Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1807: a lover who loves the federation

Perhaps it is an illusion that the night suddenly feels a strange bitterness on the mind, every thought in the brain is like a wild horse that is dislocated, and there are countless chaotic thoughts that have sounded "snake" .

This is something that he has never happened in his career in the Stars and Seas for hundreds of years. The faintness is a precursor to the fire!

"After all, it’s still old, or it’s too much injury a hundred years ago, and there’s no chance to recuperate in a hundred years of displacement.”

The dark night sighs and sighs. "I didn't like this during the peak period. At that time, I participated in the ultra-large-scale battle between the Empire and the Holy Alliance with dozens of the world's strongest fleets, even if the fierce battle lasted for a whole month, burning again and again. The soul and the overdraft of life will not be so tired.

"Now, just smashing the stars and smashing some **** barbarians, actually made a mess..."

He fixed his mind and his thoughts returned to the battle.

The Suiyuan Fleet, the Great White Fleet and the Federal Giants, although the combat power was far beyond his expectations, still did not touch his bottom line, just the question of how much it would cost to win.

But Su Changfa and Lu Qingchen...

In the darkness of the night, I moved the brainwave and body parameter monitoring interface of Lv Dengchen again.

At this moment, Lu Qingchen was firmly sealed in a steel coffin, hanging upside down in the air, and the whole body was filled with the most cruel seal to ensure that every change in his muscles, blood vessels and nerves will be monitored by the night. Not to mention that even the weakest sputum in the brain will be clearly displayed on the master crystal brain.

From being locked up to the present, Lv Dengchen’s brainwaves have been extremely calm, calm to the night, and several times, I suspect that the monitoring magic weapon is out of order, and I have to call the more advanced crystal brain and instruments again and again. The dusty brain domain and the master crystal brain depth are connected together to ensure the sensitivity of brain wave feedback.

If you don’t look at it, it’s amazing. The night is shocked to discover that when I don’t know, Lu Qingchen should have an index of brain activity in Gujing’s waveless field. It suddenly appears like a volcanic eruption, in just one second. Break through the limits of refining, building foundation, knotting Dan, Yuan Ying, turning the gods... and even humans!

It is not the ripples that the human brain can ignite. It is like a supernova exploding in the depths of Lu’s brain, releasing endless energy!

"How can it be

"What are the guys in the monitoring room doing, and happening to me, don't report it to me!

"Is the crystal brain out of fault, or?"

In the dark night, the spirit of the gods rushed to the limit, manipulating a Taiwanese brain and a crystal eye, and connected more than a dozen communication lines.

But just as he was preparing to summon a large number of people to investigate the situation of Lv Dengchen, the curve of the brain activity index of the peak of the peak, but with the same steep slope, fell to the bottom of the deep valley, and then became a no A straight line that undulates.

Lv Dengchen’s brain waves are zero.

In theory, this is death.

Of course, some masters who practice "Mutret" can reduce the index of physiological activity such as heartbeat, respiration, and even brain waves to near the point of disappearance, but now there are more than 30 probes deeply piercing Lu. The brain, he wants to pretend to be a ghost, I am afraid it is not so easy.

The ominous foreboding emerged at the bottom of the night.

This is a veteran of war, an instinctive reaction to extreme danger.

A three-dimensional light curtain slowly appeared in front of his eyes. In the picture, Lu Dengchen still hangs there and sways gently. He can't see whether it is dead or alive, but the cultivators who guarded him were all one by one. Seven bleeds, foaming at the mouth, fell to the ground, nervously twitching.


In the dark night, the heart screamed, and God thought like an octopus to expand in all directions, trying to summon his subordinates.

But all the gods seem to have encountered a layer of invisible and invisible walls, and they are bounced back!

Then, his eyes were black, like a pervasive black curtain slowly descending to the whole body, and the two worlds overlapped together. One was his original bridge, the tactical command capsule in the neural interaction fluid; the other Then... it’s a weird black ocean!

"It seems that the Black Wind Fleet is in trouble."

The slightly sarcasm sounded in his ear, "Do you need my help?"

This is the voice of Lu Xiaochen.

The nightmare of the night suddenly shrinks, desperately condensing the mind to break through the shady, and even dancing and wanting to attract the attention of others on the bridge, but those subordinates who are close at hand are like the yin and yang, not one. People noticed his strangeness.

Moreover, some kind of black material resembling jellyfish slowly floated from the "deep in the ocean" under his feet, starting from his feet and slowly swallowing him!

The night was so horrified that he was desperately urging the soul, but the soul was like being polluted by something, and he could not stimulate the usual power.

"It’s useless. When the Black Wind Fleet made a four-dimensional space jump, I have already injected some small 'gifts' into the depths of your mind and the black whirlpool."

The light laughter of Lv Qingchen came from all sides of the black deep sea. "Even if the bloodstains of the expeditionary army of the Xinghai Empire 10,000 years ago could not bear to refuse such a gift, why bother with it?"

The night knows that he is caught in a terrible trap. Now, the empire veteran calms down: "Are you Lv Qingchen, or something else? Your master Su Changfa betrayed the empire, but you have not betrayed the federation. Have you abandoned the Xiuxian Avenue?"

"Oh, I am Lu Qingchen, just...Lv Dengchen."

In the deep black sea, there was a voice again. "As for my master Su Changfa, it is very regrettable that his old man has fallen for a long time. What you see in the spiritual network is an illusion, or a database of my master.

"Betray the Federation? Of course not! Look at what is happening in front of your eyes, how brave the federal soldiers are, how strong the federal fleet is, how powerful, how noble, how invincible the union, how can I betray Such a great motherland, instead of going to the outside world, the empire of the river?"

"So, I thoroughly counted..."

The night of the night is shining with painful light. After a while, the light is sharp and biting. "No, your strength is so evil. This is not the path of the self-cultivator. What are you?"

"I have already said that I am a cultivator who loves the federation and loves human civilization."

In the dark and deep sea, Lv Dengchen said calmly, "As you can see, the current Star Alliance is like the sun at seven or eight in the morning. How pure, how bright, how powerful, no power can stop its rise. .

"But when the sun rises to its highest altitude, it will eventually fall down. After any new force develops to a certain extent, it will inevitably be contaminated with all kinds of incurable ills and habits, slowly decaying and metamorphosing, and eventually become In the way it once despised and struggled, the hero killed the dragon, the hero became a dragon, and the past is not as good as ever.

"The resources in the universe may be infinite, but the resources that humans can collect and use effectively are always limited. At least compared with the population and desires that humans expand by geometric progression, it is far from enough, as long as this contradiction cannot Solve, today's Stars Federation is brighter, purer, stronger, and what is the use?

"On the way to the center of the Xinghai, in the process of gradually expanding and ruling the world of 3,000 thousand, it is bound to encounter many problems, to face all sorts of painful choices, and in these dilemmas. In one step, it becomes a way of disgust and opposition in the past, and becomes... another empire."

"What do you want to do?"

The night is struggling and struggling. "Since you claim to be a determined cultivator, you are so pessimistic about the future of the federation, then surrender to the empire now! No, not surrender, but join us with the Black Wind, we both If you join forces, you can definitely incite the political structure of the empire, and even control the entire empire and the entire Xinghai in our hands!"

"Yes, Ming Shuai said it makes a lot of sense. I think so, and I am doing this!"

Lv Qingchen smiled. "Only, if the two want to form an alliance, it is bound to need a 'mighter'. If the handsome man is really telling the words just now, then let go of your soul completely, don't refuse My gift, let me inject the real avenue into the core of your soul, and then together, to transform the federation, renovate the empire, save the whole universe from the evil ancient civilization!"

"You, your avenue?"

The night brightened my eyes, and the sound of "squeaky" in the throat, "Xianxian 2.0 theory?"

Lv Dengchen did not answer, Gu Zi said: "I believe in Xiuxian Avenue, but the so-called belief is not stubborn, rigid, and immutable, but should be constantly changing and developing in the actual contradictions. It is always self-innovation and advanced!

"Look at the guys who claim to be cultivating the avenues of cultivating, and they are being stalked by the sacred people in the central part of the Xinghai. They are not like 'like', you are the dog of the family, even the nest 'black wind world' It is.

"When I arrived at the Xinghai Beach, I came to conquer a group of barbarians, but under the radiance of Xiuzhen Avenue, I was beaten up and messed up.

"Is it true that the ancient world, the self-styled, and the rigid Xiuxian Avenue can really represent the future of human civilization?

"Ming Shuai, ask your heart, if Xiuxian Avenue is really the only truth in the universe, why is this battle so messy? Your present performance is really shameful to the words "Xianxian Avenue"!"

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