Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1761: Lost in the spirit world!

"Ronal Colonel!"

Li Yao watched as Luo Qisheng was swallowed up by a group of liquid metal, and gradually turned into a silver-white hill, but could not stop, because he and Long Yangjun also encountered their own troubles!

In front of the two giant soldiers, a large amount of liquid metal surged and piled up together, getting higher and higher, gradually turning into two hills of ten or twenty heights.

From the hills, the limbs and the five senses have grown, and they have become two silver giants who are almost as high as the giant soldiers!

"The giant soldier, the symbol of war, the symbol of killing, the symbol of human brutal instinct!"

The two silver giants share the same voice. "When humans enter a new world of absolute peace, they will no longer need giant soldiers!"

The two giants sprinted toward the "nine secluded mysterious bones" and "yin and yang". Although their physiques are huge, their movements are more flexible than the small cymbals on the ground. They continue to stretch and change their shape, avoiding Li Yao and the dragon. Yang Jun’s swords and knives, that is, there are swords and swords that cut a long slit in them, they are also unscathed!


When they rushed to the two people, the two silver giants jumped into a two-round liquid metal wave in mid-air, and attempted to directly rush to the two giant soldiers to carry out the same devouring and invasion.

Li Yao snorted, and the nine secluded mysterious bones towed dozens of afterimages, but the deity succumbed to a hundred meters, and all the **** thorns of the whole body penetrated into the liquid metal.

Under the psionic stirring and high-frequency oscillation, the silver giant crashed into a silver-colored bead of the size of a fingernail, and fell to the ground, "啪嗒啪嗒", bursting out a small silver flower, It was like a silver rain.

Next to the dragon Yang Jun also sacrificed hundreds of black and white light blade, her light blade can easily raise the surface temperature to thousands of degrees, and instantly will pounce on his own silver giant twisted into a burning fragment, can not be heavy for a long time Cast.

However, this is not a cure for the symptoms.

The silver flowers scattered all over the place did not re-aggregate into giants of several tens of meters in height, but they were condensed into a palm-sized villain in a strange wriggle. The sparrows are small and complete, hands and feet, torso And the head is all there, and the head is also a random twisted hole, you can make a variety of creepy expressions.

"With strong force, it can't solve all problems!"

The small people who are densely covered with a lot of people, the total number is afraid of hundreds of thousands, while wielding pointed arms, sending out a heartbroken voice, "You can't kill me, because I represent peace, regardless of war. No matter how cruel, peace is always killing!"

"You are crazy!"

Li Yao gritted his teeth and couldn’t help but whisper.

"I am not crazy, those who want to let human civilization continue to immerse in the war for tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years or even millions of years, and finally self-destruction in the war, they are crazy!"

Hundreds of thousands of villains screamed at the same time. "Are you also such people? Are you also a **** war madman? Why don't you just understand? Why are you not willing to join me and create a never-before?" War, a new world of absolute peace!"

In the shrill screams, these little people danced again and again to Li Yao and Long Yangjun.

In the face of the silvery little man who is ruining the sea, even the two giant soldiers of the "Nine Secrets" and "Yin and Yang" feel a little tricky.

The key is that they can't play 100% of the fighting power of the giant soldiers. They don't say that this is the spiritual network hub, and at least several million hostages in the space station have been held by Professor Mo Xuan, maybe they will be these strange liquid metals. Wrapped inside, the soul is caught in the "spiritual world"!

If the two giant soldiers raise their combat power to the limit, they may be able to completely transform the space station No. 01 into powder, but millions of lives will also dissipate. It may not be able to prevent Professor Mo Xuan’s plan from entanglement. Li Yao It is impossible to make such a determination.

not to mention……

He found that when he did not know when, the sea of ​​liquid metal under his feet was getting deeper and deeper, and he had not had the ankles of two giant soldiers.

"There is a weird foot, flying to midair!"

In the scream of Li Yao, two giant soldiers quickly blasted off. At about the same time, the silver sea at their feet stirred up a myriad of "strikes" of hair thickening, screaming sharply and entangled their legs. Come over, they have been melted by the flames of the power of their feet, and they fell back into the sea of ​​silver, turning into a group of orange-red spots, like flower buds.

However, in midair, the hundreds of thousands of silver villains have already rushed up and slammed into their psionic shields. As the psionic shields swelled into colorful shackles, they were constantly being Breaking, splashing and falling, but again and again creeping, blending and recasting, jumping up again, hitting a head and breaking the blood, breaking the bones!

"Peace! Absolute peace is coming!"

"Stop, stop, stop, we don't kill each other, I love you deeply, fellow humans!"

"To enter the new world with me, there is no war, only peace, no pain, only a new world of peace and joy!"

“Where, all human beings will become more pure, more advanced, more civilized new species, that is our future!”

The silver little men screamed, and they were constantly destroyed and condensed. In the end, they even turned out to be a vivid face of men, women and children.

"Young people, why do you like war so much?"

The silvery little man, who turned into a wrinkle, and the old woman looks like a weather-filled, old-fashioned voice full of pain and perseverance. "War is the worst thing in the world, the war... how much pain it brings us!"

"Pain, sore, uncle, don't kill me, don't!"

Another silver villain who turned into a girl's image, "eyes" really flowed a series of crystal clear pearl tears, crying, and slammed into the phantom shield of the nine secluded bones, naturally stirred to the limit The psionic shield is instantly torn into pieces.

"Daughter, daughter!"

There are also two silver little men who seem to have become the parents of the former. They saw the horrible death of the "daughter" and made a heartbreaking scream. They also slammed up. "Devil, you war madmen are real. Devil, still my daughter's life!"

Naturally, they were all crushed and crushed into the most basic silver beads.

For a moment, all the silver little people seemed to have turned into people who were tortured in the war, especially those who were poisoned by war, and who died under the shackles of the strong, and once again pounced on the spirits of the two giant gods. Can shield.

In the depths of the two giant soldiers, they all sounded a wave of high waves, and their spiritual shields were weakened to the limit, and soon they could not withstand the invasion of the silver villain!

And Li Yao’s spirit... is also stimulated by the expressions of these silver little men, the painful sounds, the intricate distortions.

"Save me, uncle!"

"Pain, pain, mother, mother, mother!"

"War, **** war!"

"Why do we have to kill each other? We are not all the same. Why can't we eternal peace and absolute peace within human civilization?"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The voices of men, women and children, the voices of fear, pain, expectation, hope and despair, such as the magic of the brain, one heavy impact on Li Yao’s brain, as if in his brain, a real war has been transformed. And in those real wars, people who suffer real pain and have no way to recover!

These sounds made Li Yao’s heart sway, and the psionic shield became instantly riddled with holes.


Thousands of silver little men flew in immediately, even if Li Yao smashed thousands of knives in the whole body, they only cut these silver little people into pieces, turning them into a round silver ball, attached to the nine On the armor of the mysterious bones, the gap between the seat and the lines of the spirits will be blocked!

The lingering flames of the nine secluded mysterious bones fainted in an instant.

This is like a dam splitting, irretrievably going to the flood to break the dike, more and more silver villain rushed to the top, trying to completely wrap the nine secluded mysterious bones.

On the other side, Long Yangjun’s giant squadron “Yin and Yang” is not much better, and it also struggles with liquid metal attached to the surface of the wafer.

The refining technology of the giant squadron is several orders higher than the most advanced enamel. There is no semi-channel intrusion into the gap, and the armor strength is extremely high, even if the front main squad of the main battleship is volleyed. There may not be anything. With these liquid metals, it is extremely difficult to break the mouth of the giant soldiers.

The life cycle system inside the giant squadron is also more sophisticated than the circulatory system on the general starship. It will not be a problem in the vacuum or deadly poisonous environment for ten days and a half.

Therefore, even if it is completely swallowed up by liquid metal, the body of Li Yao and Long Yangjun will not be too dangerous in a short time.

But their brains or souls are not necessarily!

Just as the two giant soldiers struggled in the sea of ​​silver, surrounded by a silver world, suddenly a huge silver flower bloomed. All the flowers were spread under the spread of silver vines. Around the giant gods, the "flowers" composed of hundreds of silver antennas trembled at high speed, all aimed at Li Yao and Long Yangjun.

"Abandon the unnecessary struggle, and the enthusiasm for the war."

Professor Mo Xuan overlapped and floated, and the voice of human beings came again from all directions. "Your companions have all gone to the spiritual world, where they have a good life. Why can't the two put down their prejudice and really The spiritual world, let's find out?"


All the flowers of silver are stretched to the limit, and each "flower" is stretched straight, releasing a bundle of invisible but arrogant spirit fluctuations based on the brainwaves of the comprehension. The oscillating frequency has been increased by hundreds of times!

Within a short period of 12 hours, Li Yao suffered from the impact of four-dimensional space, the raids of the deep-field supernaturals in the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital, and the death of the spirits and ghosts. The mental power was almost exhausted and relied on drugs to barely support.

At this moment, under the strongest spiritual attack of Professor Mo Xuan, where can still bear it, I only feel that the silvery white light penetrates into the inside of the giant gods, like the warm amniotic fluid in the mother, gently wrapping him, so that He got caught... got stuck... got caught...

At this moment, the Black Wind Fleet descends to the core star field of Tianyuanjie, and there are zero hour, zero point, zero second.

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