Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1809: Want to be real... alive?

Two worlds, two classes, a combination of real and illusory!

I don't know if it is Lu Xiaochen's theory, or the calm and crazy tone that he puts forward when he elaborates the theory, which makes the night and the old cultivators who are victorious and numb.

Because he found that he was really convinced by this theory!

"You don't think that such a social system can be called the word 'perfect'?"

Lv Qingchen’s speed of speech has gradually accelerated, and the smile has gradually converged to the cold. “In any civilization, there is always a lot of worthless waste. They are lazy, sloppy, intelligent, and unable to manage their time effectively. Emotions, but also inspired by the natural thoughts of human rights and life, think that they naturally have all the rights of human beings, and thus become insatiable, eager to fill, self-satisfied!

"They have not explored the endless sea of ​​stars, advanced our great civilization to the grand ideals at the end of time and space, and lacked all kinds of excellent qualities that put the ideals of big and small into reality, brave, persevering, honest, tenacious... They have nothing.

"They even managed their own pale life, and they were all messed up. Even the most basic study and work were messed up. They were immersed in the anesthesia of alcohol, drugs, gambling, games and all kinds of shoddy virtual entertainment. It takes a lifetime to waste countless precious food, air, water and resources!

"Unfortunately, even if I admit that among the ordinary people who cannot wake up to the roots, there are a large number of elites with noble minds who are qualified to live in the real world of 'capital people', but the proportion of this waste is also It will never be less than 50%, at least the proportion I calculated from the Civilization game is like this.

"This may be the price that human beings have to pay for evolution. Is it a fake of trial and error?"

"No way, we human civilization, originally the 'premature baby' that was born in the laboratory. Ten thousand years ago, our ancestors also picked the fruits in the jungle, and were also scared by the lightning that was hit by lightning. Calling, more than 100,000 years, it is not enough for us all to evolve into the era of the big universe at a high speed. Some people can't keep up with the pace of evolution and are destined to be eliminated.

"How to deal with these 'products' becomes the empire and the federation, or the biggest difference between the cultivation of immortals and the cultivation of the true.

"The empire does not treat these wastes as adults. Think of them as the lowest slaves and basic means of production. I have to say that you are wrong. The waste of **** is also human. It has the same feelings and will hate in the face of high pressure. Will resist, at least passively absenteeism, and more and more can not afford a little spirit and fighting spirit, further reducing the overall resource utilization efficiency of the Empire.

"Federal and self-cultivators, while adhering to the concept of 'political correctness', stalking the bells, turning a blind eye to the existence of these wastes, and even thinking about what education to use, can completely change them.

"How is it possible? The mud is not on the wall. There are always some genes that are not suitable for the era of the big universe. Let these wastes continue to be mixed in the builders and defenders of the great federation. This is not kindness, but irresponsible. Hypocrisy will only ruin my beloved motherland and the last hope of human civilization after a long time!

"Since the roads of the Empire and the Commonwealth are nowhere to go, then what is my method?

"To bring these junk, these fakes, and the left-handers on the evolutionary path to the virtual world, only retain their brains and part of the reproductive system in the real world, which is convenient for management and reduces the resources they consume to the limit. They also make them not suffering from a little bit of pain. Since they like to numb themselves, they like to huddle in a dirty and rancid room, do a daydream of getting nothing, even have a little bit of courage to face reality, then go to virtual The world dreams, go to comfortably and carefreely for a lifetime! Let people who have real courage, courage and wisdom get the vast majority of resources to face the darkness and cruelty of the real world. Isn't that the best of both worlds? ?

"It is neither ethical nor stupid to let a person bear the responsibility of his ability. The evolution of us is too fast. There are still a large number of compatriots who are only monkeys in human skin. Why do the constellations of the constellation must be forced? They become warriors defending civilization? That is impossible! It is stupid! It is cruel!

"The virtual world of the spiritual world is the poorest, sad and hateful human compatriots, the best destination, regardless of the federal or empire garbage and waste, all should live in the spiritual world!

"Attention, I am saying 'garbage and waste' here, it is not a moral judgment, and there is no more contempt and blame for their meaning, just seeking truth from facts.

“The sun is round, the water is flowing, at least 50% of humans are garbage and waste, removing them from the real world and sending them to a less difficult and more benevolent illusory world that will only make the whole universe and them It’s all true that life is getting better. Whether it’s comprehension or cultivation, you must seek truth from facts. What do you say, handsome?”

The dark night can't speak for a long time.

The dark jellyfish gradually went up, swallowed between his chest and abdomen, and plunged into his body with countless black tentacles. He followed his thoughts and went deep into the soul, making him I can't maintain normal thinking judgment, or have a new thinking system.

"How do you and you judge, who is the ‘defective’ who is going to the virtual world, who is the ‘big man’ who is qualified to stay in the real world?”

The old cultivator issued a technical question.

This means that he has been convinced more or less.

Although I can't see Lu Qingchen, the confident atmosphere is coming from all directions: "It's not for me to judge, but for their own choice.

"In my ideal country, the souls of all people lived in the spiritual world at first, living in a virtual world that is not too cruel, but also has many problems. Perhaps you can call it the 'first test world.'

“People have experienced a variety of life in the 'first test world', encountering various problems and troubles, and in the process of continuous solution, they have stimulated strong emotions and sorrows, and also demonstrated their hearts and qualities.

"Through a complex and sophisticated algorithm, choose potential people and send them a special invitation. Let me think about it. Can the invitation be written like this? Do you want to know the meaning of life? Think real... Are you alive?

"If he chooses 'yes', he will pull away from the turbulent, boring, unpredictable 'first test world' and go to the 'second test world' composed of various thrilling adventures and kills. This is also the real test world!

"Here, he may experience a Star Wars as cannon fodder; he may also team up with three or five elite warriors to fight against the most ferocious and terrifying monsters in the universe; or meet all kinds of strange and inconsistent The strange events of common sense and logic require high intelligence and rigorous reasoning to break.

"In all kinds of different 'test battlefields', his spirit is constantly honed and concise, and his mind has become more pure and powerful.

"Finally, he passed all the testing sessions and used his courage, perseverance, patience, unity and wisdom to get a 'real' body, know the truth of human civilization, and have a life in the real world, defending' True 'qualification of human civilization!

“Think about it, isn’t the person selected in this way the smartest, the strongest, the best, the most responsible and the great ideal? Is this way of selecting talents and allocating resources, is it better than the federal and Is the current system of the empire better than 10,000 times?"

The dark night is dry and dry, stuttering: "No, don't look at the sturdiness of the roots and the body, just look at the soul?"

Lv Dengchen said: "The power of the soul and the soul of the soul will also stimulate the brain, and grow out of the simple reason of the roots. Do you still understand?

"Not to mention, with the further development of cultivation technology, one day, what 'artificial roots, mechanical Jindan' and even 'synthetic Yuan Ying' will not be dreams. At that time, a strong body is readily available. What really restricts us is only the resources and the mind that drive these bodies.

“The resources are so precious, of course, they must be handed over to the mind that knows how to cherish and use it!”

The dark night took a deep breath: "What about those who are not qualified to take the test or fail the test?"

Lv Dengchen said: "Basically, we will let everyone get more or less the chance to test in the process of growing up, like a 'nightmare', as long as they have a strong will, then stupid and cowardly People, after a few tests, will grow up slowly. We don't care about the strength of the weak, only care about the level of the mind and the will!

"It is really the mud that can't help the wall. As I said earlier, we will find a suitable opportunity to throw him into the virtual world of daydreaming, to be drunk and dreamy, or to be free of computational power. There is nothing wrong with the unpredictable 'first test world', and there is no bad thing. There is no invasion of the monsters, and there is no need to face the threat of the empire, the sacred alliance and various aliens of the Xinghai. It is much better than the real world. It is.

"In short, living in a virtual world is not a punishment and torture, just for them; real life is too dark, too cruel, only true brave and noble people are qualified to face."

The night screamed hard at the tongue: "What about future generations?"

"Ah, future generations, the most important issue of humanity."

Lv Dengchen said faintly, "In principle, I certainly can't bear to deprive any human compatriot of the power of breeding offspring, but you know that many times, insufficient resources and population explosions are the root cause of all tragedies.

"If resources are sufficient, in the spirit of humanitarianism, we are willing to let all people give birth to future generations. Anyway, just a brain plus a little ***** can not consume much.

"In case the resources are really insufficient, then there is no way, the noble warriors living in the real world, of course, have the right to leave a strong descendant and inherit the essence of human civilization.

"As for the waste and garbage in the virtual world, I don't have to worry about it. I have considered for them to use artificial intelligence to create some virtual descendants for them. Anyway, they don't know that they live in a fantasy, and they don't know. The so-called 'Love in October', the 'Love Crystal, Blood Inheritance' is just a 'synonym' that is compiled together by databases and algorithms. It will never be known forever, forever and ever." (To be continued.)

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