Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1792: Sleepy beasts!

Seeing that the "Yueyue Plan" planned by Jin Xinyue is about to achieve full success, the three stars of the sky are all under the control of the Federation. The other side of the reinforcements will never arrive so soon, even if the adventure is jumping without the guidance of the Stars. Come over, it is also a ship in the east and a ship in the west. It is scattered like a dusty sky in the vast expanse of the Tianyuan galaxy with a diameter of 8 billion kilometers. This is definitely a disaster for any fleet!

Battleships must be precisely embedded in the system to achieve 100% combat effectiveness.

Losing the shelter of the Aegis destroyer, the arsenal is like a tortoise that has lost its shell. It can only carry out a one-time blow that is the same, and even the super-long-range heavy firepower set by the enemy on the planet, destroying its own range.

Without the firepower support of the arsenal, even if the Aegis's psionic shield, the interference magnetic field and the Lingernet's ability to resist are strong, they can't resist the long-term fire attack.

It is also difficult for the reckless commander to make such a suicidal "blind jump."

Instead of adopting a star-to-sky jump, it is slow to swim with conventional navigation. Less likely! The distance between the two sides in the three-dimensional universe is several tens of light years. Even if the large-scale battle cluster can be arrogant at the speed of one-tenth of the speed of light, it will take hundreds of years to reach the battlefield!

Therefore, the elite and "brains" of the Black Wind Fleet are isolated!

Then, as long as the follow-up forces of the Suiyuan Fleet can arrive in time to destroy the most sharp minions and vital brains of the enemy, they will be invincible!

It seems that the realization of this goal is only a few minutes away.

The remnants of the Tianyuan Fleet are still entangled with amazing courage and warfare and enemies ten times stronger than themselves. They are stalking like a thorny mud. Just when they are about to collapse, they were originally deployed on the first star. The demon "rebel" troops near the door rushed into the hole in time to fill the loopholes. The tens of thousands of beams of light screaming against the Black Wind Fleet screamed, only for the arrival of the main force, for one second, another second. Another second!

The Federation’s absolute main force, the original fleet, was also very competitive. The first wave of attacking clusters led directly by the chief of staff, Bai Baixin, completed a classic Xinghai jump called a textbook.

When they crossed the hundreds of millions of stars and experienced three-dimensional four-dimensional three-dimensional fragmentation and cohesion, the solemn and neat formation was not chaotic, and thousands of straight tail flames illuminate the dark Xinghai, just like the ancient strong soldiers on their shoulders. , the cold long gun forest!

Under the leadership of the flagship "燎原", the long-gun forest in the universe slowly moved, and the distance measured by the black light feedback made the whole battle group like a perfect piece of art. Two star ships of several kilometers long were When you go hand in hand, the gap between the heads of each other will not exceed ten meters. Under the cosmic scale, this is a concept that is thousands of times thinner than the hair!

After the first wave of attacking clusters came to Tianyuanjie, they did not rush to the coordinates of the Blackwind Fleet, but instead hurriedly set a circular defensive formation for the second wave, the third wave and even the second wave. The fleet that came from the major worlds of the Starry Federation gave up safe space.

In order to avoid leaking news, the "Haoyue Plan" is a top secret in top secret. Even if only a few high-level executives in the original fleet know some internal conditions, the ordinary star-field station fleet is absolutely ignorant.

The combat force of the Star Field Garrison is weak, and it takes a long time to assemble and jump. However, since the situation of “closing the dog” has been formed, then there is nothing to be afraid of, and now the initiative is in their hands!

The void that had just been torn once again smashed the smashing shackles. The invisible arc was scanned by the magic light of the Xuanguang exploration. It was like a colorful wave, spreading in all directions, seeing the second wave of attacking the cluster. It is the mother ship's thickest armor, the largest storage space, the largest amount of ammunition and spar reserves, and the real "big force"!

At this time, thousands of star torches belonging to the gates of the three stars were extinguished at the same time.

The so-called "extinguished" means that regardless of the Suiyuan Fleet, the Black Wind Fleet or the Ground Defense Council Command Center, they can't find their existence by exhausting any scanning and navigation magic.

They are like a moment, from the most advanced and sophisticated magic weapon of human civilization, turned into three dead rocks.

Only the EFF, which is stationed near the gates of the three stars, can be clearly seen after wearing special invisible light-detecting glasses. Just in the moment, thousands of stars suddenly emerged from the interior of the three stars. Thousands of twisted arcs, like chain reactions, roam around, and each star is wrapped around each star.

As a group of spherical arcs burst open, the original radiant star torch was eclipsed, just like a thick layer of dust.

The main force of the Suiyuan Fleet, which was about to jump under the guidance of the gate of the Starry Sky, suddenly became a mess.

Almost one-third of the main players have completed the jump, but they lost their way at the last moment, like the paratroopers who parachuted in the squally showers. I don’t know where they were blown to the vast expanse of the 100-kilometer radius.

There are still two-thirds of the main players who have not had time to jump. They have stopped jumping, but they have paid a lot of money. In particular, the Xinghai Jumping Unit has issued a "beep" explosion.

It was like a runner who was sprinting and sprinting. He found that the front was the brakes after the cliff, although he was relieved of the danger of broken bones, but he also had to break the fracture!

Now, for the two large units, the three "gates" from the outside to the Tianyuan world have all been blocked by the "debris flow".

This is just the beginning.

Most of the communication base stations deployed near Tianyuanxing, which are used to transmit instantaneous Lingwang information with the rest of the world, are all smashed under a series of invisible sparks and arcs.

Even if there are very few fish that are missing, when the amount of information that was originally shared by hundreds of base stations is concentrated on them, serious information delays and blockages also occur.

The government network of Tianyuanxing and the military-specific spiritual network also suffered a fatal attack in an instant. The other party seems to have long known that the military’s most secretive “cover door” is located, even within the highest command center of the Defense Council, the entire federation. On top of the "垓"-class super crystal brain with the strongest computing power and the highest level of confidentiality, a quaint sword appeared slowly.

This sword unscrupulously smashed all the data displayed in the three-dimensional picture, in a nearly "arrogant" posture, showing the double-edged edge of the spirit, and then twisted it, slowly and steadily I made a knot myself.

"Be peace, don't fight."

Under the knotted sword, there is a word that slowly floats in a certain sense, but at this moment it is ridiculous and strange to the extreme.

"We, our vast amount of key data has been deleted by it!"

"Damn, it is madly tampering with our registered identity information. Even the brainwave features have been messed up by it. They have been randomly matched. I can't enter my own work interface, let alone trace and kill it. !"

"What a ghost, this kind of crystal brain virus that has never seen this form and attack mechanism, the infection speed is too fast, it is just a moment to attack from the various nodes of the Ling Net, like, like having their own life. !"

"The gates of the three stars are all controlled by it. No, it is not a general crystal brain virus, and there is even some kind of damage from the outside world. The three star gates are all ruined, and the repair time is unknown!"

"The communication with the outside world was almost completely cut off. The other six worlds were all turned into a pot of porridge, traffic and information hub Baihuacheng, but the news was completely gone, and suddenly entered the frozen state!"

Including the federal speaker Wan Guqing, the secret sword director over the spring breeze, and the Jin Xinyue who just arrived here, all the high-level federal departments have to enter the "frozen state."

Everyone turned their suspicions and reprimands to Jin Xinyue and the Spring Breeze, as well as Wan Guqing, who was responsible for leadership.

"This is impossible."

Jin Xinyue’s face still hangs a smile in the face of the victory, but this smile has condensed a few pieces of three-dimensional light curtains in front of her, and a sword appeared in the same place. Smash all the information and data, and then slowly tie yourself into a knot.

"Be peace, don't fight."

Jin Xinyue seems to be able to hear the other person say this sentence, a faint laughter.

But she couldn't figure out 10,000. "There is no reason. Even if the Black Wind Fleet really saw through my plan, there is no possibility that it will inevitably reverse the spirit and crystal brain technology of our army. So easily attacked by the enemy!"


The Federal Speaker Wan Guqing still looks like a dull to some clumsy old camel. In the face of the most terrible sandstorm, he still pulls his eyelids and is not shocked. Even if he is really confused and hesitant, at least there is no trace in his voice. Still so slow and calm, "Looking for ways to kill the virus, restart the spiritual network, at least the current situation is fair to the enemy and the enemy. Only the most elite forces have come to the Tianyuan world, and the bloated large forces are all in the tens of light. Outside the year.

"Since all the three star-studded gates have been smashed, at least for a while, no one can help the reinforcements, isn't it?"

"Report, report!"

The voice has not fallen, and a "Starship Analyst" has analyzed the data transmitted from Linglang before.

That is the analysis of the appearance data of the second ship that the Black Wind Fleet jumped over to determine the enemy's model, grade, and scale.

Before the three star gates were completely paralyzed, the second wave of the Black Wind Fleet was nearing completion.

But all the starship analysts, in the face of extremely strange data, can't analyze which level of the Imperial Fleet and which model.

From the appearance point of view, most of the starships that jumped in the second wave are too strange, and the appearance of all the imperial starships in the intelligence does not correspond!

Until now, when all the three star gates were smashed, they finally realized that their faces suddenly became pale.

"Report, the second wave of the Black Wind Fleet jumped over not their main force, but their door to the stars!

"They rounded up the huge starry sky door, mixed in a lot of starships, and jumped over!"

I first apologize to you for booking the "Star Fields for 40,000 Years". Because of the New Year's relationship, this book may not be issued until a year later. The old cow didn't know it before, so let everyone book it so early. I am really sorry. !

In addition, the old cow has just opened a new ~ wave ~ micro ~ Bo ~, the name is "Wo Niu real people deity", please support all the books friends, to pay attention to it.

After that, regarding the latest developments of the book, the parents of the old cows are short, especially the progress and release of the simplified version, all of which will be released on the above, there will be a lottery and other activities, very exciting!

The old cow used to be a boring head to write a book. People who don’t like to promote propaganda, but there is no way in this world. In short, everyone can help a lot. The high-rise buildings are flat, let’s put together all the propaganda channels, work together, grow together, Everyone! (To be continued.)

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