Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1864: I am in a hurry, let's go together!

Flames, heavy artillery and dead shadows, these three masters from the inside of the Black Wind Fleet, are all savage, killing people, leaving a myriad horror of countless horror legends.

Even among the strong soldiers who are watching the war, many people have seen the scenes of destroying and destroying everything when they shot, and even experienced their turbulent and unstoppable tyranny.

But the other party...

But the vulture Li Yao!

Ten years ago, enough of this expeditionary army to have enough understanding of its prey "Xingyao Federation", or "self-righteous" understanding.

They once heard the name of "Three Realms, Vultures Li Yao", but at that time they did not go to the heart. They thought that it was just a confusing propaganda and a god-making movement. They raised a dead hero infinitely and became a federal spiritual idol... ...this is a common trick.

They also collected some video of Li Yao’s battles a hundred years ago. I have to admit that it is quite good to be able to cultivate such strength in the Xinghai seaside area, but it is only "excellent".

The black wind world, the fire spider world, the purple fire world, the rock stone world and the wild wolf world, all the immortals did not regard Li Yao as an obstacle to their conquest of the Xingyao Federation.

Until Li Yao led the eleven ancient sages and the twelve giants to return to the stars, blasting the door of the starry sky, killing the black wind fleet commanding the night, and even spreading his conspiracy to even the extraterrestrial world. This made the black wind remnants suddenly realize that the legend is true, the vulture Li Yao, is such a strong!

As early as the Dandan period, he once killed the elite scout "Star Boy" of the real human empire, and then integrated the Tianyuan, Feixing and Blood Demon three circles with his own power, regardless of the Black Wind Fleet commander, the extraterrestrial demon or the resurrection. The Pangu people, all the strong people who were shackled under the horse, how can they not let the Black Wind Fleet resent the heart and fear it?

Not yet fighting, all the cultivators have a cold sweat on their foreheads, only hope to win at least in three games, even if it is just a tie, not too ugly, even if the last minute of the Black Wind Fleet is saved. Dignity.

"You are friends..."

Di Feiwen looks ugly, but has a warm and mellow voice. He listens to him and has a feeling like a spring breeze. People can't help but convince him of the content. "Look at this performance, don't forget our Between the gambling, I believe that after seeing the amazing performance of the vulture Li Yao, no one will regret it, right?"

In the space station, the three immortals between the high-end and the peaks of the Yuan Ying period slowly landed.

Even from the center of the Xinghai, the arrogant and powerful, in the face of the "vulture Li Yao", the star of the sea, but also dare not reveal the slightest arrogance, but it is unanimous, pre-emptive to Li Yao.

"Li...dao friends, in order to determine the fate of the Black Wind Fleet and even the Starry Federation, you and I have agreed today to conduct a righteous contest here."

The "dead shadow" of the three cultivators, Murong, said very cautiously, "Since we have three people playing and have already taken advantage of your cheapness, then the order of the three of us will naturally be scheduled by you, no. Know that you want to fight with us on the other side, which friend?"

"This way..."

Li Yao nodded, while understating the activity of wrists and ankles, while walking toward the three immortals.

He seems to be observing each other carefully, considering his first opponent, but just halfway through, the ground made of super-alloy steel under his feet bursts in an inch, like an invisible bomb, blasting on the sole of the foot!

The speed of the mysterious warfare suddenly reached the limit, and Li Yao’s figure was divided into three, and at the same time, the three immortals were spurred away.

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome, I am in a hurry, three together!"

Before the sound explosion has not yet exploded, Li Yaolei’s roaring has already shocked the entire space station!


"Flame" Wan Xiu, "Heavy Cannon" Lei Long, "Death Shadow" Murong Danger's three pairs of pupils instantly contracted into a needle tip, and whether it is the black death light or the highest command center of the immortal, the comprehension high-level, all jumped stand up.

The three figures flew in front of the three cultivators, and it is reasonable to say that at most one of them is true, but the brains of the three cultivators have simultaneously erupted the most real alarm.

They have just ignited the most powerful psionic shield. The three figures that Li Yao illusioned will explode at the same time. The blasting fireballs are like crab claws, and they hug them.

The three figures are actually true. It is Li Yao who splits the crystals in his body into three, and extracts a large number of spar bombs and crystal fragments from the Qiankun ring.

If the three cultivators regard them as simple afterimages, they will definitely suffer a big loss!

"it is good!"

The three experienced cultivators were not fooled, but this inspired Li Yao’s war. His face was full of smiles that he had not found, and he was replaced with a new melee special in a cheer. Bone warfare, elbows, knees, toes and even ten fingers above, all rely on psionic power to drive, tens of thousands of times per second, and to the leftmost super gunman "fire eye" Wan repair.

At the same time, the three are in the high-end of the Yuan Ying period to the peak, the strength is not much worse than the self-cultivation of the immortal attack. This is not Li Yao overestimated himself, but the result of careful calculation and repeated deduction.

After agreeing with the eccentric fight agreement of Di Feiwen, Li Yao repeatedly studied the three strong players who played in the other side.

Undoubtedly, it is indeed the only surviving superpower in the Blackwind Fleet, but there is a serious flaw between them, and there is not much tacit understanding.

Fire eyes, heavy artillery and dead shadows, the three strongmen from the black wind world, the fire spider world and the meteorites, were originally not intimate comrades, just because a hundred years ago their respective worlds were all broken by the Holy League, they became a remnant The defeated, the dog of the family, in order not to collapse further, they have to make up together to "crowd for warmth."

Among them are the factors of the black wind fleet looting and forcibly annexing. They want to come to the "fire eye" Wan Xiu and "heavy gun" Lei Long. They are not the masters of the black wind world, and there are still some mustards in their hearts.

In the past 100 years, because of the lack of resources, they spent most of their time in hibernation, and it is naturally impossible to carry out any technical and tactical training.

Every Yuanying monk is an extremely terrible killing machine. Everyone has special styles, habits and even taboos.

Before thoroughly understanding the characteristics and styles of each other and repeating the high-intensity training, a Yuan Ying rushed into the scope of another Yuan Ying’s combat, which not only failed to help, but may add chaos.

Therefore, Li Yao is still 70% sure that these three senior Yuan Ying are not only a heart-warming, well-matched comrade-in-arms, but may become "piggy teammates" of each other.

On the other hand, Li Yao’s greatest advantage is his “mystery”.

The other party only has the battle video of his driving a hundred years ago, and the dynamic analysis data of manipulating the nine secluded mysterious bones in the Xinghai battle six months ago, but it is impossible to know the results of his frantic repairs after he swallowed a lot of ecstasy in the last six months.

This is his biggest card.

If the one-on-one wheel battle mode is adopted, the first two rounds will be accumulated by the enemy in the first two rounds, and the bottom cards will be seen through, which will make the final match become extraordinarily tangled.

Those things symbolized by the words "vulture Li Yao" cannot be stalked with three simple martial arts martial arts.

Only with one enemy three, without any controversy, killing three strong enemies in one breath, can completely convince the Black Wind Fleet!

"Fire Eye" Wan Xiu is the breakthrough of his choice, not because the other party is the weakest among the three, but because


Hundreds of dead light spurted out from the flames of Wan Xiu's body. It was like a sky-like net that flew over to Li Yao. Li Yao's every pore sent out the highest level of alarm!

Li Yao’s half-eyed eyes instantly reached the limit, and the invisible invisible scorpion spread rapidly from the whole body, forming a huge interference force field. It was also the magical power of “empty air”, and the “fire eye” Those bullets that roared in midair.

The flight paths of countless bullets have become awkward and slow. Some warheads are like being solidified in viscous glue. Even many high-explosive warheads with crystal marrow burst into bursts. A sparkling sparkle is formed between them.

At the same time, a volcano in the depths of Li Yao’s brain slowly floated up. His eyebrows were like opening a door to hell. The endless spirits spurted out and formed a pair of horrors that could not be described by pen and ink. The picture is the most powerful mental attack!

The so-called mental attack is to use your own brain waves to interfere with the brain waves of the attacker.

Li Yao was originally a master of spiritual assault. After receiving the huge inheritance of Professor Mo Xuan and the extraterrestrial demon, it is even more refined.

"Fire Eye" Wan Xiu used his special secret medicine to temper his eyes since childhood. His visual imaging principle is different from ordinary people, and he is more sensitive. The visible light band is longer, so that he can see countless things that ordinary people can't see, even parts. The brainwaves are embarrassing.

In other words, he is more vulnerable to mental attacks when he can see more, farther, clearer, and more splendid.

"Your eyes can look like this, then let you see enough at once!"

Li Yao's pineal gland is like a supernova explosion, and the source continues to spray the violent psionic power of the "fire eye".

The illusion he created, if the ordinary Yuan Ying to resist, may be just a simple poisonous insect, a cockroach, a zombie, etc., is black and white, very faint.

But in the "fire eye" of Wan Xiu, those decaying corpses, as well as the worms that squirmed and burst on the corpses, all have 10,000 colors, and each of the smallest details is clearly and deeply imprinted on him. Above the cerebral cortex!

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