Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1794: War chess, and big and small pieces

In the face of the three-dimensional light curtain, in the deep-eyed universe, the flexible steering, such as the mercury-sprayed spread of light, all the ministers, members of parliament, staff and analysts in the highest command center, all stunned, my heart picked up The waves are higher than a wave of arrogance!

Anyone with a little knowledge of the cosmic war knows that under the super-high speed of thousands of kilometers per second, there must be a whole fleet of hundreds of thousands of ships, different models, safety distances, and psionic shields. The starship, how to turn in an orderly manner, how difficult it is!

The structural strength of the starship itself, the physical and mental endurance of all the soldiers on the starship, the synergy between each other, the position in the battlefield...all are intricate and complicated.

What's more, it is still done in the most intensive "cone attack formation", not to mention the deadly gunfire of the enemy. If they don't see it, they can't believe such a thing. The commander who dares to do so must be mad. Crazy!

The Great White Fleet did miraculously do it.

They staged an incomparably gorgeous emergency change, and thousands of tail flames towed a nearly perfect curved trajectory in the Xinghai, like a snowy scimitar, straight into the softest abdomen of the Black Wind Fleet.

"How is it possible, why did the big white fleet appear there, are they not rushing to the 2nd and 3rd star gates?"

"They didn't get the magnetic interference, but they actively shut down the network and entered the quiet state of the spirit net, thus avoiding the ravages of the brain virus. In the fleet, they still kept the minimum communication, and with such thin communication, Have you maintained such a tight and exquisite battlefield?"

"This amazing ability to control is really something that can be done in the first stage of the Yuan Ying, what is going on!"

"In any case, they came at the right time. Now the second wave of the Black Wind Fleet is mixed with the Star Torch. It is simply a loose sand and a constant turbulence in the space. It is simply unprepared!"

"Quickly contact the Big White Fleet, fast, fast, what, or can't you contact?"

Unlike the "Navy" in a single planetary civilization, the "deep-air fleet" in the Xinghai civilization often has to be separated from the parent star and even the mother world, and the distance is tens of thousands of light years, and even more distant explorations and expeditions. The mother world has very weak control over the deep-sea fleet. The deep-sea fleet is basically self-contained and is a small independent kingdom.

It can even be said that there are currently nine worlds in the Stars Federation. Apart from the seven boundaries in the conventional sense, the Suiyuan Fleet and the Great White Fleet are two specific small and small worlds.

Compared with the 燎原 fleet that the state has invested heavily in, the Dabai Fleet relies heavily on Jin Xinyue, as well as the private consortium and private sects of the Yao Shi Group. It is a type of “savage growth, self-destruction”. It is even weaker to control it.

The Dabai Fleet has just completed a voyage drill for nearly a year. Although there are navigation logs sent back every other time, except for the log, where did they go this year, what did they do, what happened, and they played No one knows what the idea is.

As everyone knows, the White-White Fleet commander Bai Xingjian has always been away from the EFF's orthodox fleet system, but it is the heart of Jin Xinyue.


Everyone focused their attention on the face of Jin Xinyue.

But Jin Xinyue was as stunned as they were, staring at the little light spots on the light curtain that were utterly ghostly and thunderous, and completely unaware of what happened in the White Fleet and on the White Star Sword.

"According to the current acceleration, the Big White Fleet has three minutes to collide with the second wave of the Black Wind Fleet!"

Above the light curtain, the battle is like chess.

The first unexpected piece of chess jumped up and revealed **** fangs!


The top level of the war is the chess player, such as Qi Guqing, Chunfeng, Jin Xinyue, and Bai Xingjian.

These great men of the wind, their war is in a dry and safe command center, in the change of thousands of light curtains, in a series of digital rolling, in the formation of the formation and the chain game.

Their wars are sometimes high-rise and magnificent, and sometimes they are speculative and sophisticated. It is indeed a big game of chess with stars and stars.

On the chessboard, everything is clearly visible, and there are veins to be found. There are so-called "Thunderstorms, the likes of breaking the bamboo, turning the tide, and fighting the Jedi". There is a thrilling "winner".

Even if defeated, at least you can clearly know where you are losing, and have time to be surprised, worried, annoyed and remorseful.

But after all, war can't be won by these big men.

Every great and powerful winner of the great men, every interlocking conspiracy, every hidden trap is all done by countless ordinary soldiers who fought in the front line.

For ordinary soldiers who are trapped in the brutal strangling of the Tianyuan Fleet and the Blackwind Fleet, they can't say anything like "the game is like a chess game."

Through the blood-stained crystal window, the war in front of them is not a game of clear and clear, but two huge, chaotic, violent death vortexes, colliding with each other, entangled with each other, and are quite unreasonable. Earth destruction!

A mad dog is a member of these ordinary warriors.

He couldn't see the black wind fleet's conspiracy, the chaos of the original fleet and the miraculous appearance of the Great White Fleet; nor did he know that the small light spots that were jumping out of the void in the far distance were the star gate components of the empire, not to mention Know what happens when these stars are assembled.

He only saw that the psionic shield of a starship near him turned into a faint crimson, like a venous blood that gradually dried up.

He only saw that many of the shells of the starships had become dangerous orange-red, exploding without warning, turning into huge fireballs, and smashing a large number of fragments of violent psionic arcs like maidens. Come out and form a series of criss-crossing, unruly death storms on the battlefield.

He saw that these sharp fragments were as easy to harvest as a sickle, and they treated each other equally. There was no such thing as kindness. Many EFF and Imperial soldiers were entangled in each other and were pierced by the same piece. , string together like a barbecue.

He also saw that many people were hit by the fragments, deviated from the direction, and the power matrix failed. How to struggle did not help, but in desperation, they fell to the moment when the battleships of the two sides fell into the beam of light. It is like disappearing from the mosquitoes falling into the molten steel. No matter whether it is screaming or blue smoke, there is no one star and a half.

The mad dog participated in the ground war in the atmosphere and participated in the cosmic war in the vacuum.

The death of the ground war was accompanied by screams, roaring, crying and brave wars, as well as deafening bombings.

The war in the vacuum is silent, and everyone seems to be performing a solemn mime.

The extremely devastating devastating picture and the maddening death constitute a very strange sense of contradiction, which makes him unclear. Which kind of war is more cruel.

Perhaps the wars are the same. For these insignificant dusts, these insignificant ants, these battles are countless cruel, both on the ground and in the universe.

Yes, he is Jin Dan, or a major of the EFF.

so what?

A ship with a length of several kilometers, like a dying whale, slowly rotates in front of him, and is immediately stabbed by dozens of spear-like beams of light. The seemingly strong armor is easily opened. A group of fireballs, such as deformed tumors, spewed out of the cracks, and at the same time, there were countless foundations, knots, and even Yuanying monks who drove the starships, whether or not they provoked weak psionic shields. In the end, they are all burned to ashes or melted together with the crystals to become orange-red meteorites.

The mad dog drifted in the turbulent waves of the psionic violent tide, like a straw floating on the sea, and numerous meteorites and magical stones condensed.

His spirit is nearly exhausted, and the crystals are scrapped, leaving only a few dozen positions to barely work.

At this moment, a small meteorite may have his life, in the face of such a grand and chaotic battlefield, such a ridiculous and cruel fate, what is the difference between Jin Dan and the ants?

The dead-leaf-like figure suddenly stagnate, like falling into a temporarily stable storm eye, and the battlefield is in full swing, and it is strangely calm.

The brain that violently oscillates in the skull is gradually stable. The mad dog perceives the fracture of the rupture, the rupture of the internal organs, the burning pain of the nerve endings, and the burning of the soul, such as suffocation.

This battle-hardened veteran realized with a keen dog-like intuition that a moment of calm was an ominous sign and lost, they lost!

The war in the icy universe burned fast and fast. In the twinkling of an eye, there was only the icy starship wreck and a grotesque corpse around him. If there was an endless Xinghai grave, he would shoot from the depths of the wreckage. The zero-light beam will soon provoke a hundred times the number of counterattacks, as well as a large array of lightning and thundering empire attacking the cluster, such as locusts swept over!

The mad dog laughed, but laughed at the big blood clots, and the numbness of the fire in the lower abdomen. When he looked down, he found that the antenna of a fist was deeply penetrated into his liver area.

The experience of passing through the whole century and death once and for all told him that it was fatal.

This time, it is really struggling.

"So... ordinary death, fuck!"

The mad dog was black in front of him, and the past flashed in the dark like a lantern. The burning pain in the liver area coincided with the punch of the bones of the past 100 years ago.

He wants to vomit again.

I want to spit out all the blood in my life. (To be continued.)

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