Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Vol 5 Chapter 1884: The final mission of the Star Beach (fourth!)

Wei Qingqing is the most important woman in Li Yao’s life except Ding Ling, who is the one who really lays his heart. She will never go back. Li Yao certainly has to fight back to Baihua City and see her last side. It is.

However, when he really returned to Baihuacheng, and saw Wei Qingqing who was in the final stage of debugging in the fire base, he was still a bit dry and didn't know what to say.

"Qingqing sister, you... really can't you go?"

Li Yao thought for a long time and stuttered a nonsense.

Wei Qingqing still manipulated a small and exquisite bird-shaped genital body, but released a vivid three-dimensional image, still the woman who is like a deep valley, smiling: "Of course, this is our life, How can I think about it for a long time?


Li Yao said in some words, "Professor Mo Xuan is only taking the ‘fire plan’ as a scorpion.”

"You are wrong. I have a feeling of faintness. Professor Mo Xuan's heart is very contradictory. On the surface, he used the 'fire plan' as a scorpion, but he did not really want to see the idea of ​​success."

Wei Qingqing said, "Maybe Professor Mo Xuan at that time also fell into the double personality of the heavens and humans? On the one hand, his personality eroded by the extraterrestrial genius firmly believes that 'human comprehensive virtualization' is the right path; On the other hand, his true personality also hopes that human beings will eventually escape the control of the demon outside the world in a certain way, opening up a new world after hundreds of millions of years.

"Remember carefully, if it is completely blind, he does not need to invest so much resources and energy to push the 'fire plan' to such an extent.

"In short, I am still willing to believe that even in the deepest eclipse of the Tianmo, Professor Mo Xuan still has a trace of good things in his heart. It is this innocent beauty that allows him to break free from the extraterrestrial world at the last minute. Control, restore the original mind, and finally smash the plot of the extraterrestrial demon.

"Now, I will take him and bring every ‘beauty’ of humanity to the universe long after a long time, and start a wonderful journey. Oh, I can’t wait to think about it!”


Li Yao’s nose was a bit sour and murmured. “Qing Qingjie, I wish you all the best, smooth and smooth after hundreds of millions of years, you can really encounter a new life, and even create a new civilization.”

"Haha, hope so!"

Wei Qingqing smiled with sorrow. "I also want to go through the universe hundreds of millions of years later. I have encountered many strange lives and civilizations, advanced, backward, similar to us, and life. The form is very different from ours, and it is difficult for us to understand and communicate.

"But no matter how difficult to understand and communicate, I will try to tell them the story of humanity, telling them that there is such a human civilization, telling them all the noble, beautiful, pure and bright human beings, of course, will not avoid Darkness, evil, and ugliness, I want to tell them the twists and turns of bizarre legends and sorrowful heroes, let's say, um, the story of 'vulture Li Yao'.

"Unexpectedly, after millions of years of unknown life, after listening to your story, you will also set up a statue for you!"


Li Yao squinted his eyes and tried to break his head and couldn't understand what it was.

"But, you know, in fact, I still have a little extravagant hope, a bit more selfish."

Wei Qingqing looked at Li Yaodao with gaze. "I hope that when I wake up, I am not facing a dark and cold dead universe, but a lively and bright world, where human civilization has not perished. Instead, I joined what you call the 'Firer Alliance', which has survived tenaciously on both the time and space levels.

"Of course, the human beings at that time must be different from today, and even completely integrated into the "Fireman Alliance" has become a variety of strange forms.

"Maybe humans will grow dozens of tentacles at that time; perhaps they will become a meatball that can expand and contract at will; or completely abandon the flesh, rely on a metal scorpion to act; even a bundle of no Invisible volatility, through the four-dimensional space, through tens of thousands of light years.

"But no matter what it is, no matter what the relationship between society and the individual, they firmly remember that there were some ancestors who fought for some beautiful and precious things hundreds of millions of years ago, and they are willing to Fighting with these things, if I can really see such a universe, that would be great!"

Li Yao solemnly said: "We will work hard to make such a universe a reality."

"So, come on, little brother."

Wei Qingqing suddenly reached out and touched Li Yao’s head.

She has no entity, and the so-called "touching head" is just a ripple of ripples.

But Li Yao clearly can sense her temperature and her silver bell-like laughter.

Before Li Yao returned to God, the light and shadow of Wei Qingqing had disappeared, and the crystal clear little green bird slowly landed on the ground, motionless and lost all the brilliance.

The spirit of Wei Qingqing was separated from the spiritual body and entered the "Fire Type 1" that was about to be launched.

When "Fire Type 1" vacated, the colorful tail flames jumped in the depths of Li Yao's eyes, and he was still in a state of utter disappointment.

Capricorn still with the head of Wei Qingqing's temperature, Li Yao suddenly remembered the encounter of Herlianlie's daughter.

No one is an island that can be self-sufficient. The fate of all people is like a criss-crossing line, which together outlines the vast panorama of the entire civilization.

So is the individual, is civilization the same?

Xinghai is vast, but no longer powerful civilization can survive alone. They are always influenced by other civilizations, and they continue to influence more civilizations. In this way, they leave their mark in endless time and space.

Even if one day human civilization is really destroyed, the imprints left by them will affect thousands of civilizations and create and change the fate of countless races.

After hundreds of millions of years, Wei Qingqing can see a dark and cold universe, or a hot world. Maybe it depends on their efforts today?

So, come on!

Li Yao looked at the "fire type one" that had become a star, and swung his fist hard.

"I didn't expect that there would be people in the real world who would wave their fists to cheer for themselves, and you would be very intoxicated."

The voice of Long Yangjun came from behind.

"Hey, why are you?"

Li Yao was shocked.

"Please, I have been doing well all the time. How do I and Wei Qingqing stay together in the extraterrestrial investigation team for so long? Everyone is also a friend. Isn't it normal to send her?"

Long Yangjun embraced his arms and leaned against the wall. He turned his eyes and turned Li Yao. "It’s your heart that is on the big sister. I’m afraid you can’t even see Ding Ling’s standing here, let alone me. Insignificant little role."

"Don't talk nonsense, it's all messy."

Li Yao frowned, looked up and down the Long Yangjun for a while, and screamed, "How do you seem to have something to say, and I am very dissatisfied with me?"

"Crap, of course I have something to say, of course I am very dissatisfied!"

Long Yangjun calmly said, "You will not forget about the agreement between the two of us?"

Li Yao: "Hey..."

Long Yangjun: "You really forgot!"

Li Yao: "How is it possible, but if you can wake up a little..."

Long Yangjun: "It is the agreement we reached in the son-in-law battleship. I will help you get the ancient holy world. You will mobilize all the power of the Starry Federation to help me repair the son-in-law battleship and find the son-in-law battleship. The secret of the depths! Feeding and feeding, you will not really forget about it, thinking that I am going to the Xingyao Federation to volunteer work?"

Li Yaofei blinked his eyes and then coughed up loudly.

To put it bluntly, the archaic battleship of the ancient sacred world is really the key to the next big strategy of the Xingyao Federation.

Although the Confederacy defeated the Black Wind Fleet, it is still at a disadvantage in the face of the two giants of the Empire and the Holy Alliance. The only thing that can make up for the gap in overall national strength is the unfunded technology they have mastered.

There are two major sources of flooding technology. One is the Kunlun ruins, and the other is the Nuwa Battleship and the Pangu Laboratory in the depths of the ancient sacred circles. The two sources actually cross each other and can be mutually resolved and verified.

It is foreseeable that once the intact control of the Nuwa Battleship and Pangu Laboratory under the ice layer and the Kunlun ruins are achieved, the effect of “one plus one is greater than two” will be achieved, and the strength of the Federation will be able to advance rapidly and produce qualitative changes.

This will be the trump card for their hegemony.

However, in the past half a year, it has been trapped in the legacy of the Black Wind Fleet. Coupled with the long distance and the sinister waterway, the Federation has not had enough time and resources to take care of the ancient sacred circles in the depths of the Dark Nebula. It is today.

With the "battlefield uprising" of the Black Wind Fleet, the dust of nearly a year's war has finally settled, and the Federation can finally pull out the most elite power and the most resources to open the route in the Dark Nebula. Incorporate the embrace of the Federation!

And this will be the last mission that Li Yao left before the Xinghai Central to find the Earth and stay in the Xinghai.

"You can rest assured, how can I forget?"

Li Yaodao, "The huge fleet of the federal side has been assembled. The experts who have been in the Kunlun ruins for decades, hundreds of years of floods and civilizations have gathered together to form a huge team of experts, Meng Chixin, Han Bula Ling, Yan Those who have left these friends have also laid down the work at hand, and are planning to return to the ancient holy world with the wind and the light. It is expected that the fastest, within a month, will be able to depart.

"This time we have accurate channel information in the depths of the Dark Nebula, and we have mastered the coordinates of the ancient sacred world. We also got the advanced navigation technology and starship support of the Black Wind Fleet and Firefly. If all goes well, it can be up to one and a half years. It will definitely return to the ancient sacred world."

Fourth more! The legendary fourth is coming again! Today's avenue battle, the old cows are dizzy, the head is big, everyone has extra monthly tickets, recommend it, hurry up to the old bull head, let the old cows make up!

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