Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1770: You have been arrested!

"What is true, what is false? The so-called soul is nothing but a special set of energy fluctuations. The so-called flesh and blood is just a combination of protein and carbohydrate! What are the seven passions, joy and pain, all human perceptions, not all Is the result of bioelectric current stimulation of nerve endings?"

Professor Mo Xuan still straightened his hands and eagerly said, "Is the protein destined to be superior to the silicon wafer? Is the bioelectric current shining at the nerve endings more realistic than the 'emotion' that the psionics are pulsating in the array? Look at you Around, look at these fragrant dishes, this peaceful village, and my innocent granddaughter, aren't they enough 'real'?

"Joy is joy, happiness is happiness, pain is pain, despair is despair, there is no real difference!

"Returning 10,000 steps, even if all this is false, then how? Isn't false happiness more than 10,000 times better than the real pain? In the false Taoyuan, spend a lifetime without worry. Still being jealous and killing in the real war – for the vast majority of people, is the answer still chosen?”

Li Yao gritted his teeth, and a glimpse of the flames gradually emerged from every pore in the body, forming a vague illusion in the whole body - his spirit is too strong, and the form and frequency of the flames are more than " The calculation limit of the spirit world, the peach blossom source, the data can not be processed in real time, the chaos and overflow, the whole world has become more and more unstable, just like a small earthquake emerged from the depths of the earth.

"I won't listen to your demon words and confuse people!"

Li Yao whispered, "It's true, fake or fake. The palace built on the beach looks like it is useless and exquisite. You want to bring absolute peace to the world, but it will only bring absolute darkness!" The so-called 'new world', the 'peach flower source' that you built, and the nerves that paralyze the nerves, make people fascinated and fluttering. What is the difference between drugs, it is not real joy, just the return of light before dying!

"Whether you are Professor Mo Xuan or a demon outside the domain, no matter what plan you have, I will not let you succeed!"

The flames that lingered in Li Yao's body became more and more violent, almost forming a small storm, and gradually shredded the cabins and even the entire village.

The virtual girl "Alo" was scared and screamed. The small bamboo tube fell to the ground, and the deep purple sour plum soup flowed.

Her tears also fell like broken pearls, but they brave enough courage to reach out in front of Professor Mo Xuan, and trembled: "You, what are you doing, don't hurt my grandfather!"

This fantasy is really a **** life!

Li Yao’s heart cursed, and suddenly some did not dare to look at this girl’s “Alu” full of mistakes and fears.

Even the five dishes that were swept away by the storm of his soul, I was embarrassed.

This is the way of attacking the demon outside the domain, invisible and invisible, despicable to the extreme!

"You, you can even simulate the best affection of human beings as weapons, as a 'shield', I will not be fooled, I want to destroy this!"

Thinking of the relatives, friends and compatriots who are fighting in the Xinghai, Li Yao clenches his teeth and irons his heart, constantly stimulating the explosive power in the depths of the soul.

As his spirit continues to expand, the surrounding winds and thunders, the sand and the fog, the dark clouds and the fog are getting thicker, but the color of the whole world is gradually dimmed - it seems that the rendering quality is getting worse and worse, and the running speed is also Slower and slower!

Finally, the whole peach blossom source has slowly reached a certain level, and there are spots of light around it. It is like a colorful butterfly that begins to crack, regardless of Li Yao, Professor Mo Xuan or the virtual girl "Aluo". Sharp, fuzzy, faint, and gradually decomposed.

"You can't destroy the spirit world."

Professor Mo Xuan’s voice is faintly revealed from the gradually decomposing body. “People who have entered the spiritual world in the past, especially those who suffer from war trauma syndrome, have been too entangled with the so-called 'true and false' at the beginning. If you don't move, you will destroy this 'false world', but it won't take long for them to accept it, fall in love with it, completely integrate with the spiritual world, treat it as real, and the outside world is ugly and false!

"Oh, many of them will fall in love with my granddaughter Alo, and her husband and wife - Alo is indeed a very cute girl, will become a good wife, maybe, one day, you Will fall in love with her."

Li Yao's bones suddenly stunned: "You are crazy, you are not Professor Mo Xuan, what a monster you are fucking!"


Professor Mo Xuan’s voice was slightly unexpected. “From the beginning of the meeting, you seem to have determined that I am not Professor Mo Xuan, and thus began to trace me. Why? An ancient master from the ancient holy world, Why is it so skeptical about a professor in another strange world a few hundred light years away? I asked myself that the camouflage plan of the fire base is seamless and there should be no doubts unless..."

Li Yao’s heart screamed, and it’s not good.

Long Yangjun is right. In this strange spiritual battle, the true identity is indeed the last card.

If Li Yao in the Deep Blue Super Brain Hospital or earlier, if he reveals his identity indiscriminately, the virtual world and the girl who appear in front of him will not be Taohuayuan and Aluo. Maybe it is Fucheng and Dingling!

Can he really face the illusion of his wife and kill the killer?

"No matter who you are, your heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys have long been seen through us, and your despicable plots are completely bankrupt!"

Li Yao attacked and defended, disturbed the mind of Professor Mo Xuan, took a sip, and the soul of the storm rushed to the sea and attacked Professor Mo Xuan. "I don't believe you are so stable on the surface, really when we are the ancient twelve It’s a paper paste! Want to smear our twelve souls in one breath? It’s not that easy! Old guys, you have to devour our twelve souls, and invade the EFF’s spiritual network and master crystal brain, you It must be very hard now, your computing power and the power of the spirit, also overdraft to the limit? As long as the person moves a little finger slightly, you will collapse!"

"You suddenly changed the way you talk, pretending to be a very frivolous tone. What are you hiding?"

Professor Mo Xuan was unmoved at all. The pair had been torn into gray, but they still had deep radiant eyes in the air. They looked at Li Yao up and down, as if they were interested in studying a magic weapon. Reasons, your identity is clearly exposed, nothing can be concealed, let alone you and I don't know each other, even if I know your true identity? So..."

Li Yao’s soul is deep and sweaty. Professor Mo Xuan is really a humanoid brain. This calculation is too exaggerated!

"never mind."

Professor Mo Xuan suddenly smiled and laughed. Before the whole world was completely torn and collapsed, he said, "Intrusion and control have already begun. Now there are two large-scale troops in Tianyuan, and they think that each other’s own plans are It’s self-satisfied, but they don’t know that they are just two trapped beasts that fall off the trap and don’t know each other. They are bait for each other – the bait that I put in. When they bite each other **** and exhausted, they go to the net. !

"Controlling the most powerful army of the two stars on the beach, you have the sharpest sword in the tens of thousands of light years, you can realize my ideals - casting swords into plows, eliminating wars, making absolutely peaceful The new world, come to this universe!

"I told you that this is the behavior of the seedlings, huh, maybe I am too anxious, but sometimes, evolution is not linear, but needs to leap, like ugly caterpillars become beautiful Like a butterfly, it needs sublimation in an instant!

"Open your arms and welcome the coming of the new world, because you can't do anything but greet!"

In the squeaky laughter of Professor Mo Xuan, the whole world collapsed, and the darkness and flame alternated, bringing Li Yao to -


Tianyuanjie, Xingyao Federal Defense Council, command center.

There are more and more high-ranking parliaments, military and major sectarians who have been summoned here by the Federal Speaker Wan Guqing. There are also many strong and unique individuals who have come here to listen to the unified command of the Defense Council.

When these high-level and strong people stepped into the command center, the first thing they heard was the alarm.

"Good, good gravitational wave!"

"There are countless objects of great quality, tearing the barriers of three-dimensional space, creating a super-large temporary wormhole that is about to appear in the heavenly world!"

"Initial and preliminary estimates, this time the object through the wormhole, the total mass exceeds two hundred megatons, the huge mass, must be the second wave of attacking clusters of the Black Wind!"

"From the information of the prisoners of war, and the calculations of our experts, when the second batch of starships jumped over, the Black Wind Fleet had nearly half of the combat ships assembled in the Tianyuan world!"

"The control of the No. 1 Star Gate has not been completely regained in our hands, really **** it!"

An urgent military situation has caused many federal executives to worry or scream, or gnash their teeth, and the air in the command center is tense and tearing.

The federal speaker, Wan Guqing, is like a sinking water, and he is not moving, as if he is not worried about the anxiety of the war.

Only when the time below the light curtain jumped to a certain number, he slightly turned his head and swept the door of the command center.

"Tread on the road!"

Outside the gate came the heavy footsteps of the crystal bombardment on the ground. A team of armed men, wearing the secret sword bureau, Caiyun chasing the moon emblem, suddenly smashed in, and in the eyes of many federal high-level horror, divided into four teams. One team was alert, and the other three teams strode toward three of the top leaders. Before the other party had reacted, they controlled them like a wolf.

"Sorry, Mr. Li, Ouyang, the deputy chief of staff of Zhao, put away this stunned expression. You three have been arrested for treason and espionage!"

Secretary of the Secret Sword Bureau, the patron saint of the federal dark front, known as the four-line all-around super Yuan Ying over the spring, slowly into the command center.

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