Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1819: Come to a transport ship!

The Federal Speaker and the Director of the War Analysis Department all stunned. Looking at the sound, the director of the confidential communications room was red-faced. Every pore was like a fire-breathing face.

At this time, the two talents tasted the meaning of "helping the army", and their skins could not help but be hot.

"Reinforcement? Which part of the reinforcements? Is the door of the starry sky repaired in advance!"

Wang Guqing, the speaker, asked excitedly.

"Not yet, but we have just repaired an ultra-long-range star-to-air communication base station and have had intermittent contact with Baihuacheng!"

The director of the confidential communication room said in a row, "Hundreds of Flowers City has been sending messages to us, but the spiritual network destruction there is also very serious. The information after dozens of light years has been fragmented. We have finally repaired some of them. It seems that there is a support army that has jumped over."

As he spoke, he looked up at the miniature crystal brain. "Communication experts are fully repairing the information, and the exact identity of the reinforcements should be known soon."

"The star gate has not been repaired, and the reinforcements have jumped over?"

The chairman of the 10,000-year-old chairman was also happy, and instantly became a younger face. "How can they accurately control the advancing coordinates? The whole fleet of the east and the west are distributed throughout the Tianyuan world. It is completely scattered. What is the use?" It’s just a mess!”

Even a common galaxy is more than 10 billion kilometers in diameter, and the most resource-intensive area of ​​human civilization is perhaps only 1% of the core.

Even if you master the coordinates of the Tianyuan world, but without the guidance of the starry sky, if you implement the "blind jump", the 99% chance is randomly distributed at a certain point of the vast sea of ​​Xinghai, which is 10 billion kilometers in diameter. Even if you are moving at full speed, you have to sail a few times. It takes a few days to reach the core area.

This is not the time to bring together a scattered starship.

You know, no matter whether it is the technology of the federal or the empire, it is impossible to set a powerful "gathering tower" in every part of the galaxies with a diameter of 10 billion kilometers. That is to say, in the cold and dark outer sea, the pole There may be no spiritual network, and all kinds of magnetic wave communication methods will also be strongly interfered by the Xinghai storm!

Even the best fleet commander, once the flagship jumped into such a dark muddy, how to summon a dandelion-like starship scattered around 10 billion kilometers?

It is estimated that there is no such thing as ten days and a half. Such a "disintegration of sand" is impossible to condense into a fist that can beat people.

The Black Wind Fleet will not give them ten days and a half.

Within a day, it can definitely eat the main force of the original fleet, control the outer sea of ​​the Tianyuan world, and dispatch a large number of claw fleets to patrol around. Once they encounter the federal starship that has been placed, they will rush like a hungry wolf. No bones will be left to the Federation.


President Wan Guqing said with painstaking thoughts, "Who is the commander of the reinforcements? It is simply impossible!"

After all, the Xingyao Federation has a whole seven worlds. Even if the Tianyuan world really falls, it is not the end of the world. It is still necessary to consider the defenses of the remaining six worlds.

Tianhuan and Feixing circles have quite strong magical industrial strength. The resources of crystal and tree seas are also abundant. The blood demon world is a natural guerrilla battlefield. With these worlds, the federation can still support for a long time.

The garrison fleet stationed in these worlds is the last living force of the Federation. How can it be rushed to death in such a courageous way?

The Federal Defense Council did not issue such ridiculous orders at all!

The director of the communication room also rushed to sweat, and he said with a red face: "The information we received was fragmented and messy. The repairs were also upside down. A piece of piecemeal was presented. Now I don't know the other commander is... ..."

His face suddenly became very weird, and the voice stopped.

Wan Guqing and the Director of the Situation Analysis Department looked at each other and said, "Why, confirm the identity of the reinforcements?"

"Yes, it is."

The director of the confidential communication room stuttered. "It seems... don't worry about the problem of assembly. In order to ensure the accuracy of the jump, the whole team only sent a starship, which is neither a large force of the original fleet nor a station. The two Class A heavy-duty fleets in the Flying Star or the Tianhuan Circle, but a member of the Baihua Fleet, is the transport ship 'Squid' with an identification code of 224.112.967.

"Hundreds of flowers, I hope that we will enter this code into the 'enemy identification database', and find a way to connect the 'squid' to the military spirit network.

The entire highest command center is dead, like a coffin piled up in ice.

The chairman of Wan Guqing was originally a silent old camel. It was like a lion who was violently thunderous. He suddenly swelled two eyes and his lips stunned for a long time. He repeated the word: "You What do you say, the reinforcement of the Baihua Xingyu is just a transport ship 'Squid'?"

The director of the communication room did not dare to believe in his own eyes. He repeatedly watched the light curtains three or four times, shoved each word, and whispered a few times in his communication channel. Finally, he was helpless. Nod: "Yes, it is a transport ship 'Squid', and, in terms of Baihuaxing, we must insist on it. At all costs, we can stick to it for a few minutes. Persistence is victory, 'Squid' I’m going to kill it soon!”

Speaker of Wan Guqing: "..."

Director of the Situation Analysis Department: "..."

All the other big men in the highest command center: "..."

Over the spring breeze: "Open, what a joke! Is our spiritual net hijacked by the enemy? Is this another enemy plot?"

"I, I don't know."

The director of the communication room also felt that he was in the most ridiculous nightmare, and he was so anxious that he was sweating. At this moment, his miniature crystal brain frantically swayed, looking down, his face became more bitter.

"What, bad news?"

Speaker Wan Guqing squinted and had a bit of a toothy taste.

"It's not bad news..."

The director of the communication room had a hard time swallowing a bite, and smiled bitterly. "It is a message that I don't know how to explain it. We just fixed a small signal sent by the other party, but it seems to be some conditions proposed by the reinforcements. ","


Everyone in the highest command center was stunned. "What are the conditions for the reinforcement ship, the squid?"


The director of the confidential communication room saw Mr. Wan Guqing and the spring breeze. After obtaining the permission of the two, he read the fragmented information. "Some people in the reinforcements demanded... Wait, after the war, find the whole federation. The most powerful fighting Yuan Ying, play a few games, I hope that these fighting Yuan Ying do not refuse."

Wan Guqing: "Well?"

"Also, there are still people in the reinforcements who have asked him to decrypt the secret files of all the major cases in the new federal government in the past 100 years. In short, those who touch on the core issues of the law, the darker the more difficult the better, he must study well. Look at the federal 'rules'."

Spring weather: "What does this mean?"

"There is still a request, oh, some people in the reinforcements are asking, all the trades of the federation have their own associations, such as the Association of Refiners, the Veterans of the Disabled, the Association of the Warriors, and even the Society of Comprehension, but they don't know. Does '乞丐' have an association? If not, is it possible to engage in an all-federal association called Huazi, which is called 'gangbang', and he wants to be the president of the association."

Rao is a battle of Wan Guqing, Spring Breeze, etc., and he can’t bear to hear it here: “Enough, are you sure that this is really a secret communication signal from the Hundred Flowers, even if it’s an enemy’s plot? This trick is too outrageous!"

The director of the communication room, Cold Khan, couldn’t stop it. The light curtains from the tiny crystal brains were shaking: “I, I feel that something is wrong, and so on, and new information has been restored... ..."

He stopped again.

The eyeballs are shining, the throat is ringing, the nostrils are suddenly big and small, and the airflow that is ejected forms two small whirlwinds in front of them.

"Confirm the identity of the other commander on the squid."

The director of the communication room had taken a deep breath for more than a dozen times, and the lungs bursted quickly, and it was impossible to restrain the excitement and trembling of the voice.

Wan Guqing and the spring breeze looked at each other, and at the same time saw the strong confusion of the other side of the eyes, and was wrapped up in confusion, the hope of one billionth of a hundred, said in unison: "Who is it?"

"Lee Yao."

"Li, Li Yao? Which Li Yao!"

"That is Li Yao, there is only one in the whole country... that Li Yao!"


Starry battlefield, the **** galaxy.

At this time, the majority of the EFF soldiers shot the last bullet, shattered the last sword and ran the last drop of blood.

The cosmic battle shuttle is like a fish that has been cut off from the fins. The flashing of the flash is completely extinguished. Even if you want to rush to go with the enemy, you can do nothing; a star ship is first turned into a thousand The skeleton of the sore hole, the skeleton instantly turns into a wreck, and even the wreckage is completely annihilated in a series of violent explosions.

The Hagiwara originally wanted to collide directly toward the wound of the black whirlpool, but the two ultra-high-speed moving starships wanted to collide, not as simple as the game or the illusion of the glare, it did not rush to each other. The waterway was smothered by the super-powered magnetic field of several empire's integrated motherships; plus the melee of the internal giants, the magical units and cabins that are vital everywhere are turned into thousands of degrees. The high-temperature furnace, the 燎原, finally seemed to be the end of the strong, slowly stopped at a distance from the black whirlpool.

They finally failed to penetrate the defense of the Black Wind Fleet. The distance between the original and the black whirlpool is as close as possible to the billions of light years.

Behind the black whirlpool, the huge starry sky door slowly opens, like the blood-red demon eye, and the radiant super whirlpool.

The space was torn, twisted, twisted, indescribable, indescribable, surging power spewed out, and the figures of countless imperial starships emerged from the depths of the vortex! (To be continued.)

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