Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1759: Tianmo Mo Xuan!

Hundreds of liquid metal enamels are still smashing around the pieces, so if the living ones breathe.

Especially on the elliptical "head", the crowds crowded together, and if the five senses gradually formed, they became a person who was thinking.

The death-death players were stunned by such a strange scene. For a time, I didn’t know what to do with these liquid metal.

Li Yao’s heart is even more thrilling and thrilling.

The shape of these liquid metal enamels is exactly the same as that of Professor Mo Xuan's current life.

He knows that Professor Mo Xuan began experimenting with liquid metal to act as a "female body" from a hundred years ago. He did not expect to be partially successful.

I don't know whether these liquid metal enamels are living souls, pure artificial intelligence, or... they are part of Professor Mo Xuan's "body"!

"Let the weapon down, don't fight again."

Hundreds of liquid metal 傀儡 oval large face, at the same time appeared a transparent hole, from the hole to the same voice, Professor Mo Xuan is full of sadness, pain and despair, but deeply excited, excited and The sound of screaming, "The blood in the icy star has flowed enough. Everyone is for the Stars Federation. For human civilization, I don't want to hurt anyone anymore, so let go of your weapons!"

Hundreds of liquid metal cockroaches emit the same sound, which shocked the silver world.

It is clearly the voice of Professor Mo Xuan. Hundreds of words overlap, and it sounds distorted, deep and quirky, just like some kind of...the demon **** exists!

Li Yao and Long Yangjun looked at each other and whispered: "Who are you, Professor Mo Xuan is still a foreigner?"

"What is the difference?"

Hundreds of liquid metal squats in the big hole on the head, and the laughter from the ridicule. "Not to mention, even if I said that ‘only’ is Professor Mo Xuan, would you believe it, and what can be proved?

"So, it doesn't matter.

"It's you, you guys from ... the ancient sacred people, it's really interesting, how can you perceive the existence of extraterrestrial demons, eh?"

These words have confessed to the identity of their "out-of-domain demon" and have stirred up a noisy discussion among many death-stricken players.

Until now, they can finally confirm that they are completely guilty of violating military orders, leaving their duties, and acting on their own.

However, the extraterrestrial demon really exists, and the most critical spiritual network hubs are eroded into this look. The future of the federation is still a good or bad!

Li Yao gave a slight glimpse and immediately reacted. It is no secret that he and Long Yangjun’s "first true identity" have just been publicized, even though the crowd is not mixed with Professor Mo Xuan’s son. In the capacity of his federal master of refining, it is not difficult to implant some eavesdropping chips in some people's crystals.

What's more, Yan Yili and the bitter masters were misled by Professor Mo Xuan and sent to the unknown. It is very likely that they have been subjected to the calculation of Professor Mo Xuan, which will reveal the true identity. It is not surprising.

At this time, I heard Luo Qisheng yelling: "Professor Mo Xuan, is it really you, how is it possible? Professor Mo Xuan, who I know, is the hero of the Federation. He has saved the Federation several times and made great contributions to the development of the new federation to this day. But now, you collude with the Black Wind Fleet, control all the top management of Baihua City, and invade the Lingwang Hub. What do you want to do?"

"Collect the Black Wind Fleet?"

The hole in the face of hundreds of liquid metal enamels trembled at the same time, like a dumb smile, and the spike-like tapered limb swayed gently. "No, you got it wrong. From start to finish, I am a The proud star of the federal comprehension, and did not collude with the immortal of the real human empire, just 'please enter the monarch'.

"The recent turmoil in the capital star field, I think you all heard about it, but everything you know is fake. It is a plan, a plan for the self-directed performance of Jin Xinyue, and the burning of jade.

"However, the commander of the Imperial Expeditionary Force is not a reckless generation, and the information he can master is far more than 100 times. The plan of Jin Xinyue is so delicate and fragile that it is not enough for him to be fooled. No matter how much the 'bait' looks sweet and fat, the Black Wind Fleet will not bite.

"Federal can't afford it. We can't afford the consequences of decades of protracted war. So everything I do is based on Jin Xinyue's plan and the little 'completed'.

"I hate war, but in any case, I must first help the Federation win this war, and I want to make it the last war of the Stars Federation, at least the last traditional war!

"Since then, absolute peace will come to everyone in the Federation. Even if we really want to fight with the real human empire and the covenant alliance, and spread the idea of ​​'absolute peace' to them, it will be and now. A completely different war, a relaxed, clean, painless war, a game-like war!"

The sound of the liquid metal that ignited from the transparent hole became sharp and sharp, just like a metal hurricane swept across the border!


Roach wins the voice. "What are they saying? Really? You really have a bad time in the deep blue super brain hospital. You think, you want to shut everyone down into the virtual world, you want to put all humanity They all become 'spirits'!"

"A true self-cultivator is never afraid to express his thoughts."

Professor Mo Xuan said faintly, "My philosophy has been repeated for decades. There have been more than a hundred monographs and papers published. There have been countless sessions in the seminar. What is this 'amazing secret'?"

"But, but we all think that you are talking about hundreds of thousands of years or even millions of years!"

Roach wins and screams, "I didn't expect you to go crazy to this level, but I didn't even think that Professor Mo Xuan, who is in the halls of the church, would even engage in these sneaky activities in the dark!"

"The concept of comprehension is not necessary to conceal, but the means of implementing the concept is ever-changing, and the soldiers are not deceptive."

Professor Mo Xuan continued to be ignorant. "Because my steps are too big and too far beyond the times, I will inevitably be countered by the times.

"In the history of the development of human civilization for 100,000 years, how many people who are far beyond the times have been squandered and sent to the fire? The one step beyond the times is a hero, the two steps are geniuses, the three steps are mad, if you go beyond the times A hundred steps? That is the devil!

"I am a person who has been alive again, dead, and what is terrible? I am not afraid of being squandered, nor afraid of being sent to the firearms, and I am even less afraid of being called a madman and a demon.

"But, since I know that my idea is correct, I will carry out the concept of 'absolute peace' until the slashing of the flames, the burning of flames, and the name of 'madman' and 'demon'. No one can... stop me!"

Hundreds of liquid metal 傀儡 银 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 银 银 银 银 银 银 银 银 银 银 银 银 银 银

"Professor Mo Xuan!"

Li Yao couldn't help but say, "When you take me to visit the spiritual world, you don't all say it. Evolution is not a one-time process. It is going to take hundreds of thousands of years and even millions of years to go through the process, even if it is high. The future of evolution seems to be better, but the evolutionary path that makes a civilization span thousands of years in a short period of time is a behavior that encourages young people. It will only bring disasters. Is it absolutely impossible?"

"Yeah, it's all right, I did say that."

Professor Mo Xuan sighed softly, and the holes in the face of each liquid metal plaque were distorted, just like a painful expression. "For decades of research and exploration, I understand the truth and know more than you." So you don't have to say anything more.


"I am a human being, not a cold crystal brain. In the face of my own compatriots living in the pains of war and viciousness, there are hundreds of thousands of years, millions of years of blood will flow in vain, and countless People must be enslaved, oppressed, tortured and killed, and countless splendid civilizations will become the crumbs of the stars. How can I, how can I just hide in the study, calmly, rationally and calmly do my theory? Research, waiting for thousands of years, the future of the bright future?

"Even if the success rate is only one percent, I still want to try, let this bright future of thousands of years, now come, even if everything is paid, even if the ruin is broken, the smoke is gone, and the annihilation is over, I have finally done a comprehension. "A human being is responsible for his own civilization, isn't it?"

Li Yao sweared a mother in her heart and didn't know what to say.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, he must be delaying time!"

Roach wins and screams, "All locked, ready to shoot!"

"Hey, hey!"

All the crystal guns and the sagittal guns swelled to the ultimate destructive force mode, and the muzzle swelled out a group of colorful deadly **** of light.

Professor Mo Xuan’s hundreds of liquid metal bodies quietly stared at his own crystal gun and sagittal gun. He smiled slyly: “I don’t have to delay time because... time has come.

"And, if you want to shoot, I advise you to aim at it, because here is the information exchange and processing center of the big one, I have invaded all the super crystal brains here, they are very sophisticated and fragile things.

"If you have a full firepower here, especially if the two giant soldiers are still sweeping the army like they are outside, and killing the Quartet, it is easy to destroy the Lingwang hub.

“Once the Baihuacheng Lingwang Processing Center in the center of the Seven Worlds is seriously damaged, although it will not completely ruin the entire Datong network, the transmission speed of Lingwang will be reduced by at least 30%, and it is extremely vulnerable to interference and intrusion. Transmission and Xinghai jumping will have a great impact.

"When the Black Wind Fleet goes straight into the federal heart of the Tianyuan world, Tianyuanjie urgently needs to get support from the remaining six circles, especially the Suiyuan Fleet. You will never want to see this happening, right?" (To be continued.) )

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