Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1866: You are too cruel

The picture in front of everyone is shot from 360 to 360 degrees through hundreds of crystal eyes. Even a myriad of images can be combined into a fully realistic three-dimensional image. After the image is enlarged, the Murong can be clearly seen. In the position of the back of the crisis, the practitioner called the "Jade Pillow", and inserted a red-red diamond-shaped crystal.

After careful observation, it was found that it was not a crystal clear crystal, but something more complicated and finer in structure, engraved with countless runes, and possessing a mysterious complex shape.

The thing itself is not necessarily red-red, but from its end, it spurts out the red-red tail flame, enveloping the whole body, generating a powerful driving force, making it desperate to drill into the brain of Murong.

The reason why Murong Wei was so arrogant and unable to move was that he was suppressed by this red-red diamond-shaped magic weapon!

Many cultivators have faced each other, even from the central Xinghai, they have never seen such a weird magic weapon.

"Like... is it a miniature warship?"

After observing for a long time, the captain of the Black Death Light finally said that he was not sure.

As a captain, he usually cultivates with the ultra-miniature training ship with the length of his palm. From the appearance point of view, the two are indeed very similar.

However, the ordinary ultra-miniature training ship can never have such power. It can silently attack an assassination-type immortal who is known for its agility and speed, and instantly penetrates all the defenses of the other party, making the other party even screaming too late. Make a sound.

The captain of the black Death Light did not guess wrong.

Taking advantage of the "death shadow" Murong crisis's attention is concentrated on the "fire eye" Wan Xiu and "heavy gun" Lei Long's horror and the strength of Li Yao's body, from the rear silently into the back of his brain, it is from Li When Yao has not built a foundation, he has been following the magic weapon "Jilong".

The Xiaolong was originally an ultra-miniature training ship in the era of the Xinghai Empire. It did not have too much attack power, and it was not a powerful magic weapon.

It is the favorite of Li Yao in the foundation and the knot period. However, after he was promoted to the realm of Yuan Ying, he gradually could not keep up with the improvement of Li Yao’s strength. Besides occasionally sneaking and stealing chickens and dogs, he could also use it a little. Most of the time, there is no use.

However, in addition to Xiaohei, the Xiaolong is the longest magic weapon to follow Li Yao. In the past hundred years, Li Yao has been tempted by the numerous ancient revival of Li Yaozong. And the heart of the blood, the three blood combined, the blood sacrifice, refining into a heart of the soul of the life of the treasure.

Naturally, it is easy to reluctantly seal or transfer others, but it is always with you, from time to time to play, warm, and temper.

Half a year ago, in the Baihua City Spiritual World War, Li Yao’s soul was hit hard by the extraterrestrial demon, and the personality was divided into two. The two parts of “Lee Yao” and “Blood Demon” were completely divided, and finally the **** demons completed. A fatal blow to the extraterrestrial demon.

After this, Li Yao and the **** demons swallowed a lot of solitude.

The blood-colored demons are responsible for absorbing the negative emotions. Li Yao is responsible for digesting and filtering the pure energy after the negative emotions. The dual personality cooperation is infinite, and the cultivation is arrogant.

Coupled with the legacy of Professor Mo Xuan, the secrets of various spirits, invading the crystal brain and the spiritual net, were accidentally hit by them and explored a special ability.

Although Li Yao’s own soul, there is no way to leave the body for a long time, exposed to ultraviolet rays and super-radiation, but the blood-colored demons can surpass the limitations of the body in a short time, freely floating in the void, screaming and screaming. .

However, Li Yao is not at ease on the one hand to let dangerous elements like the **** demons run outside; on the other hand, without the protection of the body, ultraviolet rays and various cosmic radiations will eventually cause great loss to the **** demons. They had a whimsy, and they let the **** demons drill into the 枭龙号, giving the 枭龙号 a comprehensive upgrade!

The control method of the Xiaolong was originally controlled remotely by a part of Li Yao’s mind, but now this part of the mind is replaced by a **** demons, and naturally there is no problem.

In this way, the Xiaolong has become a detachment of Li Yao. While sharing vision, sound and a series of reconnaissance data, it has strong independent judgment and independent combat capability, and its endurance is more than tripled. .

Coupled with the powerful mental attack ability of the Scarlet Demon, and the power of Li Yao to launch the entire Yao Shi Group, the further modification and upgrade of the Xiaolong has made it the most dangerous ultra-miniature warship in the universe!

This was the case just now. As Li Yao sat cross-legged and waited for the three immortals to come, the dragon was kept invisible and hidden in the center of the space station.

Its invisibility is not a simple optical illusion, but a series of very mysterious magical powers involving space distortion, as long as it remains still, even the Yuan Ying monks are hard to detect.

Li Yao deliberately released a powerful gas field at the moment of the other party's arrival, disturbing the other's mind, and immediately launched a fierce and unparalleled attack, the other party naturally could not detect, and the virtual air still concealed such a dangerous one. Blood Devil Battleship!"

At the same time that Li Yao solved two strong enemies, the **** demons also approached the "dead shadow" Murong crisis. The speed of this is indeed the most taboo of Li Yao. It is not afraid to beat the opponent, but in the event of being the other party. The speed is picked up and caught in the strange circle of "Eagle catching chickens", the scene is too ugly.

Fortunately, a series of spiritual attacks released by the Scarlet Fellows sneaked into the night with the wind, and the quiet and silent posture invaded the brains of the "dead shadow" Murong crisis, causing him to attack the deadly from the back until the last moment. Nothing to know.

When the dragon leaped out of the void and instantly pierced the jade pillow of Murong crisis, it was the nine gods and ten gods who shot together and could not save him.

"Giggle, giggling..."

"Dead Shadow" Murong's face is very ugly, his face is covered with thick blue veins, just like the skin and bones are crawling with dozens of cockroaches, and the flesh and blood are eroded.

The arms turned back and forth in a strange way. I wanted to touch the dragon on the back of the head. But the dragon and the dragon went deeper and deeper, and a lot of tail flames spurted out. All ten fingers were burned. come out?

With the demise of the Xiaolong, the mental attack of the blood-colored demons is more like a stormy wave hitting the brain of the "death shadow" Murong crisis, causing his face to show fear and embarrassment that cannot be described by pen and ink. The strength of a half-point baby infant?

"Ha ha ha ha, I have already said that after devouring a lot of solitude from the extraterrestrial demon, my strength will definitely increase to no more!"

The laughter of the blood-colored demons came from the depths of the dragon. Of course, only Li Yao could hear it. "This is the ecstasy of thousands of years of hard work that has accumulated so much." All, in order to create such a terrible spiritual attack, how can a singer of the Yuan Ying class in the district escape from my clutches? Ha ha ha ha ha, hey!"

Li Yao: "I have a comment. Now that you are doing great things, I really don't want to laugh at it. But can't you laugh?" This is a very just anti-aggression war. We are good people. Don't laugh as good as the villains!"

Bloody Devil: "Hey, I don't want to, but who told me that I have absorbed too many negative emotions in the past six months, and it is the first time I have tried to integrate biotechnology and Internet technology into a new brain-invasive technology. It’s hard to avoid being overwhelmed, a little too excited!”

Li Yao: "That said, what kind of horror illusion you have instilled in the depths of his brain, so that his expression is so embarrassing, how can a life look like a dead?"

Scarlet Demon: "Nothing, I just hypnotized him, so that he mistakenly thought that he had been completely crushed his limbs and spine, his body squatting, his body was full of tubes, and he couldn't move on the bed."

Li Yao gave a slight glimpse and immediately laughed.

For an assassination-type immortal who is known for speed and agility, the smashing of the limbs, the bursting of the spine, and the convulsions of the body are indeed the most unbearable pains in the world.

"The dog can't change it, you are so cruel."

When Li Yao spoke, he had already come to the face of "dead shadow" Murong.

He sighed softly, his face showing a hint of confusion, as if wondering where the guts of these cultivators came from, and wanted to fight alone with him?



At this moment, Li Yao has already stripped off his broken crystals, leaving only a set of thin mustard battle suits.

But when he turned his body and swung his whip leg, it still looked like a 10,000-spot power spurt bursting out the most radiant flame behind his right leg, turning his right leg into a scimitar. The handle cuts the three-dimensional space of the machete!

The huge roar, not from his scimitar-like right leg, but from his left leg supporting his body and gaining strength.

With this roar, centered on his support legs, hundreds of huge cracks along the bulkhead, directly through the entire space station!

Until now, his lightning-fast right leg was squatting on the chest of the "dead shadow" Murong crisis, and all of the crystals on the other side were smashed at once, turning into pieces that did not exceed the size of the fingernails. Splash four times.

Murong Chou himself was more like a bullet-like fly-out, turned into a flashing red line, rebounded several times in the bulkhead, leaving four or five **** and fuzzy marks, and finally "snap", deeply embedded in A mess of pipes and crystal lines.

The pipeline "嗤嗤嗤嗤" jet, the crystal line "噼噼啪啪" squeaking, Murong crisis company's most proud attack and dodge have not been applied, it is soft and muddy, life is dying.

The three cultivators, the two became mud, one drifting in the vacuum of the universe, unified and defeated.

Li Yao at the moment...

His entire right leg is swaying with a dark red flame, using the most advanced material technology and more than 30 kinds of heavenly treasures to make a mustard battle suit, wrapped in the right leg part, even in the ultra-high speed impact In the explosion of the flames, I burned them all.

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