Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1869: Empire, 12th-level citizen!

Di Feiwen’s words were like a soft spring breeze blowing into the eyes of Li Yao’s ears, but completely freezing his thoughts.

Li Yao made a comprehensive analysis of the conspiracy that Di Feiwen might set up, and even came to see the No. 2 character of the Black Wind Fleet with a little optimistic attitude, but did not expect the other party to throw such a stone, and A ridiculous proposal.

Li Yao: "You... what it means, if this is a conspiracy, it is too bad!"

"Of course it is not a conspiracy. In the face of your unparalleled power, our surrender is extremely sincere."

Di Feiwen once again lowered his head and said, "Your original calculation is to support the night of the night, through her identity and blood to indirectly control the Black Wind Fleet, but you do not understand our contempt and power for the blood. Pay attention to it, Night Blue is just a dog for you. If we want to surrender to her, isn’t it a slave to the federal dog and a slave to the federal slave?

"The same reason, even if we internally elect a nominal leader, the so-called 'King of the Black Wind', he and the former King of the Black Wind in the middle of the Xinghai are not the same, he is just a Hey, destined to bow to the Union, will be closely monitored by the Federation, the Federation will always guard against his every move, will not give him a little real freedom.

"What kind of embarrassing leader is there to use? And what kind of high-spirited black wind power is willing to become such a beggar, be smeared with bright paint, sent to the federal parliament to bow down and praise, and smile." ?"

Li Yao: "This..."

Di Feiwen said faintly: "As you said, the situation of the Black Wind Fleet is very bad. The two consecutive defeats in just a hundred years have not only lost our homes in the five worlds, but even our shackles. The bones have been interrupted, so that we almost never see the opportunity to take home, restore the glory of the past, and even stand on the top of the stars.

"Hope, hope is the most precious thing in the universe. Whether it is so-called justice or evil, everyone must rely on hope to support it. I said that the remnants of the Black Wind Fleet are very likely to be turned into zero. Not my threat, but a very helpless reality. Once the remnants have really lost their last hopes, many people will completely break into the darkness, turn into a walking dead, and even some kind of non-human terrible existence, including me, Anyone can control them, not even imagine what they will do.

"At this moment, if there is a person who can bring hope to the Black Wind Fleet, tell these remnants who are broken and dying, they will one day be able to return to the center of Xinghai, take home and glory, from the defeated soldiers. Become the most powerful fighter in the sea of ​​stars, President Li, do you think this person will be? Dark night? I? Or my captains who are second to none?

"No, we can't do it. Even the most stupid original slaves on the Empire Starship will not believe me or the nightmare."

"I am just a trader. Night Lan is a shackle of incompetence, prestige and mind. We have no ability to surrender completely.

"Only you, the invincible hegemon of the star-studded sea, the Pangu and the extraterrestrial demon can easily be killed. You have this prestige and strength. As long as you are willing to sway, you will lead the black wind remnants to fight back home. , become the most powerful fleet of the empire, and even seize the entire empire! Such an oath, such a roar, such a force, can be injected into the broken bones of the black wind remnants, become our new spiritual pillar!

"Xianxian Avenue, the strong is respected. This is an old saying that has been repeated countless times. It is engraved in the depths of every soul of the immortal, and the unshakable rule. Since you are the strongest of the stars, you are surrendered to you, please Is it not a matter of course to be our new leader?"

In Difei's small eyes, there was a clear and transparent, incomparable gaze. This kind of gaze matched his ugly triangular face, which made Li Yao unable to stand up: "Wait, wait, etc.," The king of the black wind, can you choose an outsider to do whatever you want? I am not a black wind, not even an imperial person!"

"The cultivator only values ​​strength and has no prejudice against the origin and the region. I think you are very clear. The founder of our real human empire, the Black Star Emperor, is not from the Central Committee of the Xinghai. Even when he became the emperor, he announced the reorganization of the Xinghai Republic. In the real human empire, his hometown 'Wu Yingjie' has not yet been included in the territory of the empire."

Di Feiwen explained, "The so-called "upward effect", the founding emperor is the same, where are the following princes and landlords still come so many foul rules? As long as the power is strong enough, all the rules can be crushed!

"And, after successively annexing the remnants and immigrant fleets of the purple fire, the fire spider, the meteorite and the wild wolf, the meaning of the 'king of the black wind' has greatly extended and become the ruler of the entire five worlds.

"For the cultivators of the purple fire, the fire spider, the rock and the wild wolf, what is the difference between the leaders of the night and your leadership, aren't they all led by another strong world?"

"How is that all the same?"

Li Yao blurted out, "The night is bright and they are all imperial people!"

"You are also an imperial man."

Difei said of course, "We have read a lot of information and found that as long as more than 100 years ago, on the remains of Kunlun, Su Changfa, who was a member of the 'Real Immigrant Immigration Officer', used to quote the immigrants of the empire. The Law and the "Overseas High-Level Talents Introduction Act" have been awarded the green card of President Li’s real human empire, which made President Li become the 'emperor's subjects'. At that time, President Li should have listened to the national anthem of the empire to the empire' Samsung blitz flag 'sworn allegiance?'

Li Yao wants to scratch her hair: "It seems to be true, my mother is actually an imperial subject?"

"No, no, no subjects, but citizens."

Di Feiwen explained patiently, "When Su Changfa grants you a green card, he should carefully introduce the empire's '20-level citizenship system', as long as the Empire expands its territory, makes contributions, and makes various kinds of Contributions can be promoted at the first level, from civilians to citizens, from citizens to nobles, right?

"Our Black Wind Fleet is coming out to expand the territory for the Empire. It can also be said that we are the land where the Empire flows. On our Starship, we naturally have higher authority than Su Changfa.

“Su Changfa can only grant you the status of the Empire Green Card and the subjects, but we can grant you a citizenship up to the 12th level.

"You are the strongman who is close to the **** series, and successively discovered eight great worlds such as the heavenly world and the ancient sacred world for the empire, plus a remnant of the ruins of the war, "Kunlun", hey, this contribution is directly awarded to you. The title is more than enough. We can reasonably and legally promote you to the 'Thirteen-class citizen of the real human empire'. As for further, you need to go to the imperial authority in person, redeem the contribution point, verify the merits, and even ask the emperor to kneel down. I personally awarded the honor."

"and many more!"

Li Yaoxuan rounded his eyes. "What is ‘I found the eight worlds for the Empire!'”

Di Feiwen said: "‘discovery’ is a very subtle word. If you recognize the identity of the 'emperor subjects' that was acquired in Kunlun, then you have found that there are so many big worlds in the sea and the sea, what is the problem?

"Even if you don't like this statement, the Pangu and the extraterrestrial demons are the common enemy of the empire and the federation. Have you eliminated them, have you made a great contribution to the empire? This is the contribution, first There is no problem at all in our promotion to the 'Imperial 12 Citizenship' status.

"Well, since you are a 12th-level citizen of the empire, of course, you are qualified to be the 'owner of the world under the rule of the Empire.' This is completely legal."

Li Yao spent a long time: "Yes, when Su Changfa seemed to have given me a card, it seems that the green card of the real human empire does not know the badge. Now it should be hidden in the research room of a museum or secret sword bureau. It is."

Di Fei Wen said: "Great, this shows that you are a very senior imperial citizen!"

Li Yao still feels too confused: "Let's wait, you are so whimsical, do you have any other opinions inside, including the rest of the world's ambitious and unruly big brothers?"

"In the face of supreme power struggle, of course, there will be different opinions, so we finally decided to solve it according to the traditional way of the immortal, that is, the fist."

Di Feiwen said in an understatement, "The fire eye of Wan Li, the 'Heavy Cannon' and the "Death Shadow" Murong Danger, which all played against you, all represent different factions within the Black Wind Fleet. The forces behind them are quite powerful. And the independence is strong, even I can't control it, but I bet with them that you will use unquestionable performance to prove that you are the only one, even the strongest 'black wind king' in history.

"Sure enough, you have done it. In just 22 seconds, the three senior Yuan Ying are beaten to life and death, and they have the back of the eight great worlds plus a ruins of the sea. This power and power, even the most The unruly cultivators can only bow down to the court."

Li Yao still can't accept the logic of the cultivator: "The purple sorcerer, the fire spider, the meteorite and the wild wolf, the four minors of the cultivators, no matter, you, these authentic black wind monks? I killed the last leader of the night. Ming!"

"That proves more about your legitimacy."

Di Feiwen said faintly, "Our black-skinned people are brave and brave, and they are famous throughout the empire. The leaders of the breeze are fighting for hegemony. They have always been so ferocious, and the new strongmen have killed the old. The landlord, proving the coming of a new era, is a commonplace thing in us, even when the night is clear, when I am in the position of the landlord, I have killed many of our 'Dijia' strong, if this is If you want to avenge one by one, the world of the breeze and even the empire will fall apart and will no longer exist.

"In short, the rule of our cultivators is this. Once the power is out of balance and enters the ‘power struggle period,’ all the strong will be eager to move, omnipotently climb up, fight the blood, and die.

"But once the undisputed new power emerges, the rest will immediately forget the past conflicts and hatred, bow down to him, and enter the new 'stability period of stability' as soon as possible, led by him, from internal struggle to direction External development, all anger and hate are poured into the external prey.

"Perhaps, is this the reason why we continue to cultivate the immortals in the dark universe, and still survive today?" (To be continued...)

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