Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1783: All the illusions, all smash it!

Li Yao saw the illusion of Long Yangjun in the glimpse of the recent glory.

It was made up of a magnificent deep palace compound, the splendid Jinyubao Temple, the raging rivers and lakes, and the murderous temples.

In the illusion, Long Yangjun wears a dragon robes with claws and claws, and becomes the true ninety-five lord. He is overwhelmed with the rain and is in charge of the world.

But this is not right!

Long Yangjun is different from other ancient holy powers.

Others are all jumping in the Xinghai. When the brain is completely exposed to the wave of four-dimensional space, it is invaded by the extraterrestrial demon. The soul is deeply penetrated, and it has now exceeded twelve hours.

Twelve hours, enough of the extraterrestrial demon to change all kinds of illusions, to understand their desires and weaknesses, to carry out targeted erosion.

However, Long Yangjun and Li Yao have just lost the spiritual world. The extraterrestrial demon is too late to arrange for her true identity. All the information he has about Long Yangjun comes from the rest of the ancient holy strong. Retelling.

That is to say, until now, the extraterrestrial demon will still regard Long Yangjun as the ordinary "the ancient sacred dynasty dynasty dynasty generation", Da Yu Wang Xi!

The illusion of the celestial beings prepared for the dragon Yang Jun is based on the identity of "Da Yu Wang Xi", "it is good to cast it", but it is just a trick of power struggle, swords and swords, intrigue, and martial arts. .

If it is a real party and a power, it may be deeply attracted to such a world, indulging in it, and being unable to extricate itself.

But the extraterrestrial magic is not counted, and the "big 阉王喜" is just the superficial identity of Long Yangjun. It is the disguise she made to find her true identity. She really cares about hundreds of thousands of years ago. The "Fighting of the Gods" is my own mysterious mission!

For this kind of virtual world specially prepared for "Dayu Wangxi", Long Yangjun is absolutely dismissive.

However, Li Yao found in a short moment of observation that Long Yangjun seems to be really immersed in this botched game, playing very happy, and forgot everything that happened outside.

This is unreasonable. There is no reason to surrender so quickly because of the strength of the spirit of her son-in-law elite warrior.

Therefore, Li Yao immediately realized that Long Yangjun was acting in the theater to see the devil outside the domain!

She must have found herself lost in the realm of the moment, but she couldn't find a solution to the problem in a moment. So she used this gesture to numb the vigilance of the demon outside the domain. In the dark, she must be building up her strength and preparing for the break!

Li Yao is now, can only fight for a fight, choose to believe in Long Yangjun!


The "crystal ball" trapped by Long Yangjun has become more and more fierce. Every piece of light and shadow that has been stirred up seems to have a dragon Yang looking up, her eyes are sharp like a golden blade, even the darkness of the outside world. Must be completely smashed by her!

The crack that was originally struck by Li Yao’s spirit, gradually healed, was reappeared after a brief stalemate, gradually extending, criss-crossing, forming an indelible spider web!


It is perceived that this virtual world is becoming more and more fragile. In the distance, the “super-spiritual, fighting gods” screams and screams, and wants to stop.

But the **** demon that is sore, the feathers are gone, and the faint to the non-adult shape, is blocked in front of it and bears its thunderous attack!

The soul is forcibly torn. This kind of pain is not something that ordinary people can bear. It only has less than 50% of the spirit of Li Yao. The **** demons are not the opponents of "super spirit, fighting God", but they are dead like rubber plasters. Sticking to the other side, while vomiting blood, laughing, while screaming at the scream: "Lee Yao! Li Yao! Li Yao!"

"Where are you, what the ghost is!"

Li Yao also squeezed out all the power of this half-spirit, and turned into a stream of light and rushed toward the crystal world. Every time it was hit and split, it was thin to the point where it could not be re-added, but it was once again condensed again and again. , unfolding unreasonable collision!

"Long Yangjun, I heard no, I am here, come to help!"

He will scream into the screaming gods and follow the gaps in the crystal world.


At this moment, Li Yao heard the most distorted screams of the **** demons behind him.

Looking back, the blood-colored demons were completely shattered by the "super-spiritual, fighting gods", and most of the fires of the gods were extinguished, leaving only the last few glimmers of fireflies, fleeing toward Li Yao. Come over, trembled into his body!

"Brother, I can only help you here!"

The two halves of the dual personality reintegrated, and the **** demons said weakly in the depths of the soul.

Li Yao smirked, his condition and **** devils were half a catty, watching the "super spirit, fighting God" rushing over, he could not even do the action of dodge and block, regardless of computing power, imagination or The power of the spirits is on the verge of exhaustion.

The overgrown stinger and the barbs and fists became bigger and bigger in the field of vision, and finally filled the whole world, perhaps because his spirit was getting weaker and weaker, and more and more small, "super spirit, fighting God" The relative size has become bigger and bigger, and it seems to be a giant with hundreds of meters, a kilometer high, and a top!

Li Yao watched the stinger on his fist burst into a cold glory, and his soul was about to be shattered by the cold mang, and suddenly there was a bang, a crack of something cracked, followed by An earth-shattering roar, like the energy of the entire Galaxy crossed his shoulders, rubbing his ears and whizzing past, and the entire right fist of the "Super Spirit, Fighting God" was blown up. A squeaky trumpet!


"Super Spirit, Fighting God" issued a scream of horror and anger. After a few hundred meters of retrogression, the right arm of the four-part split surged out of the silver-white foam, and it could not heal for a long time!

Looking back, Li Yao just saw the dragon Yang Junzhu wearing the crystal armor standing in the dark void, the mysterious and magnificent crystal cannon on the right arm, from the purple smoke!

Li Yao is so happy that he has never had such an ardent impulse to hug a second woman besides Ding Ling!

Long Yangjun looked around, his expression was a little ethereal, and his eyes appeared to be indifferent to human beings. But this cold mangence was only a moment, she quickly returned to normal, her eyes focused on Li Yao, and her mouth was stunned. Charming arc: "What is the situation now?"

"The situation is that we are deeply trapped in the core layer of the spiritual world. All around it is a small virtual world suspended in the dark void. Every world is trapped by many people, including Meng Chi, Han. Daling, Yan are leaving them, and you are just now!"

Li Yao screamed, "The silver-white ball on the other side is the body of the demon outside the realm. The main messenger of the conspiracy, quickly break all the virtual worlds, put all the red hearts and Yan away from them, everyone together. I don’t know what my aunt knows!"

"Impossible, this is impossible!"

The silver-white ball swayed in the distance with crazy screams, and the screams stunned to the extreme. "No one can break free from the erosion of the spiritual world so quickly, and even sneak in here! Why is your soul power so strange?" I even faintly launched 'anti-erosion' on my world? Da Yu Wang Xi, but it is a Yuan Ying monk in the district, how can this be!

"You, you, you are not a big king, you are not an ordinary yuan baby, you are not a person, you are not a person!"

In the roar of the roar, the right arm of the "Super Spirit, Fighting God" gradually healed, and it was too late to re-aggregate into the shape of the entire arm. It turned into hundreds of frenzied tentacles, and the tip of each tentacle was a handle. The gleaming blade of the cold, mixed with the creepy whistling sound, whip up to the two!

"Hey, since you found your body, it's easy!"

Long Yangjun sneered and confidently filled. "Do you think that such a poor virtual world can really trap me? I just tried to analyze your underlying architecture and track your core database!"

The muzzle of the crystal cannon, the extremely dangerous purple whirlpool quickly condenses, and in the moment when the "super-spiritual body and the fighting god" burst into the air, another group of purple magma spurts out, unbiased, the chest of the steel giant in the middle, As quickly spread as a virus, the torso and limbs of the "Super Spirit, Giant Soldier" were quickly crystallized and solidified into a strange amethyst statue!

"You can't break the virtual world now!"

Long Yangjun bit his lip deeply. "The extraterrestrial demon can completely hide these virtual worlds and become externally unreadable and modified. Even if you seem to have broken these crystal balls, you can get a series of Meaningless chaotic data.

"Give me half a minute!"

She leaped backwards and suddenly disappeared from Li Yao. In the twinkling of an eye, it appeared behind the body of the demon outside the silver-white sphere!

Before the extraterrestrial demon has not yet reacted, her hands have been deeply inserted into the silver-white sphere. With the constant power of the soul, the surface of the silver-white sphere has a thin amethyst shell!

The power of Amethyst is also transmitted along the silver-white sphere and the connection of many virtual worlds, so that hundreds of virtual worlds are completely frozen!

"What power is this, why is it so weird, who are you, what are you?"

The surface of the silver-white sphere is full of turbulent waves, and there are countless ugly tentacles, like a huge virus that can erode the whole universe. The tentacles penetrate deeply into the body of Long Yangjun, and the crystal body of Long Yangjun is gradually crystal clear. It turns silver white.

The two sides launched a thrilling "erosion and anti-erosion" contest, and a silver-white pattern climbed to the face of Long Yangjun.

And on the crystal shell of the "Super Spirit, Fighting God" sealed by amethyst, there is also a crack in the road, and you can break free at any time!

"Lee Yao, it is now!"

Among the dragons of Long Yangjun, there is a silver intrusion, but she does not care, just do everything she can to lock all the virtual worlds. "Hurry up and smash all the illusions!"

Excuse me, brothers and sisters, playing with the son outside these two days, the update is late.

I think that this little guy at home is also very poor. When I used to go to work, I could go out with him on weekends. Since I was writing at home full-time, it seems to be free. On the average, the average update of nearly 10,000 words per day is hanging. Without a rest day, he rarely took him out. Every time he went home and said where a certain child went, he really couldn’t help him.

It’s rare to have a rest on New Year’s Day, and to accompany your family, it’s a good time to add fuel to the new year. Everyone will go to work tomorrow, the little guy will go to kindergarten, and the old cow will return to the normal update speed. Thank you for your understanding and support! (To be continued.)

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