yao and Long Yangjun have suddenly accelerated, turned into two dazzling streamers, once again rushed into the white battlefield! (To be continued.)

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