Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1878: 筚路蓝缕

Yan Jinzhi took the mother's hand and the two men came to the top observation platform of the giant immigration starship "Yuanwang 24" through the lifting platform.

Here, Xu Yulan finally breathed the first fresh air in the last hundred years.

Although the air composition of the dragon bone is different from the standard atmosphere, it is more humid and has a strong sweet taste. Xu Yulan still can't help but breathe until the lungs are dull and painful.

This phenomenon occurs when you live on a starship for a long time, breathe the synthetic standard air, and then come into contact with fresh air filled with various impurities. Many people call it "drunk oxygen."

"Look, Mom!"

Yan Jinzhi pointed to the magnificent rivers and mountains and cheered.

Xu Yulan was frozen for hundreds of years of visual nerves. For a time, she could not adapt to the strong natural light. She narrowed her eyes and put a gazebo on her eyebrows with both hands. She looked far away and found that she was from Yuanwang No.7 to Yuanyuan. The vast majority of immigrant ships, including the 33", are scattered in a hilly area not far from the sea.

The light blue earth is covered with folds, but it is a mountain of tens of thousands of meters high, but a valley of several kilometers deep. Compared with this, the "hills" where they are located can be regarded as the hills of Pingmao. It is.

The red sea in the distance, the turbulent waves that rolled up, was the most intense in her life. The waves rushed to the sky hundreds of meters high, like the dragons dancing innumerable claws and claws, even in layers of defense. Under the barrier of Poiti, it is still clear within a few tens of miles of the coastline, almost drowning the hills where they are.

However, on such a magnificent and moody sea, there are still countless grotesque artifacts. It seems to be a strange ship that has been put together to make countless sails. In the waves of several hundred meters, ride the wind and waves, chasing the clouds.掣 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Xu Yulan's gaze continued to extend forward until the distant horizon, a huge planet appeared in the gray sky.

The outline is shiny, like a crystal-clear jade ring.

At the beginning, Xu Yulan thought that it was a solar eclipse.

But if it is a solar eclipse, the light around it is too bright.

And not long after, the aura actually trembled slightly, splitting out numerous tiny filaments, all deflected in one direction.

These filaments are like the wonderful forces that touch the depths of the sea. As the filaments change, the frequency and intensity of the surges are faster and higher.

Xu Yulan even saw a huge wave of several kilometers high in the depths of the sea. The waves were mixed with flames and smoke. It was about to break through the atmosphere and fly all the way to the Xinghai.

Such a magnificent spectacle made Xu Yulan stunned and could not speak for a long time.

"Mom, don't be afraid, this is how we are transforming the dragon bones!"

Just now she was holding her daughter's hand tightly, always trying to protect her daughter behind her, but then she became her daughter holding her arm and warming her cold fingers with a warm palm.

The daughter laughed. "The bones of the dragon are all good. There is a satellite that is too close to it, and the orbit is very weird. The tidal force between the satellite and the sacral dragon star makes the sea here particularly violent, and the waves crash into the inland. Hundreds of kilometers, even a long time later, the satellite will fall directly and hit the surface of the dragon's star.

"Because of these two factors, the Xingyao Federation has not developed large-scale skeletal dragon stars in the past 100 years.

"But now that it has become our new home, of course, to carry out a large-scale transformation, the first thing to deal with is the tides and satellites falling, and then leveling the mountains and deep valleys. To this end, the Federation is determined to fine-tune the satellite. Run the track and push the 'moon' a little."

Xu Yulan squinted at the glasses and blurted out and debuted: "Push open the 'moon'?"

"Yeah, the Xingyao Federation has never tried such a feat. In the past, they did not have technical reserves in this area."

Yan Jinzhi said, "However, with the technology of the Black Wind Fleet, the technology of the Kunlun ruins, the technology of the Firefly, and the federal technology, there may be a chance to succeed!

"Of course, at the stage of technical verification and data collection, it is still far from the extent of really pushing the moon away. Seeing those who are sinking between the stormy waves, it seems that the body is full of sails. Ship, that is to collect the tide data, for the next stage of 'promoting the era', prepare the probe ship ahead of time!

"Five years, ten years, twenty years... I think, at most when I grow up to my mother, we will push the moon away, tame the sea, cut off the mountains to fill the deep valley, and build the dragon bones into the far Star, a real paradise?"

The daughter’s serious expression touched the memory of Xu Yulan’s heart.

She seems to think back to the time when she came to a barren Cuigu Fort with a young man, full of hope and pride.

It was the goldenest year of her life, the happiest, the happiest, and the most energetic.

Xu Yulan ignored what the daughter mentioned "Firefly", but the nose was a bit sour and thought. After this long journey, my daughter seemed to have grown up...

Under the guidance of Yan Jinzhi, Xu Yulan's gaze was cast on the peaks that surrounded the clouds. She saw countless towers on the hills, and each tower was constantly ejecting blurred white fog, faintly in them. Next to the landing point of this starship, a white barrier was constructed.

The daughter told her that it was used to transform the atmosphere and purify the air.

After all, the skeletal dragon star is a enchanting nest of tens of thousands of years ago. The air contains too many impurities. It is not suitable for ordinary people to breathe for a long time, which will lead to various chronic diseases. In the old saying, this is a "smoky place". .

Fortunately, in the past 100 years of colonization, the Federation has accumulated rich experience in planetary reconstruction, at least in a small area to establish protected areas, to purify the air in small areas, and even to produce a certain range of "small climate" with good weather, which are quite mature technologies. .

The colonization technique of the real human empire is even more popular on the federal level. The series of "Great Hope" that Xu Yulan took on the huge immigrant ship is itself an all-encompassing, self-sufficient town and factory, at least in the early stages of construction. During the year, they did not have to go outside to spread the fragile settlements.

Now, all the "Yuanwang" series of immigrant ships have extended hundreds of spider-like fixed limbs, deeply inserted into the gullies between the hills, and firmly fixed themselves.

Based on this, the sturdy outer shell of the immigrant ship was dismantled in pieces, revealing a variety of complex and dazzling factories and facilities, either directly next to the immigrant ship or being towed a little further.

Defence arrays, air purification towers, water purification plants, metal collection and smelting plants... Each immigrant ship is turned into a small town with small but complete sparrows at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even though Xu Yulan has seen a lot of knowledge, she has never seen so many starships become a small town at the same time. This kind of change of the earth and the reversal of nature's pride and ambition deeply shocked her heart and made her feel a glimpse. Inexplicable... moved!

Suddenly, Xu Yulan's gaze was drawn from the dazzling construction scene and fell to the distant giant pleats surrounding the hills like a dam.

This circular fold is like a wall built by a giant, and the hills are firmly sealed in it, curbing their next expansion and development.

Therefore, it is necessary to destroy it!

The circular pleats are nearly ninety degrees steep. They are divided into different areas. Many giant spiders are flying on the top of the octagonal martial arts. They use the tentacles of the drill bits from time to time. Drill out the holes.

Xu Yulan knows that this kind of octopus is commonly known as the “Broken Mountain Crab”. It is an engineering magic weapon used to blast abandoned buildings and steep mountains. Eight flexible limbs can fix them in various harsh environments and maintain high speed. Moving, and the drill bit at the end of the tentacles, can accurately drill a blasthole to send the spar bomb to the most vulnerable part.

Xu Yulan is also a good hand to control the "broken mountain crab", so it can be seen how powerful the pioneering master who is driving the red broken mountain crab.

He moved more than five times faster than other people's blastholes on the rock wall. He had just completed the excavation of more than a dozen blastholes. He embedded hundreds of spar bombs on the front mountain, weighing up to seventy. Many tons of broken mountain crabs are like an extension of his limbs, and the movements are flowing and pleasing to the eye.

The distance is too far, Xu Yulan can't see how he played the blasthole, but from the action of mercury and diarrhea, the fire is pure, it must be wrong.

Sure enough, the "bang" sounded loudly, and there was not much smoke. A large piece of mountain rock collapsed silently, but it did not have much impact on the broken mountain crab that was being operated next to it.

"What a master!"

Blasting is also an art. How to use the least amount of spar, under the minimum reach and the difficulty of subsequent cleaning, but to smash the target, this is an extremely profound knowledge.

Xu Yulan faintly saw the red broken mountain crab from the smoke, the "crab cover" behind it opened, and a guy in a red vest climbed out and danced, smiling and accepting the cheers and cheers of the builders.

She secretly sighed, but the palm of her hand was a little itchy. I wonder if it was infected by the hot construction scene, and I actually gave birth to a thought that I would like to compare with that person.


Xu Yulan is gearing up. "The man who drives the red mountain crab is very good. Do you know who he is?"

Yan Jinzhi’s expression has become very weird. I still don’t know how to explain it for a long time: “Hey, Mom, you must not be surprised, that is the new ‘the king of the black wind’, his name is Li Yao!”

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