Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1817: Suicide team!

When the breastplate was inlaid with the empire's Samsung lightning emblem, painted in deep purple, if a poisonous giant soldier appeared in front of her eyes, Herlian's nose was sour, and could not help but gather tears.

He felt that he had not been ignoring his good fortune for the past 100 years, and all of them were concentrated on this day. This second broke out!

He couldn't think of his dreams. He was seriously injured. He could still struggle on the battlefield for more than twelve hours. He miraculously escaped a bunch of Xuanguang cannons, a psionic missile and an enemy scorpion attack group. Through the heavy fire line, drifting all the way to here, met the most powerful killing machine of the real human empire!

Before I die, I can see the supreme power of the Imperial Giants. Is there any better ending than this?

He Lian Lie followed the comrades of the four or five Tianyuan Fleet. He was the remnant soldier he found while cleaning the battlefield and looking for the ammunition and power unit on the wreckage of the shovel. The remnants were seriously injured like him. The bionic repair gel and the strengthening agent are barely supported, like a few candles that burned to the end but could not be extinguished.

They are floating like the same group of unremarkable space garbage. Seeing that the federal beating is so messy, no one will save them. Instead of waiting for death in the cold and lonely cans, it is better to meet the most violent. The cannon fodder, give yourself a good time.

These remnants have the same purpose. Under the leadership of He Lianlie, they formed a suicide squad, marching toward the ray of 10,000 suns, all the way to the front, the front of the Imperial Giants.

In the small-scale tactical communication channel set up on a temporary basis, the laughter of the remnants was heard.

"Mad Dog" He Lianlie is not a person who is easy to open up. He is a dumb, no matter how much he is in the army or at home, ready to bite.

However, he perceives that his life is passing by, and he sees the flame vortex that rotates in all directions. Like all the soldiers, he unconsciously opens his voice and talks a lot and listens a lot.

Now, he can distinguish the identity of the remnants from different laughter, and distinguish the little guy who just graduated from the military school and is so impatient to win the medal; the heart bursts half, and the old soldier who still cares about the marriage of the children After the game, I am ready to go back to my hometown.

They are all ordinary people, never thought of and can never become a hero, just like the ordinary soldiers of thousands of dandelions in the battlefield of Xinghai.

But since God has pushed them to this step, bringing them to the front of the Imperial Giants, at least they have not.

He Lianlie finally looked at the central battlefield.

In the raging scarlet battlefield, the flagship of the Suiyuan Fleet and the Black Wind Fleet, the peerless powerhouses of the Federation and the Empire, the great men of the stormy and roaring stars are undergoing a grand battle, the outcome of this war, perhaps Still have to be decided by them?

Then, the big man has the war of big men, they also have their war, his battlefield is here, he will never back off!

"Mr. Helen, what are you waiting for, isn't it a giant soldier in the district?"

There was a roar of the remnants in the communication channel. "You are even a man who dares to swear at the 'vulture Li Yao'!"

That's right.

He Lianli grinned.

On the steel skull of the Imperial Giants, it seems that Li Yao’s face has grown for so many years. He can’t remember what Li Yao’s youthful age looks like, and he’s probably stunned and discreet with various propaganda albums. The look of perseverance is almost the same?

He snorted a sip of blood, and together with the remnants, shot all the things that could be launched around him.

"Look at your eyes, see clearly, hybrids, here is the Yuanyuan world, we are the EFF, Tianyuan Fleet!"

The firepower of the pouring rain succeeded in attracting the attention of the Imperial Giants. The deep purple star of the poisonous scorpion swooped at them with a dozen or so claws.

They shot the last spar and the last bullet with satisfaction, but fortunately there were chainsaw swords, shock knives, fists and teeth.

When the empire giant warrior slashed more than ten meters, he slanted him from the left shoulder into two halves. He Lianlie felt that he and the thief’s hundred years of grievances were unified.

The only regret is the other side, the violent killing of the muscles of his body is firmly locked, so that he can not make a little sound.

Of course, even if he still has the ability to be jealous, because he has been listening to the remnants all the way to tell a story that is ordinary and plain, he seems to have forgotten to think about the rhetoric of the counter.

"I have a lifetime, is it worth it?"

He Lianli said that he was a master of Jindan. Even if the body of flesh and blood was broken, the broken soul could still struggle for a few minutes. He used these few minutes to ponder deeply and did not notice the fishbone disguised as the wreckage of the starship. No., but because of their suicide attack, they escaped the blockade of the Imperial Giants, and ran from the flank to the black whirlpool!

Silver Moon number.

Jin Xinyue looked at the massacre of the Tianyuan Fleet by the Imperial Giants, and subconsciously slammed his mouth, almost shouting.

"It has entered the strike distance and can be detonated at any time. It is expected to enter the complete destruction distance after five minutes!"

All the people who heard the sound of this scorpion, unveiled the military caps in unison, I don’t know whether to put them in the palm of your hand to ease the tension, or to take off your hats to the unnamed Tianyuan Fleet!

Deep in the black vortex.

A touch of restless magical spirits jumped wildly, and a large number of battlefield images were swept, analyzed and integrated in its energy ripples.

One of the ripples suddenly turned into sharp sawtooth, high bulge!

"not good!"

Even when facing the front of the Ebara, the sound of Lv Qingchen’s voice has never been so sharp and messy. “We are fooled! Emergency avoidance, intercept it, destroy it!”

The black whirlpool is like a bull that has been poisoned by a scorpion. It jumps high in the starry sea. At all costs, it changes its course madly, and it does not care about the formation and internal structural damage.

There are countless imperial starships that have turned the muzzle to the spur, and the devastating light waves are ready to go!

But after all, the starship is not a human finger. From the analysis of the enemy's situation to the command and communication to the various combat units on the starship, the time is far more than a hundred million times longer than the bioelectric current transmitted from the brain to the nerve endings.

When the interception of the fire network finally came out, the fishbone has already broken into the 100-kilometer of the black whirlpool!

Silver Moon number.

"The enemy has found the fishbone, and the black whirlpool is accelerating its deflection. It is too late to move on. Now it detonates!"

Jin Xinyue made a decisive decision, almost on the console, smashing his own hand bones!


In the depths of the Xinghai, among the criss-crossing fire lines, a tiny bubble bursts between the numerous steel behemoths of the Black Wind Fleet.

Within a microsecond of its birth, it was only in the center of a dark gray metal ball, a small bubble that was not much larger than the cell, with no sound or radiation.

But after a microsecond, it suddenly expanded at a speed unimaginable by mankind, and it stirred up endless embarrassment, sweeping the momentum of the army and spreading in all directions!

Psionic Shield, Interference Force Field, Composite Armor, Crystal Warrior, Space Battle Shuttle, Starship, there is no existence to resist the huge waves of its invisible and invisible.

Because it is not "destruction" at all, just "distorting" and "transferring", opening a temporary gap between this end and the other end of the universe, so that everything just above the gap is "fallen" "Go in!"

In an instant, there was a scene on the battlefield that made countless people unforgettable.

Including a part of the black whirlpool, many imperial crystals, giant squadrons and even starships become transparent at once, just like crystal clear crystals, even hidden inside the giant gods, Yuan Ying The five internal organs of the series of cultivators can be seen clearly.

Then, these “crystals” began to rotate and stretch, turning into a three-dimensional huge vortex.

Some starships do their best to escape the vortex's attraction, but they are broken down into a bleak stream of light, like a group of noodles falling into the deepest vortex; not to mention those little crystals, space warfare Shuttle and giant soldiers, even struggling can not be made, with the screams of ghosts and crying, forced to get involved in the "broken void" state.

The whirlpool is like an insatiable behemoth. After a lot of sacrifices, it still swells at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The remnant of He Lianlie has not been completely annihilated, and it is also within the radius of destruction of the wormhole bomb.

He can't escape, and he never thought about struggling, but in a completely different way from the living, he perceives the extraordinary and incomparable cosmic wonders.

The fascinating fascination of the Black Wind Fleet made his remnant soul faintly aware that this colorful vortex seemed to be caused by a new type of weapon of the EFF.

And this fatal blow seems to have some relationship with myself.

However, it does not matter.

Everyone has his own destiny, and the road to the future has already begun. He is very glad that he can see the way he has come and will go before he dies. He is worth it in his life!

At the last moment before the remnant of the remnant, the "mad dog" completely put down the obstinacy that has been entangled in the heart for a hundred years. He is He Lianlie. Does it matter whether you are a vulture or a pheasant, and what does it have to do with him?

"Lee Yao, go eat it."

The remnant of He Lianlie gently swayed, like a flowering petal, stretched out, and calmly faced the raging waves of time and space, facing the most beautiful ending. (To be continued.)

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